The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1416 Underworld Death Warrior, Killer Organization

Chapter 1416 Underworld Death Warrior, Killer Organization

In Sun Wukong's view, these dead men from the underworld are not weak.

But it's normal to think about it. These king-level dead soldiers are all trained by the Underworld Supreme.

It is specially used to assassinate Tianjiao, the king of the world. If he is not strong, then how can he complete the task.

But now, Jiang Mingzhu, Wu Zhao, Huang Yao, Mo Yuzhu, Si Zi, Ling'er, and the others are based on the six-pointed formation, and with the help of the power of the six-pointed formation, they are fighting endlessly with these dead kings of the underworld.

During the battle, their potential is fully stimulated, which is a step that cannot be achieved in normal practice.

After all, it is impossible to put yourself in a life-and-death crisis in daily practice.

In this case, it is naturally impossible to maximize the potential.

But fighting with these dead kings, if you don't pay attention, you may die, and the six girls have completely forgotten about Monkey King at this moment. Only in this way can they maximize their potential.

The dead warriors of the king of the underworld were all the strongest war slaves under the command of the supreme beings. These dead warriors are even more powerful than the strongest war slaves.

The war slave is just a tool used by the Underworld Supreme to bet against the Yangworld Supreme.

And these dead men are the sharp weapons they use to kill Tianjiao, the king of the world.

Tools are completely different from sharp weapons.

But at this moment, Monkey King suddenly frowned!
Although the killing intent is very subtle, but now Monkey King's Dao consciousness is extremely sharp, and he can detect it in an instant.

boom! ! !
At this moment, the void shattered.

At the same time, many king killers suddenly appeared!

The King Killer was directly teleported here, and the coordinates are these dead men.

"You are courting death!"

At this moment, Sun Wukong didn't care about hiding in the void, he raised the Vientiane iron rod, and smashed it hard!
At this moment, the void channel has just connected the two places.

Sun Wukong slammed into the void passage fiercely, smashing the void passage directly in an instant.

At this moment, the king killers in the void passage all died one after another.

"You dare!"

At this moment, the voices of fury sounded.

The kings of the killer organization appeared, and at this moment, they looked at Monkey King with cold eyes.

The emperors of these killer organizations now wish to tear Sun Wukong into pieces.

All major killer organizations have losses from King Killer.

Monkey King's timing was so fierce that they didn't even have a chance to rescue them.

These king killers died in the turbulence of the void before they could make a move.

"It's not a good killer in the yang world, you have to be a dog in the underworld. It seems that the old smashers in the underworld really took a lot of trouble in order to kill my grandson. They invited all of you here, and you are willing to do it! lackey!"

Sun Wukong was furious.

"Sun Wukong, who do you think you are, you will die sooner or later. We will wait for this account!"

"If you mess with us, no one can save you!"

"Not to mention, you are still an abandoned disciple of the Space Dojo, you don't want the Space Dojo to save you!"

"Hmph, even if the space dojo is willing to save you, you won't have this chance to ask for advice!"

"Just cherish the remaining time, you will die anytime!"

"At that time, you will definitely regret being our enemy!"

The emperors of the major killer organizations are extremely rampant, and at this moment they even threaten Monkey King.

Murderous intent surged in Sun Wukong's eyes. At this moment, these killer organizations were simply arrogant to the extreme.

Outside the chaotic territory, the emperors of these killer organizations gathered together once.

"Didn't complete the task?"

The Underworld Supreme 'Jiang Langyuan' asked coldly.

"In the chaotic territory, we dare not make a move."

Although the emperor of the killer organization was extremely arrogant in the face of Monkey King, but at this moment, facing the Supreme Being of the Underworld, he knelt on the ground and answered.

"Why didn't you dare to make a move?" Jiang Langyuan, the Supreme Being of the Underworld, asked extremely angrily.

"This is the territory of chaos. If we make a move, then..." The emperor of the killer organization didn't finish speaking, and at this moment, Jiang Langyuan, the supreme being of the underworld, suddenly made a move.

In an instant, the emperor of the killer organization was crushed into powder by him.

"I don't want your explanations. Remember, you will be rewarded if you complete the task. But if you don't complete the task, you will all die. Don't think that you can sit back and relax by hiding in the lower realm. Daoyuan and Daoyuan The Supreme doesn’t want to deal with you because he doesn’t want to make a big fuss. But if you dare to obey the law, we will destroy you in the underworld!”

The supreme being of the underworld, Jiang Langyuan, was extremely violent at this moment, making the emperors of the killer organization shudder like cicadas.

"You are really stupid. In the chaotic realm, you emperors dare not kill Monkey King, so can't you kill the people in Qitian Dojo?"

The Underworld Supreme, Jiang Langyuan, wished he could kill all the trash in front of him.

As soon as these words came out, the emperors of the major killer organizations suddenly realized.

"Yes! Why didn't we think of it!"

"Liangji Daoist really protected Sun Wukong, and he didn't say that he was not allowed to kill the monks in the Qitian Dojo!"

"If we kill the monks in Qitian Dojo, we will definitely anger Monkey King. By then, he will definitely jump into our trap."

After being instructed by Jiang Langyuan, the Supreme Being of the Underworld, the emperors of the major killer organizations fully understood.


Underworld Supreme Jiang Langyuan said coldly.

He is very much looking forward to what Monkey King's relatives will look like after they are killed by these killers.

In the turbulent flow of the void, Monkey King shot, smashing to death the king of the underworld one after another.

Sun Wukong had a premonition that since the underworld made a move, these killer organizations would definitely not give up.

Although they failed the first time, there will be a second and even a third time.

Monkey King must return to Qitian City to sit in command, otherwise, Qitian City may not be able to resist the emperor!
One by one, the underworld dead warriors were killed, and the ten masters of the underworld underestimated Monkey King's combat power!

Although Sun Wukong's combat power appears to be one hundred in the king list, in fact, Sun Wukong's combat power exceeds the king list.

The king who committed the crime in the future was killed, and Monkey King returned to Qitian City. At this moment, his face was gloomy.

The emperors of the major killer organizations invaded Qitian City in an open and aboveboard manner.

"You are all going to die!"

At this moment, Monkey King suddenly triggered Qi Tiancheng's restriction.

Equal Sky City, as an imperial city, although Sun Wukong has retreated in seclusion over the years, as the city spirit of Equal Sky City, the spirit of the space labyrinth, under the guidance of the sky-suppressing tower tool Ling Kongkong, perfected Equal Sky City.

However, the news never got out.

Therefore, these killer organizations don't know either.

But now, Qi Tiancheng showed his fangs.

All kinds of weapons, such as Dao Exterminating Cannon, Dao Zhuan Crossbow, Heaven Killing Sword, are all activated at this moment!
In an instant, the major killer organizations suffered heavy losses.

The emperor who led the team was so angry that his lungs exploded.

Previously, everyone knew that Qitian City only had the power to defend and had no power to attack!

But now, Qi Tiancheng showed multiple attack methods, causing the killers of the major killer organizations to die one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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