The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1289 Top Soldiers, Origin Plans

Chapter 1289 Top Soldiers, Origin Plans

Arriving at the frontline battlefield, Sun Wukong's mind suddenly suffered an incomparably huge impact.

At this moment, in front of Monkey King, there is a vast ocean, which is Daoyuan Sea!
Daoyuanhai is located in the center of the Dao world.

Dao River and Yuan River, the two long rivers flow out from the Dao Yuan Sea, traverse the void, and run through the ages.

In Sun Wukong's eyes, there is no difference between Dao River and Yuan River. He doesn't know why Dao Realm and Yuan Realm have been completely opposite since ancient times.

The so-called frontline battlefield is just under Daoyuan Sea.

The vast and boundless territory, where cultivators from the Taoist realm and cultivators from the source realm kill each other, stretches for eternity.

Although Sun Wukong is very famous in the Space Dojo, but now he is just an ordinary Daoist here.

Monkey King entered the barracks, received a soldier card, and became a top soldier on the frontline.

On the frontline battlefield, monks from Tier [-] to Tier [-] are divided into low-level, intermediate, high-level, super, and top-level according to their level of cultivation.

The sixth-order Taoist is not a soldier, but a captain.

Usually, the frontline battlefield is dominated by small teams fighting. Only when there is a large army battle, will a powerful giant come and lead a group of Taoist soldiers.

On weekdays, if the mighty giant does not show up, it is the sixth-order Taoist gods leading small teams to hunt and kill the cultivation of the source world on the vast frontline battlefield.

Dao consciousness sinks into the soldier card, Monkey King finds the mission.

Sun Wukong wanted to sharpen himself on the frontline battlefield, hoping that within nine years, he could improve his cultivation from the beginning of the fifth level to the perfection of the sixth level.

Therefore, you cannot form a team.

Because a team task may take a long time to complete.

If the battle of Daozi was not so imminent, Monkey King would not be so eager to improve his cultivation.

The reason why Sun Wukong came to the frontline battlefield was that apart from the life-and-death fight with Yuanjie Zhixiu, there was another very important reason, that is, there were many treasures in the frontline battlefield.

As a battlefield that has existed since the beginning of the development of the Taoist world, through the ages, countless powerful giants and even tenth-order Taoist venerables have fallen on the battlefield.

After they fell, their inner world was naturally swallowed by the battlefield, forming secret realms one after another.

And every secret realm is an incomparably huge treasure.

Especially for those secret realms that have not been discovered, once the treasures of the secret realm are monopolized, it can be said that they will develop instantly.

Therefore, Monkey King's search is a task related to various secret realms.

Sun Wukong's search is for those Daoist secret realms that have definitely fallen on the battlefield but have not been found.

After searching, Monkey King walked out of the barracks.

At this time, in the barracks.

In a secret room, multiple sixth-level Taoist gods gathered together in secret.

"Sun Wukong from the space dojo has come to the barracks. He is really daring to step into the barracks in a fair and honest way, without changing his appearance."

"This is our god-given opportunity. In the space dojo, we really can't kill him. But in this frontline battlefield, there are too many opportunities to kill him."

"In Chiyu Realm, let him escape. But in this frontline battlefield, he must not be allowed to escape. Report to the superior first, and see what instructions the superior has."

Immediately, the spies placed in the barracks by the Nightfall Organization immediately spread the news of Monkey King's arrival to the frontline battlefield to the Nightfall Headquarters.

Then, at the headquarters of the night curtain, told the Supreme Master of the Source Realm the news.

Immediately, many supreme beings in the source world immediately learned the news.

If it is the peerless arrogance of other dojos, it will not attract so much attention from the source world.

Because for the aloof supreme beings, even if they are peerless arrogance, their future achievements will at most be on par with them.

Moreover, not every peerless arrogance can reach the tenth level in the end.

Throughout the ages, there are not too many peerless arrogances who fell before reaching the tenth level.

What's more, in the eyes of the supreme beings in the source world, their peerless genius in the source world is no weaker than the peerless genius in the Tao world.

But Sun Wukong is quite special. In the heart of Yuanjie Supreme, Sun Wukong has an extraordinary status.

First, Sun Wukong is suspected to be the reincarnation of Space Daoist.

Second, in the Zhenkong Pagoda, Sun Wukong calculated those suppressed Origin Realm Supremes and exhausted their origin, which made it difficult for them to restore their peak cultivation.

Third, in the eyes of many supreme beings in the source world, Sun Wukong is the peerless arrogance of this generation of space dojos.Moreover, there is also the potential to become the Supreme Daozi.

The third item is what the first dark venerable said to many source realm supreme lords.

Therefore, upon hearing the news, many Origin Realm Supremes gathered together.

"I didn't expect that so many source world supreme beings would gather together for a mere fifth-order ant in the dao world."

The first Demon Venerable said with a strange smile.

"This is not an ordinary ant. Now he is the Dark Lord's rival in love. And according to the news from the inside of the Space Dojo, the Bright Lady is not in the Space Dojo. Then, the Bright Lady must be in Sun Wukong's inner world. This is a rescue The best time for the Bright Lady, but whether or not to rescue her and how to rescue her is up to the Dark Lord to make up her mind."

The first blood venerable said with a chuckle.

"Rival in love? He is not worthy. It's just that she has not recovered her memory, so it is more difficult. Because of the influence of this ant, the goddess must hate me in the source world."

The First Dark Venerable said coldly.

"Hate the source world? This is not a problem at all. Rescue her first, I believe that one day, she will return to my source world camp. Dark Venerable, I can help you at that time. Enter the Tao through dreams and directly forge her Memory." The first Mengzun said lightly.

"Yes!" The First Dark Venerable agreed, which surprised the other Origin Realm Supremes.

Even the first Mengzun didn't expect that the Darkzun actually agreed.

"What are you all looking at me for?" The Dark Elder scanned the audience.

"When did you, Dark Lord, change your mind!" The First Shadow Venerable chuckled.

"Hey, have you been suppressed for so many years, haven't you changed? If you don't change, I'm afraid we will lose more and win less in this battle. After all, in terms of the number of ancient Taoists, we are far behind the Dao Realm." The First Dark Venerable said coldly.

"Although the ancient Daoist, our source world does not have the upper hand. But the number of Dao ancestors, our source world has the upper hand. Once a big war breaks out, it is still unknown who will win!" The first demon said coldly.

"You're off topic. We're discussing how to deal with Monkey King. The battle between Dao Realm and Origin Realm will have to wait until the battle of Dao Zi." The First Blood Venerable said coldly.

"To be honest, although Sun Wukong is only at the fifth level, it is really not easy to kill him on the frontline battlefield. We can't make a move, so we can only let our sixth-level monks from the source world deal with him."

The First Dark Venerable also had to admit that it was a bit tricky to kill Monkey King.

"That's right, and he's not just an ordinary fifth-tier monk. If you want to kill a fifth-tier Daoist in a space dojo, the place where you kill him first must seal off time and space. Otherwise, he will use teleportation, and when the time comes, you will see the wind." Make the rudder, once you escape, you will have to spend a lot of trouble if you want to surround and kill again!"

The first Demon Venerable said coldly.

"So, the opportunity to kill him is very precious. Then we must set up a series of lore, first of all, we must lure him into our ambush circle. Only in this way can we seal the void and prevent him from escaping with teleportation." Yiyingzun said coldly.

"You may not have noticed that the insider of the Taoist barracks reported that Sun Wukong was searching for the secret realm formed by the inner world of the Daoist who fell on the battlefield. In this case, why don't we lead him into the secret realm formed by the inner world of a certain Daoist. In this way If so, turn that Daoist secret realm into our home field." The first Mengzun said coldly.

"Do we have such a secret realm in our hands?" The First Dark Elder asked in a deep voice.

"Of course there is. We recently discovered a secret realm in the source world, which is the secret realm after the fall of a Daoist in the Taoist world. And this Daoist is very famous." The first Mengzun said with a chuckle.

"Which Daoist?"

Throughout the ages, in the battle between the Dao Realm and the Yuan Realm, not one or two of the Dao Realm Daoist and the Yuan Realm Supreme fell on the battlefield.

At least a dozen tenth-rank venerables from both worlds fell on the battlefield.

"Master Mori!"

As soon as the first Mengzun said this, those acquired supremes in the source world couldn't help but gasp.

Because many powerful daoist priests in the source world, who are comparable to the ancient daoist priests in the dao world, participated in the besieging and killing of the daoist masters of space, and were later suppressed by the daoist masters of space.

Therefore, after losing this group of powerful daoists, the source world attacked the dao world frantically at that time, using offense instead of defense.

At that time, there were many new supreme beings in the source world.

At the same time, a tenth-rank venerable who is astonishing in the past and the present has also been born in the Taoist world.

Although this tenth-rank venerable is an acquired soul, his cultivation skills are comparable to the ancient Taoist venerable.

As a result, this tenth-rank venerable became a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the supreme source of the source world.

Source Realm mobilized dozens of Supreme Beings to siege him before finally killing him on the battlefield.

And the reason why this tenth-rank venerable fell was because of his extremely arrogant character, which offended many dojos in the dao world.

This caused him to be besieged and killed by many supreme beings in the source world on the frontline battlefield, and the other tenth-order venerables in the dao world did not lend a helping hand.

Although many supreme beings in the source world finally killed Daozun Senluo, his strength, even though endless years have passed, is mentioned now.

"Although he has fallen, how could his inner world allow our origin practitioners to enter it? Could this be a trap deliberately set by the Dao Realm?"

The First Shadow Venerable, who was suspicious by nature, felt that this was a bit of a fantasy.

"This is really not a trap, and Daozun Senluo probably never dreamed that his descendants found his inner world, but they reported it to us in the source world in exchange for cultivation resources."

The first Mengzun sneered.

Although he did not participate in the battle to kill Senluo Daozun, the descendants of Senluo Daozun are so unfilial. If Senluo Daozun is alive, he will be pissed to death.

"Since this is the case, then set a trap with the inner world of Daoist Senluo to lure Monkey King. Then let him be buried in this inner world. In this way, his identity will not be humiliated!"

The first dark venerable said with killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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