Chapter 96 Law Enforcement Elder (tomorrow)

When I was in Maoshan, the four eyes were often cleaned up by the law enforcement elders, so that the four eyes now see the law enforcement elders, like a cat seeing a mouse, and can't help feeling afraid. Therefore, for the law enforcement elders, it is best if the four eyes can not see not see.

It's just that these four eyes and Wencai Qiusheng are also unlucky. "Simu, old man, don't you want to see me just like that? As soon as you hear that I'm coming, you want to leave, huh?"

As soon as the words fell, the four eyes saw a person that he didn't want to see, appearing at the gate of Yizhuang. The moment he saw the old man, the four eyes felt his feet trembling, and he thought in his heart that it was bad luck. If the elder comes back, he will definitely not come to Lin Jiu's Yizhuang.

"Master, how could it be? I have always respected you with all four eyes. I wish I could always be by your side, so that Master can give me advice. Why don't you wait to see Master? Sit down, Master."

"Really, how about I take you with me when I go back to Maoshan?" After years of getting along, the law enforcement elders don't know who Simu is, and naturally they don't believe Simu's nonsense. , looking at the four eyes playfully.

Immediately, his four eyes looked pained, and now he understood that the law enforcement elder was punishing himself, and he smiled apologetically, "Uncle, you don't want to punish nephew, I'm timid and can't stand the trouble. By the way, uncle is this Lin Jiuxin's young disciple has extremely extraordinary aptitude, and the prosperity of Maoshan in the future will depend on this kid, or you can bring Lu Yue with you to guide him, what do you think?" After finishing speaking, four eyes looked at Lu Yue. Sent to the law enforcement elders. "Lu Yue, I have met Master Uncle."

"That's right, that's right, he is a good seedling of Taoism, and he can cultivate to such a level in such a short period of time, so it can be seen that he is not a lazy person. After so many years, Lin Jiu, you finally accepted a decent disciple. Come to Lu Yue, this is a gift from Master Uncle." After speaking, the law enforcement elder took out a thousand-year-old mahogany sword and handed it to Lu Yue.

When seeing the thousand-year-old mahogany sword, Lu Yue felt that the mahogany sword was extremely extraordinary, so he didn't accept it, but looked at Lin Jiu beside him, wanting to know whether he should use the mahogany sword or not. Accept it.After all, this gift is too precious.

"Lu Yue, this is a meeting gift from Master Uncle. What do you think Lin Jiu is doing? Do you think Lin Jiu has the guts to stop me from giving you a meeting gift?" After finishing speaking, the law enforcement elder looked at Lin Jiu unkindly, as if saying , Lin Jiu, do you have the guts to stop him from giving it a try?
Looking at the unfriendly eyes of the law enforcement elder, Lin Jiu quickly said, "Lu Yue, since it is Master Uncle who gave you a meeting gift, you can accept it." "It's Master."

"Thank you, Uncle Master." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue took the peach wood sword from the elder law enforcement. As soon as he got the peach wood sword, Lu Yue sensed the powerful spiritual power contained in the peach wood sword. I am afraid it is not a century old peach wood sword, but a thousand years peach wood sword. "Uncle Master, is this a thousand-year-old mahogany sword?"

"Lu Yue, you have good eyesight. This thousand-year-old mahogany sword was given to my uncle by my master's master. It is extremely powerful. At the beginning, many of our senior brothers wanted to get this mahogany sword. Unfortunately, my uncle didn't You didn't give it to us, I didn't expect that this mahogany sword would fall into your hands." Said, looking at Lu Yue enviously.

The thousand-year-old mahogany sword is extremely powerful, only slightly inferior to the lightning strike mahogany sword in Lin Jiu's hand. It is one of the best magic weapons in Maoshan. Although he has many magic weapons in his hand, there is not a single magic weapon. , It can be compared with the thousand-year-old mahogany sword in Lu Yue's hand.

"Don't talk too much, Lu Yue gives you this magic weapon, you just keep it. No matter how good the magic weapon is, it needs to be judged by others. The power of this thousand-year-old mahogany sword in your hands is better than that in our hands. The ones that come out are all more powerful, but this magic weapon is extremely precious, don't be easily seen by others, otherwise, with your current hands, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep this magic weapon, hey, forget it, Master Uncle has a I'll give you the storage bag together, and put this mahogany sword in it." After speaking, the law enforcement elder took out a cloth bag and handed it to Lu Yue.

"Uncle Shi, why are you so generous today, you gave me two magical artifacts at once, why don't you give me a magical artifact too, uncle, it doesn't have to be too good, just the storage bag will do?" After finishing speaking, four eyes Looking at the law enforcement elder fawningly, I hope that the law enforcement elder can give me the storage bag. With this storage bag, it will be much more convenient for me to drive corpses in the future, and I can also earn more money.

"Simu, it's fine if you want a storage bag. As long as you can cultivate to my level, I will give you the storage bag in my hand. How about it? When will you be able to cultivate to my level?"

"Uncle, aren't you embarrassing me? I have just broken through to the realm of Earth Master. It will take a long time to cultivate to your level."

"Now that you know, you still waste your time chasing corpses and don't practice hard. If you practice hard, can you break through the realm of earth masters so late? Except for Lin Jiu and Shi Jian, everyone else in your generation is not good enough. , Look at the disciples you have accepted, none of them are stronger than them. If Lu Yue did not appear, how many of them could break through the realm of earth masters, none of them, one generation is not as good as one generation. If this continues, our Maoshan faction will be destroyed I'm going to be removed, hmph."

Seeing that the law enforcement elder got angry, his four eyes immediately dared not say anything, and obediently stood aside.Not far away, Wencai and Qiusheng, when they saw the four-eyed uncle in front of the law enforcement elder, were so obedient, they felt very lucky. In the hands, I am afraid it will be worse than in the hands of the master.

"Lin Jiu, when are you going to leave?" "Uncle, we plan to leave in a day." "Well, that's it, I'll teach Lu Yue the cultivation of palm thunder first, as for Wencai and Qiusheng, you can rest assured Give it to me, I will train the two of them well, although I dare not say let them break through to a higher realm, but it can also make them get rid of some bad habits."

Wencai and Qiusheng, although their qualifications are not very good, but if they practice hard, it is impossible for these two people to break through to the realm of warlocks after so many years.

"Uncle Master, I plan to bring Wencai and Qiusheng with me, so that his family can have more exchanges." Don't take it with you, lest these three unsatisfactory things cause disasters in the future, let me teach you two of them well."

Hearing this, Wencai and Qiusheng wanted to say something, but before they could say anything, they saw the law enforcement elder looking straight at him, his sharp eyes filled Qiusheng and Wencai with Overwhelmed by fear, he didn't dare to say anything.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is only one chapter today. Also, this book will be on the shelves tomorrow, and I hope you can support me, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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