The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1263 Fighting Shi Haoxuan, the game starts again

Chapter 1263 Fighting Shi Haoxuan, the game starts again
"So strong, really strong!"

At this time, not only Jin Yanghua was muttering to himself, but Yuan Ziming was also muttering to himself!
It can be said that in the space dojo, no one knows better than Yuan Ziming how powerful the ninth Taoist master is.

Because Yuan Ziming challenged him many times, but he was defeated repeatedly.

Therefore, Yuan Ziming ranked tenth, and he was able to rank ninth.

But now, the No.9 Daoist, who was extremely powerful in Yuan Ziming's heart, was instantly killed by Monkey King with one punch.

One can imagine how shocked Yuan Ziming was.

In his heart, the Taoist master who was considered invincible, but now he couldn't resist the power of Monkey King's punch.

At this moment, the Ninth Daoist who was killed by Sun Wukong's punch reappeared in the Dao of Heaven.

"Monkey King, I want to challenge you!"

Today, Sun Wukong's ranking is already ninth, and the Taoist who was killed by Sun Wukong just dropped to tenth.

"You still don't want to waste your energy, I don't have time to play with you. I still want to challenge the Taoist with a higher ranking, you, forget it!"

Sun Wukong said coldly.

"Damn it, how dare you underestimate me like this!"

In an instant, this Taoist master challenged Monkey King in an instant!
Monkey King had to fight, which caused a trace of anger in Monkey King's heart!

The Taoist master reappeared on the ring, and in an instant, Monkey King punched out again.

"If you dare to challenge me again in the future, challenge me once, and I will kill you once!"

In an instant, Monkey King's terrific fist that swept across the same level, in an instant, beat this Taoist master alive!

At this moment, even if he went all out, he still couldn't resist Monkey King's punch!
Monkey King once again killed him with one punch!

Taking advantage of this Daoist being destroyed, Monkey King immediately began to challenge the eighth-ranked Daoist!
Sun Wukong took the lead in challenging and did not give him a chance to challenge himself at all.

This Taoist reappeared in Tiandao, unwilling to do so, and wanted to challenge Monkey King.

But at this moment, Sun Wukong has already challenged the No.8 Daoist, so his challenge was rejected by Tiandao.

On the arena, the Taoist who ranked eighth on the Taoist list suddenly appeared.

"You want to challenge me?"

The Taoist master didn't know what happened, because he had been in seclusion all the time, and he had never heard of the great sage Equaling Heaven.

Therefore, when he looked at Monkey King, a hint of arrogance naturally appeared in his eyes.

"You talk too much!"

Monkey King was angry, and in an instant, he punched out.

Seeing that Monkey King shot so quickly, a trace of anger flashed in the Taoist master's eyes.

But immediately, his face changed instantly!

"This is impossible!"

No matter how the Taoist master resisted, he still couldn't avoid the fate of being bombarded by Monkey King.

Even if he uses the strongest Taoism, even if he sacrifices the protective Taoism, it is still difficult to stop Monkey King's fist.

In an instant, he was bombarded and killed by Monkey King.

With the previous lesson, Sun Wukong immediately challenged the Taoist who ranked seventh.

And the Taoist master, who had just been punched by Monkey King, re-split his soul and entered the way of heaven, and suddenly wanted to challenge Monkey King like a madman.

However, his challenge request was undoubtedly rejected by Tiandao.

"Don't waste your efforts, you will have the chance to challenge him when he fails the challenge!"

The Taoist master who was originally ranked ninth looked at the Taoist master who was originally ranked eighth, and said coldly.

"Could it be that he's challenging for seventh?" Daoist, who was originally ranked eighth, gasped.

"It seems that he wants to continue the challenge today, and he will not stop unless he is defeated!" said the Taoist master who was originally ranked ninth.

"Well, I won't challenge him for the time being, and we'll see when he loses!" said the Daoist who was ranked eighth fiercely.

The Taoist ranked seventh appeared on the stage of life and death, with a solemn expression on his face.

He had heard the name of the Monkey King, and just now he saw that Sun Wukong used only two punches, and his ranking rose from tenth to eighth now.

Now, he is even challenging his seventh-ranked Daoist.

Facing the incomparably powerful Monkey King, the Taoist master had a strong will to fight in his heart.

"I just watched your fight, and I also watched you kill Jin Yanghua with one punch before. Speaking of which, the four masters ranked eighth, ninth, tenth, and No.11, except for Yuan Ziming, the other three masters , were all killed by your punch!"

The Lord of the Seventh Path said in a deep voice.

"What the hell are you going to say?"

Sun Wukong felt that what the Lord of the Seventh Path said was basically nonsense.

"You are very strong. You deserve to be a peerless evildoer recognized by the Dao of Heaven. But what I want to say is that no matter how strong you are, I will block your punch."

The eyes of the Lord of the Seventh Path burned with fierce fighting intent.

"Really? You think so, but you may not be able to do it!"

Monkey King didn't pretend to be aggressive, but his words seemed extremely arrogant.

Even though it is taken for granted in Sun Wukong's mind, it can be heard in the ears of many space dojo practitioners, but they feel that Sun Wukong is crazy.

"Then let's fight and see if I can block your punch."

The Seventh Path has a high fighting spirit.

"Then you have to be careful!"

After Sun Wukong's words fell, he shot suddenly!

Regardless of whether the Seventh Daoist can resist it or not, Monkey King is still the first to blast the Shattering Fist!
In an instant, the fierce and terrifying fist force slammed fiercely at the seventh Taoist master.

"Space Annihilation Finger!"

In an instant, the Lord of the Seventh Path did not defend, but used offense instead of defense!

He casted his strongest Taoism so far, and in an instant, the finger force of the space annihilation finger shot out impressively!

At this moment, in the void, the Annihilation Finger collided fiercely with the Shattering Fist.

Annihilation finger strength and Shattering Kong fist strength clashed.

Sun Wukong's Shattering Fist strength is like a 'face' at this moment, while the annihilation finger strength is like a 'point'.

Space is composed of 'points', 'lines', and 'surfaces'. Now, fist strength and finger strength have become the most basic elements of space.

And at this moment, the annihilation finger strength failed to break through the broken air fist strength, and was directly crushed by the broken empty fist strength!

Therefore, the Seventh Daoist Lord could not avoid the ending of being bombarded by fists.

boom! ! !
It's still a one-punch kill!

The power of Monkey King's punch instantly killed the Seventh Daoist.

Seeing this scene, the three Taoist masters including Jin Yanghua, who had been instantly killed by Sun Wukong, no longer had any intention of challenging them.

Their intent to challenge has been blown away by Monkey King's fist.

They felt that they couldn't resist Monkey King's punch.

Sun Wukong replaced this Taoist master and became the seventh Taoist master, while his ranking dropped to eighth.

Although he changed from seventh to eighth, when he reappeared in the Dao of Heaven, he was convinced.

"You are really strong, I can't even resist your punch!"

The words were somewhat dejected, but not all hope was lost.

"You're not bad either, at least you have the courage to strike in the face of my Shattering Fist. And your space annihilation finger is also very powerful, but when you face me, you are just timid before you fight, and you haven't annihilated the space The power of the finger is [-]%. Otherwise, not to mention that you can defeat me, at least you can resist my first punch."

Sun Wukong judged rationally and never belittled his opponent.

"You're right. I was also taken aback by your illustrious reputation. Because I have fought against a peerless monster like you before, and it was undoubtedly a disastrous defeat. So, facing a peerless monster like you again, it is naturally unwarranted." Be timid first. No matter how hard I try to arouse my fighting spirit, it is still unavoidable!"

This Taoist master is also very sensible, and he thinks that his skills are inferior to others.

"Could it be that the peerless evildoer you're talking about is Yue Kongge?"

Sun Wukong asked lightly.

"That's right, now that I think about it, facing you is like facing him. You are both peerless monsters, and I am looking forward to your fight. Let's see who is the strongest Daoist in the space dojo!"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled faintly.

"Don't worry, you will have this opportunity to see it. And this day, it won't be too long."

After Sun Wukong's words fell, he challenged the sixth-ranked Taoist master!

Contrary to Sun Wukong's expectations, the Taoist ranked sixth, voluntarily surrendered.

This surprised Sun Wukong a little.

"Anyway, I can't beat you. Even if you block one punch, you won't be able to block your second punch. Besides, I don't believe it, you can only smash empty punches!"

Taoist, who is ranked sixth, is very open-minded.

He felt that it was not too embarrassing to admit defeat to Monkey King's challenge.

Moreover, he took the initiative to admit defeat and avoided a fight with Monkey King, which was only a drop in the ranking, and he did not fall out of the top ten.

Monkey King's ranking advanced to sixth, and then he challenged the fifth Daoist!
At this time, the Taoist who ranked fifth also voluntarily surrendered.

"why is that?"

Sun Wukong asked in confusion.

"I know the enmity between you and Xiao Xingsi, Lei Chengde, and Shi Haoxuan. You have to fight them anyway. I will take the initiative to admit defeat and give you a chance to challenge them. If you win, then I have nothing to say. But if If you are defeated, then I can challenge you again and take back my No.5."

Now the Taoist who is ranked sixth is even more bachelor, but speaks his heart.

"You're honest, I like it!"

Sun Wukong grinned.

"I really hope to see you fight Yue Kongge, and see which of you two peerless evildoers is superior!"

Hearing this, Monkey King just laughed it off.

Because at this time, Monkey King launched a challenge to the fourth-ranked Daoist——Shi Haoxuan!
But Shi Haoxuan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately agreed.

In an instant, Monkey King and Shi Haoxuan stood on the ring at the same time.

Seeing Monkey King, Shi Haoxuan didn't have a good face.

"You are very lucky to be able to challenge me. However, you are also unlucky because you met me!"

Shi Haoxuan said coldly.

"You talk so much nonsense!" Sun Wukong said lightly.

One word from Sun Wukong made Shi Haoxuan furious.

"Although you challenge me, do you dare to take a gamble?"

Shi Haoxuan said with a sneer.

"What's the bet?" Sun Wukong didn't expect this.

"Bet 100 million good deeds, if you win, you will take away my 100 million good deeds. But if you lose, you have to give 100 million good deeds!"

Shi Haoxuan will not let go of this godsend opportunity!
Now he only hates that he only has 100 million good deeds, if there are still 300 million good deeds, he will definitely bet all of them with Monkey King.

"You want to give me another one million good deeds, how can I refuse!" Sun Wukong said with a smile, but under the smile, it was endlessly cold!

(End of this chapter)

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