Chapter 252

The second picture is that in ancient times, the Twelve Ancestral Witches exhausted all their strength to summon Pan Gu's real body, and killed the Heavenly Emperor Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi.

Dutian Shenlei caused the two famous ancient overlords to fall sadly.

Even if Emperor Juntai holds the innate treasure Chaos Clock, the innate Lingbao Hetu Luoshu, the innate Linggen Hibiscus wood, and the innate Lingbao Town Tianxie, it is difficult to stop Du Tianshenlei.

In that battle, Du Tian Shenlei and Kai Tian Shen Axe eclipsed Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation, one of the three great unrivaled formations in the prehistoric world.

That battle nearly shattered the Earth Immortal Realm.

The majestic power of Dutian Shenlei lingers in his heart.

Sun Quanhong opened his eyes, and shot out two beams of light, like thunder flashing.

Lei Ling was a little surprised that Sun Wei had accepted the supernatural inheritance of Dutian Shenlei, the most powerful thunder method, so easily, but even though Sun Wei was the most likely to become the inheritor of Lei Zu.

But as long as Sun Yuhong is not the true inheritor of Lei Zu for a day, Lei Ling's attitude towards Sun Yuhong will not change.

Before he became one of the real inheritors, Lei Ling only regarded Sun Weiyu as a pawn, only as a stepping stone for the true inheritors of Lei Zu.

"Now you can send out the Dutian Shenlei. If so, the fighting will really begin."

Lei Ling waved his hand, and in an instant, the void platform disappeared in place.

High in the sky, seeing Sun Yu accepting Lei Zu's inheritance, the ancient Lei Shen was so sad that he looked at it indifferently.

Soon at the core of the inheritance secret realm, the void shattered.

Immediately, two platforms stepped out from the shattered void.

Sun Yu immediately looked at another Taoist platform, the monster aura was raging, it was the Hunyuan Tianjiao from the monster clan who came to Leihai Great Realm.

Sun Quanhong subconsciously displayed the supernatural power 'Fire Eyes', and suddenly, Sun Quanhong's face darkened.

Under Sun Yu's fiery eyes, Sun Yu very clearly 'saw' the thunder spirit body of the Yaozu, whose body was a very rare lightning tree in the prehistoric.

It's just that at this moment, although there are no resentful spirits around Lei Jianmu, Sun Yu can feel that Lei Jianmu is entangled in endless evil karma.

The lightning strike wood can communicate with the power of thunder, and the resentful souls cannot be entangled.

But the power of the thunder of heaven cannot destroy the evil karma of cause and effect.

And at this moment, Lei Ling's figure on the two platforms merged into one.

"You come from the human race, and it is stained with too much human blood. The karmic evil karma on him is almost all because of becoming a human evil."

Lei Ling was suspended in the void. In the first battle, he made Sun Yu and the Yaozu Lei Jianmu face off. Naturally, it was because Lei Ling felt that the evil karma of the human race on Lei Jianmu, the Hunyuan Tianjiao of the Yaozu, would definitely make Sun Yu He raised his murderous heart.

"Low and lowly human race, you are also worthy of Lei Zu's inheritance!"

This lightning strike tree has an extremely tyrannical personality.Looking at Sun Yuhong, he was full of murderous intent.

In his eyes, he couldn't help but look towards fantasy, when the lightning strike tree took root in Sun Yu's body, and the roots absorbed Sun Yu's blood, how refreshing it would be.

Suddenly, with a wave of Lei Ling's hand, Lei Strike Wood was frozen in the void.

Then, around the Thunderbolt Wood, a long illusory river appeared.

Time goes by!

At this moment, the long river of time flows upstream.

At this time, Sun Wei saw with his own eyes that Lei Jianmu secretly captured some human races, and then took root in the human races' bodies, sucking the blood of the human races alive.

And most of them are human monks.

Except for the human monks, Lei Jianmu was so conscientious that he even attacked some newborn babies.

Seeing the pain these human children endured before they died, Sun Yu was furious, raging with rage, and wanted to go straight to the ninth heaven!

Although the first life was a demon race, Sun Wei had never attacked ordinary people.

What's more, most of the reincarnations of the ages are human.

In Sun Yu's mind, the concept of monster race and human race is very vague.

It can be seen that Lei Jianmu's animal behavior, which is so devoid of conscience and inferior to pigs and dogs, completely irritated Sun Yuyan!

With fierce murderous intent, he locked onto the Lightning Strike Wood.

As time passed by, Lei Ling's expression was extremely indifferent when he saw the murderous intent in Sun Yuhong's eyes.

In his eyes, no matter whether it is Sun Huangyu or Lei Jianmu, they are just a pawn.

Now, it's just a collision of two chess pieces.

"Today, my old grandson will blow you up piece by piece, and make you suffer the most painful punishment in the world!"

Sun Yu knew that among the human race and the monster race, there were some abnormalities.

Some tyrannical human monks also take pleasure in killing monsters.

And some monster races with utter conscience also like to torture and kill races.

As for Sun Yu's character, no matter if he encounters a human race or a monster race, as long as he does a lot of evil and is full of evil, he will kill him.

Now, Lei Jianmu completely aroused the killing intent in Sun Quan's heart.

"Humble and lowly human race, waiting to take root in your veins and suck your blood dry, then let's see how stubborn you are!"

Lei Jianmu showed a violent sneer, full of hostility.

All of a sudden, Sun Yu yelled violently, and the two altars merged into one.

In an instant, with a thought in Sun Wei's mind, Ruyi held the golden cudgel in his hand.

And at this moment, the Thunderbolt Wood is manifesting itself.

A lightning strike tree is hundreds of feet high and mighty, and its leaf vines arouse spiritual energy from all directions.

The lightning strikes the wood to communicate with the thunder, and in an instant, the power of the thunder from the nine heavens strikes down!

It's just that the power of the thunder from the sky didn't hit the lightning strike tree, and the branches of the thunder strike tree waved, and the power of thunder all over the sky came towards Sun Yu.

And at this moment, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in Sun Yu's hand suddenly turned into a sharp long knife!

Heaven-defying knife!

The sharp sword that Ruyi's golden cudgel turned into now is exactly the same as the Heaven-Defying Sword, one of the Sun's Nine Stars.

In an instant, Sun Wei held up the Heaven-Defying Saber, and slashed out a burst of saber energy!
Unrivaled saber energy, with the momentum of lightning, struck the lightning strike wood.

In the void, the saber energy collided with the power of the thunder that descended from the nine heavens.

The unrivaled sword is unparalleled in sharpness, at this moment, the Nitian sword shows the shocking sharpness of the sword.

In an instant, the unrivaled saber energy split the power of the sky thunder, and slammed down the lightning strike wood heavily.

The Lightning Strike Wood was hit by the Unrivaled Sword Qi, and was almost split in half by the Unrivaled Sword Qi!
A scream came out!
At this moment, a pair of thunder wings suddenly appeared behind Sun Yuhong!
With a shake of Lei Chi, in an instant, Sun Wei directly held up the Heaven-Defying Saber and came in front of Lei Jianmu!

The Heaven-Defying Knife slashed heavily onto the Lightning Strike Wood!

The Nitian Knife was transformed from Ruyi's golden cudgel, and it was unparalleled in sharpness.

And among the five elements, gold overcomes wood again.

Therefore, the Lightning Strike Wood was easily hacked by the Heaven-Defying Knife.

The main body was injured, and Lei Jianmu felt endless pain.

And at this moment, under the fury of Lei Jianmu, in an instant, he displayed the supernatural power of thunder!
The branches and leaves danced wildly, and the lightning aura gathered on the lightning strike wood.

All of a sudden, a shocking thunder light slashed towards Sun Yutong.

The five thunders rectify the law - Yimu Zhenglei!
The practice of lightning strike wood is [Yimu Zhenglei]. At this moment, the domineering lightning strikes Sun Yutong.

Sun Yu was safe and sound, because Sun Yu also practiced the five thunders.

Coupled with Sun Yu's physical body, it was pushed to the sixth heaven by the four supreme body-refining profound arts.

For Sun Quanhong, the lightning strike wood's thunder magic power is just an itch.

However, Sun Yu held up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel turned into a heaven-defying knife, and slashed down with one knife, and a part of the lightning strike wood was directly chopped off.

Sun Yuyan collected these chopped wood pieces into the cave!
In an instant, these wooden blocks were broken down by the cave.Afterwards, a stream of wood aura and a stream of thunder aura appeared.

Sun Yu slashed with a knife, each knife slashed on the lightning strike wood, and the lightning strike wood seemed to bear a very cruel punishment in the world, that is, "Lingchi execution".

At this moment, Lei Jianmu endured such punishment, and the screams resounded through the sky!

But at this moment, Sun Yu's heart was as hard as a rock.Lei Jianmu's unconscionable behavior before completely angered Sun Yuhong!

Sun Wei didn't regard Lei Jianmu as a monster at all, but only as the most vicious villain in the world!
And for such cruel and vicious villains, they must be tortured in a more cruel and vicious way!
Only in this way can you vent your anger!

Now, if the Lei Strikes Wood is hacked by Sun Wei with a heaven-defying knife, that is Ling Chi's execution!

Every time the knife is cut, a part of the lightning strike wood body is chopped off.

If the Lightning Strike Wood turned into a human form at this moment, these chopped pieces of wood would be flesh and blood.

The extremely violent Lei Jianmu met Sun Yutong who was so powerful that he was desperate today!
The thunder method he practiced, Yimu Zhenglei, was completely ineffective against Sun Yu.

Moreover, Sun Yu could clearly kill him with one blow, but he didn't do that!

Every time he slashed with a knife, Lei Jianmu suffered the pain of Ling Chi's execution!
At this moment, Lei Jianmu suddenly thought of those human races who were tortured and killed by him.


In the hands of Sun Yutong, the lightning strike wood of hundreds of feet has no power to resist at all!
He was slashed by Sun Yu with a knife, and the lightning struck hundreds of feet of wood, turning them into countless pieces of wood!
In the end, Mu Xin, who was struck by lightning, appeared in front of Sun Yu.

And at this moment, in Mu Xin, the Thunder Strike Mu Zhenling emerged.

"I know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Lei Jianmu Zhenling knew that there was no way he could escape from Sun Yu's hands!

"Forgive you? You have committed those crimes, and the heavens will surround you. My old grandson will never forgive you!"

In an instant, Sun Wei suddenly squeezed Mu Xin with force!
Then, the pieces of Mu Xin turned into four Hongmeng seal characters in the void.

All of a sudden, these four Hongmeng seal characters were directly submerged into Sun Yu's body.

Immediately, there were four Hongmeng seal characters on top of Sun Yu's sea of ​​qi.

But at this moment, Yimu Zhenglei's power was overwhelmed by Dutian Shenlei.

"Dutian Shenlei!"

Sun Yan's cold words echoed in the sea of ​​air!
In an instant, a bolt of thunder from the God of Heaven smashed into Yimu Zhenglei.

In an instant, the true spirit of the lightning strike wood completely dissipated, and both body and spirit were destroyed.

Afterwards, Sun Yu received Yimu Zhenglei's Leifa inheritance.

Lei Ling turned a blind eye, and saw that Lei Jianmu was killed by Sun Yutong, and did not stop him at all.

Even if in the end the lightning strike Mu Zhenling was annihilated by Sun Quanyu and the God of Heaven, Lei Ling didn't intend to stop him.

The quasi-inheritors who were defeated in the battle are trash!
In Lei Ling's eyes, the victorious quasi-inheritor has all the rights to deal with the defeated!
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(End of this chapter)

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