The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1304 Pangu exited the customs, 6th-order completion

Chapter 1304 Pangu exits the customs, the sixth level is complete

Dao Realm, Dao Field of Power.

Millions of years ago, Pan Gu, who opened up the Dojo of Strength, fell. Although there were other venerables sitting in the Dojo of Strength, the ranking of the Dojo of Strength dropped from the top ten.

Now, the fallen Pangu has returned, and after retreating, his strength has returned to its original state.

After leaving the customs, Pangu returned to his peak cultivation.

In the Dojo of Strength, apart from the ascetics of the Dojo of Strength, there are also a group of ascetics of other avenues.

And these ascetics are heroes of the wild!

In the bipolar world, Pangu created the Pangu universe, but it fell due to the attack of the master of the Chaos Sea.

But the heroes of the wild were born in the Pangu universe, and they are all equivalent to the descendants of the Pangu universe.

So this time when he returned to the Dao world, Pangu brought up these true spirits of heroes, and then reshaped their real bodies.

And among these heroes, there are even immortal saints from the Qitian League.

Such as Emperor Donghua, Queen Mother of the West Yunyao, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun and so on.

And the announcement of the Peerless Tianjiao list naturally caused a lot of discussion among the prehistoric gods.

Previously, Monkey King was famous in the Dao world, letting the immortals know that even in the Dao world, Monkey King still calls the wind and calls the rain.

But now Sun Wukong is not on the list of peerless arrogance. Immediately, some prehistoric immortals couldn't help ridiculing.

Among them, Patriarch Styx, Kunpeng, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Emperor Jun Taiyi, God of War Xingtian, God of Arrow Houyi, and Great Wu Chi are the most important.

Although Styx, Kunpeng, Xingtian, Houyi, etc. had fallen in the lower realm, their original imprints were still there.

So when Pan Gu returned to the Dao Realm, he resurrected them as well.

Moreover, all of them have become monks now, but they are only low-level monks.

Among the prehistoric heroes, the one with the highest cultivation level, the Moral Heavenly Venerable, but now he has only cultivated to the third level.

"Even if the great sage is not listed on the list of peerless arrogance, I believe that he will become famous in the battle of Daozi. Even if he ascends to the Dao world, he will never be an unknown person."

Zhen Yuanzi has a lot of confidence in Monkey King, although Minghe Kunpeng sneers, but it can't change his trust in Monkey King.

"Brother Zhenyuan, why do you speak to these defeated generals. They are all defeated subordinates of the Great Sage, so they naturally don't want the Great Sage to be famous in the Dao world now. But, they will be beaten in the face." Emperor Donghua said indifferently.

Hearing this, Minghe Kunpeng, Xingtian Houyi, Twelve Ancestral Witches, Dijun Taiyi and other great heroes all had very ugly faces.

"Donghua, this is the Dao Realm. It's not the Huaguo Mountain of your Qitian League, and even in Honghuang, your prestige comes from Monkey King. You are just the lackey of Monkey King. , You rebels will never appear in the Dao world at all!"

Kunpeng said with a sneer.

"Pity? Rebellion? Are you proud? But it's normal. In the lower realm, you are all very frustrated. You say I'm a running dog, but you are all just prodigal dogs!"

Emperor Donghua's group ridicule technique has almost reached the full level. As soon as he said this, the faces of the prehistoric group of immortals became even uglier.

"That's all in the past, and now in this realm, we have started again. You rebellious and hostile to the Great God Pangu will not end well in the end. But we are different. In this realm, we are under the protection of the Great God Pangu , and still be able to live freely!"

Patriarch Styx said triumphantly.

"No matter how much you slander and ridicule, there is one fact that is in front of you, that is, you cannot participate in the battle of Daozi at all. In this case, you want the Great Sage not to participate in the battle of Daozi, to satisfy the poor self-esteem in your heart. "

Hong Yun sneered.

At this moment, Tianzun Daode, Tianzun Yuanshi, Master Tongtian, Twelve Ancestral Witches, and Emperor Jun Taiyi suddenly felt something.

I saw the Great God Pangu walking towards them.

When Pan Gu came to this hall, he saw the heroes of the prehistoric and the wild who were facing each other, and he immediately understood.

"Meet the Great God Pan Gu!"

All the heroes of the prehistoric era saluted Pangu together.

After all, Pangu's status is now more noble than in the Pangu universe, and the heroes of the prehistoric world know very well that they can live freely in this realm without worrying about their lives, all because of Pangu's protection.

Therefore, even the monks of the Qitian League, such as Emperor Donghua, Queen Mother of the West Yunyao, Zhenyuanzi, Taoist Hongyun, thanked Pangu.

Pangu smiled slightly, and looked at Emperor Donghua, Queen Mother of the West Yunyao, Zhenyuanzi, Taoist Hongyun and others.

"Are you wondering why I want to guide you and help you reshape your real body?"

"We do have doubts in our hearts. After all, we are in the lower realm, and we are your enemies. But when we came to the Dao Realm, we found that we had not entered the reincarnation passage, but were directly led here by you!" Zhen Yuanzi said in a deep voice.

"An enemy? You are not worthy. The past in the lower realm is just a passing moment. And you all come from the universe I created. Speaking of which, you are all my descendants. Although you are not like the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but in our hearts , you are all my children. And as a Daoist, how can I care about the affairs of the lower realm with you. So from now on, don't call them rebellious."

Pangu's last words were clearly addressed to the heroes of Minghe Kunpeng, Xingtian Houyi, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Immediately, Styx Kunpeng, Xingtian Houyi, and Twelve Ancestral Witches were very embarrassed.

They didn't expect that Pangu didn't care about it at all.

"Great God Pan Gu, do you know how the Great Sage is doing in the Space Dojo?"

Taoist Hongyun asked.

"What? Do you think he's doing well?" Pan Gu said with a half-smile.

"He is not included in the peerless talent list this time. He is another peerless genius in the space dojo. But he said before that he wants to compete for the supreme Taoist. But now he doesn't appear on the peerless talent list. Could it be that something happened to him?"

In the hearts of practitioners such as Taoist Hongyun, Emperor Donghua, and Zhen Yuanzi, they believe that even if he ascends to the Taoist world, Sun Wukong is a peerless arrogance.

But now, Monkey King has not appeared on the peerless list.

"He didn't appear on the list of peerless celestial beings because he was practicing in seclusion. Moreover, all the celestial beings on the list of peerless celestial beings have at least completed the sixth level of cultivation. He has only broken through to the sixth level not long ago, and his cultivation is naturally not yet high enough. Stepping into the sixth level of consummation. In this case, his name will naturally not be listed on the Peerless Tianjiao list. But you can rest assured that he will definitely participate in the battle of Daozi."

As soon as Pan Gu said this, a smile appeared on the faces of Emperor Donghua, Zhen Yuanzi, Taoist Hongyun and others.

As for Minghe Kunpeng, Xingtian Houyi, Twelve Ancestral Witches, and Emperor Taiyi, they were like mourners. They laughed at them before, but now they are slapped in the face by Pangu.

In the space dojo, Zong Hao, who is considered by the Tianji dojo as the peerless arrogance of the space dao, is accepting the challenge of countless space dao arrogances.

The cultivators who practice the Space Dao in the source world dare not enter the Dao Realm, but there are many dissatisfaction with the sixth-order Taoist gods in the Space Dao.

Therefore, Zong Hao has to meet countless challenges every day.

It's not enough not to accept the challenge, because if he dares not accept the challenge, then some people will say that he is not worthy of being a peerless arrogance.

And as the time for the battle of Daozi got closer, the atmosphere became more intense.

Every day, there are a large number of young geniuses challenging those peerless talents in the Dao of Heaven.

Although these young geniuses will participate in the Taoist battle, before that, they all want to personally experience the strength of the peerless genius.

Because of every kind of avenue, there will be only one person left in the two worlds of Daoyuan to stand on the top and become the son of Dao.

Therefore, many powerful ascetics want to challenge the peerless arrogance in advance.

After all, at present, it seems that Peerless Tianjiao has the best chance to become Daozi.

Less than a month before the start of the Taoist battle, the door of the closed room suddenly opened!
Monkey King, Mo Yuzhu, and Jiang Mingzhu walked out of the closed room together.

Sun Wukong is in high spirits and full of energy.

In an instant, Daoist Lingkong appeared in front of Monkey King.

"That's right, the cultivation base has reached the sixth level of perfection!"

Daoist Lingkong praised.

"Finally, I have raised my cultivation base to the sixth level, and now I am only half a step away from the taboo field. However, this can all be broken through in the Daozi battle."

Sun Wukong smiled confidently.

"This time in the Daoist battle, it is indeed difficult for you to reach the top of the Supreme Daoist. Not to mention becoming the Supreme Daoist, even becoming a Space Daoist is somewhat difficult!" Daoist Lingkong said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up.

"What? Master, you still don't believe in my strength?" Sun Wukong laughed.

"Of course I believe in you, but this battle of Daozi is indeed like what the Tianji Daoist said, it is possible to determine the strongest Tianjiao in the past and present, so it can also be called the strongest Daozi battle in history. Isn't it the list of peerless Tianjiao?" Those Tianjiao on the list, just those Tianjiao who have not made it to the list of peerless Tianjiao, should not be underestimated!"

Daoist Lingkong collected other Tianjiao's information during Sun Wukong's retreat, so he knew very well in his heart that this time the battle of Daozi was really a cloud of Tianjiao, with countless evildoers.

"Peerless Heaven's Proud List?"

Monkey King heard it for the first time.

"Let you see, the peerless genius on the list of peerless geniuses!"

In an instant, Daoist Lingkong waved his hand, and a crystal wall appeared in the void, and in an instant, on the crystal wall, the list of peerless arrogance appeared.

"Ye Fan! Luo Tian!"

Monkey King immediately saw two acquaintances.

But at this time, Mo Yuzhu and Jiang Mingzhu saw the four heavenly girls on the Peerless Tianjiao List.

"Husband, look, Wu Zhao, Huang Yao, Si Zi, and Ling'er are all on top!"

Jiang Mingzhu said immediately.

"Hey! That's true!"

It was only then that Monkey King noticed that Wu Zhao, Huang Yao, Si Zi, and Ling'er were all on the list of peerless talents.

But at this time, Daoist Lingkong looked at Monkey King very strangely.

"Don't tell me that these are your wives?"

"Yes, they are indeed in the lower realm, and they are all my wives." Sun Wukong said affirmatively.

Daoist Lingkong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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