The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1252 Life and death challenge, shocking the Heavenly Dao Temple

Chapter 1252 Life and death challenge, shocking the Heavenly Dao Temple
The improvement of cultivation from the third level to the fourth level is not only because of the higher level of cultivation, but more importantly, Sun Wukong has become a middle-level monk from a low-level monk!
In the Taoist world, although a master with a third-level cultivation base can establish a sect, there are not many masters who dare to truly establish a sect.

If you are not a Taoist master, you are not an intermediate level, and you have almost no qualifications to stand on the land of the Taoist world.

Therefore, even if you want to establish a sect, you can almost wait until you become an intermediate monk.

In the quiet room, Monkey King stood up.

Now that his cultivation base has broken through the fourth level and he has become a Taoist master, Sun Wukong feels very good at this moment.

At this moment, Sun Wukong felt that every inch of flesh and blood in his body was full of powerful and unparalleled power.

The power of space is integrated into every inch of skin and flesh in the body. Through the space talisman, Sun Wukong can mobilize all the power of space in the body with a single thought!
In that case, all the power of space will burst out in an instant. If it is used to perform Taoism, then its power is unimaginable.

Sun Wukong also finally understood that in this realm, although there seems to be a difference of one level between the third and fourth levels, between the sixth and seventh levels, and between the ninth and tenth levels, once a breakthrough is made, the strength will appear. Earth-shaking changes.

Sun Wukong feels that his current strength is many times stronger than that of the previous third-order.

At least for the current him, he can easily kill 1 Tier [-] cultivation bases.

Moreover, what makes Monkey King even more happy is the inner world, which is now 120 million miles in radius.

For the other four-tier Taoist monks in the Taoist world, the inner world is between ten thousand miles and one hundred thousand miles.

Even the most heaven-defying fourth-order Taoist master, the largest inner world is only a hundred thousand miles in radius!

But now Sun Wukong's inner world has surpassed the strongest Taoist countless times.

A radius of 120 million miles and a radius of 140 miles seem to be only ten times larger, but the real area is [-] four times.

Looking at the entire Taoist world, there are not many fourth-order Taoist masters with a radius of [-] miles.

In addition, Sun Wukong had completed the transformation of the true meaning of the space dao into a space dao talisman before, and possessed the fourth-level Taoism in advance. Although he has just broken through now, Sun Wukong feels that he is not a Taoist master who has just entered the fourth level, but seems to be a Taoist for the first time. A veteran strongman who has practiced for countless years in the fourth-tier Taoist realm.

Right at this moment, outside the quiet room.

"Brother, hasn't he made a breakthrough yet?"

Peng Tiancong couldn't wait any longer, the killing intent in his heart couldn't be restrained.

"Don't worry, he will definitely break through. In order to allow you to kill him this time, Senior Brother bought Enlightenment Tea and gave him a cup of Enlightenment Tea."

Ying Chengli deliberately brought up Wudao tea in order to make Peng Tian wise. This time, he paid a huge price for Sun Wukong to advance to the fourth level.

"Senior Brother loves you so much, Junior Brother understands. If Senior Brother needs Senior Brother in the future, just ask!"

Although Peng Tiancong was favored by Xu Gaoyang, the Supreme Being of the Immortal Dao, he also knew very well that he still needed to establish a good relationship with Ying Chengli in this Heavenly Dao Academy.

"Haha, I'm serious. I don't have anything for you to do. I just need you to be in front of the master. If you have the opportunity, please say a few words for the senior. Also, the senior will ascend to the position of supreme. I hope you don't forget what my brother did for you."

Ying Chengli knew that Peng Tiancong's aptitude was outstanding, and he even knew very well that his master, Xu Gaoyang, the Supreme Master of the Immortal Dao, wanted Peng Tiancong to compete for the position of the Immortal Daoist in the upcoming Daoist battle.

"If the master asks, I will definitely tell the master that the brother's hard work is great." Peng Tiancong said lightly.


At this moment, Ying Chengli was about to say something, and suddenly, he felt that the restriction was shaken.

In an instant, Ying Chengli made a move.

The restriction of the quiet room was broken in an instant, Sun Wukong opened the door of the quiet room from the inside, and suddenly saw Taoist King Ying Chengli and Peng Tiancong standing outside the quiet room.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth.

"It's really painstaking, but I'm afraid that you are stealing chickens and losing money."

Of course Sun Wukong knew that everything Ying Chengli did was to let him break through the fourth level, so that Peng Tiancong could challenge him to life and death.

"Sun Wukong, you killed my own brother. Now that your cultivation base has broken through the fourth level, I want to challenge you to life and death. On the stage of life and death, you will fight for life and death. I will personally cut off your head, Take it to my brother's grave, and pay homage to his spirit in heaven!"

Peng Tiancong said with a murderous intent.

Hearing this, the sneer at the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth grew stronger.

"Okay, since you are so deeply in love with your brother Peng Tianrui, then I will grant you a blessing and let you reunite with your brother. If you are planning with all your heart, you are just seeking your own death. So today, I will let you get your wish !"

Sun Wukong said coldly, also with killing intent in his eyes.

Ying Chengli's unscrupulous calculations, the contempt of Xu Gaoyang, the Supreme Being of the Immortal Dao, and this Peng Tiancong's unscrupulous killing intent all made Monkey King angry.

When Peng Tiancong heard Monkey King's words, his veins bulged and his face was grim.

"I'm going to cut you into pieces in the arena of life and death."

Peng Tiancong felt that it would not be enough to vent his anger if Sun Wukong was not hacked into pieces.

"Then sign a life-and-death contract, and I will let you die on the life-and-death ring!"

Sun Wukong said coldly.

Immediately, Peng Tiancong took out the life and death contract that he had prepared long ago.

Monkey King signed the life and death contract, and the life and death contract took effect.

After signing the contract, Monkey King rushed towards the arena of life and death.

At this moment, in the Heavenly Dao Academy, a piece of news instantly stirred up excitement.

"Have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"I heard that Monkey King has broken through to the fourth level, and just after breaking through, he will have a life-and-death bloody battle with Peng Tiancong, the favorite of the Immortal Dao, on the life-and-death ring!"

"What? Sun Wukong has broken through to the fourth level?"

"What is there to be surprised about? Isn't Monkey King agreeing to Peng Tiancong's life-and-death challenge?"

"Sun Wukong killed Peng Tiancong's elder brother. According to the rules of Tiandaoyuan, Peng Tiancong was indeed able to challenge Monkey King to life and death. But I didn't figure out why Sun Wukong would take it!"

"Yes, this is the most astonishing point. Even if Sun Wukong has broken through to the fourth level, how can he be Peng Tiancong's opponent just now?"

"Peng Tiancong, the proud son of the Immortal Dao, is one of the top ten powerhouses of the fourth-order Taoist master. And if his brother hadn't fallen, I'm afraid he has already broken through to the fifth-order retreat."

"It seems that Monkey King is really bold and reckless. He dared to accept Peng Tiancong's life-and-death challenge just after breaking through!"

"Go to the life and death arena to see, and you will know what kind of confidence this Monkey King has!"

In an instant, this news spread like a hurricane throughout the entire Heavenly Dao Academy.

At this moment, the curiosity in the hearts of countless disciples of Tiandaoyuan was all aroused.

These Tiandaoyuan disciples really can't figure out what trump card Sun Wukong has to dare to accept Peng Tiancong's life-and-death challenge.

In Tiandaoyuan, Peng Tiancong, as the top ten Taoist masters among the fourth-order Taoist masters, is also famous in Tiandaoyuan.

But now, with Monkey King, who is no less famous than him, accepting the challenge, countless disciples of Tiandao Academy rushed to the arena of life and death.

At this moment, in the depths of Tianji Valley.

After receiving the news, Tianjizi opened his eyes.

"I'd like to see what kind of background you have accumulated so that you can dare to take on Peng Tiancong's challenge once you break through!"

A glint of gloom flashed in Tianjizi's eyes, and he felt that he was getting more and more unable to understand Monkey King.

The reason why he was so gloomy was because Sun Wukong was immediately invited back to Tiandaoyuan, and he didn't even have time to tell him.

But now that he immediately accepted the life-and-death challenge initiated by Peng Tiancong, for a while, Tianjizi was not sure, which is why he looked so gloomy.

At this time, not only Tianjizi, but also the masters of the top ten strongest forces and other forces rushed to the arena of life and death!

Monkey King has now broken through to the fourth rank, so in this battle, we can see how powerful Monkey King is!
If Sun Wukong is defeated and dies, then there is no need to mention everything.

But if Sun Wukong defeated Peng Tiancong, then Sun Wukong would be able to rank among the top ten Taoist leaders!

In this case, it is tantamount to attacking the top ten most powerful forces again!
And what the masters of these forces want to find out more is whether Sun Wukong is a proud son of the Dao, and whether he is qualified to be a son of the Dao.

If Sun Wukong can really become the Taoist son of the world, then the ten most powerful forces must find a way to resolve their enmity with Monkey King in advance.

Otherwise, once Sun Wukong becomes Daozi, if he wants to deal with the ten strongest forces, although he will not completely destroy the ten strongest forces.

But the status of the ten strongest forces in the Heavenly Dao Temple is a bit embarrassing.

The turmoil caused by Monkey King swept through Tiandaoyuan again, and many giants had to sigh!
"This Monkey King, his cultivation level is not very high now, but he is very capable of causing trouble!"

"Yeah, let's calculate that since he entered the Heavenly Dao Temple, although it hasn't been long, there have been several big storms."

"There are constant turmoil on him. Otherwise, Yemu wouldn't make Ye Mu hate him so much!"

"Now in Tiandaoyuan, he is really famous. Almost every disciple of Tiandaoyuan has heard about his deeds."

"To be honest, I am also a little curious about this battle. Sun Wukong is not a stupid person. He has just broken through to the fourth level. It stands to reason that he can delay the battle with Peng Tiancong. But he just accepted the challenge of life and death. If he is not stupid, then It shows that he has the confidence to defeat Peng Tiancong."

"It's useless to guess how much now, let's talk about it after watching this battle!"

The giants of Tiandaoyuan couldn't help being curious, but they would not watch the battle in person around the arena of life and death, but spread their dao consciousness and watched the battle silently in secret.

Sun Wukong and Peng Tiancong came to the arena of life and death, and in an instant, the contract of life and death in Peng Tiancong's arms flew to the arena.

The arena opened, and Monkey King jumped, and flew to the arena in an instant.

Monkey King and Peng Tiancong stood on the ring, and in an instant, a ban was raised on the ring.

In this case, unless life and death are divided inside the arena, otherwise, the restriction cannot be broken from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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