Return to Chaos
"What are you talking about nonsense with him, a small alchemy, a clown. I really thought that after going through nine calamities in a row, and achieving the nine-turn golden alchemy, you can be lawless. Today, I will let you know that there are people outside of people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Mo Chong's words were cold and murderous.

For the Mo family, the spirit of space in Mo Yuzhu's body is a precious treasure.

The Mo family will never allow the mind of space to wander outside.

The Mo family not only wants to pass it on forever, but also wants to establish a dynasty in the future and become a royal family.

And all of this must ensure that the Space God Heart is always under the control of the Mo family.

If there is no spatial mind, all the imperial plans and hegemony of the Mo family are just talking and laughing.

Ever since Mo Yuzhu disobeyed the Mo family's order and married the prince Jiang Hao, she violated the path that the Mo family had planned for her.

In the original imagination of the Mo family, Mo Yuzhu married Jiang Hao, and the two unrivaled geniuses who were also Da Luo's aptitude might give birth to a peerless genius.

And such a peerless genius with chaos-level aptitude, coupled with the space god heart, will prove to be a quasi-sage in the future, which can be said to be a flip.

By then, the Mo family's great career can be accomplished.

With a chaotic quasi-sage in charge, the Mo family would no longer be a third-rate force.

Promoted to a second-rate power, the Mo family can choose to leave the Daqi Dynasty, occupy a mansion in the vast Eastern Wasteland, and establish a dynasty whose royal family is the Mo family.

The nine great imperial families all strive to establish a single dynasty and become a royal family!

Mo Ying and Mo Zhong, as the immortals of the Mo family, both know the importance of the spirit of space.

Now, there is one more Sun Yuhong, and in an instant, the two great immortals made an instant move!
In an instant, Mo Ying activated a magic weapon.

Immediately, Sun Yu's mind was pulled into a strange space!
Space Maze!

The magic weapon that Mo Ying activated turned out to be an extremely rare magic weapon of illusion.

Magic weapons are divided into attack, defense, array, illusion, etc. Similarly, attack and defense are divided into material defense and soul defense.

It is extremely difficult to refine illusion magic weapons because the master who refines magic weapons must also be proficient in illusion.

It's just that Sun Yu was in the maze of space, but suddenly wanted to laugh out loud.

Casting an illusion in front of him, Sun Huang could hardly say anything.

It's just a trick!

In an instant, the Kunlun Mirror shone on top of Sun Rong's head, and in an instant, a stronger illusion wrapped this magic weapon of illusion.

Mo Ying activates the magic weapon of illusion and traps Sun Yu.

At this moment, Mo Zhong shot at Mo Yuzhu!
A shot is a lore.

Mo Zhong urged the natal treasure of his possessed monk to bless the supernatural power of gravity.

In an instant, the [-] times super-gravity force moved towards Mo Yuzhu.

At this critical moment, suddenly, Sun Yuzhu appeared beside Mo Yuzhu.

It's just that Mo Zhong didn't know that Sun Yutong was performing an illusion at this moment.

When it comes to illusion, among the wilderness, no one can compare to the Kunlun Mirror.

In an instant, in Mo Zhong's eyes, Mo Yuzhu was directly subjected to ten thousand times of gravity, and the pressure of ten thousand times of gravity made Mo Yuzhu extremely painful, with broken bones and bloody flesh.

"Space God, is it what you covet. Since you don't obey the order of the Mo family, then the Mo family will treat it as if there has never been a woman like you."

Mo Zhong had a ferocious expression, and in an instant, his hands grabbed Mo Yuzhu, who was bloody and bloody.

dig heart!

Mo Chong was so ruthless that he wanted to directly dig out the spatial mind in Mo Yuzhu's body.

The mind of space god and Mo Yuzhu's heart merged together, and Mo Chong's eyes were full of incomparable coldness at the moment, and he never regarded Mo Yuzhu as the Mo family at all.

About to dig out the space god heart, Mo Zhong's cruel and cold face showed a trace of pleasure!
And all of this is just an illusion formed by Kunlun Mirror communicating with Mo Chong's inner obsession.

In fact, Sun Wei and Mo Yuzhu were safe and sound.

Although the ten thousand times gravity is formidable, but Sun Wei used the supernatural power 'Clutch Element Magnetism' to offset the ten thousand times gravity with the force of the original magnetism.

At this moment, Sun Quan asked about the Kunlun mirror in his heart.

"Space God Heart, Yu Zhu has not completely refined it. Is there a way for Yu Zhu to completely refine the Space Spirit Mind? If so, at least the Mo family will be able to use it."

Sun Yu thought, if once Mo Yuzhu really refined the space spirit, the Mo family would definitely not be able to make such a move again.

"Space God's Heart comes from the Space God. Although the Space God has fallen, the Space God's Heart is a super-powerful God's Heart that is comparable to the Houtian Lingbao. If you want to completely refine it, you must have an incomparably magical power. And this Such a great power, the great sage has it, but I don't know if the great sage is willing!"

Kunlun mirror said incomparably coldly.

"My old grandson has it, could it be the power of space creation?"

Previously, Sun Yu passed through the tribulation of time and space, and obtained the power of good fortune that contains the mystery of time and space.

"It is the power of creation in space, the power of creation, which surpasses the holy power of chaos. If you can give a little power of creation to space, you will definitely be able to refine the mind of space!"

Without even thinking about it, Sun Yu agreed without hesitation.

"The power of space creation, my old grandson can still get it in the future. Now give this power of good fortune to Yuzhu, let her refine the space god heart earlier, if it is completely refined, his void spirit body will become space Spiritual body. In this case, the aptitude can surpass the Da Luo level and reach the Chaos level!"

Under the guidance of the Kunlun mirror, Sun Wei gave Mo Yuzhu the power of space creation.

Mo Yuzhu didn't know what kind of power this ray of strange power from Sun Yu was, but when the power of space creation merged into her body.

All of a sudden, the mind of the space god was shaking endlessly.

In an instant, the space god's heart left her heart directly, and then sank into her purple mansion!

The mind of space is completely fused with Mo Yuzhu's true spirit.

In this case, the only way for the Mo family to get the Space God Heart is to destroy Mo Yuzhu's true spirit.

But when Mo Yuzhu's true spirit dissipated, the spatial mind would also dissipate.

Of course, with the protection of the God of Space, even the Da Luo Jinxian can't completely dissipate Mo Yuzhu's true spirit!
Unless it is the quasi-sage of the Golden Immortal of Chaos, the Golden Immortals of Chaos who have just stepped into the ranks of quasi-sages like Baoyan Zhunsheng and Jiang Xiaobai are still unable to destroy the space god heart.

Although the Chaos Golden Immortals are all known as quasi-sages, there are also distinctions between superiors and inferiors.

Seeing that the space god heart and Mo Yuzhu's true spirit merged so easily, Sun Yu could not help but feel emotional.

"The power of good fortune is indeed so miraculous!"

Now, Sun Yuzhen has really seen the wonder of the power of good fortune.

"There are good fortunes everywhere in the whole prehistoric world. However, it is not that simple to get good fortune. This is also fate. If Mo Yuzhu does not fall in love with the great sage, then she will never get the power of space good fortune in this life. One drink, one peck, fate impermanence!"

Even the Kunlun mirror, which is the innate top-grade spiritual treasure, can't help feeling that good fortune tricks people, and fate is impermanent.

It is not that simple even for the aloof Primordial Saint who wants to completely control his own destiny.

And in the prehistoric world, even Sanqing, when the immeasurable calamity opens, will also be involved in the immeasurable calamity.

Mo Chong dug out the space god heart from the body of 'Mo Yuzhu', looked at the six-sided cube-like, crystal clear space god heart, and suddenly, an unstoppable greed surged in his heart.

As long as the space god mind is integrated into the body, it will be a void spirit body.

Once you become a void spirit body, you will have a Da Luo level qualification, and you are expected to be a Da Luo Jinxian.

Although in the prehistoric age, Daluo Jinxian is no longer a minority, but they are also powerful after all.

At this moment, the greed deep in Mo Zhong's heart was aroused, and it was difficult to suppress it.

On the other side, Mo Ying activated the space maze regardless of the consumption of vitality. Seeing Sun Yu's mind, he was about to fall into the space maze completely.

However, Sun Quan's mind was only a thread away from sinking completely, but he suddenly woke up again.

Mo Ying guessed in his heart that this must be Haoran Wenxin.

"Brother Sun, you and I are one by one. I will kill Mo Zhong, and you will kill Mo Ying!"

Mo Yuzhu's heart has completely changed.

She no longer regards her as the Mo family because the Mo family has never regarded her as the Mo family.

Mo Yuzhu's heart was completely chilled by the actions of the Mo family.

In addition, Mo Yuzhu still has an obsession in his heart, to go to the Mo family, to avenge his mother.

Sun Yutong looked at Mo Yuzhu who was full of hatred, and sighed inwardly, wondering whether his actions today would be good or bad for Mo Yuzhu in the future.

Sun Yu's mind sank into the maze of space again, and in an instant, Sun Yu was holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

"In this illusion today, let's test how powerful 'Chaos Strike' is!"

Now, Mo Ying and Fabao are completely trapped in the space maze.

All of a sudden, Sun Yu held up the Ruyi golden cudgel, and in his mind, he recalled the scene of the battle with Baoxiang back then.

There was neither sadness nor joy in Sun Yuhong's heart, and the Lingtai was empty and bright.

Chaos Strike!
Sun Yu slammed it suddenly, and in an instant, a chaotic divine light suddenly appeared!

Sun Yu's strongest technique, Chaos Strike!
The divine light of chaos annihilates everything, time and space do not exist, cause and effect are broken, reincarnation does not exist, and fate is cut off!
With one blow, it seemed that the world returned to chaos.

This is the secret of Chaos Strike!

This is the most powerful blow created by Sun Yu's painstaking attainments and integration of eternal reincarnation.

The prototype of supreme supernatural power!
Under the attack of chaos, all the space mazes, magic weapons of illusion, and immortal shadows all belong to the chaos!

The entire space labyrinth and Immortal Mo Ying have not left any traces in this world.The body and spirit are all destroyed, and the soul flies away.

Even the Primordial Saint would never want to find Mo Ying and his true spirit possessed by the monks of the Mo family from the long river of time!

Chaos Strike makes the world return to chaos, and everything returns to 'The Promise'.

When everything in front of him disappeared, Sun Huang's hands trembled slightly.

He didn't expect that Chaos Strike would be so overbearing.

Compared with the supreme supernatural power and five-color divine light, it is even more against the sky.

At this moment, the hope of defeating Duobao really rose in Sun Yu's heart.

Previously, although Sun Yu's obsession was to avenge Duobao, that kind of despair could not be changed.

Compared with Duobao, Sun Wei felt far from him.

In particular, Duobao is also the leader of Taoism and Buddhism, and he created the nine-style Tathagata palm by himself, which is the supreme supernatural power of the nine doors.

But now, the Chaos Attack that dominates the world makes Sun Yu can't help but be ecstatic.

On the other side, Mo Yuzhu, who became a space spirit body, came back to try the power of the space spirit body.

The space spirit is gifted with the supernatural power of the space blade, which directly cut Mo Zhong into pieces.

Annihilating Mo Chong's true spirit, Mo Yuzhu disliked the fragments of Mo Chong's body, and directly used the peerless supernatural power of "space exile", exiled Mo Chong's flesh and blood to the depths of the void, and was completely annihilated in an instant.

The two immortals of the Mo family were completely annihilated.

(End of this chapter)

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