Chapter 196
The blood god demon art created by the leader of Styx is regarded as the standard by the blood demon sect.

I don't know where the Blood Demon Sect obtained the blood god magic art created by the leader of Styx, and it was established by the Blood Demon Sect as the inherited magic art of the Blood Demon Sect.

Today, among the nine demon sects, the blood demon sect is so powerful that it can be ranked among the top three.

It was the first time Mo Yuzhu heard such a secret, and he was in a trance for a while.

"If you recall carefully, there should never be a female fairy in the history of your Mo family."

It was Zhuo Bufan who informed Sun Yuhong of all this.

Sometimes Sun Yu was wondering where Zhuo Bufan got such a secret, it seemed that Zhuo Bufan had other plans, not only the Mo family, but also the other eight imperial families, even the royal family with the surname Jiang and the Lianbaozong. piece.

For a moment, Sun Yu was a little fortunate that he was not Zhuo Bufan's enemy, otherwise, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

Mo Yuzhu thought about it carefully, and Sun Yu was right, the Mo family had never had any female immortals!

Even the queen who was the emperor Mo Taixu back then, eventually died in the fairyland.

"You were originally Mo Taixu's avatar, but in the Jiyuan Immortal Mansion, you and the space god heart were completely integrated. Then you broke through the Yuan realm, and the space god heart merged into your primordial spirit. In this case, the space god The power of the heart is enough to resist Mo Taixu's control over your true spirit space."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"But this is always a hidden danger. If the spirit of space does not protect me, I will be in Mo Taixu's pocket!" Mo Yuzhu worried.

Hearing these words, Sun Yuyan's face changed dramatically.

Although the God of Space is currently in conflict with Mo Taixu, there is no guarantee that the God of Space will not make a deal with Mo Taixu on Mo Yuzhu!
Sun Yuhong immediately informed Zhuo Bufan of this newly discovered problem.

"Actually, I have considered this issue a long time ago. And this is the only loophole in this plan, but I was worried that this loophole would be used by Mo Taixu. But now there is no need to worry, because I have already told the God of Space. If he dares to compromise with Mo Taixu and take Mo Yuzhu as a sacrifice, he will surely die!"

Zhuo Bufan has a well-thought-out method of sound transmission.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let my old grandson take a look at how wonderful the overall situation set up by you, Sun Bin, and Guiguzi's disciples is!"

Don't use the suspect, but don't use it.

According to Sun Yu's idea, there is no need to go through such troubles, just enter Mo's house directly!
It's just that this idea was immediately rejected by Zhuo Bufan, because in this case, there are too many variables, and if Mo Taixu escapes from birth, a big Luo Jinxian who is proficient in the way of space is staring at him, which is a big threat to anyone .

Now that he has made up his mind to deal with the Mo family, he must completely plot Mo Taixu to death, and he must not let the tiger go back to the mountain, leaving a legacy in the end.

Sun Yu thought about it, what Zhuo Bufan said was right, so he completely delegated power to Zhuo Bufan's layout.

"Everything is prepared for you. Outside Linzi City, there is a deserted valley with beautiful scenery. You can go fishing with Mo Yuzhu, and we will leave the rest to us." Zhuo Bufan said confidently.

"Mo Taixu must be catching a big fish. The beautiful valley, as the place of Mo Taixu's burial, is not an insult to his previous generation of emperor."

Sun Wei and Mo Yuzhu directly arrived at the valley through the teleportation array of Jixia Academy.

This valley is not too big, but it is inaccessible.

Having just arrived here, suddenly, Sun Yu's heart beat heavily, and somewhere in the dark, he felt a burst of whim.

Sun Yu could not help but look into the depths of the valley. This valley is not far from Linzi City, but it is rarely visited by people.

Among them, could it be related to the depths of the valley?
"This valley is called the Valley of the Burial God by Linzi City!"

Mo Yuzhu glanced around. She was a monk born and raised in Linzi City. She had heard of it many times since she was a child, and there were rumors about the Valley of the Burial Gods.

"God Burying Valley? Shinto should have originated in ancient times, but the first time Shinto flourished was when Emperor Jun established the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race. But many gods became enlightened in ancient times. Like the ancient gods, the most famous one is the god of time. Lingzi!"

The ancient gods were also born from the cultivation of heaven and earth. In addition to the title of God of Time, Yin Lingzi is also known as the God of Escape.

The self-created Zhouguang escape method, according to legend, can escape into the long river of time when it is cultivated to the highest level.

It can be said to be the first-class escape method in the wild, but it is a pity that since ancient times, only Yin Lingzi has practiced the Zhouguang escape method to an extremely advanced level!

It's just an ancient legend that Yin Lingzi, the god of time, fell in ancient times.

Because of his priesthood, he conflicted with Zhu Jiuyin, one of the twelve ancestor witches of the legendary witch clan.

Zhu Jiuyin led the twelve ancestral witches, just like besieging and killing the real person Jiyuan, causing Yin Lingzi to fall.

Now that Sun Yukun learned the truth about the siege of Ji Yuan, he guessed in his heart that the siege of Yin Lingzi in that battle should have also used the innate treasure Pangu Temple to seal off time and space, so that Yin Lingzi could not escape into the long river of time.

At the beginning of ancient times, before the lich struggled for hegemony, Emperor Donghua, Hongyun, and Yin Lingzi fell one after another, and they were all related to the two clans of the lich.

Suddenly, Sun Yutong and Mo Yuzhu suddenly felt the void distort.

"You are all mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and you can't protect yourself. You are still interested in talking about the ancient gods. I have been in the Eastern Desolation for many years, and this is the first time I have seen you so bold."

From the twisted void, a figure slowly stepped out.

Human Sovereign Mo Taixu!
At this moment, Mo Taixu had a twelve-pronged crown on his head, he was wearing the Nine Dragons Imperial Robe, and the emperor's purple aura filled the valley.

"I didn't think you would dare to come here. This place is called the Burying God Valley, Mo Taixu, don't you know?"

A cold light shot out from Sun Yuhong's eyes.

"I am a human emperor, not a god. And you two Yuan Realm ants dare to provoke me."

Mo Taixu's face showed anger, as the saying goes, when the emperor is angry, blood flows like a river.

"Now that you're all in the urn, there's no need to say those vain words. You can barely be regarded as a generation of heroes, and the god of space couldn't completely take you away back then."

The more you know Mo Taixu, the more you know how cruel and ruthless Mo Taixu is.

"It's not surprising that you temporarily snatched the God of Space's heart from me, knowing the existence of the God of Space!" Mo Taixu did not deny the existence of the God of Space.

"You strayed into the secret realm back then and were possessed by the God of Space, but you never succeeded in seizing the body. You have been entangled with the God of Space and the True Spirit until now. You were pushed to the position of Human Emperor by the Mo family. Those elders of the Mo family With joy and encouragement, the Mo family has become an imperial family. It's just a pity that those Mo family elders don't know your wolf ambition!"

Sun Huang looked at Mo Taixu indifferently, if he hadn't believed in Zhuo Bufan, Sun Huang would never have imagined that there really was such an ungrateful, selfish, and inferior animal as Mo Taixu in this world.

This kind of strange flower is rare in the whole prehistoric world.

"As the emperor of the people, I rule the world. But they just want to dictate to me, and they are ignorant of current affairs, so they will naturally be punished by me." Mo Taixu's words were flat, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"You are ruthless and cruel, and you will kill all the immortals and monks of the Mo family who do not completely obey you. After killing him, you will become even more conscientious, secretly colluding with the demon way, and getting blood from the Blood Demon Sect." God and Demon Kungfu can make them all blood god sons, life is worse than death, and worse than a family of zombies wandering in the yin and yang realms!"

Sun Yu said coldly.

"It's his honor to be the son of the blood god under my command. They will accompany me in the future, conquering the prehistoric world, and achieving great achievements in the world." Mo Taixu is completely heartless and righteous, without a trace of emotion!
"Afterwards, you stretched out your demonic hand to your descendants. In order to mend the spirit of space, you have already had a void spirit body in each generation. It was so frenzied that you refined all descendants into avatars and fell into Mo Dao, practice the Blood God Demon Kung Fu!"

Sun Yu said coldly.

"I have the talent of the sky, so what is the blood god magic skill of the Blood Demon Sect? I also obtained the secret technique from the God of Space to turn these blood god sons into believers who crazily worship me. The city is full of my figures, if they are willing to die for me at any time, then they are the holy spirits in my divine kingdom. My majestic talents, my celestial prowess, you, an ant, will never be able to understand!"

Mo Taixu had endured it for so many years, and he also wanted to find someone to tell about his heroic feats and miracles against heaven.

In his heart, he thought that Sun Yu and Mo Yuzhu were the shackles in the urn, and he was not afraid of the truth being revealed.

"You are very proud of your combination of the divine way and the magical way. I'm just sorry, but today, my grandson, I'm going to smash your imperial hegemony. Let your years of hard work be turned into a bamboo basket to fetch water for nothing. When you sink into Kuhai, you still hate my grandson!"

Sun Yu's expression was extremely cold.

"Of course, looking at the prehistoric world, those monks are all marching towards the immortal way. Only I, for the first time, combined the divine way and the demonic way, and created the "Taixu God and Demon Way". As long as you get this space god heart that is about to be perfected, I will be able to take advantage of the trend to break through the quasi-sage, and then seek to become a saint, and in the future, the prehistoric world will eventually be my world!"

Mo Taixu became crazy because of his imaginings, it was only the Da Luo Jinxian who had already dreamed of controlling Honghuang in his hands.

At this moment, Sun Yu was convinced that Mo Taixu had gone crazy and had completely fallen into the devil's way!

Once the body dies and falls, there is only one way to enter the sea of ​​suffering.

Even if he completely wiped out his body and spirit, it is impossible, because his true spirit has carried too much evil karma!
"It's a pity that you are ignorant of current affairs and met my old grandson. Ending your emperor's hegemony with your own hands will be more uncomfortable than killing you. Completely blocking your so-called great road will make you feel worse than death. Sinking After the sea of ​​bitterness, you will have time to regret it!"

Sun Yu knew that dealing with a lunatic like Mo Taixu who had fallen into the devil's way, the annihilation of body and spirit was not the most uncomfortable for such a lunatic.

Just like Guo Chengdao, cutting off his way of the great way made him feel more uncomfortable than killing him!
Now, Sun Yu is going to make Mo Taixu the second Guo Chengdao!
"Speak wildly, since you have heard about my grand plan and dominance, I will not leave you in the prehistoric world. But before you die, you are honored to know about my talents, and you are considered lucky in your three lives!"

Mo Taixu saw it poorly, and after talking about it, he thought of killing Sun Yutong and Mo Yuzhu, and regaining the mind of space!
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(End of this chapter)

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