The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1307 Taboo Field

Chapter 1307 Taboo Field
Although this intuition is a bit strange, Sun Wukong still subconsciously follows his intuition.

Facing the torrent of space Taoism surging in, Monkey King raised his sword and slashed!
This sword contains many sword techniques in the space dojo.

Not only Zhankong swordsmanship, but also Pokong swordsmanship, Shattering Kong swordsmanship, Miekong swordsmanship and many other swordsmanship.

Many sword techniques merged into one, and a sword light that was as brilliant as the might of the sky suddenly cut out.

boom! ! !
The moment the sword light collided with the torrent of space Taoism in the void, a devastating storm of destruction suddenly set off, and then swept away in all directions.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, Yue Kongge widened his eyes.

He couldn't believe it was true, how could Sun Wukong's swordsmanship be as powerful as his space Taoism torrent.

But the facts are right in front of his eyes, so he can't help but believe it.

At this moment, not only Yuekongge was stunned, but Daoist Yuankong, who witnessed the battle in the space dojo, also stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

"how can that be?"

Daoist Yuankong muttered to himself.

"How is this impossible!"

Daoist Lingkong laughed loudly.

"The power of the torrent of space Taoism has already entered the taboo field, and it is only a little bit short of reaching the first level of the taboo field. But it is only comparable to the power of Monkey King's swordsmanship."

Daoist Yuankong said coldly.

"Hmph, there is still a difference between stepping into the taboo field and the first level of the taboo field. Sun Wukong's cultivation base is the sixth-level perfection, and his combat power, stepping into the taboo field is not uncommon. Now he just hasn't shown the first level of the taboo field. It's just combat power, because for him, even if his combat power is not raised to the first level of the taboo field, he can still defeat Yue Kongge!"

At this moment, Daoist Lingkong feels extremely refreshed, just like drinking ice water on a hot day.

Seeing Daoist Yuankong's devastated appearance, Daoist Lingkong felt extremely happy.

"is it?"

Daoist Yuankong sneered.

On the ring, Yuekongge's eyes were red, and in an instant, he resolutely cast the forbidden technique.

boom! ! !
At this moment, the power of the torrent of space Taoism he displayed has reached the first level of the taboo field.

At the same time, Daoist Lingkong's complexion instantly darkened.

"Do you really think that my apprentice can't reach the first level of the taboo field?"

Daoist Yuankong pulled back a victory.

"What's the matter?" Daoist Lingkong pretended to be tough and said.

"Now, just keep your eyes wide open and see, what is the difference between the taboo field and the taboo field!"

Daoist Yuankong said confidently.

At this time, facing the torrent of space Taoism that has reached the prestige of the taboo field, Monkey King can't help but hold the Chaos Qinglian Sword even more tightly!

It's just that in his heart, Sun Wukong didn't even have the idea of ​​​​displaying the torrent of Taoism.

In the next moment, watching the surging torrent of Taoism rushing towards him, Sun Wukong held the Chaos Qinglian Sword and issued a lot of space Taoism.

The sword breaks all laws!

But in the same way, the sword produces all kinds of magic!

Now Monkey King uses the Chaos Qinglian Sword to perform many spatial Taoisms. In an instant, many spatial Taoisms are used like swordsmanship in this instant. The vast sword power overwhelms the world!

Many door-space Taoisms are used as swordsmanship, making the sword powerful and unparalleled in the world.

In an instant, Monkey King's vast sword power also stepped into the taboo realm!

Suddenly, the 'torrent of Taoism' and the 'vast sword power' collided in the void.

At this moment, the arena shook.

At the same time, the collision of the two ultimate moves that entered the taboo realm, stirring up endless storms of destruction.

And these destructive storms have not yet become a climate, but they are then destroyed by stronger destructive storms, forming the power of annihilation.

Sun Wukong and Yue Kongge retreated violently, the current annihilation power can easily annihilate them on the spot.


Seeing this scene, the anger in Yue Kongge's heart burned blazingly.

His space Taoism torrent can't threaten Sun Wukong at all, and Sun Wukong's vast sword power is no less than the space Taoism torrent.

"I want to see how many times you can unleash such a vast sword power!"

Yuekongge doesn't believe in evil, but he doesn't believe that Monkey King can unleash the 'vast sword power' infinitely.

As a sixth-level Taoist god, Yue Kongge could see it even though his cultivation was only in the middle of the sixth level, saying that the power of Sun Wukong's move had also reached the first level of the taboo field, but it consumed a lot of space power.

But his torrent of space Taoism is different. Many space Taoisms are best combined together. Anyway, the consumption of Taoism once used is completely affordable for Yue Kongge.

"Really? Let's see who has the last laugh!"

Sun Wukong sneered.

Anyway, now each arena is completely isolated, in other words, the 'Monkey King' of each arena is independent of each other.

Even if Sun Wukong blew himself up in the arena, it would have no effect on other 'Monkey Kings'.

Therefore, Sun Wukong, who owns the world within a radius of 2000 million miles, has no fear of the consumption of Dao power.

Sun Wukong didn't believe that Yuekongge's inner world could be as big as his inner world.

Seeing that Sun Wukong made up his mind not to use Taoist torrents, Yue Kongge hated him very much.

"Since you are so willing to die, I will fulfill you today!"

boom! ! !
At this moment, Yuekongge performed the forbidden technique again regardless of consumption.

Suddenly, his torrent of spatial Taoism suddenly stepped into the second level of the taboo field.

At this moment, the power of the torrent of Taoism is mighty and unparalleled.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

The limit of his 'vast sword power' is the first level of the taboo field.

If one wants to elevate the 'Big Sword Might' to the second level of the taboo field, he must perform the same forbidden technique as Yue Kongge.

But Sun Wukong is not so stupid. Although it seems that each "Sun Wukong" is independent, Sun Wukong does not believe that there is no backlash when he performs forbidden techniques so recklessly.

Sun Wukong's future has a very bright future, of course he is not willing to let his potential be consumed in order to fight Yue Kongge for life and death.

Therefore, after Sun Wukong gave up using the sword technique and collected the chaotic green lotus into the inner world, in an instant, he also used the torrent of space Taoism!

Boom! ! !
With one thought, a torrent rises!

For today's Monkey King, his incomparably profound Taoism can already allow him to instantly perform many Taoist techniques of space!
In an instant, the torrent of space Taoism in front of Monkey King suddenly emerged!

But at this moment, the torrent of space Taoism displayed by Monkey King has just stepped into the taboo field, but it has not reached the first level of the taboo field.

Seeing this scene, Yue Kongge's eyes became extremely cruel.

"Monkey King, go to hell!"

In an instant, Yuekongge pushed his spatial Taoist torrent and smashed it towards Monkey King!
That's right, at this moment, Yuekongge's torrent of Taoism really hit Monkey King hard.

A torrent of Taoism descended from the sky and smashed down hard!
(End of this chapter)

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