The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1411 Control the world, the supreme will

Chapter 1411 Control the world, the supreme will

At this moment, Monkey King suddenly felt that there was a mysterious force absorbed by the emperor-level puppet.

After the emperor-level puppet absorbed this mysterious power, it suddenly made Monkey King stronger than before.

In an instant, Sun Wukong's dao consciousness sank into the core of the emperor-level puppet, and in the next instant, Sun Wukong immediately knew what this mysterious power was.


The number of qi is composed of many mysterious qi such as luck, merit, yin virtue, fate, feng shui and so on.

Aura, the initial contact with the ninth-rank Taoist emperor.

And only when you reach the Supreme Realm, can you truly control your energy.

The power of Qi is similar to the power of sentient beings, but the power of Qi is completely different from the power of sentient beings. The power of sentient beings, obviously, comes from all living beings.

But the power of energy is related to each person's cultivation.

For the Taoist Emperor Xinhu who is about to step into the realm of supremacy, a rudimentary form of energy has already been condensed.

However, his rudimentary qi was absorbed by the emperor-level puppet.

The emperor-level puppet absorbed energy and became stronger.

And this can't help but make Monkey King suspicious.

"If Qi is really that important, then it is obvious that the reason why the two great masters of ingenious craftsmanship fell was because their lives were exhausted. But now, the secret realm left by the two supremes allows these invincible Dao emperors to come in, then Obviously, it is to seize the vitality of the Invincible Dao Emperor. That's why they chose me. Then, their ultimate goal is to resurrect."

"If this is the case, then my purpose is different from theirs. All I want is a peerless treasure. Since they want to be resurrected, I can help them. However, whether they can be resurrected or not depends on their strength."

Thoughts kept popping up in Sun Wukong's mind.

Faintly grasping a trace of a secret in the dark, Monkey King continued to move forward.

When reaching the end of the passage, the two passages merged into one again.

At this time, Monkey King met an invincible Dao Emperor again.

"who are you?"

At this moment, the invincible Dao Emperor 'Zuo Cunrui' opposite Sun Wukong saw that Sun Wukong covered his whole body, and he felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

In addition, they are alive now because they killed an invincible Dao Emperor before, and they can compete with each other depending on their status.

Monkey King is at the peak, but Zuo Cunrui, the invincible Taoist emperor, is wounded.

"The one who killed you!"

In an instant, Monkey King suddenly launched an attack!

If you don't attack at this time, when will you wait?

If time delays, it is possible for Zuo Cunrui to recover from his injuries. At that time, it will be even more difficult to kill him.

Now is the perfect opportunity to kill him.

Boom! ! !
At this moment, hundreds of millions of yin and yang spiral extermination sword energy exploded out.

"who are you?"

Invincible Taoist Emperor Zuo Cunrui had never seen this type of Taoism before. Obviously, it was the trump card of a certain Invincible Taoist Emperor.

At this moment, the yin-yang spiral extermination sword energy crazily rushed towards Zuo Cunrui, the invincible Taoist emperor, with vast divine power.

Zuo Cunrui first sacrificed the emperor-level treasure of material defense, and then sacrificed his own life to prove the Tao, and resolutely launched a counterattack.

He knew very well that because of his wounded body, he had to launch a counterattack.

Never hope to delay the time, because the opponent does not know the depth.

What's more, in his heart, he would kill Monkey King as soon as he met him, and he would never give him time to recover from his injuries.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong's eyes flashed coldly.

Even if the Invincible Dao Emperor Zuo Cunrui was injured, at this moment, he sacrificed his life to prove the Dao to attack, and still possessed the terrifying strength of the Invincible Dao Emperor.

At this moment, Monkey King suddenly sensed a life-and-death crisis.

If Sun Wukong is the real Dao Emperor, then with the help of a god-level puppet, he will not be afraid of the supreme treasure of the invincible Dao Emperor Zuo Cunrui.

But Sun Wukong is not the emperor of Taoism, he is just the king.Although merging with the emperor-level puppet and possessing the combat power of the Invincible Dao Emperor, it does not mean that Sun Wukong's own strength has reached the Invincible Dao Emperor.

Sun Wukong could guess that once the natal treasure collided with the emperor-level puppet, the shock force generated at the moment of the collision would be enough to completely shatter his body.

This is because the disparity between the seventh-rank king and the ninth-rank Taoist emperor is too huge, even bigger than the world.

In an instant, Sun Wukong desperately mobilized the power of the emperor-level puppet, and he would never be able to face himself head-on with the invincible Dao Emperor Zuo Cunrui's natal treasure.

And at this moment, an illusion suddenly appeared in Sun Wukong's heart.

It's like the illusion of controlling the world.

Sun Wukong feels that the world is in his eyes.

But in the eyes of Zuo Cunrui, the invincible Taoist emperor, he was extremely terrified.

"Control the world, supreme will!"

Invincible Taoist Emperor Zuo Cunrui never imagined that his opponent had already reached the point of controlling the world, which meant that the will had reached the state of supremacy.

However, in Sun Wukong's view, it's not that his will has truly reached the supreme will, but that the emperor-level puppet has communicated with the origin of the supreme secret realm at this moment, so he can achieve a state of controlling the world.

The surging power of the Supreme Secret Realm was attracted, and in an instant, in the void, the invincible Taoist Emperor Zuo Cunrui's natal treasure was destroyed in an instant.

After defeating the invincible Taoist Emperor Zuo Cunrui's natal treasure, the life-and-death crisis lingering in Sun Wukong's heart was suddenly eliminated.

And at this moment, the yin-yang spiral wiped out the sword energy and defeated the emperor-level treasure of material defense. In the next moment, Zuo Cunrui, the invincible Taoist emperor, was instantly annihilated by the sword energy and turned into dust.

And at this moment, the emperor-level puppets began to grab the spoils.

Zuo Cunrui came here as his real body. At this moment, the emperor-level puppet crazily devoured his world's original power.

At the same time, Zuo Cunrui's vitality was also swallowed up by the emperor-level puppets.

Monkey King was indifferent to this scene, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Today, Sun Wukong can fully confirm that the driving force behind all this is the two supreme beings of uncanny craftsmanship.

Although Sun Wukong is currently selected by the two supreme beings, if he violates the will of the two supreme beings, it will be difficult to move an inch in this secret realm.

Without the emperor-level puppet, Monkey King is no match for other invincible Taoist emperors.

Of course, Sun Wukong also thought to himself, if the two masters of ingenious craftsmanship keep their promises, then it’s fine, if they break their promises, then it’s a big deal to fight to the death.

The emperor-level puppet went one step further, gradually moving towards the supreme puppet.

Monkey King sensed the emperor-level puppet, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

If this continues and devours the Invincible Dao Emperor, then this emperor-level puppet may not be able to advance to the supreme puppet.

But this idea was quickly suppressed by Sun Wukong. Whether the emperor-level puppet can advance to the supreme puppet has nothing to do with him.

The most urgent task now is to make [Yin-Yang Spiral Extermination Sword Qi] stronger.

Only in this way can we compete against the Invincible Dao Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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