The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1403 Fall of the First Dark Venerable

Chapter 1403 The Fall of the First Dark Venerable
This battle is destined to shock the two realms of Daoyuan.

For the vast majority of ascetics in the Daoyuan and Daoyuan realms, they have never seen the supreme being fight with their own eyes in this life.

And the way of heaven has only covered the two realms in these years. Before that, the way of heaven only covered the prosperous territory. Moreover, even if the territory covered by the way of heaven, even if there is a battle of supreme beings, ordinary ascetics cannot see it.

Now, in order to compete for luck, Tianzun let go of the power of heaven.

This made many ascetics fortunate enough to witness a fierce and shocking Supreme War with their own eyes.

Moreover, it's not a one-on-one duel between the supreme beings, but Guangzhi, the great disciple of the two extreme Taoists, and the peerless powerhouse of the eleventh level of the supreme heaven, are one against eight.

In an instant, in the Dao of Heaven, countless ascetics almost went mad with excitement.

Although the vast majority of ascetics know that it is impossible for them to step into the supreme realm in this life, even high-level ascetics are nothing but delusions.

But this does not prevent these ascetics from worshiping the Supreme, and now, even seeing the Supreme War in person, they feel that this life is not in vain.

But for those supreme beings who are fighting Guangzhi, it is very uncomfortable.

In fact, if the first Dark Lord and the Bright Daoist hadn't become the main forces to fight against Guangzhi, the other six Supreme Lords would have almost no resistance against Guangzhi who had advanced to the eleventh heaven of the Supreme Realm.

Although the Supreme can easily kill the ants under the Supreme, even the ninth-rank Dao Emperor, in the eyes of the Supreme, is also an ant, but a relatively powerful one.

It is very easy for the supreme to kill the ninth-rank Taoist emperor.

But in the same way, there are twelve heavens in the Supreme Realm.

In Guangzhi's eyes, he can also torture and kill the Supreme who has just entered the Supreme Realm.

Although it cannot be said that it is as easy to kill as ants, it is not difficult to really kill them.

Of course, it is still relatively difficult to completely let the Supreme fall.

However, if the supreme body is crushed, even if the supreme can be resurrected, it will have to pay a huge price.

Moreover, I don't know what year and month it will be.

The drastic changes in the world are coming, and the last battle between the two realms of Daoyuan is imminent. At this time, even the Supreme who has just entered the Supreme Realm does not want to miss it.

After all, everyone who can reach the tenth level of cultivation wants to become a Taoist saint.

In ordinary times, it is impossible for the Supreme to become a Daoist.

However, Daoyuan War is different.

In the eyes of many supreme beings in the two worlds of Daoyuan, the two poles of Taoism have risen in the battles between the two worlds again and again.

In the last war between the two worlds, the source world was going to besiege and kill the protagonist of the Taoist world, the two poles, but the Taoist Pangu came forward, and it can be said that the two poles took the place of the two poles.

However, even with the protection of the first dark venerable and the light dao venerable, the six supreme lords could not escape in the end.

They were beheaded by Guangzhi at the beginning!

At the last moment, there were peerless giants behind these six supreme beings, so that these six supreme beings did not fall completely.

However, among the six supreme beings, only the true spirit escaped from birth.

Their supreme body and supreme soul dissipated here.

The supreme body and supreme soul were given to Monkey King by Guangzhi as a meeting gift.

To be precise, it was given to Qi Tian City.

In an instant, Qi Tiancheng devoured these Supreme Body Essences and Supreme Soul Essences.

The six supreme beings were beheaded. At this time, Guangzhi's opponents were only Guangzhi Daoist and the first dark one.

"I have to say, even if I have advanced to the eleventh level of the Supreme Realm, it is still a bit difficult to completely kill your number one Dark Venerable. Not to mention, you, an old man, are obstructing it!"

Guangzhi looked coldly at the First Dark Lord and the Bright Daoist.

Daoist Guangming looked gloomy.

"You can't do anything to me, so get out!"

The number one Dark Elder felt furious in his heart.

"Get out? First Dark Lord, do you think this is the source world? I said, you will definitely die today. Besides, you don't want to be resurrected."

Guangzhi's words fell, and in an instant, an incomparably stalwart force suddenly descended!
The bipolar Daoist with the cultivation base of the Twelve Heavens Supreme Realm has made a move!
"Bipolar, how dare you?"

The first dark venerable really didn't expect that the bipolar dao lord would dare to make a move!

At this time, Guangzhi looked at Daoist Guangming coldly!

"Although I know I can't kill you, I won't let you escape from the Chaos Territory safe and sound!"

In an instant, Guangzhi resolutely launched a desperate charge to Daoist Guangming!

"You lunatic!"

Daoist Guangming doesn't want to die with Guangzhi!

On the other side, the First Dark Elder was extremely desperate.

At this moment, he realized just how big the gap between him and the two poles was.

He originally thought that he had already stood at the pinnacle of the two worlds, but at this moment, the First Dark Venerable realized that his life and death were not in his control.

But what made the First Dark Venerable even more angry was that when he was slaughtered by the two poles Dao Venerable, neither the will of the source world nor the supreme source of the source world came to his aid.

And they all watched him being killed by the two extreme Taoist priests.

"The will of the source world, the supreme source of the source world, you really don't want to make a move!"

Before the first Dark Elder died, he roared again and again!

boom! ! !
At this moment, the unparalleled divine power of the two poles shook the two worlds of Daoyuan!

The first Dark Lord who killed the Dark Daoist has been wiped out since then!
This scene shocked both worlds!

No one expected that the prestigious and famous No. [-] Dark Lord would fall so easily.

After the fall of the first Dark Lord, the Dark Dao in the source world boiled.

"Darkness, you are finally back!"

Congratulations to all the supreme beings in the source world.

"Haha, after sleeping for endless years, this seat has finally returned!"

The voice of the Dark Daoist sounded.

If the first dark one had a spirit in the sky, he would definitely be pissed off.

The reason why the will of the source world and the supreme being of the source world did not take action is because they knew that if the first dark master died, the power of the source world would not be damaged at all.

Moreover, it will be strengthened instead.

The Dark Daoist is derived from the Dark Dao Principle.

It is impossible for the first Dark Lord to break through the tenth heaven in this life, and stop at the tenth heaven forever.

But the Dark Daoist is different. Now the resurrected Dark Daoist has reached the tenth heaven.

And the Dark Daoist, as one of the innate ancient Daoist, will soon be able to break through to the eleventh heaven or even the twelfth heaven!

The death of the first Dark Venerable of the ten heavens can be exchanged for a peerless giant of the twelve heavens. Of course, the will of the source world will settle this account.

And those ancient daoist priests in the source world all recognized the dark daoist priest as comrades-in-arms in their hearts.

They have always been somewhat repulsive to the number one Dark Lord who killed the Dark Lord and seized the status of the Dark Lord.

Even though the first dark lord and these ancient dao lords were trapped in the empty tower for endless years, they still couldn't get their approval.

"get out!"

After the Liangji Daoist killed the first Dark Daoist, in an instant, he hit the Bright Daoist with a heavy blow.

Daoist Guangming suffered severe injuries immediately and had to escape in embarrassment.

"I am here to tell you that if you want to kill my tenth direct disciple, you can. However, you can only shoot at the same level. If he dies, it means that his skills are inferior to others. But if you dare to attack at a high level, this seat Let them understand what it's like to die!"

Daoist Bipolar said coldly!

And his words shook both worlds!

(End of this chapter)

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