Chapter 1310
"What? Are you finally serious now?"

Sun Wukong said coldly.

"Once I'm serious, I won't fail. Then, your time of death is coming!"

Zong Hao said coldly.

"Really? Let's see who has the last laugh!"

Sun Wukong is not worried about defense at the moment. With the "multiple space barrier superposition technique" taught by the spirit of the space labyrinth, he can definitely resist Zong Hao's attack.

Then, the only problem Sun Wukong has to consider is how to increase his attack power and kill Zong Hao.

Although Zong Hao's combat power is as high as the third heaven of the taboo domain, it does not mean that he can defend against the attack of the third heaven of the taboo domain like Monkey King.

In Sun Wukong's view, as long as his space Taoism torrent can really be raised to the first level of the taboo field, then if Zong Hao doesn't resist, it will be impossible to defend against it.

In this case, Zong Hao can be killed just by creating an opportunity.

Immediately, Monkey King suddenly remembered the true meaning of the principles of space in the original space that he had not yet comprehended.

Because the true meaning of these spatial Taoisms has never appeared in the two realms of the source of Taoism, no previous sages have ever comprehended them.

In this case, Sun Wukong comprehends the true meaning of these spatial principles, and the speed is relatively slow.

However, Sun Wukong has a hunch that whether he can become the Supreme Taoist, these spatial Taos are the true meaning and are very important.

Because the true meaning of these space dao rules can be integrated into the torrent of space dao arts, in that case, the power of the torrent of space dao arts can be continuously improved!
In this way, the torrent of space Taoism can continue to improve in the taboo field without end.

Immediately, Monkey King and Zong Hao began to fight fiercely!

Sun Wukong is still using the torrent of space Taoism, although Zong Hao repeatedly disperses it, but every time it is scattered, the power of the torrent of space Taoism increases by one point.

Because Sun Wukong integrated more of the true meaning of the Tao of space into the torrent of Taoism of space, at the same time, the space rune array in Sun Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness also changed accordingly.

The true meaning of these never-before-appeared Dao of Space is like a key, opening the treasure of Dao of Space for Monkey King.

Zong Hao continued to shatter the torrent of Monkey King's spatial Taoism. At the same time, he used what he had learned all his life, and various powerful and supreme Taoisms were displayed one by one in his hands!

It's a pity that they failed to break through Monkey King's defense!
There are many heavy "space barriers" outside Monkey King's body at any time, and they are all-round and three-dimensional to protect Monkey King.

Even in order to concentrate on comprehending the true meaning of the way of space, Monkey King did not even arrange space barriers by himself in the end, but asked the spirit of the space maze to help.

In this way, in the midst of fierce battles, and in the crisis of life at any time, Sun Wukong's comprehension of the true meaning of the way of space is getting faster and faster.

Moreover, Monkey King is still verifying what he has learned during the battle. In this way, he can modify and change the combination of space Taoism in the torrent of space Taoism at any time.

Moreover, it can further improve the application of the true meaning of various space Taoism, so that the power of Monkey King's space Taoism torrent will continue to increase.

Although he has not really stepped into the first level of the taboo field, the ever-increasing torrent of space Taoism puts Zong Hao under great psychological pressure.

Although he can still easily destroy the torrent of space Taoism, Monkey King can re-cast it in an instant.

In addition, the faster and stronger the power of the torrent of space Taoism, this can't help but make Zong Hao feel a little anxious.

In this case, it will affect his attack!
His attack is still at the third level of the taboo field, and he has performed many supreme Taoism in front of Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong personally experienced these supreme Taoism, which also improved Sun Wukong's comprehension of the supreme Taoism.

In this case, it will enhance the prestige of the torrent of space Taoism from another aspect.

In short, Monkey King is making rapid progress in the battle, but Zong Hao is standing still, and his mood is getting more and more irritable. It seems that his combat power is increasing, but invisibly, the consumption of his space power is also increasing. accelerate.

In this list, there is no such thing as infinite power!

Because within the dao list, there is no trace of vitality that can be absorbed to replenish dao power.

The power of each sixth-order Taoist God depends entirely on the size of the heaven and earth in his body.

In the space dojo.

Suddenly, Su Yuanliang, the master of the space dojo, sighed.

"The trend is over!"

With Su Yuanliang's morality, how can he fail to see that his personal disciple Zong Hao will soon be defeated by Monkey King.

Hearing these words, Daoist Yuankong's heart felt cold.

If even Zong Hao is defeated by Monkey King, doesn't that mean that Monkey King really has a great possibility to become the Daoist of Space?

Although there are still some powerful sixth-order Taoist gods in the source world, Daoist Yuankong does not think that these space Taoist gods in the source world can really kill Monkey King.

Because these origin space dao gods are at most comparable to Zong Hao.

Even if it is stronger than Zong Hao, it will not be too much stronger.

And if even Zong Hao is defeated, Sun Wukong's hope of becoming the Taoist of space can be said to be greatly improved.

In this case, Daoist Yuankong knew that if Sun Wukong really became the Daoist of Space, then he might become a laughing stock.

And at this time, if Sun Wukong could hear Su Yuanliang's sigh, he would know that Su Yuanliang was right.

Indeed, after fighting and enlightening, Sun Wukong felt that his spatial Taoism torrent was about to be promoted to the first level of the taboo field.

At this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly comprehended the true meaning of a kind of space Taoism, and immediately put it into the torrent of space Taoism.

In an instant, quantitative changes led to qualitative changes, and the power of Monkey King's space Taoism surged suddenly!
At this moment, the power of the torrent of space Taoism finally rose to the first level of the taboo field.

At the same time, another big move prepared by Monkey King finally broke out!

Sun Wukong yelled loudly, and Ling Kongkong, the sky-suppressing tower tool, immediately understood.

At the same time, Monkey King shouted loudly.

"Space suppression, space confinement!"

Sun Wukong shouted out two big space Taoism in one breath, Zong Hao suddenly felt that the space around him was completely suppressed and imprisoned.

At this moment, Zong Hao couldn't move.

At the same time, Monkey King's torrent of space Taoism suddenly bombarded Zong Hao.

At this time, Zong Hao could only watch helplessly as the torrent of space Taoism blasted towards him, but he could only remain indifferent!

boom! ! !
At this moment, Zong Hao was once again overwhelmed by the torrent of space Taoism!
It's just that it's different from before, Zong Hao can't move at all, so naturally he can't shatter the torrent of space Taoism.

In this case, his physical body would be wiped out in an instant.

Sun Wukong's guess was correct. Zong Hao's physical body could not withstand the torrent of space Taoism in the taboo domain, and his body and spirit were destroyed in an instant.

Monkey King killed Zong Hao in one fell swoop, and his power was invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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