The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1406 Nine secluded clones, breaking the barrier of knowledge

Chapter 1406 Nine secluded avatars, breaking the barrier of knowledge
Sun Wukong's inner world, in the secluded spring of the Yin world.

Among the lotus seeds of the Nine Nether Souls, Monkey King's incarnation outside the body was born.

The incarnation outside the body that absorbs Yang Qi and Yin Qi at the same time is the king when it is born.

Although not as good as the Xiantian Supreme, the words of the Xiantian King are also very terrifying.

It's just that Sun Wukong didn't say anything about using the lotus seeds of the Nine Nether Souls to cultivate the incarnation outside the body.

Even Jiang Mingzhu and the other six didn't know about it.

Of course, Sun Wukong didn't tell them.It's not that they don't trust them, but to prevent leakage.

In the two worlds of Daoyuan and even in the underworld, there are celestial masters who are proficient in the way of celestial secrets, and they constantly calculate the Qitian dojo.

Once there is any change, it will be difficult to hide the secrets from these secret masters.

Sun Wukong looked at the incarnation outside the body, and suddenly, an unstoppable thought rose in Sun Wukong's mind.

If the external incarnations born from the Nine Nether Soul Lotus are all born kings, then is Pangu, born from the chaotic green lotus, really just a Chaos Demon God?
The Chaos Demon God, the Chaos Demon God of the lower realm, is only the first level of the Hongmeng Saint, and even lower than the first-level Saint Emperor.

Prior to this, Sun Wukong didn't think there was a problem with it.

But now, Sun Wukong found that there was a big problem.

Just imagine, even a lotus seed of the Nine Nether Soul Lotus, which is far inferior to the Chaotic Qinglian, is a congenital king. How could it be possible that Pangu, born of a complete Chaotic Qinglian, is not as good as a first-order holy emperor.

In an instant, Monkey King felt that there was a great mystery in it.

What's more, as a friend of Pan Gu Dao Zun, who also opened up the bipolar world and tried to resurrect Pan Gu, how could he watch Pan Gu being killed by the Chaos Demon Ape.

Moreover, if the 'Pangu' at that time was really born from the chaotic green lotus, how could it be possible to lose to the chaotic demon ape.

Even if Pangu hadn't awakened his previous life memory at that time, he was not equal to the Chaos Demon Ape.

Until now, Sun Wukong discovered that this problem that he had been ignoring all along contained a lot of fog.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth.

"If my grandson's guess is correct, the real Pangu's real body has never appeared. Pangu's real body was born from the chaotic green lotus. Pangu's real body has never really appeared in Honghuang, so the Pangu's real body that appeared , should be the Dao Chaos Demon God formed by the rules of the bipolar Daoist enlightening the two poles of world power, just like the Daoyi Supreme Sage enlightened many innate Dao Supremes."

"Pangu's real body has been cultivating all the time. This can explain why Pangu, who returned to the Dao Realm for such a short period of time, was able to quickly recover his peak cultivation. Moreover, so far, the source world does not seem to target Pangu anymore. Perhaps in their eyes, Pan Gu, who has already been killed by them once, is not worth their shot. What's more, those supreme beings in the source world and the underworld know that in the two polar worlds, Pan Gu is not even able to defeat the Chaos Demon Ape."

"What a bipolar Daoist, what a Pangu Daoist, this trick is very wonderful. My grandson and the monks in the bipolar world, including Hongmengtian and Chaos Demon Ape, all fell into the blindness of Patriarch Subhuti."

"If my old grandson hadn't seen the incarnation outside the body born from the lotus seeds of the Nine Nether Souls today, it would be impossible to penetrate this layer of knowledge barriers. However, the Taoist priests of the two extremes hide Pangu's real body in such a way, and they must have great plans. This matter, only my grandson can know it in his heart!"

Sun Wukong knew the priorities, and Taoist priests of the two poles and Taoist Pangu were so well-intentioned, so naturally Sun Wukong couldn't expose them.

What's more, regardless of whether Sun Wukong can stand in the same camp as the two poles and Pangu Taoist in the future, but at present, with their existence, they can make the supreme beings of the source world and the underworld cast a wary eye.

This is very beneficial to Sun Wukong.

Otherwise, Sun Wukong will face the supreme attack and kill at any time.

In that case, Qi Tian City would not be safe at all.

But now with the deterrence of the bipolar daoist, Sun Wukong believed that the supreme beings in the source world and the underworld would not dare to make casual moves before they were fully prepared.

Otherwise, as one of the peerless giants, the bipolar Taoist will let them understand how big the gap is between the ordinary supreme and the peerless giant of the twelve heavens of the supreme realm.

At this moment, Sun Wukong looked at the avatar outside him.

"Since you are an incarnation born from the lotus seeds of the Jiuyou soul lotus, then you should be called Jiuyou. You cannot use space Taoism, nor can you use the Vientiane Iron Rod, nor can you use the Void Cauldron, the Sky Tower , but, you can pretend to be a monk of the underworld. You can freely switch between the underworld and the underworld, let those supreme beings guess it all!"

With a thought in Sun Wukong's mind, in an instant, the Nine Nether clone left Monkey King's inner world.

Sun Wukong wants to completely cut off the connection with Jiuyou's avatar, so as not to let Tianji master deduce it.

Therefore, Sun Wukong did not teach Jiuyou clone a space Taoism.

However, after Jiuyou's avatar leaves Monkey King, he can go to other places to learn secretly.

As a natural born king, Jiuyou's fighting strength is undoubtedly the top among kings.

Jiuyou's avatar went out to find the secret realm, and the real Monkey King sat in Qitian City to comprehend the true meaning of the way of space.

At the same time, they are stepping up the sacrifice of the Void Cauldron and the Vientiane Iron Rod.

Especially the Void Cauldron, as the supreme treasure of enlightenment, to accompany Monkey King to the top of the Great Dao, naturally requires a long period of sacrifice and communication.

The Jiuyou avatar left Qitian City quietly, no one noticed.

Because the nine secluded avatars are fused into Yang Qi.

Unless a certain supreme person absorbs the yang energy fused with the Nine Nether Avatar, then he will be aware of the existence of the Nine Nether Avatar.

Jiuyou's clone quickly moved away from Qitian City. At this moment, Jiuyou's clone suddenly sensed a familiar aura.

In an instant, Jiuyou's avatar followed immediately.

Following this familiar breath, Jiuyou's avatar came to a valley.

This valley is very secretive, coupled with the cover of formations, unless the Supreme comes in person, it is impossible for ordinary ninth-rank Taoist emperors to break the formations in this valley.

Therefore, the ninth-rank Taoist emperors in the valley never imagined that in this world, there would be such monsters as Nine Nether Avatars, fused with Yang Qi, and no formation could stop them.

Jiuyou's avatar entered the valley swaggeringly, and after entering it, Jiuyou's avatar was stunned.

In this valley, there are almost a dozen ninth-rank Taoist emperors gathered at this moment.

Moreover, they are not ordinary Taoist emperors.

Judging from the eyes of the Jiuyou avatar, these Dao Emperors are at worst the Ultimate Dao Emperors.

"Emperor Qi Xiang, you are the only one missing!"

The Jiuyou avatar sensed the breath of Emperor Qixiang and followed him to the valley.

"So many fellow Taoists gathered together, what exactly are you going to do?"

Emperor Qi Xiangdao couldn't help being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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