The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 171 The Fall of the Extreme Yuan

Chapter 171 The Fall of the Extreme Yuan
The restriction in the Tiangang Dao pattern was completely removed.

Since then, Tiangang Yuangong has no flaws.

At this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth.

"Even if Emperor Jun is reborn and the Eastern Emperor is reborn, he will never be able to control the fate of my grandson. You never know what a miserable fate you will have if you plot against my grandson!"

Sun Yuhong's expression was cold, and Master Jiyuan plotted against Sun Yuhong again and again, which made Sun Yuhong's murderous intentions flourish.

The actions of the real person Jiyuan completely wiped out all the good feelings he had for the Yaozu Tianting in Sun Yu's heart.

Although the first generation of Sun Yu was a Lingming stone monkey, he was classified into the monster clan, and he was named the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

However, the Heavenly Court of the monster clan has declined since ancient times, and the three-legged Golden Crow lineage is almost extinct. Only one Luya walks in the prehistoric times.

From the very beginning, Sun Yu was a pawn, and he was ignorant at that time.Now after going through the reincarnation of all generations, Sun Wei is not the simple-minded Monkey King in the first life.

Hearing Sun Yu's cold words, Master Ji Yuan's expression darkened.

"The old man just valued you a little bit and gave you some color. Now you want to open a dyeing workshop. The old man has given you many opportunities, but it's a pity that you don't cherish them!"

Jiyuan Daoist is also a quasi-sage of an ancient generation, even if he was besieged by the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan, he would not lose his reputation.

But at this moment, Sun Yu suddenly uncovered his scars.

"No wonder you were besieged to death by the Twelve Ancestral Witches in ancient times. You thought everything was under your control. But you didn't expect that some variables would make you lose control of the situation!"

Sun Wei thoroughly saw the character of Ji Yuan Zhenren, stubborn, arrogant, and because he was good at planning, he thought he could control everything.

But once there are variables, out of his control, he adapts to the circumstances, and he is not as good as Bai Ze.

The deep scars in the real person's heart were uncovered by Sun Wei now. At this moment, he was extremely angry!

"Junior, you will pay a heavy price for your words!"

At this moment, Daoist Ji Yuan was furious, never before in this life had he been so angry!
A little alchemy cultivator dares to teach him!

For Ji Yuan Daoist, this is undoubtedly a great shame.

Jiyuan Daoist wants to be ashamed, and his murderous intent, which was already boiling, is getting more and more prosperous.

"My old grandson wants to see what else you can do!"

Sun Quan's eyes were cold and his expression was cold.

"Since you don't want to submit to the demon clan, then you can only be completely destroyed!"

All of a sudden, the true energy in Sun Yu's body was involuntarily violent.

And the source of the infuriating riot came from Jindan!
"Pill of Chaos!"

In an instant, Sun Yu knew that the real Jiyuan had already tampered with the Chaos Heavenly Pill.

"If the old man hadn't been absolutely sure to control you, how could the old man let you get the medicine garden. Those ancient immortal medicine seeds are extremely precious. Even you, it is hard to be worth an ancient immortal medicine seed!"

Seeing in the picture, Master Jiyuan reveals his true colors.

"So that's the case, you are really bold. It seems that you deliberately used the Chaos Heavenly Pill as bait. Whoever gets the Chaos Heavenly Pill will be taken away by you. You should have wanted to seize the treasure at first, but it is a pity that the Chaos Heavenly Pill Dan fell into the hands of my grandson!"

Sun Yu didn't know until now that the Jiyuan Immortal Mansion was opened, which indicated that he was threatened by the Second Sect of Interpretation and Judgment, but in fact, the real Jiyuan was choosing who to seize.

With his identity and status, it is impossible to take away the genius of the monster race.Otherwise, the backlash of the monster clan's luck would be enough to destroy him physically and mentally.

In the end, Ji Yuan knew about the entanglement between Sun Quan and Baoxiang, and immediately chose the object of the seizure between Sun Quan and Baoxiang.

Either Sun Yuhong or Baoxiang.

And Sun Yu finally got the Chaos Heavenly Pill, and the real Jiyuan can take it away!

It's just that Master Jiyuan wants Sun Wei to return to the Yaozu even more. He took the body away, and it's not too late to choose if he can return to the Yaozu in the future!
It's just that Sun Yuyan categorically rejected Jiyuan Daoist and refused to belong to the Yaozu.

At this time, the true face of Jiyuan Daoist finally showed his fangs.

In an instant, the ten-turn golden elixir caused a riot of true qi, and just as Sun Quanhong's breath was unstable, suddenly, Jiyuan Daoist transformed into a ray of divine light and entered Sun Quanhong's body!
There was a riot of true energy, and Sun Huang had no power to stop it.

This ray of divine light directly sank into the golden core in the sea of ​​qi.

If Ji Yuan Daoist wants to seize the house, he must completely seize the house. Only in this way can he hide the truth from Haoran Wenxin and a group of literary saints.

And to completely take away a living being, that is to occupy the magpie's nest, enter the real spirit space, and completely replace the real spirit!
Only in this way can we cross the sea.

Shenguang passed through the ten-turn golden elixir, the true spirit of Daoist Jiyuan, and suddenly entered Sun Yu's real spirit space!
But the true spirit of the real person Jiyuan entered Sun Wei's real spirit space, and when he sensed the true spirit of the real person, Sun Wei just wanted to laugh up to the sky.

In the true spirit space, Sun Yu knew the roots and body of the real Jiyuan.

And at this moment, the real spirit of Jiyuan Daoist, in Sun Yu's real spirit space, looked at the sky-replenishing stone emitting colorful lights in front of him, and was also stunned.

Even though Jiyuan Cannian has been asleep for several ages, since he was born, he has quickly understood all the major events that happened in the prehistoric world.

How can the real person of Jiyuan not know the son of luck in the middle ages, Monkey King, the great sage equal to heaven.

And at this moment, the real body of Jiyuan Daoist is also his true spirit, which is like a stone tablet.

On the front, there are four incomparably ancient Hongmeng seal characters, Wuji Tianbei.

On the other side, there are also four extremely ancient Hongmeng seal characters representing the Dao, the Primal Chaos Stone.

But at this time, Sun Yu observed carefully and realized that the Wuji Tianbei and the Primordial Chaos Stone were not a single stone.

For some reason, the Promise Sky Tablet collided with the primordial stone of chaos, and lived in the chaos for an unknown amount of time. After Pangu created the world, this primordial stone of the stele fell into the prehistoric.

At the end of the ancient times, the stone stele's primordial and stone qi stimulated each other, and then gradually gave birth to spiritual wisdom, and only then did the Jiyuan real person come into being.

And at this moment, Sun Yu finally understood.

"It's not that you don't want to just follow the Way of Infinity or the Way of Primordial Beginning, and your body decides that you must practice both the Way of Promise and the Beginning of Origin, otherwise, your true spirit and body are in danger of collapsing!"

Previously, all the great powers in the wild thought that the Jiyuan Daoist had a heart higher than the sky.

But who would have thought that the real Jiyuan also had helplessness.

"Five-color sky-filling stone, you are the spirit stone monkey, you are the son of luck in the middle ages, and you are the great sage Equaling Heaven who once made trouble in the Heavenly Palace!"

At this moment, Master Ji Yuan seemed extremely excited.

"My old grandson was originally a demon clan in his first life, but it's a pity that you have plotted against my grandson many times now, which has completely wiped out my old grandson's goodwill towards the demon clan's heaven. The clan has fallen!"

Although there are saints in the monster clan to suppress their luck, they are no longer as powerful as they were in ancient times.

At this moment, Master Ji Yuan felt a little regretful.

If he had known that Sun Yu was the Monkey King who caused disturbances in the Heavenly Palace in the Middle Ages, he would never have thought of taking Sun Yu away.

But now, riding a tiger is difficult, a dilemma.

In the true spirit space, there can only be one ruler.

"Everything is illusory now, so it depends on whether their true spirits are strong. My old grandson is also very curious. Of course, which one will win when the five-color sky-replenishing stone is against the chaotic primordial stone and the infinite sky tablet?"

The arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

Daoist Ji Yuan had no choice but to seize his home, and Sun Yu had no choice but to resist.

There can only be one winner in this battle of true spirit space.

And if Sun Yu's five-color sky-replenishing stone defeats the real person Jiyuan, then he will be Wuji Yuanshi five-element sky-replenishing stone from then on.

And if the real Jiyuan wins, he can replace Sun Yu.

All of a sudden, the real spirit of Jiyuan Daoist moved slightly, and suddenly, Sun Yutong and Jiyuan Daoist, each controlling their true spirits, collided in the void!

There is no room for retreat in this battle.

The five-color sky-replenishing stone and the infinite chaotic primordial stone collided in the void, and in an instant, both the five-color sky-replenishing stone and the infinite chaotic primordial stone were worn out.

It's just that this is in Sun Yu's true spirit space!

The multicolored light permeates, the multicolored light is the original power of the five elements, and the original power pervades the sky-replenishing stone. The sky-replenishing stone quickly absorbs the stone debris and returns to its original state.

But the primordial stone of Wuji Chaos is different. After the collision, some stone chips are flying, and these stone chips contain the way of Wuji and the way of Yuanshi!
In an instant, the multicolored light also involved these stone chips into the sky-filling stone!
In an instant, the Sky Mending Stone perfectly devoured these stone chips!

On the mending stone, there are Wuji Taoism and Yuanshi Taoism.

Seeing this scene, Master Jiyuan suddenly felt something was wrong.

And at this moment, suddenly, there were two more powerful treasures in Sun Wei's true spirit space!

But at this moment, Sun Yu yelled violently, echoing in the true spirit space.

"Jiyuan, my grandson accepts the Wuji Tianbei and Chaos Yuanshi, and cuts off the body for you. For you, there is nothing better than that."

In an instant, the Qiankun Ding, the Kunlun Mirror, and the five-color sky-replenishing stone all crashed into the Primordial Stone of Infinity Chaos at the same time.

"The Heavenly Kunlun Cauldron, the Supreme Precious Treasure? The Kunlun Mirror, the Supreme Precious Spiritual Treasure?"

Ji Yuan never imagined that the seemingly inconspicuous Sun Yutong in front of him was actually carrying a congenital supreme treasure and a congenital top-grade spiritual treasure.

In an instant, Ji Yuan's last thought was completely wiped out!
The Promise Sky Monument and Primordial Chaos Stone were directly smashed into pieces by the five-color sky-replenishing stone, and the shattered gravel and stone chips can be said to be a great supplement to the five-color sky-replenishing stone.

And at this moment, the core 'spirit' of Jiyuan was directly knocked out of the real spirit space!
If Jiyuan's "spirit" is wiped out by Sun Wei, then the real Jiyuan will completely fall into this world, and even if he goes through the long river of time, he cannot be resurrected.

Just when Sun Quan was about to use the Chaos Strike to completely end the "spirit" of Master Ji Yuan, suddenly, a jade seal and a bell appeared in front of Sun Quan's eyes!

Behind Yuxu and Zhong, there is faintly overwhelming Taiyang Zhenyan, and within the Taiyang Zhenyan, there are two-headed and three-legged Golden Crows.

"Beheading the main body, allowing you to obtain the Promise Tablet and the Primordial Chaos Stone, is enough to end this karma. Moreover, all memories in this life will be erased, and your secrets will not be revealed."

Suddenly, a heavenly emperor seemed to have returned from the ages, holding a jade seal with immeasurable luck blessings on it.

The other one is like the ancient god emperor, with his feet on the chaotic clock, his majestic figure stands on the long river of time, immortal.

"Di Jun, Emperor Donghuang Taiyi!"

These two names could not be restrained from popping up in Sun Yuhong's heart!
In an instant, the chaotic bell rang, and the Jiyuan Immortal Mansion suddenly disappeared!

In the turbulent emptiness of the void, only Sun Yu and the three daughters were in the depths of the void!

(End of this chapter)

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