The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 169 Intimidation and Intimidation

Chapter 169 Intimidation and Intimidation

Facing the current situation, Sun Wei's eyes seemed to see the Jiyuan Daoist in the Jiyuan Hall through the barrier of void.

Suddenly, an incomparably strong space-shifting force suddenly appeared around Sun Wei and Mo Yuzhu.

In an instant, Master Jiyuan made a move, and moved Sun Yutong and Mo Yuzhu out of the interlayer of void.

The figure of Sun Yuhong reappeared in the Jiyuan Hall, and at this moment, behind Sun Yuhong stood three magnificent fairies.

Sun Yu suddenly sensed that the entire Jiyuan Immortal Mansion still had an incomparably rich power of stars.

Suddenly, Sun Wei immediately understood why the Jiyuan Immortal Mansion came to the depths of the turbulent void.


With every word and sentence, Sun Wei was able to escape from the hands of the two quasi-sages and the great Luo Jinxians, only by relying on one of the three great formations in the prehistoric legends, the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation.

It's just that Sun Yu couldn't figure it out, there was such an unrivaled formation in the Jiyuan Immortal Mansion, so why did the real Jiyuan fall back then?
The real person Jiyuan sensed Sun Rong's doubts, thinking that now that he had the chance to win, Sun Rong could not escape the control, so he didn't mind, and answered questions with Sun Rong.

"In ancient times, the menacing Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Gods besieged the old man. The Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Gods and the Great Formation of Zhou Tian Xingdou were both one of the three great formations in the prehistoric world. Although this old man is alone, it is impossible for them to completely seal the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation."

Daoist Jiyuan said lightly.

"Of course, since it's all the Qishiji formation, after all, you are also a pinnacle quasi-sage, even if the Twelve Ancestral Witches personally attack, it is impossible for you to be defenseless."

Sun Yuhong said lightly.

"However, who would have imagined that the Twelve Ancestral Witches were extremely determined to kill this old man. Even in their eyes, the old man's threat to the Witch Clan was far greater than that of the Mu Emperor who was in charge of the Kunlun Mirror. The Twelve Ancestral Witches were dispatched, carrying Not counting the formation of the gods and demons in the Twelve Capitals, they even launched an innate treasure to suppress the luck of the witch clan."

Hearing this, Sun Huang's face was full of surprise.

"The monster clan has the innate treasure Chaos Clock, which is controlled by the Eastern Emperor. My old grandson knows this. But, the witch clan also has the innate treasure?"

Sun Yu couldn't believe it, it was the first time he had heard that the Wu Clan also had innate treasures.

"According to ancient legends, there are ten great innate treasures in the prehistoric world, but the only five innate treasures in the present world are the Taiji Picture, Pangu Banner, Zhuxian Sword Array, Chaos Clock, and Qiankun Ding. What about the other five?"

Master Jiyuan's words completely confused Sun Rongyu.

"That's right. According to ancient legends, Honghuang has ten innate treasures. These five innate treasures are famous in Honghuang. What about the other five?"

It was only now that Sun Yu remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

"The lich, dragon, phoenix, and unicorn were once the overlords of the prehistoric world, each with their innate treasures to suppress luck. The monster clan is the Chaos Clock, while the witch clan is said to be the Pangu Palace. The witch clan claims to be the descendants of the great god Pangu, who was in the chaos The dojo for cultivating Taoism, the Pangu Palace, fell into the hands of the Wu Clan. According to legend, the Pangu Palace gave birth to the Wu Clan!"

Sun Yu was shocked when he heard this.

Before that, he only knew that the Twelve Ancestral Witches were said to be transformed by Pan Gu's essence and blood.

Sanqing was divided into three parts by Pangu Yuanshen, and at the same time inherited Pangu's merits of opening heaven.

Daode Tianzun refined the merit of opening the sky and the mysterious yellow energy that appeared at the beginning of the creation of the world together, and there was a heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

What happened next, even if Daoist Ji Yuan didn't say anything, Sun Yu could guess it.

"There is the innate treasure Pangu Temple to suppress time and space, and the twelve gods and demons in the twelve capitals combined with the power of the twelve ancestral witches to summon Pangu's real body. Of course it can suppress the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, no wonder it can make it too late for the Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor to rescue! "

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"The old man was born in the ancient times and rose in the ancient times. Looking at the ancient times and the ancient times, you can also be regarded as an outstanding person. If you want to practice Tiangang Yuangong, the old man can fulfill you. Even the old man can give you a lot of blood of demon gods, even you If you wish, there is still a drop of the Golden Crow blood essence left by the Heavenly Emperor in the old man's Immortal Mansion."

Jiyuan Daoist began to lure Sun Yuhong, and Sun Yuyu compared him to Hunyuan-level Tianjiao in terms of aptitude and comprehension.

What makes Master Jiyuan value more is Sun Yu's unshakable arrogance and rock-solid Dao heart.

Sun Yu's state of mind is even more important to him.

Before facing him, he was neither humble nor overbearing.

This point, in the heart of Jiyuan real person, Lu Xi can't compare.

In the Jiyuan Hall, a group of monster geniuses heard that since Master Jiyuan had said these words, they even spared no effort to use the Golden Crow's blood essence in order to get Sun Yu to join the Monster Clan.

If Sun Quanhong nodded in agreement, then with the supernatural powers of Jiyuan Daoist, he would naturally be able to perfectly help Sun Quan smelt this drop of Golden Crow blood essence.

In other words, as long as Sun Yu is willing, Sun Yu can become the three-legged Golden Crow, the royal family of the monster clan!

At this moment, many monster geniuses are envious and jealous to the extreme!

But none of them dared to refute Master Jiyuan, and what broke the hearts of these demon geniuses even more was that Sun Yu flatly refused.

"My old grandson is a human being in this life, so he is a human race. Moreover, the Tiangang Yuangong does not have to be of the blood of the monster race to practice successfully!" Sun Wei said lightly.

Master Jiyuan heard the words, and the quasi-sacred spirit penetrated into Sun Yu's body.

Suddenly, his complexion changed wildly!

"It's such a strong luck, such a great fortune, you actually have the blood of the Suzaku and the blood of the Qinglong, and you have the blood of two holy beasts in one body. No wonder you were so desperate to seek the Tiangang Yuangong before, not to prove the way, and you really I want this supreme body training technique!"

Zhenxian revealed it, which shocked Master Jiyuan.

And many monster geniuses were dumbfounded.

They very much suspected that they had heard it wrong. This human cultivator in the Alchemy Realm, Sun Wei, actually bears the blood of two great holy beasts?
Among the Western holy beasts, Qinglong is the head and Xuanwu is the weakest.And the Southern Vermilion Bird and the Western White Tiger are both competing for the second holy beast position.

In recent years, Western White Tiger has gradually suppressed Suzaku because of the popularity of the Western Wilderness swordsmanship.

Prior to this, the way of swordsmanship had not risen, but the Southern Suzaku was the second holy beast.

"My old grandson has the blood of Suzaku. Suzaku and the three-legged Golden Crow are both spirits of chaotic fire. Naturally, it is impossible to awaken the blood of the Golden Crow. It seems that the conditions for you to lure my old grandson to join the demon clan are not enough!"

It is impossible for Sun Yuhong to lose her human body and turn into a demon clan now.

"Since lures and lures are not enough, there is only coercion. The old man also worked hard before, not wanting you to have a grudge against the monster race in your heart. But now that you know that you have the blood of Suzaku and Qinglong, do you think the old man can let you go?" go?"

Looking at the picture, Master Ji Yuan has a serious expression on his face.

As a human being, Sun Yurong has the blood of two great holy beasts as one body. If Sun Yurong is allowed to leave today, once the prehistoric situation changes in the future, I don’t know how many powerful monster races will fall in the hands of Sun Yurong. .

"Sure enough, if you don't make lures, you can change them to intimidation. It's just that you think that my old grandson is the kind of person who can be subdued by might, then you are very wrong!" Sun Yu said coldly.

But at this time, Master Jiyuan stretched out his finger, but pointed at the three girls behind Sun Yuhong.

"The old man knows that you, Sun Wei, value love and righteousness. Of course you can't threaten you, but if you really love their three daughters, wouldn't you still be willing to bow your head for love?"

Real person Jiyuan knew from Lu Xi that Sun Yuhong valued love and righteousness.

Since ancient times, those who value love and righteousness have almost always had such obvious defects.

Hearing this, a look of determination suddenly appeared on the faces of the three women.

Sun Yu turned around and looked at Huang Yao, Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu.

"Don't do stupid things, my grandson will naturally keep you safe."

After finishing speaking, Sun Yu turned around and looked at Ji Yuan with a cold face.

"If you plot against my grandson, then my grandson has nothing to say. Even if you fall into your scheme, my grandson can only accept his fate. But my grandson tells you, if you dare to have any thoughts about them, my grandson Sun will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

Sun Yu's expression was extremely cold, and his cold words shocked the audience!
When Master Jiyuan heard this, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Even now, Sun Huang turned around and threatened him like this.

"Let me regret it for the rest of my life? The thing I regret the most in my life is that I underestimated the shamelessness of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. It's just that you, a small alchemy cultivator, can make this old man regret it?"

Daoist Jiyuan sarcastically said.

A sharp sneer appeared on Sun Yuhong's face. "Then you can give it a try, my old grandson will let you see if my old grandson has the ability to turn things around!"

Sun Yurong secretly made up his mind, if the real Jiyuan really wants to be unfavorable to Huangyao and the others, even if Sun Yuren exposes his identity as the Monkey King and exposes him to be in charge of the Qiankun Ding and Kunlun Mirror, he will die with Jiyuan.

Sun Yu looked murderous, and suddenly, somewhere in the dark, Master Ji Yuan felt a whim!

An extremely intense life-and-death crisis suddenly enveloped his mind.

Master Jiyuan couldn't help but take a serious look at Sun Wei, but he still didn't feel the saint's mark blessed by the saint!

But all of a sudden, Master Ji Yuan seemed to remember that Sun Yu had a heart for writing.

Haoran Wenxin can communicate with Haoran Changhe at any time, so in this case, once Sun Wei is in danger, the sage of Wen Dao will know it in an instant!

At that time, Wen Dao's lineage will definitely go crazy.

Master Jiyuan sighed, Sun Huang really had the trump card to die with him.

It's just that the real person Jiyuan is obviously different, and it's not because of Haoran's literary heart that Sun Yu has such confidence!

Huang Yao, Jiang Mingzhu, and Mo Yuzhu saw that Sun Yu even died with the ancient quasi-sage for their sake, and for a moment, their hearts were occupied by deep love at the same time.

Standing in front of them, Sun Yuhong didn't have a burly body, but she looked extraordinarily strong and powerful.

Even if it was a huge wave that could destroy the prehistoric world, as long as Sun Yu was standing in front of them, they would feel extremely safe.

But at this moment, Master Jiyuan is in a dilemma!

Sun Quanhong doesn't eat soft and hard food, but oil and salt are difficult to eat.

Neither lure nor coercion will work, so could it be that he just watched Sun Yung leave safely?
It's impossible!

All of a sudden, Ji Yuan's real murderous intent flourished!
(End of this chapter)

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