Chapter 235
At this very moment, Sun Wei waved the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!
One thousand seven hundred and twenty eight feet of innate primordial spirit, now wielding the three thousand feet long Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

Ruyi's golden cudgel completely turned into a huge stick.

At this very moment, Sun Wei suddenly slammed down the shadow prison that was completely integrated without distinction!

The rudiment of supreme supernatural power - Chaos Strike!

A chaotic divine light suddenly appeared, and Sun Wei used part of the innate vitality and chaotic vitality to activate this "Chaos Strike".

At this moment, along with the 'Chaos Strike', the Chaos Divine Light made all the Yinmo people and the Yinmo world return to chaos!
The overbearing Chaos Strike exploded with earth-shattering supernatural power!
Hundreds of thousands of Yinmo people were directly buried under the 'Chaos Strike'!
This incomparably overbearing supernatural power turned all the Yinmo people into ashes.


In addition, the overbearing 'Chaos Strike' also caused the Yin Demon World to burst!
Because of the fall of the Yin Demon tribe, the shadow thread that made up the Yin Demon world collapsed.

The Yin Demon World shattered and collapsed!

Sun Wei's 'Chaos Strike' broke out, breaking the Yin Demon World.

Immediately, Sun Yan saw five ghosts standing above the sky above the battlefield outside the sky.

The five great demon saints of the Demon Clan's Promise Golden Immortal Realm!
At this moment, the five great demon saints are working together to completely seal off the battlefield outside the sky, preventing Hong Huang from saving the heroic spirits left in the battlefield!
In addition to the five great demon saints, the demon clan gathered 360 Hunyuan saints to form a Zhoutian Hunyuan formation to resist the attack of the Sanqing!

Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the most powerful within the universe, during the rotation of the terrifying sword formation, the unparalleled sword energy shot into the Zhoutian Hunyuan Great Formation, and the fierce sword energy erupted by the Hunyuan Saints was erupted by the Zhuxian Sword Formation kill.

Yuanshi Tianzun shook the Pangu banner, like the great god Pangu holding a sky-opening axe, splitting the Hongmeng Sea.

The prestige of opening up the world is unrivaled.

Daode Tianzun held the Tai Chi diagram, fixed the earth fire, water and wind, and the terrifying earth, fire, water and wind rushed towards the Zhoutian Hunyuan formation!

Even if the Hunyuan Saints of the Demon Race formed the Zhoutian Hunyuan Formation, they would face the full attack of the Sanqing, and the saints of the Demon Race would fall on the spot!

It's just that the saints of the demon race seem to be endless. When a saint falls, another saint will replace him. The power of the Zhoutian Hunyuan formation is getting stronger and stronger.

However, the five great demon saints did not expect that an accident would appear in the battlefield outside the sky.

In the battlefield outside the sky, there is more than one Yin Demon world!
The collapse of the Yin Demon World that suppressed the heroic spirits of the human race immediately caused other Yin Demon Worlds to sense it.

At this moment, a few exclamations suddenly sounded in the battlefield outside the sky!
"Third brother!"

"Third Brother!"

The several princes under the command of the Demon Emperor of the Yin Demon Clan were all born of the same mother and compatriots, and they had deep feelings for each other.

Now, they sensed that the third prince's aura had disappeared, and his body and spirit were gone.

At this moment, several other demon worlds rushed directly towards Xuanyuan City.

Sun Wei was about to break through the void and return to the long river of time, when suddenly, the world of yin demons appeared in all directions!
The heroic spirits of the Yin Demon clan suppressing the prehistoric and powerful, there is more than one Yin Demon world.

Now, several yin demon worlds cover the sky and the sun, completely sealing off Sun Yu.

The yin and demon worlds are directly combined and turned into a world prison.

At this moment, the extremely powerful World Prison immediately took Sun Yu into it.

Before Sun Yu had time to break through the void and return to the long river of time, he was drawn into the world of Yin Demon again.

And at this moment, Sun Yu saw that the masters of several yin demon worlds, with tens of millions of yin demons, came with murderous aura.

People's Education, Explaining Education, Cutting Education, Western Teaching, Monster Clan, Witch Clan, Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, Qilin Clan, Heavenly Court!
The ten yin demon worlds that suppressed the ten great forces of the prehistoric world completely banned Sun Yu, and the ten yin demon worlds were combined to seal ten directions.

And at this moment, the prehistoric and powerful True Spirit, who had just been suppressed by the Yin Demon World, was extremely astonished.

Today, the ten demon worlds are united, and it is rare for these true spirits of the prehistoric and powerful men who fought in the main cities of the outer battlefield to gather together.

Although they gathered in the Yin Demon World, most of these prehistoric powerhouses knew each other, and they fought against the demons together. They had formed a deep friendship in the outer battlefield for many years.

It is very strange that these prehistoric powerhouses have never seen the heroic spirits of the human race!
What's more, the current state of Sun Yuhong made them even more curious.

"Kill my third brother, you can't imagine how miserable your fate will be in the future!"

"Don't worry, we won't let your true spirit perish, we will torture your true spirit and live forever!"

"Our Yin Demon Clan will torture you alive for the death of your true spirit, and make you suffer the most painful punishment!"

"I want to put your true spirit on the fire of the Nine Nether Demons and roast it for hundreds of millions of years, and I want to capture your relatives and friends from the wilderness, and let you see with your own eyes how they were tortured to death!"

The princes of the Yin Demon clan gritted their teeth.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Sun Yuhong's mouth, and he said, "Just rely on you ants, you humble, lowly demons!"

Sun Yuhong dismissed it, and even bluntly said that the Yin Demons are just lowly Demons!

This made the Yin Demon Clan, who had always claimed to be one of the Demon Clan royal families, extremely angry!

The top ten princes were furious, and the other Yinmo people were even more furious.

"You're still stubborn when you're about to die, so save some strength and cry when you're under torture!"

The eldest prince of the Yin Demon Clan had an awe-inspiring killing intent.

"Who will live and who will die is still unknown. None of you humble and lowly demons have ever reached the realm of immortals."

These yin demons, even if their realm is infinitely close to that of a fairyland, their real combat power is not as good as that of a god.

Sun Yu felt that the Yin Demon Race was extremely strange, and that the level of cultivation had nothing to do with real combat power.

"It is difficult for Yin spirits to become saints in all calamities. Even the ancestor of the Yinmo clan was born in Hongmenghai and has never been a saint until now. The emperor of the Yinmo clan is only at the level of the Daluo Jinxian. But if you attack him head-on, the Daluo Jinxian Perhaps the Emperor of Yin and Demons in this world is not as good as a Pure Yang True Immortal!"

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a sound transmission from the true spirit of a prehistoric and powerful man to Sun Yu.

"I see. No wonder these yin demons are so weak! How dare they call themselves royalty? This is the first time my grandson has seen such a conceited demon clan!"

Sun Yu was holding a Ruyi golden cudgel and called himself my old grandson, which made these prehistoric and powerful people stare wide-eyed.

"Could it be that you are the Monkey King?"

A prehistoric strong man tentatively asked.

"My old grandson is from the future, and he came here specially to save the sages and great Confucians of the human race!" Sun Wei said bluntly!

Hearing this, these prehistoric powerhouses suddenly became extremely excited.

"No wonder we haven't seen the sages and scholars of the human race. Could it be that these sages and scholars have escaped into the long river of time?"

"From the future, what a great handwriting of the human race!"

All of these prehistoric powerhouses want Sun Wei to lend a helping hand at this moment, but no one is the first to say it!

Because now it is unknown whether Sun Yu can escape from the Yin Demon World.

It's just that at this moment, before the battle with the Yin Demon Clan, Sun Wei looked at these immortals and true spirits who were fighting against the Demon Clan for the sake of the prehistoric desolation.

"Since we met, if my old grandson doesn't save you, it would be against my heart. It's just that my old grandson comes from the future. If any of you fall during this period of time, you won't be able to return to the long river of time."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

After the words fell, Sun Wei once again inspired Haoran's literary heart!

The Yin Demon Clan didn't stop them, because they wanted to catch them all.

In an instant, many gods and true spirits from the top ten great powers were collected into Haoran Wenxin!
However, one-third of the true spirits cannot enter Haoran Wenxin.

"My old grandson came from the future, and if you can't enter Haoran Wenxin, it means that your true spirit has dissipated before my old grandson came."

Although Sun Yuhong came from the future, it is impossible for a true spirit who should have dissipated to bring him back to the long river of time!

Even if Sun Yuyan now forcibly takes these true spirits out of the battlefield outside the sky, they will not be able to return to the long river of time.

Because in the long river of time, their true spirit marks have dissipated!
In other words, it is impossible to enter the river of time at all.

Hearing this, the true spirits of one-third of the prehistoric immortals looked a little sad.

"However, if my old grandson kills all these Yin demons, maybe the past time and space can be changed. But the hope is not great, so don't have too much hope!"

Sun Yu knew that now he had slightly changed the history of the past.

It's just that the history of this deviation can be corrected by the long river itself.

However, if Sun Yu wants to leave the past time and space, he must kill these Yin demons!
In this case, history will be changed to a large extent.

Once killed, Sun Wei must immediately return to the long river of time and go down the river.

Otherwise, if the long river of time corrects the deviated history, Sun Wei will immediately suffer the backlash of the long river of time!
At that time, not only he will fall, but other true spirits will also be unable to escape the catastrophe.

"However you jump, you can't jump out of the net of shadows."

The ten demon worlds are united. At this moment, the demon world is so strong that even if a saint takes action, it may not be able to break it!

The people of the Yin Demon tribe have strange supernatural powers, but once this Yin Demon world is formed, they can trap the saints!

Therefore, although the ancestor of the Yinmo clan was only a chaotic quasi-sage, it could make the Promise Golden Immortals of all the original universes in the Great Desolation Sea feel afraid.

"You dare to underestimate our Yin-mozu like this, if that's the case, let you see how powerful our Yin-mozu is!"

The second prince of the Yin Demon Race said coldly!

As soon as these words came out, many yin demons in the ten yin demon worlds turned into nets of shadows again.

However, some Yin demons suddenly changed into another form!

All of a sudden, many memory pictures came from Haoran Wenxin!

The prehistoric powerhouse in Haoranwen's heart is also paying attention to this battle.

They are not ordinary Yin spirits, these Yin spirits are majestic and powerful, and they are Yin spirits of a thousand calamities!
The ghosts of myriad calamities are almost immortal.

Every Yinling of Myriad Tribulations must be killed at least [-] times to consume all the Dao Tribulation Patterns on the Yinling's body before the Yinling of Myriad Tribulations will fall.

(End of this chapter)

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