Chapter 208

Since ancient times, Sun Yu was the first one who was able to actively change the rules of the Huanggu Dou battlefield, unprecedented and unique in all ages.

At this moment, Sun Yu became very popular in the battlefield of Huanggu Dou.

And those Promise-level Tianjiao who issued a gambling war statement in order to suppress Sun Yu's limelight, now have a feeling of shooting themselves in the foot with a stone in their hearts.

But if these Wuji-level Tianjiao issued a betting letter to Sun Yutong and those Hunyuan-level Tianjiao voluntarily surrendered, they would not be able to hide their shame.

No matter how much he feared Sun Yuhong from the bottom of his heart, after all, Sun Yuhong was ranked last at the beginning. In other words, it was pure luck for Sun Yuhong to have such an impressive record like today.

Every Promise-level Tianjiao is thinking in his heart, maybe if he fights with Sun Yuhong, the supernatural powers of good fortune will be able to destroy Sun Yuhong's primordial spirit. By then, all the combat experience on Sun Yuhong will be his own.

Thinking of the tens of millions of battle experience on Sun Yu's body, how could these Promise-level geniuses just give up and pay 1000 million battle experience, how could they be reconciled.

In the battle room, with the help of Huang Ling'er, Sun Wei adjusted his soul to its peak.

"Ling'er, with your supernatural powers, you should be able to see these Promise-level geniuses who challenged me to wager. Are they all entangled in their hearts?"

Suddenly, when he said this, an extremely crazy idea popped into Sun Yu's mind.

"It's really tangled. After all, Great Sage, you killed two Promise-level Tianjiao in a row. But these Tianjiao have the Creation-level Primordial Spirit and Taoism in their hands, and they are all struggling to think about it."

Huang Ling'er, as an elf and fairy in the ancient battle field, possessed supernatural powers that Sun Yu could not compare with.

"If that's the case, then I won't give them a chance to admit defeat in vain. If you kill all these Promise-level talents, you should be able to gather [-] million combat experience, right?"

Sun Yuxi desperately wanted to gather all the nine secrets of Taoism and challenge 'Wutian'.

Although the fourth Battle of Fate will not come until Sun Yu's cultivation reaches the fifth step of the Yin God Realm in the Yuan Realm, Sun Yu wants to fight 'Wu Tian' in advance to see if he can find the fourth battle. A chance to win the fateful battle.

In the third battle of fate, Sun Wei was almost defeated by Luo Wutian.

Huang Ling'er was trying to persuade Sun Rong, but suddenly, Sun Rong's figure disappeared in the battle room.

Huang Ling'er puffed up her face and pursed her mouth, Sun Yu was simply too crazy.

On the battlefield in the round sky, a Promise-level Tianjiao appeared on the battlefield.

When they saw Sun Yuhong, these Promise-level Tianjiao suddenly reacted.

"You actually challenged so many of us Promise-level geniuses at the same time, who do you think you are?"

"Too overconfident, too bold!"

"Do you think that the Promise-level Tianjiao is something you can kill at will?"

"From birth to now, I have never seen such an arrogant person!"

"Even if you are a grand master, you wouldn't dare to act so boldly!"

These Promise-level geniuses who came back to their senses immediately felt humiliated by Sun Yuhong to the extreme.

Sun Yutong challenged so many of them at the same time, but he obviously didn't pay attention to them.

"In my eyes, you are all like ants. You thought you could take advantage of the fire and start a gambling war with me. Now, you have to bear the mental preparation of being killed."

Sun Yu's expression was cold. He was deeply afraid that some Promise-level Tianjiao would take the initiative to admit defeat, and he would only get 1000 million battle experience!

In that case, if you want to collect [-] million combat experience, you don't know if you will have to wait until the year of the monkey!
In Sun Yu's heart, killing these Promise-level Tianjiao is more important than him challenging the Hongmeng-level Tianjiao!
Although not all the primordial gods of the primordial level master the Taoism of the primordial spirit of the primordial level, those of the primordial spirit of the primordial level of the primordial level control the Taoism of the primordial spirit of the pinnacle of the creation level!

Regardless of supernatural powers or Taoism, when they reach the highest level, even if they are only one level higher, the power will vary greatly.

Sun Wei knew his strength very well, and it was almost impossible to fight against the Yuanshen Dao method at the peak of the Creation level.

In this case, the only choice is to pick these Promise-level Tianjiao who can only create elementary spirits and Taoism!

These twenty or thirty Promise-level geniuses, Sun Wukong hopes that after they are destroyed, they can gather [-] million battle experience!

"Shoot together, since he wants to die vigorously, we will fulfill him!"

A Promise-level Tianjiao said with a grim face.

"That's right, it's an honor for him to die under so many fortune-level primordial spirits!"

"I haven't been so angry and angry for many years. If I don't kill this daring guy, I won't be able to get rid of my hatred!"

"Shoot with all your strength and don't give him any way out. Let him experience what it means to be desperate before he falls!"

In an instant, all the Promise-level Tianjiao aroused the Taoism-level primordial spirit respectively.

And at this moment, Sun Yan looked at this group of Promise-level geniuses with cold eyes.

All of a sudden, Sun Wei burned the power of the primordial spirit with all his strength!

Sun Yuhong desperately put him to death and survived.

In this battle, the boat is broken.

In this battle, there is no retreat.

In this battle, he was close to death.

Sun Wei burned all the power of the primordial spirit, and all the primordial spirits with a height of more than 2 feet burst out with the true fire of the primordial spirit!

At this moment, the vast and incomparable power of the primordial spirit is almost like a boundless ocean.

Sun Quanzhen did his best to run Dou Zi Mi crazily!
The horrifying power of the primordial spirit erupted in the void with devastating power.

This scene was so powerful that countless Promise-level Tianjiao were terrified!

However, this is also stirring their blood!

All of a sudden, they also desperately mobilized the power of the primordial spirit, injecting it into the good fortune level primordial spirit Taoism.

"Whether it's supreme or good fortune, in the end it depends on who will perform it."

Sun Yuhong's words were cold, like the voice of an exterminating demon.

In an instant, the power of immeasurable primordial spirit surrounded Sun Yuhong.

The power of the immeasurable primordial spirit gathered together, and at this moment, a Taoist method of the primordial spirit deep in Sun Yu's primordial spirit was suddenly aroused by the power of the immeasurable primordial spirit.

The primordial spirit and Taoism that belonged exclusively to Sun Yuhong has not come into being until now.

Chaos Strike!
In an instant, the power of the immeasurable primordial spirit was directly absorbed by the self-created prototype of supreme supernatural power 'Chaos Strike'!

At this moment, the vast and incomparable power of the primordial spirit was devoured almost instantly.

All of a sudden, a fierce aura overwhelmingly overwhelmed the audience.

And at this moment, all the Promise-level Tianjiao blasted out the good fortune-level primordial spirit and Taoism.

The 23 Yuanshen Taoist arts at the level of good fortune all came to violently bombard Sun Yutong.

Anyone who waits for the Hongmeng-level Tianjiao will retreat.

But at this moment, a look of endless madness appeared in Sun Yuhong's eyes.

"I want to see, whose supernatural power can have the last laugh!"

In an instant, Sun Wei suddenly burst into the prototype of his own supreme supernatural power!
Chaos Strike!
In an instant, the endless chaotic divine light burst out suddenly!

At this moment, the divine light of endless chaos annihilated the world!

At this moment, the endless chaotic divine light seemed to return the battlefield to chaos.

Chaos and divine light are everywhere, and the prototype of the Supreme Shentong created by Sun Yuyu is displayed for the first time in the battlefield of Huanggu Dou!
At this moment, the Chaos Strike exploded with incomparable power that overshadowed the world.

The ultimate supernatural power Chaos Strike, which claims to be able to return the world to chaos, is accompanied by many chaos gods, and directly destroys the good fortune-level primordial spirit Taoism!
In an instant, the entire chaotic divine light swept across the battlefield!
Twenty or thirty Promise-level geniuses who were enemies with Sun Yu were instantly annihilated by the divine light of chaos, and their primordial spirits fell!

At this moment, in front of Chaos Strike, all good fortune-level primordial divine methods, and infinite-level arrogance, all turned into chaos!
If it weren't for the desolate battle battlefield, these true spirits of the Promise-level Tianjiao would have completely disappeared in this world!

Even so, it took a huge amount of vitality to revive the primordial spirits of these Promises of Promises on the battlefield of Huanggu Dou!

And at this moment, dozens of indifferent and magnificent voices resounded through the entire deserted battlefield!
Sun Wei, burst out the Chaos Strike, killing twenty or thirty Promise Promises, once again horrifying the entire Huanggu Dou battlefield!
Yes, it is horrifying!
Hearing dozens of magnificent and indifferent voices sounded one after another on the battlefield of Huanggu Dou, most of the Tianjiao couldn't help trembling their hearts and trembling with fear.

Too strong!

At this moment, in the hearts of most Tianjiao, Sun Yu's supernatural power is directly catching up with 'Wutian' who is number one in the Yuanshen battle list.

At this moment, many arrogances in the Huanggu Dou battlefield believed that Sun Yu was in possession of the primordial spirit and Taoism of the Hongmeng level!

"There is a peerless arrogance who has risen in the ancient battlefield!"

"The only one who can kill [-] or [-] Promise Promises in one battle is the legendary power to open the sky!"

"It's too scary. On the Yuanshen battlefield, there are two peerless arrogances who possess the Primordial Spirit Taoism of the Hongmeng level!"

"Is there any reason for this? A 'no sky' has already made us despair, and now a peerless new star is gradually rising."

At this moment, except for the Primordial Talents, the other Everlasting Talents and Hunyuan Talents were all amazed.

Outside the battlefield, twenty or thirty fairies were extremely unwilling before falling asleep!
Seeing their jealous eyes, Huang Ling'er felt extremely refreshed.

And at this moment, Sun Wei had gained combat experience, which totaled more than one billion!

Sun Yu gambled heavily on this game and won!

It is because of 'Chaos Strike' that Sun Yu has such self-confidence.

No matter whether these Promises of Promise have good fortune supernatural powers, or good fortune-level primordial gods and Taoism, they are not created by themselves after all.

But "Chaos Strike" is different, it is the embryonic form of the supreme supernatural power created by Sun Yuhong.

In the hands of Sun Yutong, he can maximize the unrivaled power of the 'Chaos Strike'.

Facts have proved that Sun Yu was not wrong.

Burn all the power of the primordial spirit, burst out this ultimate blow, and achieve fruitful results!

More than one billion battle experience is enough to get the inheritance of other eight secrets.

In addition, there is still combat experience left. Sun Wei can buy supreme supernatural powers and exchange for innate vitality!
In a word, before this battle with Luo Wutian, Sun Wei wants to raise his current cultivation base or combat power to the peak!

(End of this chapter)

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