The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 132 Time Spirit Body

Chapter 132 Time Spirit Body
"It's been less than a day since you came to Exterminate the Demon City. You just read some files and glanced at the corpse, and you know who assassinated the previous leader?"

Zhuo Bufan found it inconceivable that even he did not find out why the previous leader died.

"Actually, reading the dossier is only for those Feixiong guards to read. My old grandson only needs to look at the corpse to know who made the move!"

Sun Yuhong said lightly.

"You have such a god? The five great sword sects of the Extinguishing Demon Mansion, Zhan Qing Jian Zong, Zhan Nian Jian Zong, Zhan Hun Jian Zong, Zhan Mo Jian Zong, Zhan Conscious Sword Zong, their sword skills are weird, but none of them are real murderers!"

Zhuo Bufan also knew the weird swordsmanship of the five affiliated sword sects that annihilated the sword sect back then!

Sun Yu understood Zhuo Bufan's doubts. The previous leader was all normal, with three souls and seven souls, even the true spirit in the primordial spirit.

However, it was such a seemingly normal person who died.

The death is extremely strange, and the death is unclear.

So much so that when the commander died, the other Feixiong guards returned to the headquarters, fearing that they would suffer the same fate as the commander.

In Sun Yu's heart, he recalled the first disciple of the Outer Sect who showed his sharpness back then.

A billion years ago, Yun Feiyang was the number one genius among true disciples, He Hentian was the number one genius among inner sect disciples, and the outer sect also had a genius.

One time Yun Feiyang bumped into him by accident, and only now did Sun Yu know that he was the real culprit!
Sun Yu was a little curious as to why he was able to escape the catastrophe of destruction that year.

At this moment, Commander Fei Xiongwei and a group of immortals came to Miemo Mansion.

"It's really strange. We haven't found the real culprit after searching for so long. He is a cultivator in the alchemy realm. He has only been here for a day, and he has found out the cause of death!"

A fairy who followed the commander chuckled lightly.

"He is a capable person!"

The commander-in-chief didn't even know how to describe Sun Yuhong. On this day, he deliberately looked through the separate files about Sun Yutong in Feixiongwei, and only then did he know about Sun Yuhong's legendary achievements.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief has no other words to describe Sun Wei, he can only say that he is capable.

"Then I really want to see this person who even the commander-in-chief admires as soon as possible!"

Another fairy smiled lightly.

The Grand Commander came in person, and Sun Wei led Fei Xiongwei of Miemo Mansion to greet him.

As for Zhuo Bufan, the Grand Commander and the Immortal are naturally acquaintances.

Otherwise, how could Zhuo Bufan get a token for Sun Yu at Feixiongwei in advance.

"I'm still really curious, tell me, who is the murderer?" The commander said in a deep voice.

"Commander, my old grandson has a request!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"any request?"

Hearing that Sun Yu dared to make a request to the commander-in-chief, the Feixiong guards in the Miemo Mansion were completely shocked.

"If the real culprit is caught, he won't be executed immediately. He usually doesn't do it for no reason. This time, the assassination of the previous commander may have hidden secrets!"

Sun Yu dared to say this because when he saw the former commander's body, Haoran Wenxin felt that there were many evil forces lingering on the former commander, and the evil spirit was very heavy.

Sun Yu knew that the first genius who annihilated the outer sect of Jianzong didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, and the death of the previous leader was most likely deserved.

But upon hearing this, the commander-in-chief was a little displeased.

"What? You don't trust Feixiongwei?" The commander's face darkened, "Don't forget, you are wearing Feixiong uniform now, and you are also Feixiongwei."

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth: "My grandson is still the commander of Feixiongwei, but can the commander guarantee that all Feixiongwei will have no problems?"

Although the internal criminal laws of Feixiongwei are strict, Sun Yu believes that it is impossible for a secret organization like Feixiongwei to hold great power if all Feixiongwei are clean.

Hearing this, the Grand Commander did not have absolute confidence.

"This seat will investigate the reason!"

In other words, Sun Wei, the other Feixiongwei, would never dare to speak like this.

"Well, the reason why you don't know who the real culprit is is because you don't even know why he died!"

As soon as Sun Yuhong said this, the expressions of the immortals beside the Grand Commander were a little ugly.

"Hey, don't be foolish. Just say it, your skills are inferior to others!" the commander asked in a deep voice.

"The cause of the previous commander's death was because someone reversed time and space. His sword could penetrate time and space, and he was killed the moment the previous commander was born!"

As soon as Sun Yuhong's words came out, the commander-in-chief suddenly changed his face.

Reversing time and space is a symbol of great power in today's prehistoric times.

What is great power, the Daluo Jinxian who lives the same life as the sky and lives forever.

"A big Luo Jinxian would attack a little commander?" The commander thought it was ridiculous.

"My old grandson is proficient in the power of time. When he came to the corpse of the previous commander, he felt that the flow of time was abnormal. Only then did he realize why the previous commander died! And my old grandson didn't say that it must be a big Luo Jinxian who made the move. , There is also a time swordsmanship inheritance in the prehistoric world."

Sun Yu didn't know how far the first genius of the outer sect had raised his cultivation in the past one billion years.

Just tell Fei Xiong Wei about this, Fei Xiong Wei has his own immortal who is proficient in cause and effect to track down the culprit behind the scenes.

Sun Yu did this because he wanted to find the first genius of the outer sect.

In the future, once Sun Yu revives and annihilates Jianzong, such a talent cannot be let go.

Sun Huang knew that although he was currently the descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, as long as the Annihilation Sword Sect was rejuvenated and the Annihilation Sword Master and those disciples who had fallen back then were brought back one after another, Sun Huang would end this period of cause and effect.

"Regardless of whether this is the cause of his death or not, at least thank you for providing such an idea to solve the case." The commander-in-chief is still not sure that what Sun Wei said is correct.

And all the immortals who came here with the commander looked at Sun Yu in amazement.

At this time, an immortal wearing a blue robe couldn't help but asked curiously: "If the old man is not mistaken, you are commanding that your cultivation is not at the alchemy level, but you actually said that you are proficient in the power of time. Looking at the prehistoric world, there is nothing but legends I am afraid that other monks do not have such magical powers outside the body of the time spirit."

Hearing this, Sun Yu was shocked.

The first genius of the Annihilation Sword Sect Outer Sect who killed the previous leader was the legendary time spirit body.

Seeing that Sun Yu hadn't answered for a long time, the other immortals felt that there was something wrong with it.

"Long River!" After a long time, Sun Yu said coldly.

All the immortals were even more surprised, what does this have to do with Haoran Changhe.

"You guys are stupid. With a heart of grandeur, I can communicate with the legendary Grand River. I used to connect with the projection of the river in ancient times and kill the clone of the demon master. The Grand River runs through ancient and modern times. It is a rare thing for him to be proficient in the power of time. Is that worthy of your doubts?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, all the immortals no longer dared to question.

When the commander thought about it, it was not surprising that Sun Wei was the proud son of heaven, and he was able to summon the great river and master the power of time.

"They are just curious, not suspicious of you!"

The commander explained to these immortals.

"My old grandson has one last request. Since you all came to Miemo Mansion, then send my old grandson to practice in the golden place!"

Sun Yuhong said lightly.

"Do you seem to be begging for help?"

The commander-in-chief said lightly.

Sun Yu immediately looked at Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan looked at the commander and all the immortals.

"Go, isn't it okay to go?" The commander-in-chief shook his head and nodded in agreement.

Sun Yu immediately discovered that the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and the commander-in-chief was very unusual.

Immediately, the Grand Commander, Zhuo Bufan, and a group of immortals directly tore through the void, and brought Sun Yutong to the land of Jinjue.

Just arrived at the Land of Golden Jue, suddenly, Sun Yu felt the slight vibration of the Jianzong ruins in Qiankun Ding Nei!

Sun Yu directly used the method of golden escape and came to the core of the golden land.

At this moment, the commander-in-chief and all the immortals came to the land of Jinjue, and the mighty aura of immortals permeated the entire land of Jinjue.

Suddenly, they sensed the aura of other immortals in the Golden Jue Land.

"Hidden in the void!"

Zhuo Bufan made a decisive decision, and then their figures disappeared in place.

Soon, two immortals came here.

"Could it be a passing fairy?"

The two immortals searched carefully, but found no clues.

At this time, the core of the Golden Land.

"Kunlun Mirror, did you let the commanders discover the Baozong?"

If it hadn't been for the last time the Kunlun mirror was shot, Sun Yu would not have known that the Kunlun mirror's mirror spirit was as clever as a normal monk.

Prior to this, Sun Wei knew that the flow of time around the corpse of the former commander was different.It's not that he is proficient in the way of time, but that Kunlun Mirror sensed something was wrong and reminded Sun Yu.

Sun Wei didn't dare and couldn't expose the Kunlun mirror, so naturally he could only pretend that he was proficient in the power of time.

"Great Sage, the recovery of my spiritual intelligence is what fragments I got last time at the Qingdi Immortal Gate."

The spirit of the Kunlun mirror did not dare to make any emotional voices, and it sounded coldly in Sun Yu's heart.

"Then can you sense other Kunlun mirror fragments?"

Sun Yu asked curiously.

"Many fragments of the Kunlun mirror have been suppressed in the prehistoric places, and they cannot be sensed at present." The Kunlun mirror Jingling replied.

"My old grandson wants to practice in seclusion here to make the Jinyuan Pill perfect. You let the commander discover that besides the Lianbaozong, there are also some wicked immortals from the five affiliated Jianzongs. Let Feixiongwei kill these immortals first , in the future, my old grandson will come to Miemo Mansion again, completely destroy the five great sword sects, and rebuild the Annihilation Sword School!"

Sun Wei communicated with Jing Ling of Kunlun Mirror.

"Great Sage, you can retreat with peace of mind!"

Kunlun Jingjing Ling said coldly.

It's just that Sun Yu didn't know that in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, an area that he couldn't even sense at the moment, the Qiankun Ding, the Kunlun Mirror, and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, the three artifact spirits gathered together, blah blah blah speak.

Sun Yuwen reached the core of the Golden Jue Land and began to absorb the power of Jin Xingyuan.

At this time, Commander Fei Xiongwei and a group of immortals who came out to inquire about the situation with the Treasure Sect came to the branch of Treasure Sect in the Land of Golden Judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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