The Wheel of Monkey King returns

1325 - Perfect imitation

1325 - Perfect imitation
If before this battle started, some ascetics said that Sun Wukong could compete with Jian Wufeng in kendo, then other ascetics would definitely say that he was crazy.

Who is Jian Wufeng? He is born with a sword body. He is a top contemporary talent in the sword dojo. He is a disciple of the sword master himself. He shoulders the hope of countless sword cultivators. He hopes that Jian Wufeng can win the position of the supreme Daozi for the sword dojo.

But now, the world's top peerless Tianjiao Jian Wufeng, in the duel of swordsmanship, Monkey King is on par with him, and it is difficult to distinguish him.

Countless ascetics were completely stunned when they saw this scene.

"What's the matter?"

"Sun Wukong's swordsmanship is absolutely impossible to compare with Jian Wufeng!"

"What's wrong with Jian Wufeng?"

"Jian Wufeng hasn't used the supreme swordsmanship yet, so he is probably trying to attack now!"

"That's right, Jian Wufeng doesn't know Sun Wukong's unique skills in using swords. After all, although Sun Wukong is not a sword repairer, as a disciple of the Space Dao, the Space Dao also has some sword skills."

"Jian Wufeng must be probing. Once the probing is over and Sun Wukong's strength is known, he will use his supreme swordsmanship to end this farce."

Suddenly, countless monks defended Jian Wufeng in the Dao of Heaven.

They couldn't believe that Sun Wukong's kendo was comparable to Jian Wufeng.

If this is the case, then something big will happen.

Jian Wufeng became more and more angry, the anger in his heart could not be expressed in words.

He felt that as long as Monkey King held a sword in front of him, it would be an insult to him.

In an instant, Jian Wufeng resolutely displayed the supreme swordsmanship!

There are many supreme swordsmanship in the kendo dojo, but as a natural sword body and a direct disciple of the sword master, Jian Wufeng did not just practice the supreme swordsmanship blindly, but integrated many supreme swordsmanship into the swordsmanship he created himself.

For ordinary sword cultivators, if they can practice supreme swordsmanship, they will feel that they are lucky.

But for Jian Wufeng, he can comprehend and learn all the supreme swordsmanship in the Kendo Dojo.

But it's not enough just to understand and learn the supreme swordsmanship, it must be used for one's own use.

Therefore, Jian Wufeng created his own way of swordsmanship.

And he named his kendo as 'Zangfeng Kendo'.

But now under the stimulation of Monkey King, it is difficult to hide his sharpness, and the anger in his heart makes his swordsmanship unparalleled.

In his heart, Monkey King is not worthy of using a sword at all.

Not to mention, Sun Wukong was still using the sword on purpose when he was fighting him.

Normally, Jian Wufeng would not be so angry!
But now, he can't do without anger!

This is the Daoist battle for the Supreme Daoist. As a mere space Daoist, Sun Wukong is definitely provocative to use the sword in front of him, the son of the sword.

And this kind of provocation is because Sun Wukong thinks that he has no sword and is not worthy of being the son of the sword.

In an instant, Jian Wufeng's first form of the Zangfeng swordsmanship slashed out, and in an instant, the extremely powerful sword energy slashed towards Monkey King fiercely.

At this moment, Jian Wufeng's combat power was at full strength, displaying his own strength to the extreme.

He could no longer bear Monkey King fighting him with a sword, he wanted to end this battle as soon as possible, and let Monkey King know what a tragic price he would pay for provoking him.


Monkey King did not hesitate to use the supreme Taoism of teleportation, the space Tao, and in an instant, the afterimage of Monkey King spread all over the battlefield.

In an instant, the sharp sword energy from Jian Wufeng annihilated one after another, but it failed to hit Monkey King's real body.

And at this moment, Sun Wukong held the Chaos Qinglian Sword and also slashed out a sword!
And this sword was cut out, and the ascetics who watched this battle thought it was too crazy.

"how can that be?"

"Exactly the same!"

"Sun Wukong actually used the same sword style as Jian Wufeng!"

"My God, what the hell is going on?"

The ascetics watching the battle in the Dao of Heaven couldn't believe it, their eyes widened when they saw this scene.

But at this time, Jian Wufeng felt his chest was exploded with air.

Obviously, Sun Wukong is imitating his swordsmanship!
However, the imitation is exactly the same!
Even with Jian Wufeng's eyes, there is no difference between the sword Sun Wukong used now and the one he used before.

In other words, not only Monkey King imitated the shape, but even the essence of the spirit.

But in this world, is there such a terrifying kendo talent?
Jian Wufeng didn't believe it.

In an instant, Jian Wufeng displayed his second stance of the way of the sword!

And at this time, Monkey King's imitation went one step further!
Monkey King was only two or three breaths later than Jian Wufeng. When Jian Wufeng performed the second style, Monkey King also used the second style.

boom! ! !
The exact same sword style collided in the void, even the power was almost the same.

At this moment, not only Jian Wufeng was dumbfounded, but also many sword masters in the Kendo Dojo were also dumbfounded.

Even from the perspective of their masters of swordsmanship, Sun Wukong's imitation of Jian Wufeng's swordsmanship is exactly the same.

Whatever swordsmanship Jian Wufeng performs, Sun Wukong can imitate and perform it immediately.

Such kendo talent, such terrifying kendo aptitude, made these kendo venerables feel terrified at this moment.

"In this world, is there really such a terrifying sword talent?"

A kendo venerable murmured.

"Impossible, Jian Wufeng, who is born with a sword body, has already stood at the pinnacle of sword cultivators in the two worlds. How could there be a sword cultivator whose qualifications are higher than Jian Wufeng? Not to mention, he It's not a sword cultivator, it's just a space Taoist cultivator!"

Another swordsman categorically refuted.

These kendo masters are unwilling to admit, let alone believe, that Sun Wukong's kendo talent is superior to Jian Wufeng!

However, the fact is that they cannot believe it.

Jian Wufeng was so angry that he no longer used his self-created swordsmanship, but those supreme swordsmanship that he hadn't fully comprehended yet!
In his heart, if Sun Wukong imitated, he would definitely go crazy!

However, once the result came out, Jian Wufeng felt extremely horrified again!
"how is this possible?"

He has never successfully cultivated the supreme swordsmanship, but in the hands of Monkey King, he can perfectly display it.

At this moment, a very terrifying thought rose in his heart.

But then he suppressed the thought, it was absolutely impossible.

At this moment, in the Dao of Heaven, the monks in the Dao Realm and the Origin Realm were completely stunned.

Monkey King's actions now made them feel that the world is too crazy.

A series of supreme swordsmanship was shown in Jian Wufeng's hands, and then Monkey King also used the supreme swordsmanship.

"You can do it, I can do it. And if you can't, I can do it too. Your swordsmanship is mediocre!"

Seeing that Jian Wufeng was about to collapse, Monkey King added fuel to the fire and made the blow worse.

(End of this chapter)

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