The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 167 Tiangang Yuangong

Chapter 167 Tiangang Yuangong
In the midst of the sky, Zou Zi, who has been paying attention to Sun Yu's protection, has a smile in his eyes.

"Wu Hong is really naughty. She actually switched the avatar and the deity in front of Ji Yuan. I didn't expect that Ji Yuan didn't even notice it. I didn't expect that hundreds of billions of years of silence would weaken Ji Yuan to such an extent!"

With Zou Zi's supernatural powers, he can see the fire like seeing the fire, revealing every detail.Sun Wei used his clone to defend against the Flying Sword and Seven Arrows.

This avatar is a bit unbelievable, it can make two supernatural powers return without success.

It's just that Sun Yu had concealed all of this from Ji Yuan, but not from Zou Zi.

However, seeing that Sun Yu was neither humble nor overbearing in front of Ji Yuan, and even slightly arrogant, Zou Zi shook his head and smiled faintly.

Inside the Jiyuan Hall, the face of the real Jiyuan was unprecedentedly gloomy.

And at this moment, the holy son Lu Xi was hit hard again by Sun Yuyan. This time, the defeat was even more severe than the previous blow.

The last time, even if Sun Quan caught the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife empty-handed, and then threw the Flying Knife, killing eight of their peerless geniuses in one fell swoop.

At that time, Lu Xi was only at the Alchemy Realm, and his blood had only been awakened three times.

But breaking through the Yuan Realm, the bloodline awakened four times.Moreover, the ban imposed on him by Lu Ya back then was washed away because of the awakening of the bloodline, and the potential of the bloodline was exploded.

Now, in terms of aptitude, Lu Xi has surpassed the peak of the chaos level, and it can be said that it has reached the limit of the chaos level.

Only one step away, you can enter the ranks of Hunyuan level Tianjiao.

But even so, now that he was once again defeated by Sun Yuhong, with supreme supernatural powers, Sun Yutong took over safely and without incident.

And if it wasn't for Daoist Jiyuan's attack in the end, he might have fallen under the five-color divine light.

Even so, Lu Xi turned into the body of the three-legged Golden Crow at this moment, covered with wounds and bleeding.

Lu Xi changed into a human form, and her breath was weak.

There was even a faint tendency to fall from the Yuan state to the Dan state, which made Lu Xi feel sad.

Sun Yu's strength made him feel a little desperate.

Ji Yuan Zhenren and Lu Xi looked at Sun Yuhong gloomyly. Although it was not an oath before, for the identities of Ji Yuan Zhenren and Lu Xi, it was not much different from making an oath.

Unless, they want to break the promise.

However, breaking a promise can even break the Dao heart, and they can't afford such a price.

"Since this is the case, so what if the Tiangang Yuangong is given to you. Anyway, you can only refer to it, and you can't practice Tiangang Yuangong!"

Master Jiyuan said coldly.

Immediately, Lu Xi silently took out a jade slip from the Qiankun bag.

It's just that Sun Yu didn't look at the jade slip when he saw it, but faced the real person Jiyuan directly.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xi's anger was aroused again.

"Sun Yuhong, do you think that if I take out the fake Tiangang Yuan Gong, it won't work?"

Sun Quan was not at all greedy for the jade card in his hand, and Lu Xi was immediately furious.

"The Tiangang Yuangong Inheritance Jade Card given to you by the three-legged Jinwu clan is of course not fake. Unless you are not the son of Zhenjun Lu Ya. But my grandson wants your inheritance jade card, my grandson wants it It is the original version of Tiangang Yuangong!"

Of course, the Tiangang Yuangong practiced by Lu Xi is true.It's just that his Tiangang Yuangong must have been specially deduced by Zhenjun Lu Ya for him, and it is the Tiangang Yuangong that is most suitable for Lu Xi to practice.

If Sun Wei wants to practice Tiangang Yuangong, of course it is impossible to choose Lu Xi's Jade Card.

Even if Sun Yu was from the three-legged Jinwu clan, he couldn't have it.

This Tiangang Yuangong is the most suitable for Lu Xi. If you practice rashly, even Lu Xi may not be able to surpass it.

"Your ambition is still not small!"

The real person Jiyuan knew very well why Sun Yu wanted the original copy of Tiangang Yuangong.

"You don't even want the Tiangang Yuangong deduced by the saint, but you want this first-generation original. Do you think the old man will be so stupid as to give you the method of proving the Tao of Tiangang Xuangong?"

A hint of sarcasm appeared on the face of Master Jiyuan.

Sun Yu was stunned, he seemed to feel that Master Jiyuan had misunderstood his intentions.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you, the dignified ancient quasi-sage, would look at my grandson like this. I really disappointed my grandson. You thought that my grandson wanted the original version of Tiangang Yuangong for the sake of the patriarch who protected my grandson." ?”

Sun Yu laughed out loud.

Hearing this, Master Ji Yuan's face froze.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?
"Jiyuan Zhenren, in vain you almost became a demon master of the demon clan's Heavenly Court, but you actually treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Jixia Academy Jijiu, the founder of the Yinyang family, one of the hundreds of ancient and modern masters Dear Zou Zi, in your heart, is he actually someone who conspired with your monster race to prove the way?"

Sun Yu was a little disappointed in his heart, that Master Jiyuan would underestimate the heroes of the world so much.

Perhaps in the ancient and ancient times, the method of proving the Tao made all the quasi-sages flock to it.

But now and in the past, the fate of the prehistoric is boiling, and the demons invade the prehistoric, bringing catastrophe to the three realms and six realms, but it also allows many quasi-sages to find the way to prove the Tao, first proving the Tao with merit, and then perfecting the foundation of the Tao.

However, Master Jiyuan thought that Zou Zi was greedy for Tiangang Yuangong to prove the way.

But in Sun Yu's eyes, it was just a joke.

If Zou Zi didn't want to elevate the peerless supernatural powers to the supreme supernatural powers in the realm of quasi-sages, it is not hopeless to prove the Tao now, at least in Sun Wei's opinion, there is a [-]% chance of proving the Tao.

"Isn't it? You just want the original Tiangang Yuangong, not the Tiangang Yuangong deduced by a saint!"

Master Ji Yuan is still testing Sun Yu.

"Hmph, my old grandson admits that Zhenjun Lu Ya is a Hunyuan saint, and the Tiangang Yuangong deduced may not be inferior to the Tiangang Yuangong created by your joint efforts back then, but that is only in terms of power. Moreover, the saint's deduced Tiangang Yuangong is most suitable for Lu Xi, not my grandson!"

Sun Yuhong snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

"So that's the case, no wonder you want the original copy!"

Only the real Jiyuan knows that Sun Yu is so sensible.

"If you don't want to teach the method of proving the way, then you can erase the method of proving the way from the original version. My old grandson only wants the Tiangang Yuangong, not the method of proving the way!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

When Master Jiyuan saw what Sun Wei said, even the quasi-sage behind the scenes didn't show up, so he knew that Sun Wei was telling the truth!

It is true that Sun Yuhong came for the first original version of Tiangang Yuangong, but he would never seek the way to prove the Tao in order to protect his quasi-sage!

In other words, neither Sun Wei, nor his guardian quasi-sage behind the scenes, took Tiangang Yuangong's way of proving the Tao seriously!
Master Jiyuan sensed the strength of the quasi-sage who guarded Sun Wei, and he understood that he had probably found a way to prove the Tao that suits him!
There are many methods of proving the Tao that have been handed down in the prehistoric world, such as Pan Gu's power proving, Hongjun Daozu's beheading three corpses, Wahuang's merits, Western teachings' great wishes, and the immature four-image incarnation. The Tao and the five elements are separated to prove the Tao.

However, although these ways of proving the Tao can make quasi-sages of chaos ascend to the holy realm, countless quasi-sages are diligently seeking the way of proving the way that best suits them.

"Since you don't want to prove the way, the old man will teach you the Tiangang Yuangong!"

While Master Jiyuan was thinking, many animal skins suddenly appeared in his hands.

And the aura emitted by these animal skins is extremely terrifying.

"At least they are the animal skins of the fallen powerhouses of the ancient beast level, but only their animal skins can carry the Tiangang Yuan Gong!"

Sun Yu knew that Dijun and Donghuangtai gathered together the great supernatural powers of the monster race back then, and combined the wisdom of all people to create the Tiangang Yuangong.

In that era, there were no characters, only the oldest Hongmeng seal characters carrying the Dao.

And among these animal skins, the writing is Hongmeng seal characters.

Daoist Jiyuan tore off the last page with all his strength, and then without hesitating, he gave the Tiangang Yuangong to Sun Yutong!
Sun Yutong held up the Tiangang Yuangong, although the last page recorded that the method of proving the Tao was torn off, but Sun Yuhong only wanted the Hongmeng seal characters on the front.

And at this moment, Zou Zi's pupils shrank suddenly in the dark sky, always feeling that something was wrong.

Ji Yuan Daoist, it is a bit too straightforward.

Moreover, is Tiangang Yuangong's way of proving the Tao really recorded on the last page?

Zou Zi suddenly had some guesses in his mind, would Master Ji Yuan be like this, would he deliberately plan to plot against Sun Yu?

Daoist Jiyuan is as resourceful as the sea, he almost became a demon master back then, and his schemes reach the sky.

Otherwise, how could Di Jun rely heavily on him as his right-hand man.

An existence that can be compared with Bai Ze's plan will definitely not be bad.

The prehistoric and powerful quasi-sage, everyone knows that Bai Ze's deduction of the secrets of heaven is almost the strongest.

The calculation is even more unpredictable, just like God's will.

With such doubts together, it is difficult for Zou Zi to suppress.

But right now, he's not showing up.

Moreover, Sun Yuhong would not have practiced Tiangang Yuangong so early, and it would not be too late to teach Sun Yuhong when he returned to Jixia Academy.

As soon as he thought of this, Zou Zi temporarily suppressed his doubts.

But at this time, Sun Yu got the original copy of the first generation of Tiangang Yuangong, and he was so anxious that he couldn't wait to leave the Jiyuan Hall.

Sun Yuhong left, and Zou Zishennian followed Sun Yuhong, and also left Jiyuan Immortal Mansion.

At this moment, Lu Xi looked at Jiyuan real person.

Suddenly, it was discovered that there was an unfathomable sneer on the corner of the mouth of Master Jiyuan!

This sneer made Lu Xi shudder.

"Tiangang Yuangong requires the blood of the demon clan to practice. Besides, the old man tore off the last page just now. It is not the method of proving the Tao, but the essence of Tiangang Yuangong written by the emperor himself, just like the general outline. He If you want to practice to become Tiangang Yuangong, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky!"

Master Ji Yuan sneered.

Lu Xi suddenly realized, "In this case, if there is no general outline, even if you are lucky enough to absorb the blood essence of the strong monster clan and succeed in training, you will eventually fall into the urn. And there is no general outline, the deeper the cultivation, the easier it is to go crazy!"

Only now did Lu Xi know that Ji Yuan Zhenren didn't know that Sun Yu had no intention of trying to seize the way of enlightenment.

He deliberately provoked Sun Yu like that, just to have an excuse to tear off the last page.

Misunderstanding Sun Yu into thinking that the last page is the method of enlightenment!

In this case, the Tiangang Yuan Gong obtained by Sun Wei is the original version of the first generation, but there is no general outline.

Even if Sun Yu was blessed with the same blessings as the heavens, it is impossible to truly succeed in cultivating the Tiangang Yuangong.

In this way, in the future, he can be checked and balanced.

If he doesn't obey the Yaozu's orders, the Yaozu can easily destroy him.

At this time, Lu Xi finally understood the real Jiyuan's ability to plan, and turned his hands into clouds and rain, which is simply unpredictable!
 At least ten chapters will explode tomorrow!Impact the Xianxia combat power list!

(End of this chapter)

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