The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 249 2 Sun Tribulation God

Chapter 249 The Second Calamity Sun God
The inheritance secrets are all covered by thick thunderclouds, and the second layer of pure yang thunder calamity covers the inheritance secrets Tianyu.

The vast and incomparable pure yang thunder struck down from the nine heavens.

Pure Yang Thunder Dragon!

One after another of pure yang thunderbolts turned into pure yang thunder dragons, flying wildly, with bursts of thunder, thunder roaring, and fell towards Sun Yu.

The Chunyang Thunder Dragon is vivid and lifelike, revealing the power of the vast thunder.

With a thought in his mind, Sun Wei raised his sacrifice to the Yang God in the void.

In an instant, the Yangshen, 22 feet tall, stood upright.

The pure-yang thunder dragon blasted above the Yang god, and the nine-yin demonic energy within the Yang-shen met the pure-yang thunder dragon.

At this moment, when the pure yang thunder dragon collides with the yin and yang of the nine yin demon energy and annihilates, the profound meaning of the yin and yang road appears.

These mysteries are directly like the tide, running across the sky.

Sun Yu hurriedly comprehended the profound meaning of the Yin-Yang Dao, besides that, when he was surviving the second thunder disaster, Sun Quan also comprehended the second Yang Dao, the Shaoyang Dao profound meaning.

The pure yang thunder dragon and the nine yin devil qi are like natural enemies, and the aura emitted by the nine yin devil qi seems to provoke the second pure yang thunder calamity.

A line of pure yang thunder dragons came crashing down.

The Nine-Yin Devil Qi in the Yang God was unwilling to be destroyed by the fate, in an instant, there were many Nine-Yin Devil Qi in the Yang God, gathered together and turned into a Nine-Yin Devil Dragon!

The moment before the pure yang demon dragon came, the nine yin demon dragon jumped out of the yang god, and collided with each other in the void in an instant.

The Nine Yin Demon Dragon can't completely transcend the Yang God, so naturally it can't fully compete with the Pure Yang Thunder Dragon.

At this moment, the Chunyang Thunder Dragon is very powerful.

Sun Yu crossed the second level of pure yang thunder tribulation, involving dozens of geniuses from the Thunder God Clan.

And at this moment, these Thunder God Clan geniuses have the will power of the Thunder Sea Great Realm outside their bodies, so they don't have to worry about being bombarded by the Pure Sun Thunder in the Pure Sun Thunder Tribulation.

"Humble and lowly ants, but also want to destroy us with the pure sun thunder calamity."

"His heart can be punished, but you can't imagine that we can move freely in this pure sun thunder calamity."

"If the heavens do evil, you can still live. If you do evil yourself, you can't live."

The genius of the Thunder God Clan saw that at this moment, Sun Yu was going through the thunder disaster with all his strength, unable to cast mana, and it was impossible for his body to be too far away from the Yang God.

In an instant, dozens of geniuses of the Thunder God Clan shot with all their strength.

Seeing this scene, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth, and then his face was full of fierceness.

With a thought, Ruyi held the golden cudgel tightly in her hand.

In an instant, Sun Wei held up the Ruyi golden cudgel, and slammed it heavily at the genius of the Thunder God Clan.

The Ruyi golden cudgel is as big as you wish, and it instantly turned into a long stick, directly piercing through the air and falling down
The ultimate stick!
Sun Yuhong couldn't use magic power, but all four of the supreme physical exercises have been cultivated to the sixth level, and Sun Yuhong's physical strength is also as huge as 40!

In an instant, Sun Yuyan exploded with the ultimate one-stick mystery, increasing his strength by 36 times!
440 million mana stones!
The Ruyi Golden Cudgel slammed down with tens of millions of mana, and the terrifying power directly shook the void.

The void in the Inheritance Secret Realm is extremely strong, even tens of thousands of stones of mana cannot break through the outermost void barrier.

Although it can't shatter the void, tens of millions of stones of mana are smashed down by Ruyi's golden cudgel, and the sound of breaking the void is like thunder roaring!
The air wave was overwhelming, and Ruyi's golden cudgel fell down with lightning speed and mighty power!

The power of tens of millions of stones directly caused the physical bodies of many Thunder God Clan geniuses to burst.

And at this moment, the pure and overbearing 'power' destroyed the true spirit of the genius of the Thunder God Clan.

In the sky, Lei Hai Dajie, who is concerned about this battle, can't intervene at all!

And in the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation, none of the true spirits of these Thunder God Clan geniuses could escape.

After the physical body and primordial spirit are annihilated, the true spirit is exposed to the pure sun thunder calamity.

In an instant, he was blasted to pieces by the ubiquitous thunder force and fell completely.

With one stick from Sun Wei, four-fifths of these dozens of geniuses of the Thunder God Clan fell.

Only a dozen or so Geniuses of the Thunder God Clan were able to avoid it, but at this moment, the energy of destruction pierced through their bodies.

And these more than a dozen geniuses of the Thunder God Clan watched the geniuses of the same clan fall under the Ruyi Golden Cudgel with their own eyes, and their faces were panicked.

Although these Thunder God Clan geniuses have high cultivation bases, none of them have experienced the baptism of cruel battles.

Now Sun Yan is displaying supernatural power, which directly shocks their hearts.

"Imperial Thunder God, these ants-like geniuses of the Thunder God Clan are the murderers who you have placed high hopes on to kill my grandson?"

Sun Quan laughed loudly, dismissively.

For these geniuses of the Thunder God Clan, Sun Yuhong despises them extremely.

They are all a group of flowers cultivated in the greenhouse, and once they are hit by wind and rain, they are completely vulnerable.

High above the sky, the Immemorial Thunder God Cannian was not as angry as before, but hid the wrath of thunder above the nine heavens.

However, Sun Yutong was still so arrogant when he was crossing the second stage of pure yang thunder disaster. The Taikoo Thunder God decided to teach Sun Yuhong a hard lesson.

In an instant, more than a dozen geniuses of the Thunder God Clan were like marionettes, and in an instant, they turned into lightning!

Sun Yu saw with his own eyes that the bodies of these Thunder God Clan geniuses were dissolved in the thunder light.

In an instant, Lei Guang flourished.

Suddenly, Sun Yu felt a sense of crisis.

Afterwards, Yangshen also began to burn.

The thunder light is mighty and mighty, destroying waves, mighty and mighty.

Sun Yu immediately understood what Taigu Leishen Cannian was going to do, but at this moment, it was already impossible for Sun Yu to take Yangshen back to the Purple Mansion.

The destroying thunder slammed into the Yangshen, and in an instant, Sun Wei's Yangshen was damaged.

Sun Yu was furious to the extreme, and at this moment, the Yang God was damaged, and the Nine Yin Demon Dragon was about to leave the Yang God.

At the same time, above the sky, the Chunyang Thunder Dragon continued to bombard the Yangshen.

"Primeval Thunder God, despicable and shameless, do you think that you can destroy my grandson's Yang God?"

All of a sudden, a wave of supernatural power emanated from Sun Yu's Yangshen!
Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body!

Before that, Sun Yu had no firm resolve, but now, Taikoo Thor's despicable and shameless actions completely made Sun Yu make up his mind.

In an instant, when the Yin-Yang of the Nine Yin Demon Dragon and the Pure Yang Thunder Dragon collided, they directly annihilated the Tribulation Power, and were directly sucked into the supernatural power [Myriad Tribulation Treasure Body].

The second destructive thunderbolt struck, but at this moment, before reaching the Yangshen, suddenly, the supernatural power rune of Myriad Calamity Treasure Body was revealed.

The Destroying Lightning directly collided with the supernatural runes in the void.

In an instant, the Treasure Rune and Tribulation Rune in the Myriad Tribulation Treasure Body collided with the Destruction Rune and Thunder Rune in the Destruction Lightning Light!
At this moment, the supernatural power rune of Myriad Tribulation Treasure body accepts 'Kalpa' and refines 'Treasure'.

Sun Wei vaguely guessed Duobao's path, and Duobao obviously wanted to prove the way with "treasure".The creation of the supreme supernatural power of the "Treasure Body of Myriad Tribulations" has already had a good fortune.

Once it is deduced to good fortune by Duobao, Duobao can take advantage of the opportunity to prove the infinite Taoism.

Wait until the multi-treasure proves the fruit of the infinite Tao and becomes the infinite sage, and then seek the "Road of Calamity".

In the Primordial Sea, there is one path of calamity, so far no one has cultivated it to the point of good fortune.

However, because of this, "Road of Tribulation" may become the No. 30 seven Hongmeng avenues in the Hongmeng Sea!

Even at that time, Duobao will push both the "Road of Treasure" and "The Path of Tribulation" to the primordial level. In this case, Duobao is equivalent to opening two great avenues!

Once he attains the Dao Fruit of Primordial Origin, his cultivation will quickly catch up with the Master of the Universe of 36 original universes!
Duobao already has a path, but this point is beyond the reach of Sun Yu.

Until now, although Sun Yu has practiced many avenues, although these avenues are Hongmeng avenues, if he wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with Pan Gu, he cannot take the 36 Hongmeng avenue as the main avenue.

In this case, Sun Yu must be outside the 36 Hongmeng Avenue, like Duobao, who has the heart to open another Hongmeng Avenue.

At this moment, the Myriad Tribulation Treasure Body is worthy of its name of supreme supernatural power!
Although Sun Yu didn't know what supernatural powers the ancient thunder god Cannian displayed, but at this moment, there was nothing he could do to destroy the thunder light.

On the contrary, these destroying thunder lights have made Sun Quan's myriad calamity treasure body supernatural power, and because of the destruction of thunder light, the entire Yang God has been blessed by my myriad calamity treasure body supernatural power!
The destructive thunder light contains endless vitality. At this moment, there should be enough vitality. In an instant, Sun Yu is desperate to capture countless pure Yang thunderbolts with his divine sense!
In an instant, the Chunyang Thunderbolt struck down without turning into a Chunyang Thunder Dragon.

Sun Yu not only used the pure yang thunder to bombard the nine yin demon energy in the Yang god, but also induced the pure yang thunder to refine his body.

Previously, the first level of pure yang thunder was used for body training. Although the four supreme body training magic skills broke through the sixth level, Sun Yu could feel that, by force, the four supreme body training skills made the body's foundation Somewhat unstable.

That's why Sun Yu continued to induce pure yang thunder to temper his body.

Although the pure sun thunderbolt is extremely powerful, it is unparalleled in destruction.

But the Thunder is the coexistence of destruction and vitality. When the Thunder survives the Destruction, it will naturally be able to obtain the vitality contained in the Thunder.

With the supplement of Thunder's vitality, the weak and unstable physical foundation gradually became stable.

High above the sky, the ancient thunder god was so angry that Sun Yu escaped the destructive thunder.

On the contrary, it made the Taikoo Thunder God bear some karma. The resentment of these Thunder God Clan geniuses before they died was extremely strong!
Although as powerful as the ancient Thor, he doesn't care about these evil forces.

But when the evil karma increases and the cause and effect are bound, it may even drag the true spirit into the sea of ​​suffering.

Cannian, the ancient god of thunder, can only watch Sun Wei, go through the second pure yang thunder tribulation, and become the second tribulation sun god!

Sun Quan's Yangshen has been reduced by another 730 and 20 feet, and now it is only 360 feet.

With a thought, Yangshen returned to Zifu.

Sun Yu felt that although the realm of the four supreme body-training magic arts had not been improved, they could absorb the vitality in the Destroying Thunder, and the foundation of the physical body became stable.

In this way, after passing through the second pure yang thunder tribulation, Sun Yu was full of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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