The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1302 Asking for 3 Living Stones, Mo Yuzhu Returns

Chapter 1302 Mo Yuzhu returns to borrow the Sansheng Stone
Lan Chen Taoist smiled slightly.

"You also know that the battle of Daozi is about to start now. Daoist Samsara ordered us to hand over all the three-life stones in our hands to Ye Fan, the Tianjiao of the Samsara Daoist. Therefore, all the three-life stones in the Samsara Dojo are with Ye Fan. With the help of the three life stones, comprehend the true meaning of reincarnation."

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Lingkong's heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.

"That is to say, all the three life stones in your reincarnation dojo can't be borrowed?"

Daoist Lingkong still had a little luck.

"Not bad!"

But Lan Chen Daoist's words completely shattered his luck.

"Then can you ask Ye Fan for me to see if he is willing?"

But Daoist Lingkong still didn't give up.

However, Taoist Lan Chen looked at him with a strange look.

"If it is normal, I will help you. But now he is in retreat, and I can't disturb him for such a small matter during his retreat. In that case, the master may kill me alive. Moreover, he is my little boy Junior brother, how could I disturb his retreat?"

Daoist Lan Chen has no reason to help, because this is the time when Ye Fan's retreat is critical.

Hearing this, Daoist Lingkong couldn't help being disappointed.

"If that's the case, forget it. It's true. I've heard about Ye Fan, the peerless genius of your Samsara Dojo. I also know that your Samsara Dojo has high expectations for him this time."

Daoist Lingkong said in a low voice.

"You can understand best." Daoist Lan Chen said with a chuckle, "By the way, when did you accept your apprentice?"

Although it didn't help, Daoist Lanchen was very interested in asking Daoist Lingkong.

"Recently accepted disciple!"

Daoist Lingkong didn't know how to tell Monkey King the bad news.

"What is your name?"

Daoist Lan Chen asked.

"Monkey King, since I can't borrow it, I'm going to tell him."

After finishing speaking, Daoist Lingkong was about to leave.

"What did you say? Monkey King?"

All of a sudden, Daoist Lan Chen said in surprise.

Daoist Lingkong was puzzled and asked, "Why have you heard of him?"

"I'll keep this in mind, don't tell him for now. I'll ask Master to see if my junior brother wants to leave the test recently."

Suddenly, Lan Chen Daoist left the heaven.

In the reincarnation dojo, Taoist Lan Chen came to the Taoist reincarnation.

"Master, just now Daoist Lingkong of the space dojo asked me to borrow the Sansheng Stone, saying that he would use it for his disciple. And his disciple is the Monkey King you mentioned, Master!"

Taoist Lan Chen once heard that Taoist Samsara mentioned Sun Wukong's name, because in the eyes of Taoist Samsara, Sun Wukong is one of the strong opponents of Ye Fan, the arrogance of the Samsara Dojo, to compete for the Supreme Daozi.

Therefore, Daoist Lan Chen didn't dare to neglect, and immediately came to Daoist Samsara to report the matter.

"He borrowed the Sansheng Stone to restore his wife's memory. In that case, you tell Ling Kong to bring Monkey King to the reincarnation dojo once."

Daoist Samsara said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Lan Chen was taken aback.

"Master, do you want the little junior to leave the test early?"

Daoist Lan Chen asked in surprise.

"You don't know, he is very important. It's a little effort, if you can help, you can help. Maybe in the future, it can bring good luck to our reincarnation dojo."

Daoist Samsara said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Lan Chen understood that Taoist Samsara must have moved his love for talent.

Among the many ancient Taoist priests in the Taoist world, the Samsara Taoist who is in charge of reincarnation, because he can get in touch with many Tianjiao, Samsara Taoist will try his best to help.

Therefore, over the years, the reincarnation ashram has been running unimpeded in various places in the Taoist world, because the reincarnation Taoist has made a lot of good karma.

Immediately, Daoist Lan Chen re-entered the Dao of Heaven.

At this time, Daoist Lingkong hadn't left yet.

"How about it?"

Seeing Taoist Lanchen appearing again, Taoist Lingkong asked nervously.

"I just went to tell Master that he asked you to bring Monkey King to the Samsara Dojo once. Master promised that Monkey King can borrow the Sansheng Stone once!"

Daoist Lan Chen said with a chuckle.

"Thank you, please pass on my thanks!"

Daoist Lingkong was overjoyed immediately.

"If you want to thank, when you come to the reincarnation dojo, you can express your gratitude in front of the master in person!" Lan Chen said with a smile.

Within the sky of Ling Kong Dao, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Monkey King.

Seeing Daoist Lingkong's happy face, Monkey King immediately guessed that there might be something wrong with this matter.

"The reincarnation dojo has already agreed, but you must go to the reincarnation dojo in person." Daoist Lingkong said with a chuckle.

"Okay, I'll tell Yu Zhu now, I hope she can go to the reincarnation dojo with me once!"

Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

"Yu Zhu was taken away by Yuan Kong after returning from the frontline battlefield. She must be in retreat now, I'm afraid you must ask Yuan Kong's consent if you want to see her!"

Daoist Lingkong said in a deep voice.

"No, if he doesn't agree, I'll ask the Lord. Anyway, this time, he can't stop me!"

Monkey King has made up his mind.

Seeing Sun Wukong's firm attitude, Daoist Lingkong shook his head and smiled lightly.

But Daoist Yuankong did not stop Daoist Lingkong unexpectedly.

Although Sun Wukong was also a little surprised, he looked at Yuzhu and said in a deep voice: "Now I want you to go to the reincarnation dojo with me, and then take out the Sansheng Stone to restore your past life memories. If you can restore your memories, then There is no need to talk about everything. But if it can’t be recovered, then let’s talk about it.”

"What about recovery? What about not recovery?"

For some reason, Yu Zhu was a little scared.

She didn't know why she resisted so much, but she just didn't want to go to the reincarnation dojo.

"If your memory can be recovered, then you are my wife!" Sun Wukong said firmly.

"Then what if it can't be recovered?" Yu Zhu stared at Monkey King with wide eyes.

"If you can't recover, then let's put it down for now, let's see our fate in the future!" Sun Wukong sighed, he didn't want to hide Yuzhu.

"Then I'm not going!"

Hearing this, Yu Zhu immediately refused the answer she wanted.

"Are you really not going?"

Sun Wukong asked quietly.

For some reason, at this moment, Yuzhu felt that she was about to lose Monkey King.

"I'm going, can't I go?"

In an instant, huge teardrops were left in Yuzhu's eyes, and the tears were dancing.

Sun Wukong hugged Yuzhu lightly, and then followed Daoist Lingkong to the Samsara Dojo!

Sun Wukong stepped into the Samsara Dojo, and immediately, many disciples of the Samsara Dojo heard that Sun Wukong was visiting, and immediately came out to watch.

"Is he Monkey King?"

"It doesn't look like much, does it?"

"And the cultivation has just broken through the sixth level!"

"I'm afraid he won't be able to raise his cultivation level to the sixth level before the Daozi battle begins!"

"In that case, he is naturally no match for Ye Fan, the genius of our reincarnation dojo!"

"I really can't see what's so special about him!"

All of a sudden, many disciples of the reincarnation dojo were talking about it.

Sun Wukong: "..."

Sun Wukong had no idea what was going on.

However, it seems that his popularity in the reincarnation dojo is a bit high.

At this moment, Ye Fan reluctantly left the customs.

He was comprehending the true meaning of the Dao of Reincarnation, but was suddenly interrupted by the Daoist of Reincarnation and let him go out.

"Little Junior Brother!"

Daoist Lan Chen personally picked Ye Fan out of the customs.

"Brother Lan Chen, do you know why Master let me go out?"

Ye Fan asked sullenly.

"You're in a bad mood right now, so don't know, because you'll be in a worse mood when you learn the truth!" Daoist Lan Chen said with a wry smile.

"What truth?" Ye Fan became interested.

"The reason why Master let you go out is because Sun Wukong of Space Dojo wants to borrow the Three Life Stone." Daoist Lan Chen told the truth.

Sure enough, Ye Fan's complexion suddenly sank.

"Just because he wants to borrow the Sansheng Stone, Master let me go out? Who is his disciple?" Ye Fan blurted out immediately.

"Junior Brother, don't be rude to Master!" Daoist Lan Chen's expression darkened.

"Of course I am not questioning Master, I just want to know what is so special about this Monkey King. Why does Master think he is my strong opponent for the Supreme Daozi this time?"

Hearing this, Lan Chen Taoist smiled slightly.

"When you see him, you will naturally know!"

In an instant, Taoist Lan Chen brought Ye Fan to the hall where Taoist Samsara was located.

Of course, he also carried a Sansheng Stone.

And at this time, in this hall, Sun Wukong, Taoist Lingkong and Yuzhu are visiting Taoist Samsara together.

"Don't be too polite, get up!"

Daoist Samsara said very kindly.

At this moment, Daoist Lan Chen and Ye Fan came to the hall.

"The disciple pays respect to the master!"

Daoist Lan Chen and Ye Fan said in unison.

"Did you bring the Sansheng Stone?" Daoist Samsara asked in a deep voice.

"Master, the Sansheng Stone has been brought!" Daoist Lan Chen flipped his hand, and a Sansheng Stone appeared in his palm.

At this moment, Daoist Samsara suddenly stretched out his hand, and in an instant, the Sansheng Stone was suspended in the void, and in an instant, the Sansheng Stone enveloped Yuzhu.

The three-color rays of light rotated, and the power of reincarnation oscillated endlessly.

At this moment, Ye Fan looked at Monkey King coldly.

"I really don't know why Master said that you are one of my rivals for the Supreme Daozi!"

Ye Fan said bluntly.

Hearing this, Monkey King suddenly realized.

No wonder he came to the Samsara Dojo, so many disciples from the Samsara Dojo came to see him.

Looking at the heroic Ye Fan, Monkey King smiled lightly: "What? Are you questioning whether the Samsara Taoist can succeed?"

Now that he successfully borrowed the Sansheng Stone, Monkey King is also in the mood to joke with Ye Fan.

"I think it's hard for you to even become a Daoist of space. Maybe you and I will never meet!" Ye Fan said contemptuously.

"I hope that you can still maintain such confidence in the things you encounter!"

Now in the reincarnation dojo, although Sun Wukong is despised by Ye Fan, he is not angry, and being angry has no effect.

It's impossible to beat Ye Fan hard in front of Daoist Samsara.

Moreover, even if you want to beat him up, I'm afraid it won't be that easy!
Sun Wukong could clearly sense the Dao Rhyme of Reincarnation on Ye Fan's body, resonating with the Dao of Reincarnation in the void all the time.

It is conceivable that Ye Fan's comprehension of the Tao of Reincarnation must have reached a very advanced level.

It can even be said that it is no less than the seventh-order Taoist King of the Samsara Dojo.

Moreover, Monkey King can also be sure that Ye Fan's combat power must have entered the taboo field, but he doesn't know how many days he is in the taboo field.

But at this moment, Sanshengshi suddenly stopped.

The three-color light faded away, and suddenly, like a swallow returning to its nest, Yuzhu jumped into Monkey King's arms.


Yuzhu has completely recalled the memories of her previous life, and now she is no longer the daughter of Daoist Yuankong, but Mo Yuzhu!
(End of this chapter)

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