Chapter 228
The appearance of the saints of the Wendao lineage has already shown the attitude of the Wendao lineage, that is, the death protection of Sun Wei.

Even if the enemy is the Phoenix Clan, even if Yuan Feng Zuhuang shows up, Wen Dao is of the same line, for the sake of Sun Yu, he is not afraid to fight to the death with the Phoenix Clan.

"My old grandson knows the minds of the saints of the Wendao lineage, that's enough. It's just that it's not worth letting the saints of the Wendao lineage take action against mere Yuanfeng Zuhuang."

As soon as Sun Yuhong said this, the sages of Wen Dao lineage and the nine sons of Phoenix all stared at him with wide eyes.

Looking at the prehistoric times, throughout the ages.

Dare to say that Yuan Feng Zu Huang is mere, and Sun Yu is unprecedented.

"The current juniors are all so rampant!"

Yuan Feng said angrily.

In an instant, Yuan Feng Zu Huang's holy power swept directly towards Sun Yu.

All of a sudden, Sun Yu felt two fierce auras locked on him.

Just when Sun Quan was about to reveal his identity and provoke 'him' to make a move, suddenly, Sun Quan's right arm became scorching hot.

The unicorn mark was hot, and then the cyan baby unicorn and the white unicorn baby flew out of the unicorn mark, one on the left and one on the right, standing on Sun Yu's shoulders.

"You are bad people, bullying big brother!" The white unicorn baby accused Yuanfeng Zuhuang in a childish voice.

"The baby doesn't like you, you bully the baby!" The cyan unicorn baby also made a childish voice.

The two unicorn babies suddenly appeared. The sages of Wen Dao lineage looked at the two unicorn babies standing on Sun Yutong's shoulders, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

The two unicorn babies looked at Yuanfeng Zuhuang angrily, as if they were venting their anger on Sun Yuhong.

"Baby unicorns, be good, go back to sleep. Yuanfeng Zuhuang, it's not you who can compete!" Sun Yu coaxed the two unicorn babies!
Yuanfeng Zuhuang snorted coldly, and when he was about to make a move, suddenly, the entire void shook!


"Zu Huang!"

Two yells resounded through Donghuang!
In an instant, a water unicorn and a fire unicorn descended from the sky!

Seeing the arrival of the two unicorns, Sun Wei could not help but look shocked.

In Honghuang, there are only two unicorns who dare to roar at Yuanfeng Zuhuang like this.

When the water unicorn and fire unicorn arrived, the cyan baby unicorn and the white unicorn baby jumped into the water unicorn's arms, looking aggrieved and bullied.

Now, if Sun Wei still doesn't understand, then he can find a piece of tofu and kill him.

The cyan baby unicorn and the white unicorn baby are the sons of the fire and water unicorns!
The water fire unicorn is not like the ancestors Ssangyong and Yuanfeng Zuhuang who had nine sons!

"Water and fire unicorn!"

Yuanfeng suddenly felt something was wrong, and the fire and water unicorn responded even more thoroughly than they did.

Seeing the other two legendary ancestral beasts, the water and fire unicorn appeared because of Sun Yuhong, not to mention the Phoenix Nine Sons, Suzaku Fire Emperor and Wen Dao Saint, Yuanfeng Zuhuang was extremely surprised.

"Yuanfeng Zuhuang, I didn't expect Wan Gu to come here, and you would be reduced to bullying my children! You really have made great progress. If you don't give me a word today, the Antarctic sea of ​​flames of your Phoenix clan is just waiting to be shattered!"

The fire unicorn is extremely domineering, although the unicorn is an auspicious beast, but in ancient times, the fire unicorn is no less domineering than Shilong and Yuanfeng!
Yuanfeng was furious when he heard Huo Qilin's words.

"Huo Qilin, don't you want to spout blood, this seat and Zu Huang, when will you bully your child!"

Yuanfeng said hurriedly, if he bears the name of bullying the baby unicorn, the picture is too beautiful.

"Daddy, they just bullied us, and even big brother!"

At this time, the white unicorn baby in Shui Qilin's arms suddenly raised its head, and with a childish voice, accused Yuanfeng Zuhuang.

"Yuanfeng Zuhuang, my children say that you bullied him."

Huo Qilin was even more unforgiving, and it could be seen that he insisted on accusing Yuan Feng Zuhuang of bullying the Qilin baby today.

At that time, it will spread throughout the prehistoric times, and Yuan Feng Zu Huang will become a laughing stock.

"Huo Qilin, don't come out to show off if you are so careful. You are really going to stand up for him and make an enemy of my Phoenix clan when you come out today?"

Zuhuang said in a deep voice.

"Enemies with the Phoenix family? Yuanfeng Zuhuang, do you feel afraid of becoming enemies with you? Your name Yuanfeng Zuhuang can't scare us water and fire unicorns. Today you bully our children, you have to give us an explanation !"

When Zuhuang spoke, Huo Qilin couldn't answer, so Shui Qilin said.

"I've said it all, I didn't bully your children." Yuan Feng was so angry that he couldn't imagine that he would bear the name of a child bullying monster and spread it all over the world.

"You're going to kill my child, and you said you didn't bully me! Yuanfeng Zuhuang, don't show off your prestige in front of us! It's a big deal, let's continue the battle of the ancient times!"

The fire unicorn was furious.

"When are we going to kill your children?"

Yuanfeng was about to be driven crazy by the unreasonable Huo Qilin.

In terms of strength, the combination of water and fire unicorns is no less than them.

In the ancient times, the water and fire unicorn, the Yuanfeng ancestor phoenix, and the ancestor double dragons have never been distinguished!
"Don't tell me, you still can't see that my child has recognized him as master! If you want to kill him, don't you want to kill our child!"

Huo Qilin said furiously.

"The unicorn recognizes the master!" Yuan Feng watched carefully, and then noticed the unicorn mark on Sun Yutong's right arm, "We just want to get the sycamore tree, and we haven't said that we want to kill him yet!"

"What a joke. The sycamore tree is his lifeblood. You want his lifeblood, but you still say you won't kill him?"

Huo Qilin was furious to the extreme, Yuan Feng Zu Huang was simply unreasonable.

"Huo Qilin, he is a human race, you actually said that the sycamore tree is his lifeblood, do you really think we are afraid of you?"

Yuan Feng felt that Huo Qilin was really unreasonable, a savage beast.

"The sycamore tree is the treasure tree of your Phoenix clan, isn't it the treasure tree of Suzaku? Open your dog eyes and see if he has the blood of Suzaku!"

Huo Qilin paid attention to Sun Yuhong very early on, so he naturally knew that Sun Yuhong had the blood of Suzaku!
But before the arrival of the Suzaku Fire Emperor, Sun Yuyu used the Qinglong bloodline to suppress the Suzaku bloodline, and Yuanfeng Zuhuang never noticed Sun Yuhong at all.

And at this moment, when Huo Qilin said this, Sun Wei smiled wryly!

Immediately, Sun Wei let go of the Qinglong bloodline, and in an instant, the Suzaku bloodline appeared!
"Pure-blood Suzaku!"

Yuan Feng Zuhuang then looked at Sun Yuhong. The blood of the Suzaku fluctuated from Sun Yuhong, and it was pure blood at all!

In other words, with the blood of the Suzaku, Sun Wei will be able to reach the holy land in the future!
The Suzaku Fire Emperor knew about Sun Yu's awakening of the Suzaku bloodline, so he was not surprised at all!

But Yuanfeng Zuhuang suddenly felt that it was very difficult, that is, it was necessary for Sun Wei to keep the sycamore tree.

The pure-blood Suzaku also hopes to get a sycamore tree.

"Now my child recognizes him as the master and signed a contract with the same life. If you want to kill him, don't you want to kill my child? Yuanfeng Zuhuang, you are the first to break the taboo. Since you want to kill our child, then You have to lose a few of your ten sons of the Phoenix!"

The fire unicorn won't let anyone down when he gains power. In ancient times, no matter how the six ancestor beasts fought, they never attacked the opponent's child, because that was a taboo among the six ancestor beasts.

And this kind of taboo, the six great ancestor beasts have never broken through the entire ancient times.

But now, Water Fire Qilin has reason to believe that Yuanfeng Zuhuang is going to attack his child.

Then if this is the case, the fire and water unicorn can also kill the ten sons of the Phoenix!

The arrival of the water and fire unicorn made the whole situation confusing.

At least, Yuanfeng Zuhuang's speech will no longer be so rigid.

"Since you all show up, I will give you a face. We want the plane tree in his hand, but it will not be in vain. We will give him ten plane trees, even if we give him ten quasi-sage plane trees. !"

In order to get back this second-generation sycamore tree, Yuanfeng Zuhuang felt that their condition was already giving the unicorn a lot of face!
Therefore, at this moment, the water and fire unicorns all looked at Sun Rong.

"If it was before the sycamore tree took root and sprouted, my grandson would definitely agree! But I can't now, it is impossible for my grandson to hand over the sycamore tree!"

The reason why Sun Quan could not hand over the plane tree was because the plane tree had long been closely connected with the cave.

Now the roots of the sycamore tree are pierced into the barrier of the cave. Unless the cave is broken, the sycamore tree can be pulled out.

All of this is naturally because Huang Ling'er injected the innate vitality into the three innate spiritual roots of Jianmu, plane tree and bodhi tree when Sun Wei was on the ancient battle field!

When Sun Yu left from the Huanggu Dou battlefield, he found that the three innate spiritual roots were completely integrated with the cave!
Not only the three innate spiritual roots, but also Sanguang Shenshui, Taiyang True Fire, and Nine Heavens Breathing Soil. These extremely rare treasures absorb innate vitality, but they can no longer leave Sun Yudong's cave.

Yuan Feng Zuhuang heard that Sun Wei still refused to hand over the second-generation sycamore tree. At this moment, their expressions were gloomy.

"Water and fire unicorn, you all heard it with your own ears. For your sake, our Phoenix clan has made such a big concession, but he still doesn't understand."

Yuan Feng Zuhuang was extremely angry. In order to gather 36 second-generation plane trees, they would rather give ten quasi-sage plane trees, but Sun Wei refused to exchange them.

Although Sun Yu was a pure-blood Suzaku, to Sun Yu, the second-generation sycamore tree was not as good as the third-generation quasi-sage plane tree.

Therefore, Yuanfeng Zuhuang clearly believed that Sun Wei was just making progress, and that he was not willing to hand over the plane tree because he was backed by the water and fire unicorn!
Yuanfeng Zuhuang didn't believe in Sun Yu's reasons at all. At this moment, even if he completely broke with the Qilin clan, Yuanfeng Zuhuang wanted to seize the sycamore tree.

Yuan Feng Zuhuang pretended to be angry on purpose, and they were also betting that the water and fire Qilin would never involve the entire Qilin family for one Sun Yu!
Although the unicorn recognizes the master, it can completely erase the unicorn mark on Sun Yutong's right arm with the supernatural powers of the fire and water unicorn.

The fire and water unicorn saw that the Yuanfeng Zuhuang was about to win, and suddenly, the fire unicorn raised its head to the sky and roared!
All of a sudden, the unicorn's howl shook the Eastern Desolation!
"What if we... want to protect him to death today?"

Fire Qilin's words echoed across the sky!
Hearing this, Yuanfeng Zuhuang's face became extremely gloomy!

"Water and fire unicorn, are you going to fight our Phoenix clan forever for him?"

Yuanfeng asked in a low voice.

"He lives and dies with my son. In our eyes, he is our son. You want to rely on your seniority and bully him. Have you asked our opinion?"

Fire Qilin was not afraid at all, and fought back forcefully!

Seeing this scene, all the saints were shocked!

The fire and water unicorn wants to protect Sun Yuyu to death!
(End of this chapter)

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