The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1284 Returning to the Dao Realm, the wind is surging

Chapter 1284 Returning to the Dao Realm, the wind is surging

Far away, in the void.

The Lord of the Shattered Space Palace arrived very early, but he didn't show up.

Now, seeing Sun Wukong swaggeringly confronting many Taoist gods in the Chiyu world, looking like he is not afraid of death, makes him extremely angry.

"What an idiot, he dared to confront so many Taoist gods, did he really think that these Taoist gods would not dare to kill him?"

The Lord of the Broken Sky Palace said angrily in his heart.

Now almost all the dao gods in the Chiyu world are gathered here, even he dare not make enemies with so many dao gods.

Hearing the words of the second elder of the Bright Chamber of Commerce, Monkey King laughed.

"Actually, I also think it's useless, because you are all going to die!"

After saying the last word, Monkey King looked cold and murderous.

"Everyone is going to die? Your tone is too crazy. A mere fourth-order ant is so crazy. Do you think you can fight against us?" The third elder of the Bright Chamber of Commerce didn't know what to say about Monkey King's arrogance.

If Sun Wukong is a seventh-rank Taoist king, it is only natural to say this.

But it is just a fourth-order ants, in the eyes of the sixth-level Taoist gods, the fourth-level Taoist masters who are new to the middle-level ascetics, these sixth-level Taoist gods, they can easily kill countless of them with one hand.

"That's right, it's arrogance."

"Even if it's the demons from outside the sky, how can the fourth-level demons be the opponents of our sixth-level Taoist gods!"

"This extraterrestrial demon's cultivation level is not high, but his tone is quite aggressive."

"At first glance, he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. Waiting will kill him, so he understands how big the gap is between the fourth and sixth ranks."

"Why are you talking nonsense with him? This kind of extraterrestrial evil spirit should be eradicated as soon as possible. The night is long and the dreams are many, and it will change later."

In an instant, many sixth-order Taoist gods attacked Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu together.

Each of them squeezed the seal formula with their hands, or cast the sixth-level Taoism, or urged the sixth-level Taoist weapon, or tore the sixth-level Taoist talisman. Attacking, they bombarded Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu together.

At this moment, the void was frozen, and it seemed that Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu could not escape, and had to be bombarded and killed on the spot.

It's just that Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu didn't want to escape at all.

Even, in the eyes of Sun Wukong, the 'frozen void' formed by these sixth-order Taoist gods is vulnerable.

Sun Wukong pulled Jiang Mingzhu, and in an instant the 'freezing void' was broken, and in the next instant, he suddenly used teleportation.

Avoiding the frenzy of attacks by the sixth-order Taoist gods, the next moment, Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu played an earth-shattering and terrifying attack.

"Bright Sword Formation!"

Jiang Mingzhu squeezed the Yin Jue in her hands, instantly arousing the power of the ten directions of light and the way.

The power of the Dao of Light quickly transformed into swords of the Dao of Light in the void, and each sword of the Dao of Light reached the sixth level.

Many sixth-order Guangming Dao swords formed a sword array in the void and fell down impressively.

At the same time, Monkey King also used space Taoism.

Space Blade!

In an instant, the space blade composed of the power of the space dao rule swept towards these sixth-order dao gods like a storm.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu's attacks were completed in an instant, which caught many sixth-order Taoist gods off guard.

The bright sword array and the storm formed by the blade of space attacked many sixth-order Taoist gods. Suddenly, some weak sixth-order Taoist gods fell one after another.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen new Taoist gods in the Chiyu world fell.

Only those old antiques that have gone through many wars escaped.

Similarly, the three elders of the Bright Chamber of Commerce naturally also escaped.

The group of sixth-order Taoist gods who escaped from the sky couldn't believe it.

They looked at Sun Wukong's gaze, full of shock.

"What? Do you still think I'm the kind of fourth-order Taoist master that you can crush to death at will?"

Sun Wukong sneered.

"You, an extraterrestrial demon, are only at the fourth level of cultivation, how could you be so powerful?"

A sixth-order antique pointed at Monkey King and cursed angrily.And his eyes were full of fear.

"In my heart, you natives of Chiyu Realm are all chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow."

Although these dao gods are indeed sixth-level cultivation bases, how can the red jade world be comparable to the dao world.

Although, these Taoist gods only have sixth-level cultivation bases in vain, and they are completely unable to display the true strength of sixth-level Taoist gods.

Maybe they can be invincible against those whose cultivation base is lower than the sixth level.

However, facing Sun Wukong and Jiang Mingzhu now, they simply cannot compete with Jiang Mingzhu.

In an instant, Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu attacked again.

At this time, many Taoist gods who were frightened by the blow just now fled away one after another.

Even the three elders of the Bright Chamber of Commerce are no exception. Although Ye Mu gave the order to die, they now know that they are definitely not the opponents of Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu.

Don't chase after the poor, and Monkey King has no interest in slaughtering these ordinary Taoist gods.

After many sixth-order Taoist gods fled away, Monkey King looked somewhere in the void.

"Now you can come out!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth.

The Lord of the Shattered Space Palace suddenly felt like a light on his back, and had no choice but to appear from the void.

At this time, his expression was very embarrassed.

"I won't hold you accountable for watching from the sidelines just now. You just need to open the passage back to the Dao Realm, and everything will be fine!"

Sun Wukong didn't insist that the master of Suikong Temple must save him, and with his and Jiang Mingzhu's strength, it was easy to slaughter these sixth-order Taoist gods.

After hearing the words, the master of the Shattering Space Palace urged the secret treasure, and in an instant, he communicated with the upper realm space dojo and forcibly opened a space channel.

In an instant, Monkey King took Jiang Mingzhu into the space channel and left Chiyu Realm.

In the next moment, Monkey King and Jiang Mingzhu had already returned to the space dojo.

And at this moment, Daoist Lingkong suddenly appeared.

Daoist Lingkong waved his hand and was about to take Jiang Mingzhu away when Daoist Yuankong suddenly descended.


A sneer appeared on Daoist Yuankong's face, and he stopped Daoist Lingkong suddenly.

"Yuan Kong, what are you doing?"

Daoist Lingkong's face sank.

"With me here today, you don't want to lie to the world. Do you think this seat can't sense that this woman is a cultivator of the source world?"

Daoist Yuankong pointed at Jiang Mingzhu and said coldly.

In the next moment, Su Yuanliang, who is the master of the space dojo, moved all the four cultivators in the void to his Daotian.

"The Taoist master is wise!" Daoist Yuankong was triumphant, he finally caught the handle today.

This time, no matter what he said, he couldn't let Lingkong and Monkey King go.

Su Yuanliang glanced at Jiang Mingzhu indifferently, and then at Monkey King indifferently.

"Monkey King, who is she to you?"

Su Yuanliang asked lightly.

"Reporting to Taoist Lord, her name is Jiang Mingzhu, and she is my wife."

Sun Wukong said bluntly.

Hearing Sun Wukong's answer, Daoist Lingkong was extremely anxious.

"Then do you know that she is a cultivator of the source world?"

Su Yuanliang asked lightly.

"I know, but I know even more that she is my wife!" Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"The Dao Realm and the Source Realm are incompatible. Fire and water are incompatible. As the core disciple of my Dao Realm Space Dojo, you have now found a Source Realm female cultivator as your wife. In your eyes, do you still have my Space Dojo?"

Su Yuanliang asked angrily.

"In her previous life, she was my wife in the lower realm."

Sun Wukong explained.

"The last life? The lower world?" A gleam flashed in Su Yuanliang's eyes.

"I am an ascender, I ascended from the lower realm to the Dao realm. In the lower realm, Mingzhu and I were husband and wife. Before we went to the Chiyu realm, we were reunited as husband and wife." Sun Wukong resisted the strong pressure brought by Su Yuanliang, Said calmly and calmly.

"Then you still have deep affection for her!"

"I dare not, no matter who she is, I only know that she is my wife. Anyone who wants to kill her must first step over my dead body!" Sun Wukong said firmly.

Jiang Mingzhu couldn't move, but at this moment her heart was melted by sweetness.

"Do you think you can really keep her? You don't know who she is at all, and her identity is leaked. Even if my space dojo is willing to protect her for your sake, there is nothing I can do. My space dojo is just a front of the Dao world. One of the ten supreme dojos, not the number one supreme dojo!"

Su Yuanliang's words made Monkey King sink into the bottom of the valley immediately.

"Please ask the Taoist master to clarify!" Sun Wukong knew that Su Yuanliang probably already knew Jiang Mingzhu's identity in the previous life.

"You can't bear it, I advise you, you can't keep her either." Su Yuanliang said lightly.

"It's nothing more than living and dying together, so why not be afraid. But I still want to ask the Lord to reveal her true identity, because her memory has not been recovered, so she doesn't know who she was in the last life!" Sun Wukong said solemnly. asked aloud.

"I don't need to tell you, you will know soon. Maybe the Guangming Dojo already knows about her existence!"

Su Yuanliang sighed softly.

"What does it have to do with Guangming Daochang?" Monkey King became more and more confused.

At this moment, the Guangming Dojo, which is extremely far away from the Space Dojo.

All of a sudden, the ancestor of Guangming Dojo, the first Daoist of Guangming Dao—Guangming Daoist suddenly felt a familiar aura, and immediately left the gate.

At the same time, many Daoist priests in the Guangming Daoist also felt something.

"Welcome Master (Old Ancestor)!"

Many Daoist priests in Guangming Daochang saw Daoist Guangming leaving the customs, and they all paid homage to see him.

"Have you all sensed it?" Daoist Guangming said coldly.

All the Taoist priests were silent.

"I didn't expect that after endless years, my wicked girl would come back in reincarnation."

Daoist Guangming was very angry and said angrily.

As soon as these words came out, all the Daoist priests of the Guangming Dao were even more afraid to speak.

"Now I feel that she is in the space dojo, come with me to the space dojo!"

Daoist Guangming waved his hand, and in an instant, many figures of Daoist priests disappeared in place.

At the same time, the source world.

The number one Dark Venerable, who was trying to recover his peak cultivation as soon as possible, also opened his eyes.

The bright girl appeared in the world, and suddenly the energy appeared in the long river of secrets.

"My wife who hasn't married yet, can't be suppressed by you, my father-in-law!"

The first dark elder said with a sneer.

As one of the oldest Taoist priests in the Taoist world, Guangming Taoist priests have made great contributions to good fortune, and their Taoism has no boundaries.

Soon, he led a group of Taoist priests from the Guangming Dojo to the Space Dojo!

(End of this chapter)

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