The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1266 Victory over Lei Chengde, advanced to No. 2

Chapter 1266 Wins Lei Chengde and advances to second place

Sun Wukong and Lei Chengde both exuded a powerful and unparalleled aura, and the two auras suddenly fought fiercely in the void.

For the strong, the imposing confrontation is also extremely dangerous.

If you lose in the imposing confrontation, it will definitely affect the subsequent battle.

So Sun Wukong and Lei Chengde did not dare to underestimate them and went all out.

However, a confrontation based on momentum alone cannot decide the outcome. In an instant, Lei Chengde took the lead!

boom! ! !
At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the void!
The thunder exploded, and the sky-shattering roar shook the void.

All of a sudden, a divine thunder struck towards Monkey King fiercely.

This is Lei Chengde's natal Taoism - the thunder of extinguishing the sky.

Lei Chengde's body is a sky-killing divine thunder. At this moment, Lei Chengde's attack is extremely fast and swift.

The lightning that destroys the sky is coming, even if Sun Wukong has the teleportation technique, he can't avoid it.

Because the speed of Miekongzhilei at this moment is no less than that of teleportation.

Boom! ! !
The Thunder of Miekong slammed on Monkey King's body.

In an instant, the moment the thunder exploded, the terrifying Lei Jin penetrated into Monkey King's body.

These thunder energies all contain the principles of destruction, and the power of destroying thunder power is extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.

"The power of the inner world!"

Sun Wukong suddenly realized that his spatial force could not suppress Annihilation, and in an instant, with a thought, Sun Wukong immediately mobilized the power of the inner heaven and earth, and instantly suppressed the destructive thunder force that entered his body.

The power of the inner heaven and earth suppressed the destructive thunder force, causing a strong rebound of the destructive thunder force, but in Monkey King's body, these destructive thunder forces were ultimately defeated by the power of the inner heaven and earth.

However, although all the destructive thunder forces that invaded the body were suppressed and annihilated, Monkey King's space body was still damaged and injured.

Lei Chengde smiled coldly, "You can't even bear a mere thunderbolt, what are you going to use to fight with me!"

In an instant, Lei Chengde's figure turned into a flash of lightning.

At the same time, the sky-killing thunder appeared out of nowhere in the void, but this time it was not one, but dozens of sky-killing thunders, bombarding Monkey King extremely fiercely.

Dozens of sky-killing thunders are fused together, and their power is dozens of times that of the previous one.

Seeing this scene, Monkey King's figure also left the place in an instant.


Miekong Zhilei pursues Monkey King like a shadow.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Lei Chengde sneered in disdain, and in an instant, he used the thunder of destroying the sky.

At this moment, the Thunder of Miekong spread all over the arena of life and death.

At this moment, even though Sun Wukong possessed the supreme Taoism of teleportation, he still touched the Thunder of Vanishing Sky.

And when Sun Wukong was stopped by a sky-killing thunder, even if it was only a ten-thousandth of an instant, the other sky-killing thunders would bombard Sun Wukong fiercely in an instant.

All of a sudden, Sun Wukong's body endured at least a hundred bombardments from the Sky-Exterminating Thunder.

At this moment, Sun Wukong mobilized the power of the inner heaven and earth to cover his body, preventing the destruction of the thunder force from invading his body.

However, the Thunder of Miekong bombarded Sun Wukong's membrane severely, almost shattering all of Sun Wukong's membrane.

Under the membrane, there is a defensive layer composed of the power of the inner world, which resists the destructive thunder force.

"Rebirth of flesh and blood!"

With a thought, Sun Wukong mobilized endless vitality from the inner world, and in an instant, flesh and blood were reborn, and the destroyed membrane grew back again.


Hundreds of sky-killing thunders failed to destroy Sun Wukong, and Lei Chengde was extremely annoyed.

"Then you also receive my Taoist torrent!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Monkey King fought back vigorously.

In an instant, the torrent of Taoism that killed Shi Haoxuan appeared again.

Sun Wukong knew that Lei Chengde's defense was far weaker than Shi Haoxuan's, so although he also used Taoism torrents, Sun Wukong did not pursue quality, but quantity.

The torrent of Taoism spread out, like the Thunder of Vanishing Space, spreading all over the arena of life and death.

boom! ! !
At this moment, the torrent of Taoism and the thunder of destroying the sky suddenly collided with each other in the void.

In an instant, Daoist Torrent and Mikongzhilei were on equal footing, no distinction was made between superiority and inferiority.

Sun Wukong continued to inject space Taoism into the torrent of Taoism, and Lei Chengde also constantly attracted the thunder of destroying the sky.

The incomparably wonderful confrontation made many space dojo practitioners watching the battle very excited.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a wonderful confrontation."

"The torrent of Taoism and the thunder of destroying the sky are completely comparable. I really don't know who will have the last laugh."

"Now it depends on whose power is strong and can last longer."

"This kind of confrontation consumes a lot of energy. Whoever can support it longer will win."

The scene of confrontation was wonderful, but after a while, Lei Chengde found that his power was about to be exhausted.

But when he looked at Monkey King, he suddenly found that Monkey King's power was still powerful.

Seeing this scene, Lei Chengde was very unwilling.

He never imagined that this battle would develop to such an extent.

In the past, he fought against Taoist masters of the same rank, but he never fought until his power was exhausted.

Either win quickly or lose quickly.

Lei Chengde knew that he couldn't go on like this.

Otherwise, the defeat must be him.

In an instant, Lei Chengde mobilized all the remaining power in his body, ready to complete his work with one blow.

Sensing this scene, Monkey King smiled coldly.

"The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, you are going to kill me!"

"go to hell!"

Lei Chengde yelled loudly, and in an instant, all the power in his body was used to cast [Shen Kong Mie Lei].

In an instant, the God of Extinguishing Space, Lei Huanghuang, was as mighty as Tianwei, and blasted towards Monkey King impressively.


Seeing this scene, Monkey King suddenly mobilized the torrent of Taoism to block in front of Miekong Shenlei.

And at this moment, there are a total of three hundred space Taoism in the torrent of Taoism.

Daoism Torrent VS Miekong Shenlei!

boom! ! !
The strongest blows of Sun Wukong and Lei Chengde collided in the void.

In an instant, the outcome was decided!
Sun Wukong's Daoist torrent is extremely powerful, and the Miekong Shenlei cannot match it.

Miekong Shenlei seemed to be mighty, but was annihilated in the torrent of Taoism.

In the next moment, Lei Chengde was submerged in the torrent of Taoism.

boom! ! !
Lei Chengde was annihilated by the torrent of Taoism.

Lei Chengde dies, Monkey King wins!
Failure is death.

Sun Wukong's ranking has been promoted to third place.

In front of Monkey King, only Xiao Xingsi and Yue Kongge remained.

Sun Wukong's Dao Consciousness withdrew from the Dao of Heaven, and then entered the Dao of Heaven, so the power of Dao was full.

Monkey King immediately challenged Xiao Xingsi.

Xiao Xingsi fights!
Xiao Xingsi admits defeat!
In an instant, Monkey King's ranking advanced to No.2.

Sun Wukong saw Xiao Xingsi take the initiative to admit defeat, his eyes revealed an inconceivable look.

At this moment, in Xiao Xingsi's cave.

"Junior brother, you are really cunning!" Xiao Xingsi's senior brothers gathered in his cave.

"Senior Brother, I have no choice but to do this. Right now, I don't want to fight Monkey King to the death. After he challenges Yuekong Song, it will depend on the situation."

Xiao Xingsi's thoughts were deep. Although he had lost more than 300 million yuan before, he didn't want Shi Haoxuan to be so reckless.

Coupled with the lessons learned by Shi Haoxuan, Xiao Xingsi felt that it would not be an easy task to regain the more than 300 million good deeds.

Moreover, Xiao Xingsi took the initiative to admit defeat and made Monkey King No. 2 on the Taoist leader list, so he would definitely challenge Yue Kongge.

In this case, it might end up hurting both sides.

"You are indeed a perfect plan. If Monkey King loses to Yue Kongge, then you challenge Monkey King again and take No.2 back. But if Monkey King beats Yuekong Song, then it proves that he His strength is indeed superior to yours. In this case, you have no chance of winning in a fight with him!"

A brother of Xiao Xingsi said in a deep voice.

"Brother, that's what I think. Now wait for the Monkey King to challenge Yue Kongge!"

Xiao Xingsi said coldly.

Sun Wukong became the second place on the list of Taoist masters, but he did not immediately challenge Yue Kongge as many space dojo practitioners thought.

Sun Wukong withdrew from the way of heaven and temporarily stopped the pace of challenge.

All of a sudden, the ascetics in countless space dojos felt very happy.

"Why doesn't this Monkey King stop challenging?"

"Xiao Xingsi voluntarily surrendered because he wanted to give him a chance to challenge Yuekongge, but he refused."

"This shows that the Monkey King is not a reckless man. You all think he is arrogant. But in fact, he is very smart. It is wise not to challenge Yue Kongge now!"

"Coward, this is completely a coward's performance!"

All of a sudden, the ascetics in the Space Daoist had everything they said, understanding, support, abuse, and contempt, to name a few.

But none of these can affect Monkey King.

In the temporary cave, Monkey King's heart was like an ancient well, extremely calm.

However, when Sun Wukong thought of Yuzhu and Yuankong, his heart suddenly became turbulent and he was no longer calm.

"If Yue Kongge didn't worship under Yuan Kong's sect, then challenge is a challenge, even if you lose the battle, it's nothing. But Yuan Kong didn't accept me, but took him as his apprentice. Then I must impress Yuan Kong and let him know , he was blind at the beginning!"

Buddhas fight for a stick of incense, people fight for a breath.

Although Sun Wukong didn't want to worship under Yuankong's sect, Yuankong refused to accept him, which made it difficult for Monkey King to accept.

Coupled with the fact that the so-called Yuekongge became the youngest disciple of Yuankong's sect, and also had unreasonable thoughts about Yuzhu, this made it even more difficult for Monkey King to accept.

Therefore, Sun Wukong must defeat Yuekongge and prove it to Yuankong.

However, Sun Wukong wanted to have a better chance of winning, so naturally he couldn't challenge rashly.

Now Sun Wukong's cultivation is only in the middle stage of Daoist, if he can improve his cultivation to the late stage of Daoist or even the peak of Daoist, then maybe the chance of winning will be greater.

After all, Yue Kongge's cultivation is at the limit of a fourth-order Taoist master.

And Sun Wukong believed that if it wasn't for Yue Kongge to lay a more stable foundation, he would have already broken through to the fifth level.

Immediately, Sun Wukong began to think about how to improve his cultivation.

Suddenly, Monkey King thought of "Space Dao Code".

"Space Dao Code" was created by Space Daoist and taught to Sun Wukong by Kong Kong.

(End of this chapter)

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