The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 130 Overwhelming the Imperial Clan

Chapter 130 Overwhelming the Imperial Clan
"Devil Extermination Mansion?"

Sun Yu asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Sun Yu in surprise.

"how do you know?"

Zhuo Bufan recalled that he had never disclosed this news to Sun Yuhong.

"Donghuang, in the east of the wilderness, wood dominates. Among the five elements, gold overcomes wood. Therefore, it is not easy to find a place in Donghuang where gold elements are abundant. But there happens to be a place in Donghuang."

How could Sun Yu forget the mountain gate where the Sword Sect was annihilated by the Miemo Mansion, which was almost the only place in the Eastern Wasteland that was absolutely golden.

These days, Sun Yu was thinking about how to get to Miemo Mansion without anyone noticing.

It's just that Sun Yu knew that the land of Jinjue must be occupied by the five great sword sects affiliated to the annihilation sword sect back then.

With Sun Yu's current strength, he is still unable to deal with these five great sword sects.

But at this time, Sun Yu thought in his mind that he could use the power of Fei Xiongwei to deal with the five great sword sects.

And once he becomes the Feixiongwei, Sun Yu can enter the land of the Golden Judgment to practice openly and aboveboard.

"In Miemo Mansion once occupied by Annihilation Sword Sect, there is a piece of land that is just right for you. There, you can cultivate Jin Yuandan to Dzogchen."

Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

"In that case, it seems that Feixiongwei, my grandson, must join!"

Since he wanted to rely on Feixiongwei's strength to deal with the Five Great Sword Sects, Sun Yu had to join Feixiongwei first.

"But your way into Feixiongwei is blocked by Chai Hong." Zhuo Bufan looked at Sun Yu.

"How can he block my old grandson's way? Maybe you have some schemes in it!"

Relying on Sun Yu's intuition, this matter is simply too coincidental, maybe it has something to do with Zhuo Bufan.

"That's right, aren't you going to push the princess Jiang Mingzhu to the throne of the Emperor? Before that, you can suppress the Chai family, the Mo family, and the Mu Palace. If possible, not only can you abolish Chai Hong's position as Minister of the Ministry of War, It is even possible not to let him take over as Prime Minister. These years, the Chai family supported Jiang Hao, and it was a bit too high-profile in Linzi City!"

A cold light suddenly flashed in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"Then what should my grandson do?"

Sun Wei did not forget that at the site of Jianzong, Jiang Hao carried the Emperor Wu's Immortal Sword on his body, and the destruction of the Wu family may also have something to do with the Chai family.

Dealing with the Chai family is also in line with Sun Wei's wishes.

"If you want to make this matter a big one, you have to go to Mingzhu Mansion first. Only in this way will they be forced and unable to give up."

Zhuo Bufan said with a cold expression.

"Okay, then you can accompany my old grandson to the Mingzhu Mansion. Let the princess know that my old grandson can be easily used as a chess piece to make calculations."

In his life, Sun Yuhong disliked being treated as a pawn by others. If Jiang Mingzhu had told Sun Yutong in advance, Sun Yuhong would not be so disgusted in his heart.

"The world is a chessboard, and all living beings are chess pieces. Sometimes, even the high and mighty Saints of Primordial Origin are chess pieces!"

Zhuo Bufan said with emotion.

"That depends on the situation, but my grandson still wants to become a chess player!"

In this game, Sun Wei was the chess player, but Sun Buping became the pawn, which made Sun Wei very happy.

"Okay, I will accompany you to the Pearl Mansion."

Zhuo Bufan and Sun Yuxi left Jixia Academy, came to Linzi City, stepped out of the teleportation array, and were immediately recognized by the monks.

In an instant, the news that Sun Wei and Zhuo Bufan appeared together in Linzi City spread throughout the wealthy families of Daqi.

And what frightened these aristocratic families even more was that Sun Yuhong and Zhuo Bufan went straight to Mingzhu Mansion outside the palace city!

At this moment, in Mingzhu Mansion, a maid hurriedly walked into the study.

"Your Highness, Jixia Academy Sun Wei and Zhuo Bufan are about to arrive outside the residence!"

Hearing this, the princess Jiang Mingzhu stood up in shock, and at the same time, the faces of the other counselors were also very exciting.

"Follow me to welcome you!"

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Mingzhu wanted to welcome Sun Yutong and Zhuo Bufan with great etiquette.

"Your Highness, it is absolutely forbidden. Those who are kind do not come, and those who come are not kind. This time they are very likely to come for the incident last time, and of course they may also be for the Ministry of War!"

Fu Cai stopped immediately, Jiang Mingzhu was not calm at the moment.

Jiang Mingzhu smiled faintly, "If Sun Wei came here alone, it was because of the matter of the Ministry of War. If Zhuo Bufan came alone, it was because of the matter of scheming against Sun Wei last time. If they came together, it must be I'm here to discuss these two things."

Jiang Mingzhu's reliance on counselors does not mean she is stupid.

Sun Yuhong and Zhuo Bufan came to the outside of Mingzhu Mansion, and at this moment, the door opened.

The princess Jiang Mingzhu walked out of the gate in person.

"Senior Brother Zhuo and Junior Brother Sun are here, making Mingzhu Mansion flourish!"

Jiang Mingzhu saluted generously.

At this moment, Monkey King looked at the plaque, on which there were three seal characters of Mingzhu Mansion written by the current Emperor himself.

"His Royal Highness personally came out to greet her, which made us feel terrified!"

Seeing Sun Yu staring at the plaque, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to answer.

"Forgive me for my poor eyesight, but I didn't see anything that Senior Brother Zhuo and Junior Brother Sun were afraid of. I'm afraid, I'm here to ask for a crime!"

The princess Jiang Mingzhu took the initiative to lower her posture, and Zhuo Bufan pulled Sun Yutong.

"Well, my old grandson is here to inquire about the crime!"

Sun Wei, still so direct!

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Mingzhu immediately thought of what Zeng Zhuo Bufan meant by rudeness.

For a moment, Jiang Mingzhu didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"Haha, Huan is just such a joker!"

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Zhuo Bufan quickly turned away.

"Senior Brother Zhuo, Junior Brother Sun, please!"

Sun Yu was standing in the middle, Jiang Mingzhu was on the left, and Zhuo Bufan was on the right.Sun Yu looked a little uncomfortable.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were very sharp, "Huan Hong, what's wrong with you?"

"You surround my old grandson like this, it seems that my old grandson is the owner of this mansion!"

Sun Yuhong is always so honest, telling the truth.

As soon as these words came out, the princess Jiang Mingzhu's face suddenly flushed red.

"Wu Hong, you are right. Your Royal Highness falls in love with you. If you marry Her Royal Highness, you are the master of this mansion, aren't you?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that it was a god-sent opportunity.

Sun Yuhong stopped immediately and looked at Zhuo Bufan speechlessly.

"If you don't speak, my old grandson won't treat you as dumb. You haven't even seen how shy Zhu'er is?"

When Zhu'er said Sun Yu's words, Jiang Mingzhu's face didn't turn red all over, but her entire face turned red.


Zhuo Bufan was amazed.

When she came to the living room, Jiang Mingzhu still didn't dare to look directly at Sun Rong.

"Your Highness, I don't know if you have heard that the Ministry of War does not allow Wu Rong to join the Feixiong Guard?"

Zhuo Bufan quickly got to the point.

When it came to business, Jiang Mingzhu returned to normal.

"I heard that Sun Buping, the minister of the Ministry of War, recommended Junior Brother Sun to join the Feixiong Guard, but he was suppressed by the minister of the Ministry of War in the name of recommending his nephew."

In the imperial city, how could he not know such news.

"This time I came here to give His Highness a big gift. I wonder if His Highness wants to cut off Jiang Hao's two arms?"

Zhuo Bufan was outspoken.

"Two arms? Brother Zhuo is talking about the Chai family and the Mo family?" Jiang Mingzhu immediately understood that Zhuo Bufan and Sun Yuhong had made up their minds to attack the Chai family and the Mo family.

"Yes, is your highness satisfied with this great gift?" Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

"If this can cut off his two arms, that would be great. But they are two of the nine great imperial families, and besides that, the Mu Palace is also involved!"

Jiang Mingzhu was a little curious, what kind of cards Zhuo Bufan had.

"You just need to cooperate. Even if you fail at that time, you won't be too implicated in it." Of course Zhuo Bufan would not be so stupid, and told Jiang Mingzhu his hole card.

If Jiang Mingzhu really married Sun Yuhong, that would be a different matter.

With Zhuo Bufan's confident tone, Jiang Mingzhu of course understood that the matter was more than half successful.

And at this moment, Jiang Mingzhu looked at Sun Quanhong.

"If you have something to do in the future, tell my old grandson first."

When Sun Wei came to Mingzhu Mansion today, he wanted to say this sentence.

Jiang Mingzhu was taken aback by such a direct attitude.

She bit her cherry lips tightly and nodded slightly.

"Well, tomorrow is the twentieth day of the first lunar month, and it's the Great Court Meeting. Your Highness, you don't mind me and Wan Tong staying in your mansion for a night!" Zhuo Bufan said with a light smile.

"Of course I don't mind!"

Jiang Mingzhu said softly.

Zhuo Bufan and Sun Wei stayed in Mingzhu Mansion for one night, and the news caused a lot of discussion among the officials until the next day's court meeting.

The Chai family, the Mo family, and the Mu Palace knew that this battle was inevitable.

Then let's go head-to-head and see what kind of trouble Mingzhu Mansion and the Le'an Sun family can make.

As soon as the court meeting began, this battle without gunpowder smoke had already begun.

Jiang Mingzhu supported her officials in the DPRK and took the lead in fighting against the three families.

Later, the Le An Sun family got involved.

All of a sudden, the entire court hall became full of gunpowder.

However, the Imperial Clan is the Imperial Clan after all, and quickly suppressed the Sun family and the officials of the Mingzhu Mansion.

Just when the Chai family, the Mo family, and the Mu Palace were proud, at this moment, the human emperor Jiang Yuan, who had never spoken, suddenly picked up a Feixiongwei token in front of him.

Seeing this Flying Bear Guard Token, Chai Hong, Mo Tianxu and Mu Wang immediately felt something was wrong.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have known that such a good show would be staged in the Daqi Dynasty. The Flying Bear Guard Token Sun Wei received was enough to kill Moxiu on the ancient battlefield. Commander of a government. But today you are here to play tricks, not allowing him to join Feixiongwei. It really opened my eyes!"

Human Emperor Jiang Yuan's words were plain, but anyone could hear the fury of thunder.

"Wei Chen is guilty!"

Chai Hong, Mo Tianxu and Mu Wang immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty!
Jiang Mingzhu was a little stunned, she didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan's trump card was actually this!

It turned out that Sun Yu had already received the Feixiongwei token!

"Chai Hong, Minister of the Ministry of War, used his power to suppress Yingjie, and was removed from the position of Minister of the Ministry of War. In addition, he was disqualified from being the next prime minister. Mo Tianxu's virtue was detrimental, so he was also disqualified from taking over as prime minister. Mu Wang's mansion committed crimes, helped the tyrant and abused him, and he will be severely punished!"

The Emperor Jiang Yuan has long wanted to deal with the Chai family, the Mo family and the Mu Palace!

As soon as these words came out, Chaotang was shocked!

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(End of this chapter)

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