Chapter 135 Enemy?cooperate?trade? (fifth more)
Later, Zu Qilin was still injured and was defeated first by Zulong and then by Zuhuang.It is not incomprehensible to end up in a moral end after one defeat after another.

However, I was a little surprised to hear his fate suddenly at this time.You know, that is Zu Qilin Mo Kun, who once dominated the central part of the mainland and was the most powerful existence in the world.

After all, speaking of it, he was once number one in the world!Although, this number one was attacked by Zulong and Zuhuang as soon as it was exposed.However, he was also the first person!

At this time, the number of purebred unicorns in the entire qilin family is really not one in a hundred.Originally, the number of Qilin clan was the least among the three clans.Now, it is even weaker.

Most of the rest lived in seclusion in the Paradise of Paradise, among the thousands of small worlds in the Great Thousand, and scattered in all directions.Even the ancestral land was not kept.The Qilin clan is completely finished.

This is the catastrophe, once the calamity arrives, no matter what your status is, you will be doomed!To use a later sentence to describe it, it is: luck is exhausted, and it's time to settle down!

After a moment of emotion, Taiyi began to continue the experiment.The sooner you can practice reliable and accurate Du Tian Shen Sha, the more confident you will be in the decisive battle.


Another experiment failed, and again during the mixing process, there was an explosion!The experiment failed, which is nothing.Tai Yi never expected to succeed in one go.

After all, there are still many differences between the two worlds.And in this crucial experiment, even the slightest mistake will fail.

However, the gratifying thing is that every explosion is more and more powerful.This shows that the distance from success is getting closer and closer.

About a million years later, accompanied by cheers, the experiment was finally successful.The evil spirits of twelve different colors finally mixed together safely.

What's even more miraculous is that a more advanced energy is produced - Dutian Shensha.According to legend, the first time this evil spirit appeared was when Pan Huang created the world, and it was one of the supporting spells of the Chaos Demon Gods.

It is said that the full version of it is enough to cause fatal damage to the strong Hunyuan.Today's product is obviously an incomplete version.However, it is precisely because of this that Tai Yi can use it!
If it was really at the Hunyuan level, how far would it be to hide in the early morning!How dare you do it yourself? Isn't that because you think you live too long?

At this time, the experimental product that appeared in front of Tai Yi's eyes was in a polyhedron state.The specific form is changing anytime and anywhere.Sometimes it is a frontal body, sometimes it is a 32-sided body.Sometimes, it is even directly transformed into two-dimensional lines.

In short, the specific form is uncertain, but the core origin is very stable.The next step is to test the specific power.The strength of the destruction of the law, the strength of the destruction of the aura, these must be tested one by one.

Even, there is a shelf life, and how to self-destruct to maximize the power of this thing?These all require repeatable multiple experiments!
At this point in the experiment, in fact, half of it has been completed.The rest is just constant explosions, constant explosions.

After thinking for a while, Tai Yi called Mrs. Ziguang and Qingdi Yangmei.After thinking about it for a while, they informed Fuxi, Nuwa, Houtu, Huang Laojun, and Lei Ze.

In fact, Tai Yi still hesitated for a moment whether to inform Fu Xi and Hou Tu or not.However, it was eventually notified.

Although, this move is suspected of being an enemy, especially Houtu.After she discovers this thing, after contacting her eleven younger siblings, will she grasp this supernatural power instantly, or even master it in advance?

In this way, wouldn't it be asking for trouble?
But in fact, it is not the case.Even without Taiyi, Houtu and the others would still be able to master this supernatural power.The difference is only sooner or later.

And, more importantly.Who knows, will everything continue to develop as usual?What if Hongjun and Luo Hu are finished?What if the mixed doubles between the two of them failed?

Now that Tai Yi is at the present stage, he can't completely place his hope of success on others, can he?There's no reason to do that!

In the end, both Hongjun and Luo Hu failed.What should Zulong or Zuhuang succeed?Thinking of this possibility, Taichi felt dizzy.

Therefore, if this possibility arises, the Three Emperors really must unite with all their hearts and souls.At this time, it is not the time to care about whether you are an enemy!Rather, it is a question of whether they can survive the doom smoothly!

After a while, Mrs. Ziguang and others all came.Among them, the older generation, stand together.The younger generation, stand together.

"This is, all gods? But, it seems to be a little different?" As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows and waved his hand, completely unaware of his specific movements, and a small piece of evil spirit appeared on his right hand.

Seeing this, Huang Laojun shook his head, directly put his hand in, and carefully experienced the specific effects of these evil spirits.

At this time, the head in the middle of Huang Laojun, with his eyes closed and his brows furrowed, seemed to be thinking and trying.Then, the head on the left opened its mouth.

"Well, it's not bad. It's powerful enough to cause some damage to my fingers. However, it's not enough. I need to taste it more carefully."

Then, the head on the right moved.Opening his mouth wide, he took a sip and swallowed a small piece of evil spirit.

Seeing this scene, Tai Yi was terrified.It's like in a chemistry laboratory, you hold a test tube, wear gloves, and special glasses to do experiments.As a result, a buddy came suddenly, ahhh, it was like swallowing a test tube of concentrated sulfuric acid...

All I can say is, the mouth is really good!With such teeth, it is definitely delicious!

Then, the three heads closed their eyes together, and after a while, they showed painful expressions.It's like eating a bad stomach.

"Okay, that's great! The power of this thing is good, and the taste is also very good. Even though I have prepared in advance, this evil spirit still destroyed my body. It really won't work if I eat it directly!" Head, said directly.

As for the head in the center, it directly opened its eyes at this time, took a solemn look at Tai Yi, and then turned to the back soil.

"This kind of method of using evil energy to create gods and gods, we have tried similarly before. However, it has not been successful. This time the harvest is very great. Since you are so sincere, Taiyi, then our Emperor's lineage can't do it either. Didn't say anything."

Hearing this, Houtu took a step forward and took out Pangu's heart.Well, it is the one that Tai Yi saw in the Pangu Temple back then.

"Since the emperor is sincere, then I am not a stingy person. This heart..."

(End of this chapter)

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