The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 181 Nascent Soul Realm

Chapter 181 Nascent Soul Realm
The eighth top-level vision, the 'Yin Yang Tai Chi Diagram' shrouded in the void.

The simple and mysterious Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram rotates slowly.

The yang fish and the yin fish are dazzling in the void, full of the esoteric principles of the yin and yang avenue.

The top vision "Yin Yang Tai Chi Diagram" is just like the innate treasure Tai Chi Diagram in the hands of Taiqing sages.

In the Tianyi Spiritual Pool, Sun Yudong's "Yin Yang Taiji Diagram" appeared in the cave, and this vision was finally engraved on the Hongmeng Golden Pill.

Not only this vision, but other top-level visions that have appeared are all above the Primordial Golden Core.

Before the teleportation formation, the nine emperors and the descendants of the major saint families were all staring at the void.

Now it is the eighth vision, and if there is a ninth vision, they are very clear about what it means.

The posture of proving the saint.

A peerless genius with the posture of proving a sage, comparable to the Hunyuan-level Tianjiao.

The Ninth Emperor's sons were extremely eager for this scene to end as soon as possible, so that the ninth vision would not appear.

And the outstanding descendants of the saint family are extremely contradictory. The saint family forced them to come to Jixia Academy to seek immortality and ask questions, disregarding their dignity, and they have already angered them in their hearts.

Now that they have just arrived in Linzi City, before entering the Jixia Academy, and before seeing Sun Yuhong, Sun Yutong gave them a big blow.

At this time, you can see the difference between the descendants of the sage family. Some descendants do not want Sun Wei to have the ninth vision, while some descendants take into account the overall situation. No matter what, they still hope that Sun Huang will have the posture of becoming a saint.

But these descendants didn't know that their performance was all noticed secretly.

In an instant, the eighth top-level vision 'Yin Yang Tai Chi Diagram' disappeared impressively.

In Linzi City, Qingming was restored again.

Seeing this scene, there was no ninth vision, the nine sons of the emperor, let out a long sigh of relief.

Many monks in Linzi City who witnessed this scene were quite disappointed in their hearts.

"It's a pity to be able to have the posture of becoming a saint with only one vision."

"The six-fold vision proves the quasi-sage, and the eight-fold vision will at most make Sun Yutong become a pinnacle quasi-sage like Zou Zi in the future."

"But it's not bad, it's so easy to prove the Primordial Saint!"

People's minds changed, and when the eighth level of top-level vision ended, the ninth level of top-level vision did not appear for a long time, and some monks' inner jealousy could not help showing it.

The nine emperors were about to board the carriage and rush back to the imperial family.

The descendants of the sage family also set off to Jixia Academy.

The other monks in the entire Linzi city are no longer paying attention to the sky.

In the Jixia Academy, next to the Tianyi Spiritual Pond, the twelve Daluo Jinxians looked at Sun Yutong in the Tianyi Spiritual Pond, feeling sorry for him.

There is only one level of vision, even if it is not a top-level vision, it means having the posture of becoming a saint.

But this is the only difference. When Sun Yutong cultivates to be a quasi-sage in the future, the gap between him and the Hunyuan saint will be a world of difference.

Immediately, the twelve Da Luo Jinxian wanted to withdraw their consciousness.

But it was stopped by Zou Zi, "Continue to absorb the void energy, do you think this is the end?"

The ninth vision is not not coming, but the incubation time is too long.

At this moment, with the supernatural power of Zou Zi infinitely close to the saint, he felt that the ninth vision was brewing in the depths of the dark void.

Suddenly, an illusory river of time broke through the depths of the void!

In an instant, over the entire city of Linzi, suddenly, an illusory river of time hung across the sky!
The long river of time does not know its source, nor its end.

The source and end of the long river of time are both in the void.

Only the middle section is above Linzi City.

The Ninth Level Top Vision 'River of Time'!
In an instant, all the monks in Linzi city felt boiling.

The Ninth Emperor, who was about to board the carriage just now, staggered and fell directly from the carriage, which can be described as extremely embarrassing.

But at this moment, the monks of the Nine Emperor Clans couldn't help looking at the sky, their minds were completely attracted by the illusory river of time in the sky.

"The posture of proving the saint!"

"I didn't expect that the old man would be able to see the nine-fold vision of the Nascent Soul in his lifetime!"

"It turns out that the ninth level top-level vision is the 'river of time', no wonder it has been cultivated for so long."

And at this moment, suddenly, Sun Huang's mind was drawn into the illusory river of time.

Although this long river of time seems to be just an illusion, when Sun Yu was on the bank of the long river of time and looked at the long river of time, he suddenly felt that it was real.

And at this time, the location of Sun Yu was impressively at the source of the long river of time.

At the source of the long river of time, there is a surge of chaos; Tai Chi returns to its origin and turns into Wuji;

All of a sudden, Sun Quan felt something in his heart.

The last triple vision is at the source of the long river of time.

Looking at the long river of time, all living beings are ups and downs, and it is difficult for them to escape the long river of time.

At this moment, Sun Yung took a high-level view and discovered that in the void, there are several other long rivers, the long river of fate, the long river of reincarnation, the long river of karma and so on!

These long rivers are like the long rivers of time, and these long rivers sometimes intersect and sometimes run parallel.

And the Tao and principles contained in it allow the sage Hunyuan to comprehend his whole life.

After all the twelve visions were over, Sun Quan's mind returned to his physical body.

Sun Yu looked at the Hongmeng Golden Pill, under the twelve Dao lines of the Hongmeng Golden Pill, there were twelve top-level visions, dazzlingly dazzling.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth, those high-ranking Hunyuan sages may only think that only the ninefold vision is added to their bodies.

And at this moment, the twelve top-level visions caused the Primordial Golden Pill to transform.

At this moment, the indestructible golden elixir suddenly shattered!

At the same time, Sun Yu could only feel that the 'God' who was sleeping in the Purple Mansion suddenly entered the Primordial Golden Core!

In an instant, after the Primordial Golden Pill was shattered, the "God" among the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and God suddenly turned into a Nascent Soul!
After the Nascent Soul was born, the shattered Primordial Golden Pill quickly returned to its original state!
The golden elixir is immortal and carries a body of Taoism.

And at this moment, Yuan Ying is exactly the same as Sun Yuhong!
In an instant, Yuanying absorbed the extremely rare spiritual power of the five elements, and even the original power of the five elements in the real spirit space was absorbed by Yuanying.

In an instant, Nascent Soul stood on top of the Primordial Golden Core, grew rapidly, and soon became exactly the same as Sun Yutong!
At this moment, Sun Yu's momentum rose sharply.

A steady stream of void energy crazily sank into the cave.

Sun Yu's cultivation has broken through to the Yuan realm.

In the early stage of the Yuan Realm, the Nascent Soul Realm!

In the early stage of Yuanying, Yuanying has just been trained, and it is more fragile than Hongmeng Jindan.

At this time, Sun Yu's three souls and seven souls were concentrated in the primordial spirit, and the essence, energy and spirit were combined into one and stored in the body.

The so-called "God" is the collective name of the three souls and seven souls.

In the prehistoric and ancient times, at that time, many innate gods or holy spirits were born as immortals and directly crossed the ten realms of Qi training.

Although these innate gods and innate holy spirits have extremely high aptitudes, just like the real Jiyuan, they are talented in success and talented in failure.

Many innate gods and innate holy spirits were buried in the long river of time.

Nascent Soul Achievement, the core of Nascent Soul, is gestating the innate embryo.

For Sun Yuhong, the congenital birth is extremely important.

If Sun Quan still retains the physical body of the first life, then the gestation of the congenital embryo naturally does not matter.

The most powerful sky-replenishing stone in the first life is the congenital embryo.

However, Sun Yuhong lost his innate primordial womb, and Sun Yuhong's true spirit has gone through reincarnation for thousands of generations, and the "spirit" in the core of the true spirit has already been riddled with holes.

It seems that Sun Yu's true spirit is extremely powerful, but in fact, the 'spirit' is extremely weak.

After devouring the Wuji Tianbei and Chaos Primordial Stone, Sun Yuhong's "spirit" was replenished.

The congenital embryo has a great relationship with the 'spirit'.

In addition, the achievement of the primordial spirit is also crucial to the congenital primordial birth.

Jindan, the embryo of Yuanying, the seed of Yuanshen.

Yuanying, the baby born after the golden core was broken, the larva of Yuanshen.

Yuanshen, the concentrated body of a person's soul and mana.

The two realms of Yuanjing and Shenjing are for the achievement of Yuanshen.

And after the divine realm comes the spiritual realm, at that time, the one who cultivates is the true spirit.

Other monks are not reincarnated and recultivated like Sun Yuhong, they want to cultivate a true spirit.

And Sun Wei, in the spiritual realm, wanted to restore the true spirit.

At this moment, in the sky, there was a magic light, heading straight for Jixia Academy!

This magic light carried a monstrous and incomparable magic power.

The magic power is mighty, and the magic energy is soaring to the sky.

"Yuanshi Magic Light!"

In the Tianyi Spiritual Pool, Sun Yuhong saw this magic light, and immediately shouted out!

Immediately, Zou Zi knew that the attack should be Yuanshi Mozong.

"The nameless rat, you dare to invade the Jixia Academy. Your avatar will stay in the Jixia Academy!"

In an instant, at this moment, Zou Zi truly displayed his unrivaled power after ascending to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage!
The five virtues begin and end!

In an instant, peerless magical powers bombarded out!

"Jie Jie, it turned out to be a half-step supernatural power!"

The quasi-sage of the Yuanshi Demon Sect who was hiding in the dark was extremely astonished!
In an instant, the five virtues began to rotate in the entire sky!
The Five Elements Rule!

The law of reincarnation!

The power of the two laws directly strangled the quasi-sage clone of the Yuanshi Demon Sect.

"The chief disciple of the Demon Lord Yuanshi!"

After beheading this clone, Zou Zi knew the real identity of the other party.

And when the devil cloud was billowing and covering the sky and the sun, suddenly, the shadow behind Sun Yurong seemed to be under the control of someone, and the shadow bypassed Sun Yuhong's real body, and in an instant, it moved towards Sun Yurong, who had just condensed Nascent Soul attack.

In an instant, Zou Zi's face changed wildly.

But suddenly, Zou Zi's eyes widened.

At this moment, Sun Yuyu's Nascent Soul formed a seal with both hands, and suddenly, a five-color divine light came first!
In an instant, the five-color divine light directly annihilated this shadow in the void.

"The ace killer of Tianshalou, Shadow!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

This shadow killer never imagined that the newly formed Nascent Soul could display supernatural powers!
Therefore, he was directly annihilated by the five-color divine light, and even the true spirit disappeared in the long river of time.

With a thought in Sun Yu's mind, Dongtian, Hongmeng Jindan and Yuanying were all taken into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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