The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 238 Birth of the Primordial Spirit

Chapter 238 Birth of the Primordial Spirit
Xiao Jin was completely angry and furious. At this moment, thousands of shadows of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel appeared in the void, fighting against the ten supreme magic soldiers.

Sun Quanhong who fell heavily on the ground, although Yuan Ling's body was damaged, but at this moment, the fierce light in Sun Quanhong's eyes became more and more intense.

In addition, a stronger fighting spirit broke out!

The momentum is awe-inspiring, and the power is like a prison.

Sun Yu knew that in order for the primordial spirit to be born, the first thing is to allow the soul and will to bear the congenital primordial spirit.

Only when the will of the soul is fully manifested and the innate primordial spirit is fully controlled, Sun Yu's primordial spirit will be truly born.

Moreover, Sun Yu knew that his Yuanshen was more than 2 feet high in the Huanggu Dou battlefield before.

It is conceivable how strong the will of the soul must be to allow the innate primordial spirit to give birth to a primordial spirit more than 2 feet tall.

But now, Sun Yu's Yuanling body is fighting against the original power, and the original power is suppressing the Yuanling body, and the will of the soul is recovering.

Sun Huang stood up gradually, her gaze was cold, like lightning.

"You are known as the top ten princes of the Yin Demon Clan. Is this the only means you have?"

Sun Quan laughed wildly, with disdain and contempt.

The top ten princes went mad with anger.

"It's so arrogant, it doesn't even take our Yin Demon Clan seriously. Today I will let you know that the majesty of the Demon Clan royal family cannot be insulted!"

The Eleventh Prince roared out, and in an instant, he transformed all the most yin energy into the most yang energy!

Not only that, behind him, there are hundreds of thousands of yin demons and many yin spirits of thousands of kalpas, who also burned the yin energy and turned it into the yang energy.

"The yang of yin and yang is born with nine yangs. You can resist the original power of the yang, but can you resist the original power of the sun?"

At this moment, the eleventh prince gathered the power of many Yinmo clans, and as the Yinmo royal family, he unleashed an unprecedented power of the sun's origin!
In order to kill Sun Yu, the eleventh prince did not simply blast out the original power of the sun.

Supreme supernatural power - the sun burst!
The supreme supernatural power activated by the original power of the sun, at this moment, the power of the supreme supernatural power is mighty, filling the Yin Demon World.

The other nine princes, desperate to control the power of the world, imprisoned Sun Rong.

The fiercely burning sun is coming straight to Sun Wei!

The original power of the sun is completely transformed into a sun star!

And at this moment, it was as if the sun star had come to the end, and suddenly, the sun star who came to Sun Yu's side suddenly burst open!
The entire world prison was shattered, and the void was even more blown apart without any fragments of the void. The void was completely annihilated and turned into a vacuum.

And at this moment, Sun Wei, who was facing the explosion of the sun star, almost tore apart the Yuanling body!

Sun Yutong endured the endless pain, and gathered the torn Yuanling body together.

And at this moment, the chaotic innate vitality reunited the split primordial spirits.

Although Sun Yuhong didn't seem to be seriously injured, all the nine princes knew that Sun Yuhong had suffered a serious injury!
"The source of the nine suns is nothing more than the source of the sun and the source of the sun. My old grandson wants to see how much of the source of the nine suns you can display?"

Sun Yu's arrogant and unruly demeanor made all the Yin Demons feel extremely angry!
Suffering the power of the two major sources one after another, Sun Wei was still mad, provoking the Yin Demons.

The majesty of the Yin Demon Clan simply disappeared in Sun Yu's heart.

At this moment, the tenth prince of the Yin Demon Clan stepped forward.

"You can get away with the source of the sun and the source of the sun, but you can never resist the source of the extreme sun!"

The tenth prince said proudly.

"So what about the origin of Jiyang, my old grandson wants to see if he can kill my old grandson!"

Sun Yan's rebellious and powerful demeanor, and his invincible demeanor of contempt for everything, made the ten princes furious.

"The yin demon clan, the source of the extreme yang!"

In an instant, the Tenth Prince also burned all the Yin Qi left in his body!
At this moment, the original power of Jiyang appeared around him mightily!
In an instant, countless yin demons and myriad yin spirits were directly thrown into the power of the extreme yang.

In an instant, the power of Jiyang's original source became more and more powerful!
And at this moment, the tenth prince urged the supreme supernatural power!
Nine Suns Promise!

The horrific power of extreme yang origin, mighty and mighty, bombarded Sun Yu's spirit body!
But at this moment, a wild laugh burst out on Sun Yu's face!
In an instant, the supreme supernatural power [Nine Yangs Promise] hit Sun Yuhong.

The infinite power contained in the supreme supernatural power was immediately sucked into the primordial seal script above the true spirit.

In this case, the real counterweight to Sun Yu's original spiritual body is the power of the extreme yang source.

Another collision, another shattering.

Sun Yu's Yuan Ling body was hit hard again.

At this time, Sun Yu felt that deep in the innate spirit, the unyielding soul will was gradually waking up!
Sun Yu has gone through the reincarnation of all generations, and his immortal will has never been worn away by the reincarnation of all generations.

Now, the long-sleeping soul will begin to recover!
This soul will is the soul will of Sun Yuhong's first life!

Belonging to the will of the Monkey King!
Back then in the Lingshan Mountain of Western Heaven, Sun Yutong was plotted against by the Tathagata, and he was beaten to death with six ears and one stick. Since then, this indomitable, immortal and immortal soul will have been sleeping deep in the true spirit.

In the reincarnation of thousands of generations, every life has never been a fairy.

It makes the soul will sleep deeper in the true spirit!

Now, the current generation Sun Yu is about to stimulate the awakening of the soul and will!

Only in this way, Sun Wukong, the first great sage equal to heaven, can completely merge with the current Sun Yutong!
Once he has enough power, Sun Yu can recover his real body!
In Sun Yutong's heart, he will always be the unruly, unyielding, fighting heaven and earth, and making havoc in the Heavenly Palace!

But now, the original power is gradually stimulating the will of the soul.

Once the extremely powerful soul will is awakened, and once the soul will can completely control the innate Yuanling, Sun Yu's Yuanshen can be born.

Sun Yu was hit hard again, but Sun Yu was immortal and stood up again.

At this moment, the faces of the remaining eight princes were gloomy.

But at this moment, in Haoran Wen's heart, those prehistoric powerhouses were even more shocked by Sun Yu's unyielding!
"Yuan Ling was bombarded by the original power of the nine suns, which was the most painful punishment in the world. But even so, he never had the slightest intention of giving in!"

"Never give in, how similar this is to Monkey King in the Middle Ages!"

"In the future, Honghuang will be able to give birth to such outstanding people. If the demons want to destroy Honghuang, that is impossible!"

"Only such an outstanding person can go upstream and come to the battlefield outside the sky to rescue our true spirit!"

"We owe him a big cause and effect. If the true spirit can really go back to the long river of time and be reincarnated, then he is equivalent to reborn parents. The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. And such a great kindness, great virtue, But there is nothing to repay!"

The true spirits of these prehistoric and powerful men sensed Sun Yu's unyielding thought in Hao Ran's Wen Xin!

This idea deeply shocked their minds.

And at this moment, the eighth princes of the Yin Demon Clan, except for the first prince and the second prince, the other six princes, without hesitation, turned the yin energy into the source of nine yangs at the same time.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, you control the world of yin demons, and we six brothers, let's use the origin of the six yangs together, and completely erase this lowly and humble human ant from this world!"

The Fourth Prince of the Yin Demon Clan said sharply.

"The origin of the six yangs come out together, let's see how rampant he is."

There was endless sternness on the face of the fifth prince, and the humiliation Sun Yu had brought to the Yin Demon Clan was enough.

As the contemporary prince of the Yin Demon Clan, he would never allow Sun Yu to live in this world, otherwise, it would be a great shame to the Yin Demon Clan.

In an instant, all the yin demon clan, accompanied by the six princes, exploded with the original power of the six suns!
The origin of Shaoyang!

The origin of Yongyang!

The origin of Xuanyang!

The source of true yang!

The origin of Yuyang!

The source of pure yang!

Among the nine yang sources, except for the ultimate yang source, the sun source, and the extreme yang source, the other six yang sources appear together.

At the same time, the original power of the six yangs urged the six supreme supernatural powers to bombard Sun Yutong together!

Sun Wei's up, down, left, right, front, back and six directions are bombarded by their own supernatural powers!

The original power of the six yangs bombarded Sun Yuyu!

In an instant, the unyielding will of the soul sleeping in the depths of the true spirit suddenly fully awakened!

In the real spirit space, suddenly, after the soul will wake up, the height is more than 2 feet.

Then, the will of the soul will completely control the innate spirit.

The soul will is integrated into the innate primordial spirit, the original power of the six yangs, and in an instant, it is directly captured by the soul will into the true spirit, and gathers together with the previous three yangs original power!
Nine Suns Source Power Seeds!

At this moment, Sun Yu's soul was born!

Sun Yuyuan's spiritual body suddenly soared to 730 six feet!
Afterwards, Sun Yu's cultivation level suddenly broke through from Yuanling Realm to Yuanshen Realm!
In an instant, the Xiantian Yuanling completely merged with the will of the soul, becoming the Xiantian Yuanshen!

The innate primordial spirit erupted with mighty and incomparable power!
The primordial spirit was born, and the innate primordial spirit was super powerful.

At this moment, Sun Yu's innate soul, which is more than 2 feet high, is holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand.

Sun Yu was able to display his self-created supernatural powers again!
Sun Yu's aura soared, and the magnificent aura filled every inch of the Yin Demon World.

In the world of yin demons, only the eldest prince and the second prince are left.

"You ants can't stop my old grandson. My grandson will break open this Yin Demon World today, so that you can be wiped out in ashes!"

With a cold expression on his face, Sun Quan said slowly.

The eldest prince and the second prince of the Yin Demon Clan looked solemn, and the second prince turned into the most yin body again.

At this moment, the eldest prince and the second prince are yin and yang.

All of a sudden, the entire world of yin demons suddenly roared violently!
"Chaos Strike!"

In an instant, the sound of violent roar shook the Yin Demon World!

Immediately, Sun Wei held the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, and with a heavy blow, he smashed it down!

A chaotic divine light accompanied by Ruyi's golden cudgel directly hits the origin of the Yin Demon world!
The horrific Chaos Strike brought the Yin Demon World back into Chaos.

With one blow, all ten princes of the Yin Demon Clan fell!

The world of yin demons was shattered, and Sun Yuwen stepped out of the world of yin demons holding a Ruyi golden cudgel!

(End of this chapter)

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