Chapter 98

The words of the four eyes made Wencai and Qiusheng's eyes brighten. Yes, the uncle is very good to the younger brother. If the younger brother speaks, he might succeed.

However, both Wencai and Qiusheng knew that Lu Yue was a cultivator. If he disturbed him while he was cultivating, the younger brother would definitely be angry. Not only would they want to go together to no avail, but they would even be punished by their master. It's not too late to talk about this matter until Lu Yue takes a break.

After some contact, the law enforcement elders were extremely satisfied with Lu Yue. This Lu Yue not only has extraordinary aptitude, he can easily comprehend what he taught, and even draw inferences from one instance. More importantly, this Lu Yue also worked extremely hard. No one else can compare.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Yue's cultivation base is still low and he has no power to protect himself, the law enforcement elders would want to bring Lu Yue back to Maoshan, and give Lu Yue good advice so that Lu Yue can break through to the realm of celestial master as soon as possible.

After this period of contact, the law enforcement elders have believed what Lin Jiu said before. With Lu Yue's aptitude, as long as he doesn't go astray, it is not difficult to break through to the realm of a celestial master. I can get a glimpse of the supreme realm of the Great Celestial Master.

However, when I saw that Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't come to practice, but stood there stupidly, the good mood before was immediately destroyed, and I couldn't help shouting, "Wen Cai Qiu Sheng, you two are standing there stupidly!" Why don't you hurry up and practice."

Wencai and Qiusheng were taken aback by the roar of the law enforcement elder, and they were even more convinced that the law enforcement elder was stricter than their master, and they absolutely could not stay with the law enforcement elder, otherwise, what kind of torture would they suffer? ? "Yes, Master Uncle, let's start practicing right now." After speaking, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng came to the courtyard to start practicing.

When Wencai and Qiusheng were practicing, the law enforcement elders looked at Wencai and Qiusheng fixedly, wanting to know what realm these two people have reached after practicing for so many years?
With the eyesight of the law enforcement elders, it is not difficult to see through the details of Wencai and Qiusheng. When we see that Wencai and Qiusheng have practiced for so many years, they still have not completed their body training. When feeling the pain, the law enforcement elder frowned tightly. What is going on with Lin Jiu? Why do Wencai and Qiusheng feel pain when they are still practicing Maoshan Body Refining Boxing for so many years.

It is not difficult to see that Wencai and Qiusheng have not worked hard to cultivate these years, otherwise, they would not have cultivated for so many years, and still have not overcome this pain.

Thinking of this, the face of the law enforcement elder became extremely ugly. It seemed that Lin Jiu couldn't bear the heart to kill Cai and Qiusheng. If so, then let himself be the villain.

Afterwards, the law enforcement elders ignored Wencai and Qiusheng, and planned to wait until Lin Jiu and the others left, and then take care of Cai and Qiusheng, so that Lin Jiu would not be distressed.

It's a pity that when the law enforcement elder doesn't know, if Lin Jiu knows the law enforcement elder's thoughts, he will definitely tell the law enforcement elder that he thinks too much. Now Lin Jiu plans to train Wencai and Qiusheng well, no matter how the law enforcement elder treats Wencai and Qiusheng , Lin Jiu wouldn't say anything?
Time passed, and it was the next night in a blink of an eye. At this time, Lin Jiusan and the others were ready to set off. As for Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, they looked at Lin Jiusan and the others eagerly, hoping that the three of them could persuade the law enforcement elders to let them do the same. Go together, they don't want to stay in Yizhuang.

It's a pity that the three of Lu Yue didn't seem to see the gazes of Wencai and Qiusheng, and they were busy with their own affairs. Then, they thought of something in their four eyes, looked at Lu Yue beside them and said, "Nephew Lu Yue, my uncle has a unique skill here. Do you want to learn?"

Simu's words made Lu Yue's eyes light up. Although Lu Yue doesn't know what it is now, it may be called a unique skill by Simu. It is absolutely extraordinary, so naturally Lu Yue will not miss it. Learn, please teach me, Master Uncle."

Simu's words made Lin Jiu on the side feel a little puzzled. After so many years of contact, why didn't he know that Simu had other unique skills besides palm thunder and magic tricks? , What a great opportunity.Thinking of this, Lin Jiu looked curiously, wanting to know what is the unique skill in Si Mukou?
Hearing Lu Yue's words, Si Mu handed the magic weapon in his hand to Lu Yue and said, "This unique skill is the technique of driving corpses. Lu Yue, don't underestimate this technique of driving corpses. Although, this technique of driving corpses cannot Let you strengthen your strength, but it can make you a lot of money, how about it, uncle, I will treat you well, I will pass on to you a craft that can make a lot of money, so that you will not starve in the future." After finishing speaking, four eyes clapped He patted Lu Yue on the shoulder, as if he had taken advantage of you, and made Lu Yue not know what to say for a while.

At this moment, Lu Yue saw that Simu flew out and fell heavily on the ground, with clear shoe prints on his buttocks. At the same time, the law enforcement elder appeared where Simu was standing just now, and looked at Simu viciously. Mu warned, "Simu, I warn you, don't spoil Lu Yue, a good seed, and don't pass on Lu Yue's messy things, otherwise, I will take you back to the Law Enforcement Hall and let you know What are the consequences of doing, understand?"

Looking at the ferocious look of the law enforcement elder, Simu knew in his heart that if he dared to say a word "no", the uncle would definitely punish him severely. "Uncle, I was joking with Lu Yue before, you must not take it seriously, how dare I spoil Lu Yue, besides, Senior Brother Lin Jiu is also here, he won't watch me spoil Lu Yue, you say yes Not brother?"

At this moment, Si Mu wanted to slap himself a few times, why did he have to be so cheap, knowing that the law enforcement elder was here, he still dared to teach Lu Yue the technique of exorcising corpses, isn't this courting death?
"Uncle Master, don't worry, I won't watch Lu Yue being spoiled by four eyes." Hearing Lin Jiu's words, the law enforcement elder's complexion eased a little, but he didn't feel relieved, watching Lin Jiu order He said, "Lin Jiu, you have to show me Lu Yue. If something happens to Lu Yue, I will not let you go. Especially the four eyes, you must look at them, and don't look at them. If there is anything wrong with Lu Yue, you can tell my uncle and let me take care of him. I haven't seen him for so many years, and my uncle misses Simu's days in the Law Enforcement Hall."

Hearing this, the complexion of the four eyes turned dark, and he understood that for a period of time in the future, Lin Jiu, the master and apprentice, could not be offended, otherwise, the uncle might not let him go, what's more, maybe the uncle would arrest him Will law enforcement hall, tidy up for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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