Chapter 1431
Knowing that the black hand behind the scenes is Monkey King, the four kings are now condescending, overlooking the battlefield.

Immediately, Sun Wukong was found from the battlefield!
"Sure enough, his appearance has changed, hiding among these ordinary kings."

King Jinghong said coldly.

"What are you waiting for, let's go down and tear him into pieces!"

The killing intent of the sea king is boiling.

"If you dare to sabotage our plan and hinder us from making great achievements, no matter who it is, you will die! Even the son of a giant will not let you go."

The Violent Tiger King exuded an extremely violent aura of violence all over his body.

"After I catch him, I will definitely 'treat' him well!" said the Flying Snake King extremely coldly.

In the battlefield, Sun Wukong suddenly felt that he was locked by four extremely fierce air mechanisms.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the four kings on the top of the mountain in the distance.

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth.

Seeing Sun Wukong's provocative sneer, the four kings' lungs exploded.

Sun Wukong hid in the battlefield and provoked them, which made them feel like shooting themselves in the foot.

Now many kings of the Yang world are still killing each other. If they rush into the battlefield rashly, then it will make the battlefield even more violent.

At that time, they will not be able to please.

These kings of the underworld are not impulsive, although they all want to tear Sun Wukong into pieces, but they are very calm.

It's just that they can't calm down soon.

Because they felt that Sun Wukong's natal treasure, the Void Cauldron, was refining the secret realm.

As the treasure of the space system, the Void Cauldron is constantly absorbing the secret realm. If things go on like this, the Void Cauldron will soon be able to fully absorb the secret realm.

At that time, the kings of the underworld will not be the opponent of Monkey King at all.

The king of the underworld, who sensed this scene, stopped waiting in an instant.

boom! ! !
At this moment, all the kings of the underworld rushed into the battlefield at the same time.

All of a sudden, this battlefield was completely rioted!

The king of the underworld who lost his sanity relied on instinct to kill.

And at this moment, the kings of the underworld, who are like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, are subconsciously regarded as opponents by the kings of the yang world!

As a result, all kinds of attacks crazily smashed towards these kings.

But at this moment, Monkey King quietly left the battlefield.

Losing the Void Cauldron, Sun Wukong has no chance of winning against any of the four kings, King Jinghong, King Chaohai, Tiger King, and Flying Snake King.

Therefore, if you don't escape at this moment, then you are not Monkey King!
Although Monkey King is rebellious, he is not a fool.

In an instant, Monkey King escaped from the battlefield!

Seeing this scene, the kings of the underworld were so angry that the three corpses jumped up again!
Just now when they charged this time, a king of the underworld with bad luck was bombarded and killed by the king of the underworld alive on the spot.

But now, Monkey King has escaped!

They never expected that Monkey King would escape so decisively.

Monkey King's actions completely broke the inherent cognition of Monkey King in their hearts in the past.

However, the Four Kings are even more afraid of Sun Wukong because of this.


The four kings led the other kings of the underworld to chase in the direction where Monkey King was escaping.

And at this moment, Monkey King's figure split into two, and then into four.

Suddenly, four Monkey Kings appeared in front of the king of the underworld.

Moreover, the four Monkey Kings fled in four directions respectively.

And although the four kings are all stronger than Monkey King, they can't tell which Monkey King is real at this moment!
Therefore, the four kings can only divide their troops and pursue them!
Every king, with varying numbers of underworld kings, pursues Monkey King!
The four Monkey Kings fled from four directions: Jinghong King was in charge of the East, King Chaohai was in charge of the South, Tiger King was in charge of the West, and King Flying Snake was in charge of the North.

Monkey King fled quickly, and soon came to the inner secret realm from the outer secret realm.

And at this moment, perhaps it was an incomparable coincidence that Monkey King saw the core of the Inner Secret Realm, the Zhiyang fetish!

Seeing this Zhiyang fetish, Monkey King was shocked!
Because this supreme yang fetish is very similar to the hibiscus wood in the Pangu universe in the lower realm!
If it weren't for the huge difference in the breath between the two, Sun Wukong would have thought that the most yang fetish in front of him was Fusang wood!

Sun Wukong's dao consciousness sank into the inner world!
In Sun Wukong's inner world, there is the hibiscus tree from the lower realm!

When the lower realm collapsed, Monkey King and the master of the Chaos Sea successively collected the top ten innate treasures of the Pangu universe, such as hibiscus wood, into the Chaos Qinglian!
Therefore, Chaos Qinglian has ten innate treasures.

And when Sun Wukong broke through to the seventh level, he transplanted these innate treasures into the inner world.

"Very similar!"

Sun Wukong muttered to himself.

But as soon as Monkey King took a step, he couldn't see the Zhiyang fetish!

"What exactly is going on?"

Sun Wukong was very puzzled, how could this Zhiyang fetish look so similar to hibiscus wood.

But at this moment, there are soldiers chasing after him, and Sun Wukong doesn't care about thinking. For now, the most important thing is to escape.

"Sun Wukong, where can you escape? You risked your own death and sealed the secret realm with the Void Cauldron. Do you think you can escape?"

King Jinghong said coldly.

"so what?"

Sun Wukong responded coldly.

"If you unblock the Void Cauldron now, then you will be able to escape death."

King Jinghong said in a deep voice.

"Haha, you are dreaming!"

Monkey King refused without even thinking about it.

"The Zhiyang fetish is right in front of you, you let my grandson give up. Who do you think you are?"

"Although Zhiyang fetish is good, you still need to get it with your life." King Jinghong said coldly.

"Don't you just fight? Do you really think that my old grandson is afraid of you?"

In an instant, Monkey King stopped and did not move forward.

Because at this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly felt that he seemed to have entered a killing formation.

"is it?"

At this moment, King Jinghong was extremely proud!
boom! ! !
King Jinghong and the six kings of the underworld exuded monstrous divine power at the same time, and in an instant, the positions of the seven kings were astonishingly a peerless killing formation!
Seven Star Killing Formation!
The seven kings formed the seven-star killing formation, one of the legendary peerless killing formations.

And at this moment, Monkey King is in the center of the seven-star killing array.

In an instant, Monkey King felt the crisis of life and death.

But Sun Wukong is not afraid.

"Sun Wukong, I will give you one last chance now. Lift the ban on the Void Cauldron, and spare your life!"

Of course, King Jinghong would not bypass Monkey King, but he needed Monkey King to take the initiative to unblock the Void Cauldron.

Otherwise, even if they kill Monkey King, it will not help.

At that time, once the Void Cauldron swallows the secret realm and Sun Wukong falls, the Void Cauldron will also avenge Monkey King.

Death is nothing to be afraid of, but King Jinghong never forgets to make great contributions and improve his cultivation!

His cultivation has been at the seventh level for too long, and it has almost become his obsession to raise it to the eighth level.

And relying on his own body, he is completely unable to break the supreme ban.Only by making this kind of unworldly meritorious service can it be possible to obtain the permission of the Underworld Supreme Being and thus improve one's cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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