The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1279 Meeting Pearl

Chapter 1279 Meeting Pearl
In Chiyu world, there is a "heavenly evil spirit", causing a lot of trouble.

The space dojo is located in the Shattering Kong Temple, a subordinate force of the Chiyu Realm, and the master of the Shattering Kong Hall summoned many fifth-order Taoist monarchs to gather together.

"It's unlucky, come to Chiyu Realm, and don't contact us at the Broken Sky Palace. Now something is wrong, but the space dojo asks us to rescue him, and we have to wipe his ass. This Monkey King is really a disaster."

The Lord of the Broken Sky Palace said angrily.

"What the palace master said is very true. He came to the Red Jade Realm and did not contact us at all, and walked alone. Now he is framed by the Bright Chamber of Commerce to spread rumors, calling him an 'evil from outside the sky', which makes our Palace of Broken Space very Passive. It is impossible for us in the Temple of Shattering to destroy the eternal foundation of the Temple of Shattering just because of him."

"In my opinion, of course we have to obey the order of the space dojo. We also go to the restricted area of ​​Chilong, but we don't enter the restricted area. If he can get out of the restricted area, then we will send them back to the Taoist world. If not, we will die in Chilong You can't blame us for the restricted area."

"This plan is feasible. It will not only make the space dojo have nothing to say, but also keep the foundation of our Shattered Void Hall from being shaken."

The Daoist Lords of the Shattering Void Palace dare not disobey the order of the Space Dojo, but it is absolutely impossible for them to fall into danger for Monkey King.

The Master of the Broken Sky Palace had a gloomy expression, and after listening to what his subordinates said, he said lightly: "Just act according to this plan."

Chilong Forbidden Zone is deserted.

Not only are there no monks, but Taoist beasts are also very rare.

At this moment, Sun Wukong opened his piercing eyes, piercing the illusion, and through the soil layer, he immediately saw the red jade buried in the earth.

With one roll of Dao Li, the red jade in the shallow ground was immediately dug out.

"Is this Chiyu?"

Looking at the red jade all over, Monkey King was a little curious.

Chiyu is a rare treasure for nourishing the soul in the Taoist world.

Chiyu can warm and nourish the soul of the Tao, and even the giants above are eager to get a piece of Chiyu.

As soon as Sun Wukong moved his mind, he collected Chiyu into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Suddenly, Chiyu entered the sea of ​​consciousness and suddenly disintegrated.

The red jade decomposed into a stream of red jade liquid, and in an instant, the red jade liquid flowed into the Dao soul in the sea of ​​consciousness.

boom! ! !
At this moment, Sun Wukong's soul trembled slightly.

The red jade liquid flowed into Dao Soul, and in an instant, the red jade liquid was absorbed by Dao Soul.

In the next moment, Monkey King felt very clearly that after the Dao Soul absorbed the red jade liquid, it suddenly grew bigger.

"Sure enough, it can play a role in nurturing the soul of the Tao."

It's just that ordinary red jade can warm and nourish the soul of the Tao, and the effect of the legendary red jade crystal must be even more astonishing.

Immediately, Monkey King began to look for Chi Yujing.

At this time, the ascetics from the Red Jade Realm poured in one after another, pouring into the Red Dragon Forbidden Zone, continuously.

Many ascetics poured into the Chilong forbidden area, and in an instant, Monkey King felt a change in the Chilong forbidden area.

The life-and-death crisis hanging over the mind and mind became more intense, as if many ascetics had entered the Chilong forbidden zone, which aroused the anger of the Chilong forbidden zone.

At this moment, Monkey King saw a layer of mist coming out from the depths of Chilong's restricted area.

At the same time, in the Chilong restricted area, certain dead and forbidden areas seemed to be activated.

Soon, the fog completely enveloped the restricted area of ​​Chilong.

But at this moment, Monkey King suddenly heard a scream.

There was a sudden wind from behind, and in the induction of Monkey King, a monster came out of the fog and attacked Monkey King.

Sun Wukong turned around suddenly, and the Kongshaken Fist was thrown out instantly.

The terrifying punch collided fiercely with the monster, and in an instant, Monkey King couldn't help but take three steps back.

"Fifth-order monster!"

Sun Wukong was horrified.

The aura emitted by this monster has already reached the fifth level, but because of its low spiritual intelligence, it cannot fully burst out the fifth level strength.

But the brute force of the monster is beyond the ordinary fifth-order Taoist monarch, so Sun Wukong is made to retreat.

Missing a hit, this fifth-order monster didn't get too entangled with Monkey King, and directly hid in the mist.

Sun Wukong used the invisibility technique to listen to the views of the local ascetics in the Chiyu world.

"There are monsters in the Chilong restricted area, which I have never heard of before."

"That is, no monk has ever left the Chilong restricted area alive before. According to ancient legends, all sixth-level Taoist gods have broken into the Chilong restricted area, but none of the sixth-level Taoist gods has left."

"Even the red dragon at the peak of the sixth step has fallen into this restricted area. It seems a bit inappropriate for us to come in rashly."

"What's wrong, we came here this time to kill the evil spirits from the outer space. If the evil spirits from the outer space can establish a stable foundation, then more evil spirits from the outer space will invade our Chiyun Realm. In history, the evil spirits from the outer space brought us to the Chiyu Realm Disasters, are there still fewer?"

"To kill the evil spirits outside the sky, we must become stronger. There are red jade crystals that are extremely rare outside the red dragon restricted area. If we can find red jade crystals, then our strength can be improved rapidly."

After Sun Wukong heard these words, he smiled coldly.

In the next moment, Monkey King headed towards the center of Chilong's restricted area.

Now that we are on the outskirts of Chilong's restricted area, it should be impossible to have Chiyujing.

If you want to find red jade crystals, you can only find them in the core of the red dragon restricted area.

Under the cover of fog, Monkey King came to the center from the periphery.

In the center of the Chilong restricted area, the vitality of the heavens and the earth is extremely rich, abundant to the extreme, but the fog is also thicker.

Moreover, almost all the monsters in the mist are above the fourth rank.

Tier [-] monsters and Tier [-] monsters can be seen everywhere.

And these monsters, sensing the invasion of foreign enemies, fought back one after another.

Monkey King is fortunate that these monsters are not very smart, otherwise, the monsters can exert their full strength, which will definitely make it difficult for Monkey King to move forward.

At this moment, Monkey King suddenly sensed an extremely familiar breath.

For a moment, Monkey King was very surprised.

But Sun Wukong often recalls this familiar breath in his dreams, and it is impossible for him to feel wrong.

"how can that be?"

Although he thought it was impossible, Monkey King still rushed towards the breath.

But at this time, thousands of miles away from Monkey King, a female killer of the Bright Chamber of Commerce's killer group encountered serious trouble.

The breath on her body made the monsters in the mist extremely disgusted.

Monsters in the mist besieged her, and there were more and more monsters.

This female killer's cultivation base was not high, and now under the siege of these monsters whose cultivation base far exceeds her, she will soon be on the verge of death.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a familiar figure approaching in the mist ahead.


Hearing this, Sun Wukong burst into the world's fastest in an instant.


Sun Wukong used teleportation and came to Jiang Mingzhu's side in an instant.

At this time, the monsters attacked Monkey King.

"Get out of here!"

In an instant, Monkey King shouted angrily.

A shocking terrifying aura erupted, and at this moment Monkey King was furious like an ancient demon god.

The monsters besieging Jiang Mingzhu were shaken away one after another. Monkey King hugged Jiang Mingzhu and injected the power of life from the inner world into Jiang Mingzhu's body continuously.

However, the power of life injected into Jiang Mingzhu's body had no effect on Jiang Mingzhu's injury.

At this moment, Monkey King remembered the two hearts of light, and immediately took them out from the inner world.

At this moment, two hearts of light appeared, and a bright pearl also appeared on the top of Jiang Mingzhu's head, between the eyebrows.

In an instant, a suction force came from this accompanying pearl, and immediately sucked the two hearts of light into the pearl.

In the next moment, a very soft light emanated from the pearl and shone on Jiang Mingzhu.

Subsequently, Jiang Mingzhu recovered quickly from her injuries.

Not only that, but Jiang Mingzhu's cultivation has improved significantly.

"Husband, is it really you?"

Up to this moment, although she had recovered as before, Jiang Mingzhu couldn't believe it.

"Pearl, it's me."

Sun Wukong hugged Jiang Mingzhu tighter and tighter.

Smelling the familiar scent, Jiang Mingzhu was finally convinced that it was indeed her husband, Monkey King.

"Husband, I miss you so much!"

After being separated for so long, now that they meet again, Jiang Mingzhu expresses her deep love.

"Pearl, I miss you too!"

Sun Wukong's eyes are full of tenderness and sweetness.

After a long time, Jiang Mingzhu asked: "Husband, the Guangming Chamber of Commerce said that you are an evil spirit from outside the sky. Did you come down from the Dao Realm?"

"That's right, I ascended to the Dao Realm, and now I'm joining the Space Dojo. This time I came to the Red Jade Realm to complete the mission, but I didn't expect that you were reincarnated in the Red Jade Realm. If I knew it earlier, I would have come to the Red Jade Realm long ago "Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, husband, it's not too late for us to reunite now." Jiang Mingzhu was very satisfied, and now the reunion is very happy.

"By the way, husband, other sisters, have you found them yet?"

Jiang Mingzhu asked.

"I just met Yuzhu in the space dojo, but she is different from you. She doesn't seem to remember her past life memories. And I don't know if her past life memories are still there. If she is completely washed away by the power of reincarnation in the Tao world If so, she is not Mo Yuzhu from the lower realm. But she told me that she also likes me in this life without the memory of the past life. But I think that without the memory of the past life, she knows too little about me. She said she likes me, maybe it’s just To fight against her father." Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"What about the other sisters?"

"Now there is no news at all, but the Daozi War will be held soon. Maybe we can only find them when the Daozi War starts."

Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"Husband, do you think they will participate in the Daozi battle?"

"I have such a guess, you are now the Dao body of light. Yuzhu is the Dao body of space, then Sizi may be the Dao body of Taichu, Ling'er is the Dao body of the ancient times, and Huang Yao will be the Dao body of fire or Phoenix Dao body." Body. Mei Niang may be the ruler of Taoism."

Sun Wukong guessed according to the way they practiced in the lower realm.

"Speaking of the Dao body of light, my husband, where did you get the heart of light just now?"

Jiang Mingzhu asked curiously.

"The heart of light is the two fourth-order Taoist masters who practiced the law of light, and I killed them. Then they were purified by the chaotic green lotus, and the essence of their body formed the heart of light."

Sun Wukong explained.

(End of this chapter)

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