The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 161 Burning mountains and boiling seas

Chapter 161 Burning mountains and boiling seas
Sun Yutong suddenly saw the pale face of this monk, and suddenly, a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Say, what is the reason why the Lianbaozong summoned you?"

Sun Yu yelled sharply.

"What call from the Treasure Sect? I'm just looking for opportunities everywhere in the Immortal Mansion!"

This cultivator of the Lianbaozong didn't blink his eyes, his heart didn't beat, and he blurted out lies.

"My old grandson gave you face, you are shameless. Since you don't drink toast, you have to drink fine wine. My old grandson, I will fulfill your loyalty to Lianbaozong!"

Sun Yu Yaokong punched Yuanshi Zhenqi into the four sharp long swords that nailed the limbs of the cultivator of Lianbaozong. Suddenly, the long sword was infused with Yuanshi Zhenqi, and strands of extremely sharp sword Qi pierced him in the meridian.

In an instant, endless pain flooded the heart of this Treasure Refining Sect cultivator.

"If you don't tell me, then my old grandson will let you know today that torture in the underworld is nothing at all!"

The sword qi pierced the meridians and acupuncture points, which was extremely painful.

Sun Yuhong's face was fierce, how could a monk of Lianbaozong have endured such pain.

"I said, I said it all!"

The cultivator of the Treasure Sect immediately begged for mercy.

But Sun Yu was still pouring Yuanshi Zhenqi into the long sword, and wisps of sword energy still pierced into his body.

"It was the young master Baoxiang who summoned us to the Lingzhi Hall. Grab Huangyao and win the rotten tree!"

This cultivator of Lianbaozong couldn't bear the pain, so he spoke out all at once.

Under the agitation of Sun Yu's mood, in an instant, the fierce sword energy directly caused this monk of the refining treasure sect to explode on the spot!
The monk of Lianbaozong turned into a blood mist, while his Nascent Soul was wiped out by the fierce sword intent.


Although Sun Quan had beheaded the cultivator of the Refining Treasure Sect, his complexion suddenly darkened.

"Go, go to Lingzhi Hall!"

Sun Yu wanted to fly to Huang Yao's side immediately to protect her.

Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu sighed in their hearts at the same time when they saw Sun Yu's anxious appearance.

In Sun Yuhong's heart, Huang Yao is still the most important.

But at this moment, outside the Lingzhi Hall, Huang Yao regained her true energy and was about to break the restriction again. Suddenly, a large number of monks appeared outside the Lingzhi Hall.

Led by Baoxiang, the young master of the Lianbao Sect, most of the monks in the Immortal Mansion of the Lianbao Sect came to the Lingzhi Hall.

Seeing Huang Yao, Bao Xiang couldn't help but have a trace of evil in his eyes.

The scorching eyes wanted to see Huang Yao through, but in Bao Xiang's heart, because of Sun Yu, the sword was already swaying.

"Young master, the great cause is the most important thing!"

At this moment, a genius of the Great Perfection in the Divine Realm of the Lianbao Sect reminded Baoxiang.

This Dzogchen genius was the most outstanding descendant of the quasi-sage Baoyan, and Baoyan asked him to follow Baoxiang.

Baoxiang immediately looked towards Lingzhi Hall and saw the rotten trees.

"Sure enough, it's a rotten tree. The Lingzhi Temple still has this kind of spiritual plant that is almost extinct in the wild."

Looking at the rotten tree, Baoxiang couldn't help feeling endless greed in his heart.

The rotten tree is a treasure to the fire cultivators, and in the Treasure Refining Sect, most of them are fire cultivators.

Like those foundry masters and foundry masters, they are extremely eager for rotten trees.

If this piece of rotten tree can be brought back to Treasure Refining Sect, then Treasure Refining Sect's strength will definitely usher in an earth-shaking growth.

At that time, Duobao will look at Baoxiang with admiration.

Bao Xiang was extremely satisfied, the resentment accumulated in his heart in the past dissipated because of this rotten tree and this magnificent Huang Yao in front of him.

At this moment, in the Jiyuan Immortal Mansion, in the living room.

"True man, just plant a rotten tree with your spirit like this?"

Lu Xi struggled a little. Even the three-legged Jinwu clan with the innate spiritual root of hibiscus wood still longed for the rotten tree.

"These rotten trees are just the lowest level. Even if they get them, they can only be used by monks below the immortal rank. It has no effect on the overall situation. The real rotten trees are all here with this old man."

Suddenly, in the void, a vicissitudes of life and simplicity sounded.

When Lu Xi heard this, she was interested in watching a good show that was about to be staged.

Outside the Lingzhi Hall, Baoxiang suddenly waved his hand, and several Baobaozong monks who were cultivated in the divine realm immediately surrounded Huangyao.

"Huang Yao, you don't want to escape from the palm of this young master today. You still obediently obey this young master. This young master will let you enjoy the bliss in the world!"

Baoxiang's evil spirit is awe-inspiring, completely different from his past as the young master of the Treasure Refining Sect!

At this moment, a clear phoenix cry spread throughout the nine heavens!

Huang Yao suddenly turned into her main body, a phoenix, burning with blazing real phoenix fire.

In an instant, the entire void became hotter.

"Do you think this young master can't do anything to get you by turning into a phoenix body?" Bao Xiang was extremely rampant, "Don't you know that this young master is the young master of the Treasure Refining Sect? There are not many other things in the Treasure Sect." , with the most magic weapons!"

Suddenly, Baoxiang played a magic weapon.

As soon as this magic weapon came out, Huang Yao suddenly felt the blood of the Phoenix in her body boiling.

This magic weapon can affect the Phoenix bloodline.

At this moment, Huang Yao had no choice but to use most of her mana to suppress the boiling blood.

"Take her!"

Baoxiang gave an order, and suddenly, several monks who were cultivated in the divine realm of the Baozong sect flew to the sky!

The Phoenix True Fire suddenly turned the void into a sea of ​​flames.

And at this time, these cultivators in the Divine Realm of the Treasure Refining Sect each sacrificed at least three defensive magic weapons to resist the Phoenix True Fire!

If it is a cultivator in the divine realm from other aristocratic sects, maybe there is no way to help Phoenix True Fire!
The god-level cultivator of Kelian Baozong held a fourth-order magic weapon and suppressed Huang Yao step by step.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a sudden change.

The power of Phoenix True Fire soared a hundred times, and the entire sea of ​​flames swept through the void.

And at this moment, a violent shout shocked the world!

"Burning the mountains and boiling the sea!"

Honghuanghuo's supernatural powers, together with the Phoenix True Fire, whose power soared a hundred times, in an instant, the terrifying Phoenix True Fire directly burned the few cultivators in the Divine Realm of the Treasure Sect who besieged Huangyao to ashes.

And the fourth-order magic weapon they held in their hands was directly burned into nothingness by the Phoenix True Fire.

Several monks in the divine realm of the Lianbao Sect fell like this.

And at this moment, Baoxiang's face was extremely angry!

"Sun Wei, it's you again!"

Baoxiang was very familiar with that outburst.

And at this moment, in the sea of ​​flames in the void, the figure of Sun Yu suddenly appeared!
And behind Sun Wei, Jiang Mingzhu held up the pearl, and the light of the pearl fell down, even in the sea of ​​fire, Jiang Mingzhu was safe and sound.

And Mo Yuzhu is a space spirit body, which looks to be in a sea of ​​flames, but in fact her body is in multiple void interlayers.

Afterwards, all the phoenix fires dissipated, and at this moment, Huang Yao re-formed into a human form.

"Brother Sun!"

Huang Yao saw that the critical moment for Sun Rong was approaching, so she couldn't help but threw herself into Sun Rong's arms!
Warm fragrance and warm jade, Huang Yao nestled in Sun Yu's heart.

Huang Yao originally thought that this catastrophe was really inevitable, but she did not expect that at the critical moment, Sun Wei, like a god descended to the earth, directly used the plane tree to secretly make the Phoenix's true fire soar a hundred times.

Then he used the great supernatural power 'burning mountains and boiling seas' to completely explode the might of the phoenix's real fire.

Caught off guard, several cultivators in the Divine Realm of the Lianbao Sect were wiped out physically and mentally.

And at this time, Huang Yao saw Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu behind Sun Yuhong, her face turned red in an instant, she was extremely shy.

Sun Yu patted Huang Yao's back lightly, "Don't worry, with my grandson here, I will never let any clown hurt a single hair of yours!"

After comforting Huang Yao, Sun Rong's expression was colder than ever before!
Baoxiang was already desperate, and from this time when he attacked Huangyao, Sun Rong's killing intent was full.

It is impossible for Sun Yu to bring Huang Yao by his side all the time, and there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

In Sun Yu's eyes, a fierce murderous intent burst out.

And at this moment, Baoxiang's eyes were also full of murderous intent.

Time and time again, Sun Yutong provoked him.

The first time was to snatch a woman from him, and the second time was under the watchful eyes of everyone, causing him to be defeated in one blow.

And when he came to the Jiyuan Immortal Mansion, he even robbed his Chaos Heavenly Pill, and now he came to the Lingzhi Palace again!
In Baoxiang's heart, he hated Sun Yuhong very much, and wished he could kill him quickly.

Suddenly, two extremely fierce murderous intentions collided in the void!
The fierce collision of murderous intent made all the monks of Lianbaozong feel shuddering.

What a terrifying murderous intent!
The murderous intent is fierce, and the murderous aura is soaring.

"A small Rank [-] Golden Core cultivator dares to jump in front of my old grandson."

Sun Yu's words undoubtedly opened Baoxiang's scar coldly, and then sprinkled a handful of salt on the wound.

The reason why Baoxiang achieved the eight-turn golden elixir was not thanks to Sun Yuhong.

Now, Sun Yuhong said such sarcasm again, and Baoxiang's anger burned blazingly, burning up to the ninth heaven.

"Sun Yu, do you think that you can show off your power in front of this young master because you are a ten-turn golden elixir?"

As the young master of the Treasure Refining Sect and the son of a sage, Baoxiang naturally couldn't have no cards in his hole.

On Sun Yu's face, there was a cold and murderous intent.

"In the past, my old grandson always killed monks with a higher level of cultivation than my old grandson. Today is the first time I have made an exception and killed an ant whose cultivation level is not as good as my old grandson's. It should be a breeze to trample a worthless person like you to death! "

In his heart again, Sun Quanyu changed the treasure phase into a lot of treasures!

At this moment, Sun Yu's killing intent became even fiercer and fiercer.

The unrivaled ferocity is undoubtedly revealed.

When Bao Xiang saw Sun Yu, he was still so rampant, his eyes were high above his head, and he looked like he didn't pay attention to him at all. Nothing could be more angry, more angry than this!
"Overestimate your own strength, this young master is the son of a dignified sage, do you think this young master's aptitude will be at the chaos level? If it weren't for the fact that the main body has been retreating all the time, only because of you, an ignorant ant, would this young master kick trample you to death!"

Baoxiang sneered angrily.

"Are you just a clone?"

Sun Yu asked coldly.

"So what if you have a clone, even if you fight this clone today, you will be doomed forever!"

Baoxiang originally didn't want to sacrifice this clone at will, but if he didn't sacrifice the clone now, it would be impossible to die together with Sun Wei.

With the idea of ​​sacrificing this avatar, Baoxiang's aura suddenly soared a thousand times.

The power of the gods is like a prison, unrivaled in the world!
 From the [-]st to the [-]th, there are two updates every day. Lao Liang tries his best to fix the update at [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] every day.

(End of this chapter)

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