The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1336 Time and Space Competition

Chapter 1336 Time and Space Competition
And at this time, in the Dao of Heaven, the supporters of Liao Tian, ​​son of the Dao of Time, went crazy!

Because they are also aware of the rules of Daobang.

It stands to reason that the "weakest" Sun Wukong was selected first in the Taoist list, and then the "second weakest" was selected immediately, but it was unexpected that it would be Liao Tian.

Doesn't that mean that, in the eyes of the Taoist list, Liao Tian, ​​son of the Dao of Time, and Sun Wukong, son of the Dao of Space, are actually the two weakest of the Eight Great Talents?

For a while, the monks in the time dojo could not accept it.

"How is it possible? Our time dojo is the top ten dojo in the Taoist world. How can the Taoist in our dojo be the weakest of the seven peerless arrogance!"

Obviously, the cultivators of the Time Dojo didn't pay much attention to Sun Wukong, the Son of Space Dao.

They don't even think that Sun Wukong deserves to be the Eight Great Talents of the World!
But no matter how uncomfortable the time dojo and Liao Tian's supporters are, this battle is doomed to be inevitable!

In an instant, Monkey King and Liao Tian were moved to the battlefield at the same time!

In an instant, the confrontation between time and space attracted the attention of countless ascetics from the two worlds.

Sun Wukong and Liao Tian, ​​one is the Taoist of space, and the other is the Taoist of time!

Any ascetic knows that time and space are not separated.

However, for the monks of the space Tao and the monks of the time Tao, there is an issue that is arguing!
That is time and space, who is the master and who is the assistant.

The Taoist monks of space believe that space is first born in the Tao world, and then there is space, and then there is time.

But the monks of the Tao of Time believe that space is the first to produce time.

In short, in order to fight over who is the source of the Dao, the monks of the Time Dao and the Space Dao have been arguing for eternity!

In fact, this is all because of the early fall of Space Daoist!

Before the space daoist fell, even the time daoist said personally that space was born first, and then time flowed relying on space.

However, after the fall of the space daoist, the time daoist denied that he had said such a thing.

Therefore, the topic of who comes first in time and space has caused time monks to quarrel with space monks for countless years.

Until now, a unified conclusion has not been drawn!
It is still the same as saying that the public is right, and the mother-in-law is right.

But now, Liao Tian, ​​son of the Dao of Time, and Sun Wukong, the son of the Dao of Space, are confronting each other head-on, and this quarrel may be temporarily brought to an end.

At this moment, Liao Tian, ​​the Daoist of Time, looked solemn!

The reason why he looks so dignified is not because he is afraid of Monkey King, but because he wants to justify the name of Time Dao.

So, he looked a little nervous!
But it was a little nervous, but it made his combat power 100% unleashed.

"Sun Wukong, you have made it this far, which means that you have good luck, very lucky. But now that you meet me, your good luck is over. Your journey of the Taoist battle has come to an end."

Time Taoist Liao Tian said coldly.

"Hehe, you are so arrogant. Speaking of which, you are the same as me, and you have a record of complete victories. But after this battle, one of us will be eclipsed. However, I don't think it will It was me. Instead, it was you, who turned out to be the weakest of the seven of you."

Sun Wukong dismissively said with a sneer.

As soon as these words came out, Shi Daozi's face of chatting suddenly became unstoppable!
Sun Wukong really didn't open any pot, but he still forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, it seems that although you were lucky enough to ascend to the sky and reshape your real body, you still can't change the fact that you are a monkey."

Time Taoist Liao Tian laughed and said.

And at this time, in the Dao of Heaven, hearing Liao Tian say this, the other supporters of Unrivaled Talent almost fainted from laughter!
"Haha, it turns out that Sun Wukong was a monkey before he ascended!"

"No wonder I think his monkey show is very exciting, it turns out that he acted in his true colors!"

"This is really a good monkey show!"

"A mere monkey, to be able to perform a monkey show to such an extent is considered wonderful!"

At this moment, not only in the Dao of Heaven, but also other peerless talents in the Dao list, such as Yang Yan, the Daoist of Karma, Ye Fan, the Daoist of Reincarnation, Hongmengdi, the Daoist of Hongmeng, Chaos Sheng, the Daoist of Chaos, Ming Chengche, the Daoist of Destiny, all laughed!
Only Luo Tian, ​​the Daoist of nothingness, did not laugh.

Sun Wukong's expression gradually became cold. Although he never cared about his background, others laughed at him so unscrupulously, which still made him feel endless murderous intent!
For a moment, Monkey King took the initiative to make a move!

In an instant, Sun Wukong had a thought, and a torrent of space Taoism suddenly appeared!

But at this moment, Liao Tian, ​​Taoist of Time, saw this scene and sneered.

"Sun Wukong, do you really think that your space Taoism torrent can sweep the same level? In my eyes, it is vulnerable. Now let you see, the power of the time Taoism torrent!"

In an instant, Liao Tian, ​​son of the Dao of Time, suddenly cast a torrent of Taoism of Time!

In an instant, the torrent of time Taoism and the torrent of space Taoism suddenly collided.

Sun Wukong's torrent of space Taoism is only as powerful as the fifth heaven in the forbidden field, but the torrent of time Taoism of Liao Tian, ​​the Taoist of Time, has the power of the eighth heaven in the forbidden field.

As soon as they collided, Sun Wukong's torrent of space Taoism suddenly fell into a disadvantage!

Completely suppressed, the torrent of space Taoism seems to be completely defeated by the torrent of time Taoism.

Previously, Monkey King used the torrent of space Taoism to bombard and kill the strong at the same level, but now, he finally met a strong opponent.

At this moment, the torrent of time Taoism with power as high as the eighth heaven of the taboo field completely suppressed the torrent of space Taoism, and then the torrent of time Taoism continued to repel the torrent of space Taoism.

The power of time and the power of space suddenly collided and exploded together, causing time and space to burst. At this moment, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed!

A direct confrontation between the power of time and the power of space is rare in the history of the Taoist world.

Especially the confrontation between Time Daozi and Space Daozi is even rarer!
But now, the power of time and the power of space collide and compete, destroying the world.

"Sun Wukong, your strength is vulnerable!"

Liao Tian, ​​son of the Dao of Time, gained power and was relentless, pushing the torrent of time Taoism, and constantly crushing and crushing the torrent of space Taoism of Monkey King.

For a time, the space Taoism talismans in the torrent of space Taoism continued to be annihilated.

In this case, the power of the torrent of space Taoism will continue to weaken!
Sun Wukong kept punching space Taoist talismans into it to enhance the might of the torrent of space Taoism, at least to stabilize it in the taboo field of the fifth heaven.

Otherwise, if you descend to the fourth heaven, you will be even more vulnerable to the torrent of time and Taoism.

At this time, the ascetics of the two realms believed that Monkey King would definitely lose in this battle!

Because the torrent of space Taoism is already Monkey King's strongest trick!
But now, under the torrent of Time Daoist Liao Tian's Time Dao Technique, he will be defeated in one blow.

It seems that Sun Wukong, the Taoist of space, is completely defeated by Liao Tian, ​​the Taoist of time!
(End of this chapter)

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