The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1348 Arriving at the starting point of the chapter, jumping out of the long river of chapter

Chapter 1348 Return to the starting point of reincarnation and jump out of the long river of reincarnation

Just like in the lower realm, as long as Sun Wukong is willing, he can also pull out a monkey hair, blow one breath, and become his clone.

However, Sun Wukong always felt that there was something wrong with it!

Not to mention other things, just talk about the "Heart Ape" who has never appeared in the prehistoric world, and many great powers in the prehistoric world think it is also Sun Wukong.

That is to say, before becoming the Lingming Stone Monkey, Sun Wukong was still the Mind Ape!

Then, there is a question!
Many people believe that the Heart Ape is the Lingming Stone Monkey.

But there is another unexplainable problem in this, that the heart ape seems to be before the Lingming stone monkey, but the master of the Chaos Sea said that one of his monkey hairs has turned into a Lingming stone monkey!

So, where did the Heart Ape come from!

Moreover, the Lingming stone monkey, one of the four great spirit monkeys, was clearly transformed from a five-color sky-replenishing stone.

Monkey King didn't believe it, a monkey hair ruled by Chaos Sea finally turned into a stone!
In other words, there is a lot of fog in it!

The hair of the chaotic demon ape, the heart ape, and the spirit stone monkey transformed by the five-color sky-filling stone, these three are completely irrelevant!

However, all three are Monkey King.

Sun Wukong hadn't thought about these questions carefully before!

But now that he has stepped into the long river of reincarnation, Sun Wukong will naturally go against the long river of reincarnation to see who he is in his first life.

Sun Wukong still doesn't have the strength to go against the long river of time, but if he goes against the long river of reincarnation, he can also go back to the past!

Moreover, the risk of going against the long river of reincarnation is much smaller than that of going against the long river of time!
Because the long river of time has the ability to automatically close and correct, but the risks in the long river of reincarnation are not as many as in the long river of time.

At this moment, going up against the long river of reincarnation, in an instant, Monkey King has already jumped over the ascension.

In this case, Sun Wukong's strength has fallen to the realm of the Holy Emperor.

Moreover, time and space are reversed, and Monkey King has returned to the past!
Monkey King, return to the bipolar world!
It's just that in real time and space, the two-polar boundary has collapsed.

In other words, in the long river of time, the two poles no longer exist.

But in this long river of reincarnation, there are still phantoms of the two poles.

Although this is just a fantasy, but to Monkey King, it is not precious enough.

Monkey King is like a passer-by, watching his cultivation base continue to decline.

Holy Emperor Hongmeng!

The ancestor of Hongmeng!

Holy Master Hongmeng!

Holy Master Hongmeng!

Hongmeng Shengjun!

Immediately, it fell to Wuji Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, then Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then Zhunsheng.

One breath fell to one level, and soon Monkey King fell to the blood level.

boom! ! !
The world is spinning, and Sun Huang's life has come to an end!
Immediately afterwards, Sun Wukong came to the last life of Sun Yuhong, who was the ancestral seal of the Tang Dynasty!
And this life will end soon, and the previous life will start again.

The reincarnation of all ages passed quickly, and finally returned to the Middle Ages.

The Middle Ages belonged to the era of Monkey King!

From before the Great Leiyin Temple of Xitian was killed, the reincarnation was reversed all the way back to the time when the Lingming Stone Monkey had not yet opened!
When Monkey King returned to the five-color sky-replenishing stone, suddenly, the space of Monkey King's true spirit shook!

At this moment, as if returning to the original source and the mother body, although Sun Wukong is in the five-color sky-replenishing stone, it is like being in the mother body, complementing the innate roots.

At this moment, Sun Wukong seems to have forgotten that he is going through reincarnation within the five-color sky-replenishing stone.

Because of the feeling of being in the mother's body, he missed it very much.

This feeling is very different!
At this time, Monkey King felt that he was still going against the long river of reincarnation, but he still failed to break the reincarnation!
In other words, Sun Wukong has reached the starting point of reincarnation!
And at this moment, Sun Wukong realized this, and in an instant, he was out of the long river of reincarnation! ! !
But at this time, time and space changed, and Monkey King returned to the Taoist list!
"How is it possible? How could you jump out of the long river of reincarnation!"

Ye Fan, the son of reincarnation, pointed at Monkey King and said in disbelief!

But at this moment, Sun Wukong has no intention of talking to Ye Fan, the Taoist of reincarnation, and there is only one question in his mind!
The starting point of his reincarnation is the Lingming Stone Monkey.

In other words, it was not him who had changed the hair of the former Mind Ape and even the Chaos Demon Ape before Lingming Stone Monkey!

At this moment, Sun Wukong was filled with endless confusion!

Monkey King is eager to find the Chaos Demon Ape, and ask clearly, what is going on!

But now, he wants to defeat Ye Fan, the Taoist of reincarnation!
And at this moment, Monkey King is condescending, overlooking Ye Fan!

Sun Wukong reversed the reincarnation and returned to the five-color sky-replenishing stone, which complemented the innate roots, and the true spirit space changed again, and the [-]% space Tao was the true meaning, which was also instantly understood by Monkey King!
In other words, Sun Wukong's torrent of space Taoism has advanced again!
"Thank you for your long river of reincarnation. If I hadn't practiced in reincarnation for so many years, I would not have been able to increase the power of the torrent of space Taoism!"

Obviously, Monkey King lied!

Sun Wukong is clearly going against the long river of reincarnation, but it is impossible for him to tell the truth to Ye Fan, the son of reincarnation.

"You are in samsara, how did you realize the 'true self' so quickly and escape from samsara?"

Ye Fan, the Taoist of reincarnation, can't believe it. This speed is even more terrifying than jumping out of reincarnation while holding the Sansheng stone!
Even if he holds the Sansheng Stone in his hand, he is caught in the cycle of reincarnation, and he will soon be able to awaken his true self and jump out of the cycle of reincarnation!
But Sun Wukong jumped out of the long river of reincarnation at this moment!
This level of talent is simply terrifying!
"It's very simple. I also have some insights into the Dao of Reincarnation. Perhaps, it is no less than you!"

Sun Wukong's chuckle fell, and in an instant, the torrent of space Taoism, which was as powerful as the eighth heaven of the taboo realm, suddenly blasted out!

"Pick me up!"

Monkey King shouted violently, and in an instant, a terrifying torrent of space Taoism bombarded Ye Fan, the Taoist of reincarnation.

At this moment, even though Ye Fan, the Daoist of Samsara, had a phantom of the Long River of Samsara outside his body, he was still blown away by the torrent of space Taoism!
Because his phantom of the long river of reincarnation has no effect on Monkey King.

In other words, Ye Fan's power of reincarnation has no effect on Monkey King at all.

Then, he can't rely on the power of reincarnation to resist the torrent of space Taoism.

And Ye Fan's own body, how could it be possible to resist the torrent of space Taoism up to the eighth heaven of the taboo domain!
In an instant, Ye Fan, the Taoist son of reincarnation, was killed on the spot by Sun Wukong with a torrent of space Taoism!

Seeing this scene, in the Samsara Dojo, the Samsara Taoist closed his eyes helplessly!

"Through reincarnation, I saw a glimpse of the future. It was this scene. I watched him be killed by the torrent of space Taoism of Monkey King. That's why I warned him many times that Monkey King is his strong enemy! But in He has never failed to remember these words in his heart!"

Daoist Samsara said with a helpless wry smile.

Hearing this, the other venerables in the Samsara Dojo didn't know how to comfort the Samsara Daoist!
(End of this chapter)

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