The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 105 Conflict erupts

Chapter 105 Conflict erupts
Sun Quan has no attachment to the secret merchant's jade plaque.

When Sun Quan left the side hall, Sun Yuanbin hurriedly condensed his mana into one hand and grabbed the secret merchant jade tablet from the ground.

"Space-Time Firm, Secret Merchant Jade Card!"

Sun Yuanbin was so delighted that he was only happy that he didn't sink his consciousness into the secret merchant jade token to investigate, so he didn't know that it was a temporary secret merchant jade token and there was only one chance to use it.

Sun Quanyu left the side hall and did not want to participate in the internal struggle of the Sun family anymore. Even if Sun Buping got his wish and became the number one young master, so what, all of this has nothing to do with him.

But when Sun Yu was about to leave Xiantian and walk into the teleportation formation, he was suddenly blocked.

Seeing Sun Pojun who had saved his life in front of him, Sun Yu bowed and bowed.

"The young master beat the old slave!"

Sun Pojun didn't let Sun Yuzhen really bow down.

"The old man is always like this. With your cultivation, why call yourself an old slave!"

Although Sun Yuhong didn't know how high Sun Pojun's cultivation level was, he was definitely not an ordinary strong man.

With his cultivation base, as long as he wants to, he can become the guest minister of the Sun family at any time.

But as far as Sun Yan knew, for so many years, Sun Pojun had been hiding in Sun Bubai's mansion and regarded himself as a servant. Even though Sun Bubai's mansion was as powerful as Wanqing, he never really regarded him as a slave.

"The old slave has not congratulated the young master yet, surpassing the nine stars of the Sun family. He has become the well-deserved number one genius of the contemporary Le'an Sun family, but now that the master is in trouble, does the young master really have the heart to abandon him?"

Sun Pojun looks like a down and out old man, but he really thinks about Sun Bubai.

"What else can my old grandson do? And my old grandson has already given the treasure he gave me to those who can save him. As for the future, fate depends on luck."

Sun Yu was exhausted mentally and mentally. Due to the years of fighting between the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of War, and the fierce conflicts between the sons and concubines and collaterals, the Sun family did not have any warmth at home.

How can such a family make Sun Yuhong feel nostalgic for it.

If the Le'an Sun family was not a branch of the sage's family, it would have been buried in the long river of time and the dust and smoke of history because it was about to fall apart.

Sun Pojun saw that Sun Yu had made up his mind, so he made a big salute suddenly.

"From then on, the old slave is willing to listen to the young master."

Sun Pojun's actions surprised Sun Rongyan.

Sun Pojun's origin is mysterious, but now he hastily said to Sun Rong that he would be loyal to him, Sun Rong was a little stunned for a while.

"Old man, there is no need to do that."

Sun Yu looked carefully at Sun Pojun, he should not be the kind of perfidious person, but why now that Sun Bubai only showed signs of defeat, he turned to him for allegiance?

"The old slave knows that the young master still doesn't trust the old slave, but I hope that the young master can give the old slave a chance to work for him in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Pojun's figure suddenly disappeared.

Because, at this time, Sun Wushuang came here.

Sun Wushuang came here in a hurry after hearing that the law enforcement hall had detained Sun Bubai.

Just after leaving the teleportation formation, I saw Sun Yu.

Sun Pojun disappeared before he came, so Sun Wushuang never saw the previous scene.

Sun Wushuang was in a very complicated mood when he saw Sun Yuhong again.

However, he had completely listened to Mu Wanqing's words.

Sun Wei is the biggest threat to his position as the eldest son, and it is also the biggest stumbling block for him to take charge of the Le'an Sun family in the future.

"I didn't expect you to be so scheming and so ruthless. You thought that if you saved me on purpose, I would be grateful to you. Then you will offer the position of son with both hands?"

In Mu Wanqing's words, Sun Wei became a person with ulterior motives.

Sun Wushuang's words completely chilled Sun Yu's heart.

"It's the last time my old grandson advises you, don't listen to that bitch Mu Wanqing. She has no brains and was bewitched by the Mu Palace. You also have no brains. Even now, you are still thinking about your position as the eldest son ?”

Sun Yu shook her head, not knowing what to say about Sun Wushuang, whether it was a fantasy or a fantasy.

After finishing speaking, no matter what Sun Wushuang said, Sun Wei rushed into the teleportation array and left this fairy world.

Sun Wushuang was so angry that Sun Huang even said that his mother, Mu Wanqing, was a slut. Sun Wushuang was about to fight back, but found that Sun Huang had left leisurely.

"From now on, you and I are at odds!"

Sun Wushuang swore secretly in his heart to strengthen his belief.

Sun Wushuang then hurried to the main hall, wanting to know what happened.

On the top of the lollipop hall, inside Sun Zhange's training mansion.

Sun Pojun watched Sun Wei leave, "You have seen, what great potential the young master has!"

Sun Pojun seemed to be talking to himself in front of the empty cultivation mansion, but there was a hidden dimensional space in a corner of the mansion.

The so-called Lollipop Elder, Sun Zhange, was imprisoned in this space.

His limbs were locked tightly by huge iron chains, and his body, all major meridians and acupuncture points were pierced with silver needles.

"Sun Pojun, how long are you going to imprison me?" Sun Zhange shouted angrily.

"If you let Le'an Sun's Celestial Realm family know that you once colluded with Tianshalou and introduced Wu Tong into the Jianzong ruins. Do you know that your end will be much more tragic than today, that is the real truth. Life is better than death!"

Sun Pojun sneered.

"Life is worse than death, and life is better than death, and I don't want to stay in this dark prison forever!"

Sun Zhange roared.

"It won't last forever, the young master will definitely investigate in the future. Tianshalou will not let you go. Although the secret stronghold has been wiped out, Tianshalou will give up the Daqi Dynasty like this."

Sun Pojun said coldly.

But in his heart, Sun Pojun knew very clearly that Tianshalou, from the very beginning, was the true mortal enemy of young master Sun Wei!

There is no room for relief, damn it!
It took Sun Wushuang a lot of hard work to understand, and suddenly, he felt that the sky had fallen.

The position of the son of the world and the future head of the family are like the moon in the water and the flower in the dream. Everything is a dream and nothingness.

With Sun Yuanbin's full mediation, Sun Bubai was only removed from the positions of the first young master and the head of the business department. After all, his morals were lacking, and it was just that Sun Bubai's virtue was not enough.

The real reason was revealed that Sun Bubai allowed his wife, Mu Wanqing, to collude with an assassin to assassinate Sun Yu. This news caused a shock wave in the Sun family.

Sun Bubai left the Piandian in great despair. From then on, he was no longer the number one young master of the Sun Clan in Le'an, nor was he the head of the Ministry of Commerce.

Moreover, the Patriarch of the Sun family transferred him back to Le'an County to guard the ancestral temple!
"Father, tell me this isn't true?"

Sun Wushuang held on tightly to Sun Bubai, he couldn't believe it, all of a sudden, his position as son was gone.

"It's not thanks to your mother!"

A strong thought came to Sun Bubai's mind, to divorce his wife.

If Mu Wanqing hadn't come from the Mu Palace, Sun Bubai would have wanted to get rid of his wife a long time ago.

Hearing this, all the suppressed hatred towards Mu Wanqing gushed out from the bottom of her heart.In Sun Wushuang's heart, he hated Mu Wanqing to death!
All of this is Mu Wanqing ruining his bright future.The position of the son of the world, the position of the future patriarch, has nothing to do with Sun Wushuang now.

Back at the mansion, Mu Wanqing still didn't know what happened.

She happily stood outside the mansion, watched Sun Bubai and Sun Wushuang get off the carriage together, and went up to meet them with a few maids.


Seeing Mu Wanqing, Sun Bubai was so angry that he didn't fight anywhere, it was a great situation, it was clear that Sun Wei had already suppressed Sun's Nine Stars, and all of this was ruined by this stupid bitch.

Sun Bubai suddenly slapped Mu Wanqing hard across the face!
The incomparably clear five-fingerprints are extremely obvious.

Mu Wanqing covered her face, looking at Sun Bubai in disbelief.

Sun Bubai beat her?

"You hit me?"

Mu Wanqing wept and questioned.

"You bitch who has more success than failure, so what if I beat you!"

In anger, Sun Bubai struck out again, and slapped Mu Wanqing hard on the left cheek.

"Sun Bubai!"

Mu Wanqing was completely enraged!
"I want to go back to my mother's house, you just wait for Mu Wangfu to take care of you!"

At this moment, Mu Wanqing subconsciously carried her out of the Mu Palace, in fact, she wanted to wake up Sun Bubai. She, Mu Wanqing, was not an ordinary woman.

But Mu Wanqing didn't expect that this completely made Sun Bubai firm in his desire to divorce his wife!

"Get out, go back to your Muwangfu. You will never come out in the future, you just stay in Muwangfu and wait to die. Mu Wanqing, tell you, you have been divorced by me!"

Sun Bubai roared angrily.

Hearing this, Mu Wanqing was as if struck by lightning.

"It's all about you, without you, a ruthless bitch, how could my father and I have fallen to this point!"

At this moment, Sun Wushuang was also full of anger and vented to Mu Wanqing.

Mu Wanqing couldn't believe it, her eyes widened, Sun Bubai was about to divorce her, and her beloved son, Sun Wushuang, actually called her a cruel bitch?

"What did I do? You father and son, you want to humiliate me like this?" Mu Wanqing became hysterical, and overnight, her sky collapsed.

"You know what you did. It's not that you don't have Lingshi to hire Tianshalou. You go to Muwangfu to ask for it. You go back to Muwangfu now and let them raise you for the rest of your life until you die!"

Sun Bubai struggled all his life, but now it has turned into running water.All of this is because Mu Wanqing was bewitched by the Mu Palace and hired Tianshalou killer to assassinate Sun Yu.

Sun Bubai regretted this vicious bitch.

If he had known this earlier, he should have divorced her after the secret stronghold of Tianshalou was razed.

In this case, he will not be reduced to the current situation.

At this moment, Sun Bubai was extremely eager to welcome back Qingqing and marry him as his wife. In this case, as long as he got help from Sun Quan, he would still have a chance to make a comeback.

With this in mind, Sun Bubai took out the original marriage letter and wrote a divorce letter on the spot!
At this moment, there was a loud shout from the sky.

"Sun Bubai, do you really want to do this?"

At the critical moment, the contemporary King Mu and Mu Wanzhou came to Sun Bubai's mansion.

King Mu was furious. For so many years, King Mu's Mansion has strongly supported Sun Bubai, and Sun Bubai was firmly established as the head of the business department. Many shops in Sun's family have been taken care of by King Mu's mansion.

Unexpectedly, Sun Bubai is going to retire from Mu Wanqing now!

Once Mu Wanqing is divorced, then from now on, Mu Wanqing will never want to raise her head again!

So, upon receiving the message from the maid who was taking care of Mu Wanqing, Mu Wang and Mu Wanzhou rushed over like lightning.

At this moment, Mu Wanzhou's face was as gloomy as the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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