The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 226 Saint Incarnation

Chapter 226 Saint Incarnation
The incarnation of Jinfeng saw that Sun Shiba was eager to try, and was extremely angry.

"I didn't expect that you, a little quasi-sage, would dare to despise the Phoenix family now."

The golden phoenix incarnation said angrily.

"Little quasi-sage?" Sun Shiba disdainfully said, "If you are in the quasi-sage realm, even if you are the nine sons of the Phoenix, I will kill you ten times and a hundred times!"

Sun Shiba is very domineering, and Sun Wei feels that the ancestor is very similar to him.

So, after Sun Yu heard this, she smiled slightly!
Now, only Sun Yuhong laughed out loud!
Immediately, Jin Feng glared at Sun Rong.

"Look at what my old grandson is doing. Don't talk about your Phoenix nine sons. Even if Yuan Feng Zuhuang dares to compete with my old grandson in the alchemy realm, my old grandson will kill them thousands of times!"

Sun Yu was even more arrogant!
As soon as these words came out, Jin Feng felt extremely aggrieved!
He had the courage to refute Sun Shiba, but he really couldn't refute Sun Yuhong's words!
Nowadays, among the prehistoric sages, who doesn't know that Sun Wei is the number one on the Jindan list, overwhelming the top of the Sanqing!
In the alchemy realm, Sun Wei smiled proudly of all the strong men throughout the ages!
Even Sanqing was suppressed, not to mention the ancestors Ssangyong, Yuanfeng Zuhuang and Shuihuo Qilin!

When Sun Shiba heard what Sun Ronghong said, he came to Sun Ronghong's side.

"I know, you have the same temper as I do!"

At this moment, Sun Shiba no longer concealed it. Before that, he wanted to pretend to be mature and stable in front of Sun Yuhong!
However, it didn't take long for his true nature to be exposed!

It's exactly like a ruffian, but there is only such a powerful quasi-holy ruffian like him in Honghuang.

Sun Shiba and Sun Wei sang together, which made Jinfeng mad with anger.

"It seems that my Phoenix Clan has not displayed its power for a long time, and you all have forgotten the glory of the Phoenix Clan back then!"

As Jin Feng, who once experienced the glory of the three Kaitian clans in the ancient times, he will always remember the Kaitian clans in his heart, and they will overwhelm the ancient times!

"If you have any tricks, just do it, I will continue. But if you don't come, your incarnation will be a little dangerous!"

Sun Shiba really wanted to try killing an incarnation of a saint, and his eyes gleamed fiercely.

"Today, the Phoenix family is bound to get the sycamore tree seed! In the prehistoric times, no one can stop the Phoenix family from getting the sycamore tree seed!"

Before coming here, the nine sons of Phoenix had discussed that they must obtain the sycamore tree species. Only in this way can the second-generation sycamore trees of the Phoenix family gather 36 heavenly gangs.

In this case, the Phoenix family is equivalent to having another first-generation sycamore tree with innate spiritual roots.

For the nine sons of Phoenix, the first-generation sycamore tree with innate spiritual roots can guide them to understand the Dao.

For other saints in Honghuang, if they get the first generation of plane trees, they are just innate spiritual roots!

But for the nine sons of Phoenix, the first plane tree is equivalent to the gate of infinity.

At the beginning of the ancient times, the first plane tree was born along with the Yuan Feng Zuhuang.

The sycamore tree is the companion treasure tree of Yuanfeng Zuhuang.

Moreover, owning the first-generation phoenix tree and blessing the nine sons of the phoenix can at least surpass a small realm of saints!

Saints are also divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, etc., but the gap between early stage saints and middle stage saints is even bigger than the gap between chaotic quasi-sages and Hunyuan saints.

The cultivation of a saint can improve a small realm, and it has always been based on an era!

An era, 1000 billion years, is 96 million yuan.

"The sycamore tree species have been wandering outside since ancient times. If this ineffective descendant of Lao Tzu stole the sycamore tree species from your Phoenix family, and you come to ask for it now, that's all! But in the past hundreds of billions of years, you still can't figure out this A cause and effect!"

Sun Shiba was even more angry, don't say that the sycamore tree seed is not in the hands of Sun Yuhong, even if it is in the hands of Sun Yutong, it is also Sun Yuhong's treasure!

"The sycamore tree seed was stolen by the despicable and shameless ancestors of the Wu family. This kind of karma has been passed down from generation to generation. Handing over the sycamore tree seed can save a war, otherwise, the Phoenix family will desperately get it!"

Jinfeng now completely represents the Phoenix family, and it is certain to win the sycamore tree species!

"My grandson doesn't know where you got the news that my grandson has sycamore seeds, but my grandson tells you that I don't have sycamore seeds in my hands. If you don't believe me, my grandson can even swear to God!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

Seeing that Sun Quan was subdued, Jin Feng thought that Sun Yun was afraid of the Phoenix family!
"As long as you let go of all the space storage bags and let us search, we Phoenix Clan will trust you!"

Jin Feng made an inch of it and said.

"Boy, I have learned a little bit. In the prehistoric world, people are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden. What about the Phoenix clan? It's just a big battle!"

Sun Shiba knew that Sun Yu didn't want to have a conflict with the Phoenix clan at this time, but in this world, there are always countless people like Jin Feng who are so aggressive.

But at this moment, the golden phoenix incarnation suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

He sensed that there was a phoenix under the guardian formation!
In an instant, the giant magic hand broke through the protective formation and grabbed Huang Yao!

Seeing this scene, Sun Yu suddenly yelled!
"Old Ancestor, slaughter him!"

Sun Yu was furious to the extreme!

In an instant, Sun Shiba made a move.

Eighteen weapons, directly cut off the giant magic hand of Jinfeng incarnation!
And at this moment, beside Sun Shiba, there are eighteen weapons up and down.

Jinfeng's magical giant hand was cut off, and he looked at Sun Shiba coldly!
And at this moment, Sun Shiba did his best!
Seeing this scene, the commander of the personal guards and Da Luo Jinxian Feng Guanlin couldn't help but gasp!
So ruthless Sun Shiba, he even dared to attack the incarnation of a saint!

Thinking that they were enemies with such a powerful quasi-sage before, I couldn't help but feel extremely terrified for a while.

It's just that after Da Luo Jinxian Feng Guanlin was afraid, the idea of ​​revenge suddenly arose in his heart.

"Saint, she is Huangyao, the celestial daughter of the Phoenix clan."

As soon as Feng Guanlin said this, Sun Wei looked at him with murderous eyes.

"you come up!"

The golden phoenix avatar said coldly.

Huang Yao couldn't refuse the will of Jin Feng, one of the nine sages of the Phoenix clan, so she immediately flew into the void and stood on the protective light curtain.

"You must have been with him for a long time, now I ask you, does he have any sycamore trees?"

The Jinfeng incarnation asked coldly.

"No!" Huang Yao said firmly.

Jinfeng looked at Huangyao, it didn't seem like she was lying.

But when Huang Yao spoke just now, her mind suddenly fluctuated.

"Then does he have a sycamore tree on him?"

Jinfeng asked again!

As soon as these words came out, Huang Yao's face suddenly changed!

Seeing this scene, Sun Yu hugged Huang Yao.

"Go down, it's my old grandson's business with the Phoenix clan, you don't have to meddle in it!"

But Huangyao was beyond Sun Rong's expectation, she stood very firmly by Sun Rong's side.

The incarnation of the golden phoenix suddenly displayed the magical power of the blood of the phoenix family!
"The breath of the sycamore tree!"

Jinfeng's incarnation was extremely excited.

Hearing this, Huang Yao's face changed slightly!
"Well, you are an ant of the human race. You really don't have a sycamore tree, but you actually made the sycamore tree take root and sprout!"

With the supernatural power of Jinfeng's blood, he sensed the breath of the sycamore tree left in the void.

Hearing this, Sun Shiba looked at Sun Rong in astonishment.

"Do you really have a plane tree?"

Sun Shiba asked.

"Otherwise? How could these Wu trees be enlightened before?"

Now that Jin Feng knows all about it, there is no need to hide it!

"Since that's the case, I'm going to invite the parents!"

What Sun Shiba said was a matter of course, Sun Wei looked at him in astonishment!
"Hand over the sycamore tree, otherwise, you will be an unending enemy of the Phoenix clan!"

At this moment, it was confirmed that Sun Wei had a sycamore tree on his body and a golden phoenix incarnation, and he was even more confident!
"Perpetually dying?"

All of a sudden, in the void, the first saint to come was not Sun Wu, the Soldier Saint!
"Jiang Ziya!" Jin Feng said word by word, "He is not a disciple of your royal family named Jiang, why do you want to stand up for him?"

"Although Huan is not the royal surname Jiang, but he is the husband of the royal daughter Jiang Mingzhu. Since he is the son-in-law of the Jiang surname, it is difficult to understand this seat? Besides, he is still Ling Yunhou of the Daqi Dynasty. You Jinfeng is aggressive. , although the Phoenix family is strong, is it true that the Daqi Dynasty is that kind of third-rate power?"

Saint Jiang Shang said lightly.

"The old man asked himself about the unparalleled art of war, but he didn't expect that you, Jiang Shang, were one step ahead of the old man, making enemies with the Phoenix clan. Have you, Jiang Shang, asked about Yuxu Palace?"

One after another, the projection of Sun Wu, the soldier saint, also came here.

"Grandson, what you said is very wrong. Huan is the son-in-law of the royal family surnamed Jiang, and the Marquis of Lingyun of the Daqi Dynasty, and he is not an interpreter. In this battle, I only represent the surname Jiang of the royal family and the Daqi Dynasty!"

Jiang Shang said lightly.

Hearing that Yuxu Palace would not intervene, Jin Feng let out a sigh of relief!

In ancient times, the Phoenix clan was able to overwhelm the unsanctified Sanqing, but now, Sanqing is the supreme Wuji Golden Immortal!
Moreover, the Three Religions are the well-deserved top three forces in today's prehistoric times!
"Want to compete with saints? Then we have to see how many saints are willing to show up in Honghuang today!"

As soon as the incarnation of Jinfeng said this, suddenly, beside him, there were eight more incarnations of saints!

Colorful Phoenix, Fire Phoenix, Snow Phoenix, Blue Phoenix, Peacock, Dapeng, Thunderbird, Gale!
The Nine Sons of the Phoenix Gather!

Among the nine sons of the phoenix, among the nine incarnations of saints, Kong Xuan is the strongest!

All of a sudden, the coercion of the eleven saints, even if they were just incarnations, covered the entire Daqi Dynasty!
Even, the coercion of the eleven saints spread to the entire Eastern Wilderness!

This is the saint!
The lofty Hunyuan Saint!
Seeing this scene, Bingsheng Sun Wu smiled slightly!
"Do you want to compete more with saints? Looking at the prehistoric world, we are in the same line of literature and Taoism, and we have never been afraid of anyone!"

As soon as Sun Wu, the soldier saint, finished his words, the incarnations of saints appeared here one after another!

Confucian saints, orthodox saints, ink saints, law saints, piano saints, chess saints, calligraphy saints, painting saints, poet saints, word saints, song saints, and Fu saints.

The saints of Wen Dao lineage have not yet come, only twelve saints have come!

Phoenix Nine Saints VS Fourteen Saints!

"Saints never compare numbers!"

Among the nine sons of the Phoenix, Kong Xuan, the most powerful, said coldly.

Before becoming a saint, Kong Xuan was the strongest!
Among the fourteen saints, Jiang Ziya was the only one who defeated Kong Xuan in the Battle of the Conferred Gods!
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(End of this chapter)

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