Chapter 183
When Mo Yuzhu hit the Yuan Realm, Mo Taixu sensed it.It's just that Mo Taixu never imagined that before the God of Space took him away, he divided his true spirit into two parts, entrusting a part of his true spirit in the heart of the God of Space.

At that time, Mo Taixu wanted to make Mo Yuzhu lose his temper. At the critical moment, the God of Space prevented Mo Taixu from succeeding in his plot, so he showed up and helped Mo Yuzhu escape.

Afterwards, Sun Yutong and Mo Yuzhu learned of Mo Taixu's conspiracy under the narration of the God of Space.

Seeing with his own eyes that Mo Yuzhu was almost on the verge of dying, Sun Wei's cold heart was melted a little.

At the beginning, Mo Yuzhu thought that she was bound to die, so he poured out her fiery emotions to Sun Yuzhen.

The kind of undisguised love moved Sun Yuhong.

That's why Sun Yu was able to accept the Nascent Soul Dual Cultivation with Mo Yuzhu.

And after this double cultivation, Mo Yuzhu's aura became stable.

After Yuan Ying returned to the throne, Mo Yuzhu and Huang Yao looked at Sun Rong's solemn expression.

"Brother Sun, do you still think there is something wrong with the Remnant Spirit of the God of Space?"

Huang Yao seemed to have a tacit understanding with Sun Rong, and she immediately guessed why Sun Rong was worried.

"He told us about Mo Taixu's conspiracy, so there should be nothing wrong with that. But he said that he would split the true spirit and bully my old grandson who has not cultivated to the spiritual realm and doesn't know the mystery of the true spirit. He is very wrong!"

The primordial spirit can be divided into several points, but the true spirit is always the only one.

The top secret technique of the Taiqing sages, 'one qi transforms the three qings', can make the primordial spirit three points.

But the imprint of the true spirit can only be the only one in the long river of time. Sun Yutong has seen the real 'spirit', so he naturally knows that the words of the God of Space are completely deceitful.

Since it was determined that there was a problem with the God of Space, then Sun Wei naturally had to consider the purpose of the God of Space.

"Wu Hong, could it be that the remnant spirit of the god of space has already been refined by Mo Taixu. So this remnant spirit is actually Mo Taixu?"

Suddenly, Mo Yuzhu thought of a possibility that she was least willing to see.

But only this possibility can be explained.

"You are in the Jixia Academy now, and Mo Taixu is only in the realm of the Da Luo Jinxian, so he cannot take you away. The residual spirit of the space god is still there, but he is not in the mind of the space god. Ling, I don’t want Mo Taixu’s plot to succeed. So Mo Taixu will use his tricks, if you leave Jixia Academy, then he will have a chance to attack you.”

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Since Mo Taixu is so eager for the spirit of space, Brother Sun, we can definitely set up a murderous situation in the future." Huang Yao's heart is all on Sun Yutong, and she doesn't care about other people's life or death.

"The killing will definitely be laid out, but for now, the Jixia Academy will not dispatch the Great Luo Jinxian to surround and kill Mo Taixu. Moreover, Mo Taixu's cultivation of the way of space must be foolproof!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing what Sun Yu said, Mo Yuzhu and Huang Yao felt relieved.

"For the time being, you all stay in my grandson's cave, especially Yuzhu, no matter who, even my grandson, don't leave the cave if you are asked to leave."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Brother Sun, are you leaving the cave?"

Huang Yao asked with concern.

"Before Zhuo Bufan transmitted the voice to my old grandson, Mingzhu's support was very difficult. The royal family surnamed Jiang should have an end. My grandson is going to Linzi City, so Yuzhu, you must not leave this cave."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

Mo Yuzhu nodded heavily.

Sun Wei left the cave quietly, but it was absolutely impossible not to let anyone know.

Immediately, the news spread back to the Mo family.

"God of space, you still want to escape from the palm of this seat, don't you think it's wishful thinking? Soon this seat will get that complete space god heart, and once you become a quasi-sage, you will be thoroughly Send you on your way!"

In the Mo Family Emperor's Mansion, the lowest level closed room, Human Sovereign Mo Taixu said extremely coldly.

The God of Space ignored Mo Taixu, quietly accumulating counterattack power in secret.

When Sun Wei came back to Linzi City, he found that his whereabouts were exposed, so he stopped covering up.

Sun Yu swaggered and went straight to the street closest to the imperial city.

Mingzhu Mansion is no longer the heyday of the previous three thousand diners.

The recruiting of those diners before was nothing but superfluous.

Now these disciples clearly felt that many elders in the royal family with the surname Jiang were attacking Jiang Mingzhu. In addition, the nine imperial families also caused waves in the court.

Moreover, Le An Sun's attitude changed even more.

Most of the cronies Jiang Mingzhu cultivated in the court over the years have betrayed her.

In the mansion, only a handful of maids and counselors still stayed beside Jiang Mingzhu.

At this moment, some counselors bid farewell to Jiang Mingzhu.

In the study, Jiang Mingzhu had a bitter expression.

"Thinking that you have followed me for so many years, there is no credit, but hard work. I can understand you, and this kind of heart, I will treat you as my reward for your hard work over the years."

Although these counselors were about to leave, they were aboveboard after all. Jiang Mingzhu even gave them some magical treasures and spirit stones.

In the end, only the chief counselor, Fu Cai, was left in the study.

"Mr. Fu, if you want to say goodbye, you can tell me now!"

Jiang Mingzhu knew from the very beginning that Fu Cai had a mysterious origin.

Assisting her these years, although it is also sincere and dedicated.But from the very beginning, Fu Cai was ordered to come.

"As long as His Highness does not abandon, the subordinates will never betray!"

Fu Cai said in a low voice.

"Then I don't know sir, can you tell me, who sent you to my side?"

Jiang Mingzhu asked lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Fu Cai's face suddenly paused.

"It's fine if you don't say anything, but if you put it bluntly, it will make Bengong feel a thorn in his heart."

Jiang Mingzhu waved lightly, signaling Fu Cai to leave.

Fu Cai bowed slightly and left the study.

Jiang Mingzhu closed her eyes, she was exhausted.

Although she was a high-ranking imperial daughter before, she is very likely to be the empress of the Great Qi Dynasty in the future.

But in a short period of time, almost all the forces she cultivated through years of hard work were all in vain.

At this moment, Jiang Mingzhu felt a man's breath in the study.

"Sir, I want to be alone for a while!"

Jiang Mingzhu thought it was Fu Cai who left and returned.

"Calling my grandson Mr., my grandson will be sad!"

Since letting go of her heart, some obsessions of Sun Yu's eternal reincarnation have changed.

At least, one should not let down the sincerity of the beauty.

Jiang Mingzhu opened it and saw that it was Sun Wei, a gleam of joy appeared on her face.

He came directly to Sun Yuhong's side and threw himself into Sun Yuhong's arms.

At this moment, Jiang Mingzhu, who had suffered many blows, desperately needed a shoulder to rely on.

Jiang Mingzhu's usual temperament is noble and elegant, like a generation of queens.

But at this moment, it's like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Sun Yu patted Jiang Mingzhu's back lightly, "My grandson is with me, so don't be afraid. Even if the sky falls, my grandson will stand up for it!"

Sun Yutong's heart is as clear as a mirror, and Jiang Mingzhu is today, after all, there are reasons for him.

If it weren't for Sun Yu, most of the elders of the Nine Emperor Clans, Le An Sun Clan, and even the royal family Jiang surnamed would not be so heartless.

"I'm just so happy!"

Jiang Mingzhu wiped her tears gently with a delicate handkerchief.

"What you lost, my old grandson will help you get it back."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Mingzhu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, Huan, you can fight for the heir of the Emperor!"

Suddenly, Jiang Mingzhu seemed to be revived.

Sun Yu was stunned. He came to Mingzhu Mansion to tell Jiang Mingzhu that he would do his best to help her.

But at this moment, Jiang Mingzhu's misunderstanding was like a coincidence, and Sun Yuhong didn't say what he really thought.

Among the Jixia Academy, Zhuo Bufan can become the Emperor of Daqi, only Sun Yutong can't.

Because the true spirit of Sun Yuhong is the five-color sky-filling stone!
The fate of humanity, Sun Wei still can't bear it.

Now that he decided to hide it from Jiang Mingzhu for the time being, Sun Wei just followed Jiang Mingzhu's words.

"The Nine Great Emperors, Mu Wanzhou, Jiang Hao, they want to become the Emperor of Human Beings, but if they don't ask my old grandson if they agree, they will never want to ascend the throne of Human Emperor!"

At this moment, Sun Yu was in high spirits.

Immediately, endless tenderness rose in Jiang Mingzhu's heart, and Sun Wei's lofty sentiments were exactly the kind of unrivaled hero she thought about day and night in her heart.

A great hero who is indomitable in the sky, with love and righteousness.

At such a critical moment, Sun Yu entered Mingzhu Mansion and stayed overnight in Mingzhu Mansion.

The next day, the news spread to almost all the aristocratic families in Linzi City.

Within the Treasure Sect, Baoxiang was in retreat, but was awakened urgently.

He was already furious, but when he heard the news, Baoxiang almost exploded with rage.

In an instant, everything around Baoxiang suffered disaster.

Myriad Calamity Treasure Body is terrifying and mighty, directly destroying these tables and chairs.

"Young master, we did that before, but now this bastard, Sun Yuyan, has picked the peaches!"

Baoyan, the quasi-sage, was also extremely angry that they planned Jiang Mingzhu like that.He just wanted to wait for Baoxiang to show up again when Jiang Mingzhu was the most helpless.

Baoxiang came forward to support Jiang Mingzhu, not only can he unify the Daqi Dynasty, but he can even embrace the beauty.

At that time, Jiang Mingzhu will be the Queen of Daqi, and Baoxiang will be the Queen's husband!

In this way, Lianbaozong can control the Daqi Dynasty without having to break out a fierce conflict with Chanjiao.

And those elders of the royal family surnamed Jiang who are afraid of death will not have much opinion.

In this case, for the sake of the overall situation, Jiang Shang and Jiang Xiaobai will also have to submit to the general trend.

But now, all these beautiful calculations have been destroyed by Sun Yuhong.

Moreover, the timing of Sun Yu's selection was extremely ingenious, almost stepping on the point of Lian Baozong.

It was neither too early nor too late, but at this time, Jiang Mingzhu's heart was captured.

How could Baoxiang endure this moment.

"Go and warn those slaves surnamed Jiang who are afraid of death on behalf of the young master, and give them a day. If the young master is not satisfied, let them buy the coffin in advance!"

When Baoxiang got angry, the mountains shook and the ground shook.

Hearing this, Zhunsheng Baoyan and those Daluo Jinxians almost teleported away from Baoxiang's sight.

The more Baoxiang thought about it, the angrier he became. When he thought that Jiang Mingzhu might live and fly with Sun Yutong in the future, his heart ached as if being cut by a knife.

Baoxiang was so angry that Sun Yuhong stepped in like this, and he was a little bit irrational.

(End of this chapter)

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