The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 141 Aftermath of the catastrophe

Chapter 141 Aftermath of the catastrophe
Linzi City, Lianbaozong.

Because of Baoxiang's battle with Sun Wei, his left hand was annihilated by the "Chaos Strike", and he has been in retreat these days, so Baoxiang repaired his arm.

After the arm grew back, it returned to its original state.Baoxiang finished the retreat and left the secret room.

Baoxiang left the pass, the quasi-sage of Lianbao Zong and Daluo Jinxian gathered together one after another.

Seeing Baoxiang's right hand growing out, all the quasi-sages and Da Luo Jinxian breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately, a look of sadness appeared on their faces, and they didn't know how to tell Baoxiang that Sun Yu had survived nine calamities in succession and achieved the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

When Bao Xiang saw the quasi-sages and Daluo Jinxian, his face showed embarrassment, and he said in a deep voice, "I was defeated in that battle and lost my right hand. It was my fault, and you are not at fault. I will not tell my father about such a small matter."

Baoxiang thought that the quasi-sages of Lianbaozong and Daluo Jinxian were worried that the matter would be revealed, and they could not make a mission to Duobao sage.

So Baoxiang used some means to win people's hearts.

"Young master, we are not worried about this matter. I just don't know how to tell you one thing!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan, who had followed Baoxiang since he was a child, showed embarrassment and kept his secrets secret.

Baoxiang frowned, and suddenly, he figured out the mystery.

It must be related to Sun Wei that can make Lianbaozong Zhunsheng and Daluo Jinxian feel secretive.

"Is it related to Sun Yuhong?"

Baoxiang asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, Sun Yu has been through the Five Elements Tribulation, the Reincarnation Tribulation, the Wind and Thunder Tribulation, the Yin-Yang Tribulation, and the Time and Space Tribulation, and achieved the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. The miracle of the world shocked the Qi Dynasty."

Zhunsheng Baoyan simply told the whole story, so as not to procrastinate and displease Baoxiang.

In a rage, Baoxiang threw the teacup in his hand hard to the ground.

"Sun Wei, there is such a cup!"

The teacup was smashed into pieces, and after venting, Baoxiang exhaled and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

"It's just a nine-turn golden elixir. Don't you think this young master can't surpass him?"

When Baoxiang was angry, he called himself the young master.When you are happy, call yourself me.

"The young master has extraordinary talent, martial arts and bravery, and he will definitely surpass him. It's just a nine-turn golden core. With the young master's talent, if he breaks through the golden core realm, he will surely reach the extreme state, and the ten-turn golden core will add to his body."

"The young master is the son of a dignified sage, how could he be overwhelmed by this little bastard."

"Young Master's divine power, shocking the past and shining the present."

The quasi-sages of Lianbaozong and Daluo Jinxian immediately said something that made Baoxiang feel happy, fearing that Baoxiang's anger would implicate them.

Baoxiang signaled with his hand that he could stop, and said in a deep voice: "One failure is nothing. My father made his debut at the beginning of the year, and he also went through hardships. The battle of conferring gods was also difficult to escape the scheming of heaven and sages. My father often taught me to be indomitable. .”

Baoxiang regards Duobao's words as his standard.

As soon as these words came out, many quasi-sages and Da Luo Jinxian reluctantly let go of a dangling heart.

"My lord, Fei Xiongwei of the Great Qi Dynasty took action and razed the branch of the Treasure Sect in the land of absolute gold to the ground."

A big Luo Jinxian knelt down and said.

Hearing this, Baoxiang's anger was aroused again.

"What a Great Qi Dynasty, what a Feixiongwei. Dare to oppose my Lianbaozong. For this debt, I want him to pay for it with blood."

Baoxiang was so angry that he almost went straight to the sky.

"Young master, please calm down. Jiang Shang and Jiang Xiaobai must have tacitly agreed to Fei Xiongwei's move behind the scenes. They used this to test our Treasure Refining Sect. Although it is abominable, we can only make a good account of this at the moment."

Bao Yan Zhunsheng said in a deep voice.

Bao Xiang could only write down this account first, and now is not the time to completely tear himself apart from the Da Qi Dynasty.Moreover, Jiejiao sent him to Daqi Dynasty just to support Renhuang, doves to occupy the magpie's nest, and bring Daqi Dynasty under Jiejiao's sect.

Suddenly, Baoxiang thought of something: "Have you found out the culprit behind the collapse of the Lianbaozong, the ancestral land of the Wu clan?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Zhunsheng and Daluo Jinxian were extremely ugly.

"Trash, you are all a bunch of trash. After such a long time, have you not even found any clues? Are you going to tell this young master that it is because of the eruption of the fire?"

Baoxiang's anger blazed up to the ninth heaven.

"The young master calmed down. Da Luo Jinxian went back in time and found that the earth fire erupted and the sky fire poured out, which completely destroyed this branch. But the culprit behind the scenes was hidden in the earth fire, and all the secrets and causes and effects were suppressed. And Baojie, one Nowhere."

Bao Yan Zhunsheng said in a deep voice.

"This young master came to Daqi Dynasty, and two branches were destroyed one after another. Don't you want this young master to go back and be punished, so you feel comfortable?"

If Baoxiang was not the son of Duobao, and he was the head of another treasure refining sect, even if Baoyan Zhunsheng was in charge of the Daqi Dynasty's treasure refining sect, he would have been questioned by the refining treasure sect for this crime alone.

"Young master calm down, and you must not be angry. There will always be a day when the truth comes out, and for the time being, this account will be recorded on the Daqi Dynasty." Bao Yan Zhunsheng had no choice but to make such a bad plan.

"Is there anything else?" Tian Baoxiang has been in retreat these days, and if there is something important to Lianbaozong, he will inform the quasi-sage Baoyan.

"Young Master, an ancient Immortal Mansion in Jiyuan Mansion is about to be born. The senior officials of the Jiejiao informed me to inform the Young Master that both the Chan and Jie sects are involved in this ancient Immortal Mansion."

Baoxiang frowned, and suddenly had an idea. "If this is the case, Sun Wei will definitely go. If this is the case, let this ancient fairy mansion be his burial place!"

"Young master, do you want to kill Sun Yu in the ancient fairy mansion?" Baoyan Zhunsheng confirmed this matter.

"Throw out the other chess pieces first to see if you can kill him. In the end, if he is still alive by chance, this young master will come and end him." Baoxiang's killing intent was awe-inspiring, full of murderous aura.

In Mu Wang's mansion, Mu Qingtian came back from Treasure Refining Sect, and immediately recruited Mu Wang and Mu Wanzhou into the study.

Mu Wang and Mu Wanzhou saw that Mu Qingtian's face was hard to hide joy, so they knew that Mu Qingtian's trip to the treasure refining sect was bound to get good news.

"An ancient Immortal Mansion is about to be born, and Baoxiang decided to kill Sun Yu in the Immortal Mansion. This lowly breed has caused heavy losses to our Mu Palace. Although he cannot be killed by himself, once he dies, the Daqi Dynasty will never return. The power of heaven."

Mu Qingtian said coldly.

"Old Ancestor, this news is really good news. Now some monks from the Nine Great Imperial Clans and the royal family Jiang are waiting to see the battle of elucidation and interception. The bastard Sun Yu was tricked by Jiang Shang and became a pawn in elucidation and education. Looking at it now Come on, there really is no good end."

King Mu cheered up and said that before Sun Wei's counterattack, the King Mu's mansion lost all its power in the court.After millions of years of operation, it turned into a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain.

Mu Wanzhou was also extremely excited, "There is a lot of power to cut off the sect, and these people wait and see the situation on the wall. Now that the Mu Palace is free from the court, they can plan as much as they want."

"Having said that, we are not the only Muwang Mansion that joins the Jujiao. It is rumored that the sons of the Nine Emperor Clans are about to return from Yuxu Palace. Once the Nine Great Emperor Clans join the Jujiao, the Jujiao might change their minds!"

Mu Qingtian said coldly.

"Yes, the Nine Great Imperial Clans have been deeply rooted in the Qi Dynasty for many years. It seems that we need to plan as soon as possible. !"

Mu Wang said coldly.

"If you want to get rid of them, the best way is to teach and fight within. It seems that Sun Wushuang's chess piece should be activated as soon as possible. No matter what, he is Sun Yu's brother. If he dies at the hands of the Nine Great Emperor Clan, Then Sun Yu can't do anything if he doesn't make a move!"

Mu Wanzhou was displaying his sinister and vicious character recklessly again.

"There is also Mu Wanqing, those who achieve great things don't care about small things." When Mu Qingtian said this, he looked at Mu Wang coldly.

Mu Wanzhou's sinister and vicious character is completely inherited from Mu Qingtian.In terms of viciousness and viciousness, no one in the Mu clan can compare to Mu Qingtian.

Otherwise, how could Mu Qingtian firmly control the Mu clan.

Within the Mu clan, no one dared to oppose Mu Qingtian, because those clan members who opposed Mu Qingtian in the early years all died one after another.

He is vicious and vicious, and Mu Qingtian is the most.

Mu Wang sighed in his heart, feeling a little ashamed of his daughter.But for the sake of the great cause of the Mu clan and the continuation of the Mu Palace, he had to sacrifice Mu Wanqing.

In Sun Bubai's mansion, Sun Wushuang experienced struggles.

Previously, Sun Yu's triggering of this unrivaled miracle completely made the balance in his heart unbalanced.

"I can cooperate with you!"

In desperation, Sun Wushuang embarked on a road of no return.

"Jie Jie, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You will find out in the future, you will know how correct the choice you are making now, Jie Jie." In the secret room where Sun Wushuang was, there was no one, but it was strange This sinister voice sounded.

In Mingzhu Mansion, in the boudoir, Jiang Mingzhu was lying on a soft and comfortable bed, but she couldn't sleep.

In her mind, there are all images of Sun Wei standing high in the sky, proudly crossing the catastrophe.

The heroic appearance is extraordinary, and the grace is peerless.

Over the years, although she has been a high-ranking imperial daughter, secretly, she has endured a lot of pressure that ordinary people can hardly bear.

Suddenly, Jiang Mingzhu remembered what the great Confucian who taught her said to her when she was a child in the palace.

If you want to reach the peak, you must endure the pain.I want to be moved.must enter it.

If you want to think about your fate in peace, you must avoid its evil.Desire is hard to indulge, and it must be empty.

If you want to be happy, you must show your grandeur.If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Deep down in her heart, Jiang Mingzhu didn't want to find a shoulder to lean on.It's just that she knows that if she doesn't fight, then her fate cannot be controlled by herself.

She can only be reduced to the princess of the royal family surnamed Jiang for marriage. If she meets a good husband, she may be able to barely survive her life.

But most of the princesses who marry out have unfortunate fates.

The impression of Sun Yuhong was getting deeper and deeper in her heart.

Sun Yuwen returned to the cave, and all the memories in his mind were "chaos strike".

In Sun Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, the Kunlun Mirror repeatedly displayed the 'Chaos Attack' that Sun Yu broke out at the beginning.

This stick contains all of Sun Yu's supernatural powers and spells, and puts all Taoism and deeds into this 'Chaos Strike'.

This can't help but make Sun Yu feel ecstatic, the Ruyi golden cudgel can be his magic weapon for proving the Tao.

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(End of this chapter)

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