Chapter 153
Outside of Pill Valley, outstanding talents from the Eastern Desolation Family and Sect gathered here, there were hundreds of them.

Every outstanding genius has a great background, at least from a third-rate family sect, and among the forces, there is a big Luo Jinxian who suppresses luck.

The outer restriction that guards the Pill Valley has been broken by these outstanding geniuses.

But the inner forbidden formation uses a simple and mysterious Danding as the core of the forbidden formation.Hundreds of outstanding geniuses tried their best, but they couldn't shake the inner forbidden formation.

All the outstanding geniuses looked around, that simple and mysterious alchemy cauldron exuded an ancient and vast atmosphere, long and ancient.

The tripod has three legs and two ears, and the tripod is engraved with pictures of the sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers, demon gods and witches, and the hard work of ancient ancestors.

This alchemy tripod may have been commonplace in ancient times, but now that it has gone through hundreds of billions of years, and it has not been eroded by time, this tripod alone is extremely precious.

Not to mention, in this alchemy cauldron now, there is a chaotic heavenly pill that swallows the aura of the ten directions, and the aura of the vast world is like a tide, pouring into the chaotic heavenly pill in the alchemy cauldron.

The Chaos Heavenly Pill fluctuated in the cauldron, and the aura like the tide was swallowed by the Chaos Heavenly Pill, and the vast aura made the Chaos Heavenly Pill even more extraordinary.

The profound meaning of chaos contained in this chaotic celestial pill shocked many outstanding geniuses.

At this moment, an outstanding genius suddenly asked a question that all outstanding geniuses had avoided before.

"There is only one Chaos Heavenly Pill, and it is impossible to separate the Heavenly Pill. How do we divide it?"

As soon as these words came out, many outstanding talents fell silent.

"When Tiandan no longer absorbs spiritual energy, Tiandan and Danding will definitely shake the inner forbidden formation. At that time, we will bombard this forbidden formation with magic weapons and various forbidden magic weapons. When the forbidden formation is broken, Let each use their own means."

An outstanding genius said in a deep voice.

"Each means? To put it bluntly, everyone will spare no efforts in order to compete for the Danding and Chaos Heavenly Pills. In this case, whether the forbidden formation can be broken is still a question!"

Another outstanding genius said sarcastic words, in the prehistoric world, whenever a treasure is born, it can turn two seemingly inseparable forces against each other.

If a single faction discovers Pill Valley, it may be able to take it as its own.But now hundreds of outstanding talents are outside Pill Valley, and they come from different families and sects.

How is it possible to work together?

In front of Danding and Chaos Heavenly Pill, how could these outstanding talents not be tempted.

At the moment when many outstanding talents were in a stalemate, suddenly, there was a ray of light in the distance, heading straight for Pill Valley.

All of a sudden, these outstanding men and geniuses were all ready, and if they found out that they were foreign enemies, they would kill them immediately.

The light escaped to the sky, and the light escaped, revealing a figure.

A genius in the divine realm of Lianbaozong, arrived at Pill Valley.

"Meet the envoy!"

Regardless of cultivation level or power, this genius in the divine realm is enough to suppress these outstanding geniuses.

"This chaotic celestial pill, the young master specified it. None of you should get involved, otherwise, the family or sect behind you will be bloodbathed by the Treasure Refining Sect."

This divine genius has an extremely domineering tone, but he comes from the Treasure Refining Sect, so he has the qualifications to be domineering.

Hearing this, all the outstanding geniuses were shocked.

But now, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

These third-rate and second-rate aristocratic sects joined the Treasure Sect.Of course, at this time, it is impossible to compete with the Lianbaozong for the Chaos Heavenly Pill.

What's more, the chaotic elixir is the young master of the Lianbao Sect, Baoxiang, and Baoxiang is not the nameless young master of other aristocratic sects. He is the son of the sage Duobao, and Duobao is the patriarch of the Lianbao Sect.

"As for this alchemy cauldron!" The genius in the divine realm pretended to pause, causing all the outstanding geniuses to hang their hearts in the air.

"The Treasure Sect will not take over, but in order to prevent you from killing each other, the young master decided to take me with you at that time. When you leave the Immortal Mansion, there will naturally be Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Quasi-Sage behind you to discuss."

Hearing that the Treasure Refining Sect will not occupy this alchemy cauldron, these outstanding talents breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, a look of arrogance appeared on the face of the genius in the divine realm.

"As long as you serve the Treasure Refining Sect loyally, the dignified Treasure Treasure Sect would not think highly of this alchemy tripod. However, this alchemy tripod is indeed precious to you three-rate and second-rate aristocratic sects."

The geniuses in the Divine Realm of Lianbaozong are full of arrogance. These outstanding geniuses only know that the Lianbaozong will not monopolize it.

"Young Master, if you take this Chaos Heavenly Pill, you will definitely be able to achieve a ten-turn Golden Pill!"

At this moment, an outstanding genius said flatteringly.

"That's right, the young master is crossing the tribulation. After passing through the nine calamities, and then taking the Chaos Heavenly Pill, you will be able to achieve the ten-turn Golden Pill!"

The genius of the refining treasure sect said proudly.

"If I remember correctly, Sun Yu is also a Nine-Turn Golden Pill. If he knows that there is a Chaos Heavenly Pill here, he will definitely go all out to snatch it."

Suddenly, an outstanding genius said in a deep voice.

"Haha, you are too cautious. We have gathered so many outstanding talents here, and most of them are in the primordial realm. If he dares to come here, he will never return!"

"Yes, it would be good if he really came. If you kill him, the young master will be even happier."

"Speaking of which, I really want him to come. Let him know a truth when the time comes, what is meant by 'there is a way in the heavens and he will not go, and there is no way to the underworld, but he will go on his own'."

"This place is now a dragon's lake and a tiger's den. With his timid character, how dare he venture into this dangerous place?"

These outstanding talents who joined the Lianbao Sect were reckless and arrogant. Everyone knew that if they could kill Sun Yutong, they would definitely make the young master Baoxiang Longyan happy.

At that time, the status will be skyrocketed, and if one can join the Lianbao Sect, then it can be said that there is hope for longevity and a great way.

And at this moment, suddenly, an incomparably hearty laughter resounded from the sky.

"Is there a back and forth?"

"Longtan and Tiger's Lair?"

"If there is a way in the heavens, he won't go, but if there is no way in the underworld, he will go on his own?"

People followed the sound, and waves of void ripples appeared.

In an instant, the figures of Sun Yutong and Mo Yuzhu suddenly appeared high above the sky.

"Sun Yu, how dare you come here!"

"It's true that the sky has eyes. Since you took the initiative to seek death, I will fulfill you today!"

"It's really crazy, let me let you know today, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Seeing that Sun Yuzhen really came, many outstanding talents were excited and emotional.

Sun Yuhong's words did not take them seriously, which made them very angry.

But Sun Yuhong showed up on his own initiative, giving them another god-sent opportunity to kill Sun Yuhong.

That's why these outstanding talents are so emotional.

And at this time, Mu Xiyan, the genius of the Lianbao Sect who came here, shot out a murderous intent in his eyes.

The killing intent soared into the sky and went straight to the sky.

As far as Lianbaozong was concerned, he always wanted to kill Sun Yu, who made Lianbaozong lose face.

The previous battle that alarmed Linzi City ended with Baoxiang vulnerable, which made all members of the Treasure Refining Sect feel endless humiliation.

Now, I finally have a chance to avenge my shame.

"Sun Wei, you will definitely die today."

Mu Xi, a genius in the divine realm, is full of murderous intent.

Sun Yuhong smiled coldly, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then he looked at the chaotic celestial pill in the elixir valley, and Sun Wei secretly cast the supernatural power 'Fire Eyes', and saw that the elixir pattern on the surface of the celestial pill was almost complete.

Seeing Sun Yu coveting this chaotic elixir, the god-level genius Mu Xiyan and the outstanding genius of Donghuang were even more furious.

"This is the Chaos Heavenly Pill of Young Master Baoxiang, do you still dare to be greedy?"

Mu Xi, a genius in the divine realm, was so angry that his lungs exploded. Sun Wei is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, unable to protect himself, and even wants to seize the Chaos Heavenly Pill.

A sharp light suddenly shot out from Sun Yu's eyes, "Since it is Baoxiang's Chaos Heavenly Pill, why didn't he come in person? I guess he was going through a catastrophe and couldn't get away to come to this Pill Valley. With you jumping beam clowns, you can Can you stop my old grandson from taking the Chaos Heavenly Pill?"

Sun Yuhong dismissed it with disdain, showing all his might.

In an instant, the vast power of the gods, like a tide like a wave, crushed down from the sky like overwhelming.

"Do it, kill him!"

The divine genius Mu Xiyan gave an order, and he and the outstanding genius of the Eastern Wasteland directly used the magic weapon of their own destiny to bombard Sun Yutong.

Hundreds of Tier [-] or Tier [-] magic weapons bombard the void with terrifying power and the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

"Ants, you just watch with your own eyes how my old grandson got the Chaos Heavenly Pill. Go back and tell Baoxiang, wait for my old grandson to break through the ten-turn golden pill, and then kill him. Let him wash his neck and wait for my old grandson to come kill!"

The words reverberated in the void, and from the moment they spoke, the figures of Sun Yutong and Mo Yuzhu suddenly disappeared in the void.

The great supernatural power of space-space teleportation!
Tiangang's great supernatural power - the battle turns and the stars move!
Sun Yutong used one of the 36 transformations of Tiangang, the star shift and Mo Yuzhu's space shift, to superimpose the power of the two supernatural powers, and directly penetrate the forbidden formation in an instant.

The figures of Sun Yuhong and Mo Yuzhu came directly to the alchemy tripod in the alchemy valley.

The magic weapon bombarded the void, shattering the void.

But when all the outstanding geniuses took a closer look, Sun Yu and Mo Yuzhu were actually beside Dan Ding.

Seeing this scene, the divine genius Mu Xiyan and the outstanding genius were simply furious.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Sun Yu used some sorcery to break through the forbidden formation.

And at this moment, the chaotic celestial pill was spinning in the void, the endless aura was swallowed up, and the pill pattern on the celestial pill appeared.

At this time, even an outstanding genius with the worst eyesight can see that the Chaos Heavenly Pill is about to complete.

It's a pity that the chaotic elixir of Dzogchen is about to fall into the hands of Sun Yuhong.

"Recklessly bombard the forbidden formation, and kill him in the Pill Valley!"

Mu Xiyan, a genius in the divine realm, raised his head to the sky and roared furiously. In an instant, he injected mana into his fourth-order magic weapon, and in an instant, he blasted directly towards the inner forbidden formation.

"That's right, it's impossible for the inner forbidden formation to destroy the Danding."

"Since we can't get the Chaos Heavenly Pill now, let Sun Yu be buried with the Chaos Heavenly Pill!"

"Birds die for food, man dies for treasure!"

In an instant, the outstanding geniuses of the Eastern Wilderness, regardless of mana consumption, activated their magic weapons and bombarded the inner forbidden formation!

(End of this chapter)

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