Chapter 109
Qingdi Immortal Gate, when distinguished guests come, they will be welcomed to Songtao Hall.

At this time, at the head of the Songtao Hall, Zou Zi and the first sect master Qing Yangzi were sitting in the Jixia Academy.

The current head of the Qingdi Immortal Sect and the elders are divided into two sides according to their respective seniority.

Sun Yuhong was standing behind Zou Zi, who offered the wine. With Sun Yuhong's current cultivation level, it is of course impossible to be on an equal footing with these elders of the Qingdi Immortal Sect.

"Now the old man has brought the incompetent disciple of Jixia Academy, Wu Yun, to Qingdi Xianmen. If you have any questions, you can ask them face to face."

Zou Zi said lightly, his face was flat, as usual.

The current sect master of the Qingdi Immortal Sect and the senior elders looked a little embarrassed. No one had thought that Sun Wei's status in Jixia Academy was so high.

Although they guessed that Jixia Academy would definitely protect him because of his grand literary heart, they didn't expect that Zou Zi, the sacrificial wine, personally brought him to Qingdi Xianmen.

I didn't see that even Qing Yangzi, the eldest disciple of the Qing Emperor, looked as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Now that the Qing Emperor is in the Immortal Gate of the Qing Emperor, and the Qing Emperor is not out, no one can compete with Zou Yan, the giant of the Yin-Yang family.

"Brother Zou is serious, but after all, it is a fact that your disciple of Jixia Academy, Sun Yu, slaughtered the disciples of the Qing Emperor's immortal sect on the ancient battlefield."

Qingyangzi didn't speak, and the other elders couldn't face Zouzi's coercion directly.

"It's the truth. If it's not the truth, it was fabricated by your Qingdi Xianmen. Do you think the old man's temper is really that good?"

Zou Zi said lightly.

At this time, seeing Zou Zi's attitude, many elders of the Qingdi Immortal Sect couldn't help feeling angry.

"Zou Zi, could it be that Sun Yu killed the disciple of the Qing Emperor's Immortal Sect? I, the Qing Emperor's Immortal Sect, can't ask for guilt, can't I even ask questions?"

At this moment, a Supreme Elder said angrily.

"Didn't the old man say that you are not allowed to ask questions?"

Zou Zi's face darkened, and in an instant, a mighty quasi-sage prestige filled the entire Songtao Hall.

"Brother Zou, calm down, Jixia Academy and my Qingdi Immortal Sect are both powerful forces in the Eastern Desolation, and we must not hurt our peace because of this trivial matter."

Qingyangzi made a quick move, otherwise, if Zou Zi's aura was allowed to overwhelm the audience, how could many elders be able to resist, they would definitely make a fool of themselves on the spot.

"You fellow Taoist of the Qingdi Immortal Sect, could it be that you are the backer of the true disciple who was killed by Huan Yu?"

Zou Zi looked lightly at the Supreme Elder who had spoken rudely to him just now, although this Supreme Elder was also a Primal Chaos Golden Immortal, he was also a Chaos Golden Immortal, Zou Zi was about to ascend to the Primordial Saint, and this Supreme Elder, but Just stepped into the ranks of quasi-sages.

The gap among them is like the difference between heaven and earth, the difference between clouds and mud.

"Brother Zou misunderstood, Bai Yi is a pawn of the Demon Sect, and the Qingdi Immortal Sect was deceived by him to make him a true disciple. This is the fault of our Qingdi Immortal Sect. Fellow Daoist Li Zheng has nothing to do with Bai Yi."

Qingyangzi hurriedly explained that Zou Zi said this on purpose before, with Zou Zi's supernatural power, how could he not know Li Zheng's true identity.

"Since you all say that Bai Yi is a pawn of the Demon Sect, if you kill him, will your Qing Emperor's immortal sect want to accuse him?"

Zou Zi occupies the highest point of morality, and he is not afraid to travel all over the prehistoric world with reason. Even if it goes to the Taoist ancestor of Zixiao Palace, Jixia Academy will always be more reasonable than Qingdi Xianmen.

"It's not because of Bai Yi's business that Sun Wei, a disciple of your palace, came here today." Qing Yangzi said in a deep voice.

"What is that for?"

Zou Zi pretended not to know, and insisted on asking the Qing Emperor's immortal gate to find out.

"Zou Zi, Sun Wei, a disciple of your palace, killed several disciples of the Qing Emperor's immortal sect in the Juegu of the ancient battlefield. Your palace will not deny this, right?"

The Supreme Elder sternly replied in a deep voice.

"They dare to kidnap my grandson's mother-uncle to threaten my grandson, shouldn't they kill him? Isn't my grandson's mother-uncle a disciple of Qingdi Immortal Sect?"

At this moment, Sun Huang said coldly.

"Smart teeth, you have said that they are the disciples of the Qingdi Immortal Sect, and it is not up to outsiders to intervene in the affairs between the Qingdi Immortal Sect disciples. This is an internal matter of our Qingdi Immortal Sect. Even if they are at fault, there are Qingdi Xianmen Law Enforcement Hall will deal with it."

The Supreme Elder was stern, with a cold expression.As soon as these words came out, many elders of the Qingdi Immortal Sect nodded in agreement. The disciples of the Qingdi Immortal Sect made mistakes, and naturally they would be dealt with by the Law Enforcement Hall of the Qingdi Immortal Sect, how could outsiders intervene.

"What a joke, nonsense. Who knows that when you return to the Qing Emperor Immortal Gate, you will definitely cover it up. No matter who is in the sky or on earth, who dares to bully my old grandson and uncle, they will die!"

Sun Quanhong's ferocious nature and majesty were revealed. Facing the elders of the Qing Emperor's Immortal Sect, Sun Quanhong showed his iron bones.

Speaking these words in front of the elders of the Qingdi Immortal Sect, the complexions of these elders suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Because Sun Yuhong's words were clearly aimed at them.

Their majestic Primordial Quasi-Saints who cultivated as Golden Immortals are now being threatened by an alchemy practitioner from Jixia Academy.

Many Supreme Elders only thought it was ridiculous.

Seeing this scene, Zou Zi said lightly: "No matter what, we'd better bring Wu Rong's mother and uncle here first, and ask them face to face."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the contemporary sect master of Qingdi Immortal Sect changed slightly.

At this moment, Zou Zi's face became calmer, but everyone knew how angry Zou Zi was at this moment.

Seeing the changing face of the contemporary sect master, Sun Yu suddenly had a guess in his heart.

The secret room where Qingqing and Xu Xu were imprisoned, before the arrival of Sun Quan and Zou Zi, an angry true disciple of the Qingdi Immortal Sect came to this secret room surrounded by many inner and outer disciples.

Seeing this true disciple with a ferocious face walk into the secret room, Wu Xu and Kun Qingqing suddenly felt that the face of this true disciple was somewhat familiar.

It looked very much like an inner disciple who held them hostage in Juegu, the ancient battlefield, except that the inner disciple was killed by Sun Yu with the five-color divine light on the spot, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

"Senior Brother Li Hao, this is the root cause of those two disasters. It was because of them that Junior Brother Li Jie was beheaded in Juegu by that Sun Yu."

At this moment, an inner disciple who followed Wu Xu and Wu Qingqing to Juegu for trial before said, pointing to Wu Xu and Wu Qingqing.

"You two ants actually let my younger brother die. You are just lowly and humble ants. You put the God-locking chain on them, and I will execute them after I kill Sun Yu!"

As a true disciple of the Qing Emperor Immortal Sect, Li Hao is extremely domineering.

"Brother, I'm afraid this is not good?"

An inner disciple cautiously tried to persuade him.

"What kind of guilt is there? I, Li Hao, will bear it all. I will never let these two lowly ants feel better!"

Li Hao felt that he was a true disciple, but torturing two outer disciples, even if he was known by the Law Enforcement Hall, it would definitely be a trivial matter.

In the eyes of Qingdi Xianmen, there is no need to consider the weight between a true disciple and two outer disciples.

Immediately, some disciples drove the God Lock Chain into the bodies of Wu Xu and Wu Qingqing.

The chain of locking the gods can lock the primordial spirit, but self-destruction of the primordial spirit cannot.

Moreover, the heavy God-locking chain will make it impossible for prisoners to survive or die.

Putting on the body with the chain of locks, Wu Xu and Wu Qingqing endured this cruel punishment.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao's ferocious expression became relieved.

In Songtao Hall, the contemporary sect master remained motionless, and suddenly, Zou Zi made a move.

Qingyangzi immediately stopped him, his spiritual consciousness instantly radiated throughout the Qingdi Immortal Gate, and he found that Li Hao had made his own decisions.

"Qingyangzi, you Qingdi Immortal Sect really wants to study with me in Jixia, and you will never die!"

Zou Zi shouted angrily, shaking the entire Songtao Hall.

All of a sudden, a terrifying power of Hunyuan severely injured many Supreme Elders!
Under Zou Zi's rage, he was as terrifying as a Hunyuan saint.

Hearing Zou Zi's words, Qing Yangzi had no choice but to let go!
In an instant, the void moved, and in the secret room, Wu Xu and Wu Qingqing, as well as the true disciple Li Hao, were instantly moved to the Songtao Hall by Zou Zi with his great supernatural powers!

Inside the Songtao Hall, Sun Wei looked at his mother and uncle, who were actually chained.

In an instant, the boundless anger rushed straight to the ninth heaven!

Sun Yu was furious!

"What a Qing Emperor Xianmen!"

Sun Yu yelled angrily, at this moment, the fierce power was fully displayed, and the violent aura shocked the audience.

"Qingyangzi, this is the method of your Qingdi Immortal Sect."

Zou Zi looked down at the audience coldly.

Seeing Sun Yuhong, Li Hao immediately pulled the God-locking chain.

"Patriarch, let him kneel down!"

At this moment, Sun Wei yelled loudly, shaking the sky!

Sun Yu knew that if he made a move, the Supreme Elder of Qingdi Immortal Sect would definitely not let him succeed!
Zou Zi directly used the peerless supernatural power of 'Five Virtues Ending Beginning' to suppress many elders and imprison Qingyangzi with the power of the five elements.

Li Hao, a true disciple, was directly oppressed by the immeasurable Hunyuan Saint, directly oppressed and knelt down!
At this moment, Li Hao's heart was instantly filled with endless grief and indignation.

Seeing this scene, Taishang Elder Li Zheng was about to use his strength.

"If you dare to move even the slightest bit, believe it or not, this old man dares to kill you on the spot within the Qing Emperor's Immortal Gate!"

Zou Zi's cold voice was like coming from the Nine Nether Underworld, with fierce killing intent, he locked on the quasi-sage Li Zheng.

If Li Zheng dared to act rashly again, Zou Zi felt that he would be beheaded on the spot!

With Zou Zi's supernatural powers infinitely close to that of the Primordial Saint, he could kill Li Zheng, a quasi-sage who had just entered the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal of Chaos, without any effort.

At this moment, Zou Zi waved his hand again, and the chains that imprisoned Wu Xu and Wu Qingqing turned into fly ash.

Sun Yuhong hurried out and came to Wu Xu and Wu Qingqing.

"Mother, uncle, it is my grandson who is unfilial and made you suffer!"

Sun Yuhong's face was full of anger, because of him, the Qingdi Immortal Sect treated them like this!
At this moment, Sun Yu was mad with hatred. If he had the strength of a Hunyuan saint, even if the Qing Emperor woke up, he would still make a big fuss in the Qing Emperor's immortal sect.

Sun Yu's eyes were extremely cold, looking at Li Hao who was kneeling on the ground beside him.

"Dare to attack my old grandson and uncle, no one in the sky and on earth can save you!"

A fierce and shocking murderous intent shot out from Sun Yuhong's eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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