The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 263 Zhuolu Battlefield

Chapter 263 Zhuolu Battlefield
Hearing the words of Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin, Yun Feiyang was a little embarrassed.

The realm of annihilating swordsmanship, Yun Feiyang was very clear in his heart.

Yun Feiyang had never practiced the Annihilation Sword Art since he left the ruins of the Annihilation Sword Sect in the Blood Realm.

Naturally, Yun Feiyang performed the annihilation swordsmanship in front of Chunyang Sword Immortal. If Chunyang Sword Immortal was the senior of Annihilation Sword Sect's kendo, he would be extremely furious.

The swordsmanship is sloppy, and there is no demeanor to annihilate the swordsmanship at all.

As for the annihilation sword sect being so strong, Yun Feiyang also knew that it was because the pure yang thunderbolt and the nine yin demonic energy blasted annihilation when he crossed the pure yang thunder calamity.

The Annihilation Sword Intent absorbed the Annihilation Tribulation Power, which made the Annihilation Sword Intent so powerful.

But once the Annihilation Tribulation Power in the Annihilation Sword Intent is exhausted, the Annihilation Sword Intent will not be so powerful.

Seeing this scene, Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin thought that Yun Feiyang had been practicing alone all this time, and forgave Yun Feiyang from the bottom of his heart.

If Lu Dongbin, the Sword Immortal of Chunyang, knew that Yun Feiyang hadn't practiced the Annihilation swordsmanship for a long time, he would definitely not be so amiable.

"It's extremely difficult to explore the avenue alone. I just want to improve my cultivation as soon as possible, and re-pass down the Annihilation Sword Sect's orthodoxy on the land of the Eastern Desolation as soon as possible. The most important thing is not to let the Annihilation Sword Sect be lucky. Cut off. In this case, it will be difficult for senior sword masters who have been reincarnated and cultivated to step into the Primordial Saint Realm!"

Yun Feiyang said with emotion.

"Brother Annihilation, even if he has never suffered the destruction of the Sword Sect, the difficulty of ascending the Primordial Saint Realm is tens of thousands of times more difficult than other sword cultivators. Annihilation's swordsmanship involves the Dao of Destruction. In the Hongmeng Sea, the Dao of Destruction is not Hongmeng Avenue. And in the prehistoric world, there is no such thing as an extinct Dao monk who ascended to the Holy Throne."

When Lu Dongbin, the sword fairy of Chunyang, heard Yun Feiyang's emotion, it also triggered a sigh deep in his heart.

"Indeed, the annihilating sword is extremely powerful. Senior Juggernaut is in the realm of quasi-sage, and he can fight against saints." Yun Feiyang said in a deep voice.

"It's because Brother Annihilation has never raised his cultivation level to the peak of Chaos Golden Immortal, otherwise, it is not impossible to reverse the saint!" Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin mentioned this, his eyes sparkling.

For every Golden Immortal of Chaos, it is a great honor to be able to fight against the Primordial Saint!

It's a pity that, looking at the prehistoric ages, there are only a handful of people who can do this.

"That's why this junior is determined to obtain the Pure Yang Immortal Grass, and can quickly reach the fourth step of the God Realm." Yun Feiyang said in a deep voice.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I will take you to the Zhuolu battlefield."

In Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin's mind, there was a vague idea.

If it was the Annihilation Sword Saint who came to ask for the Immortal Pure Yang Grass, maybe he couldn't find it on the Zhuolu Battlefield, and the Sword Immortal Chun Yang might give it up.

It's just that Yun Feiyang is an inheritor of the orthodox tradition, not the invincible Annihilation Sword Master back then!

For Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin to accompany Yun Feiyang to the Zhuolu Battlefield, it can be said that he has given the Annihilation Sword Master a great deal of face!

The Zhuolu battlefield has been a dangerous place until now!
Even the sage Hunyuan dared not trespass on the Zhuolu battlefield.

I don't know how many powerful people from the Wu clan and the human race are still in the Zhuolu battlefield until now.

In addition, in the depths of the Zhuolu battlefield, there is still that indestructible fighting spirit.

In the depths of the Zhuolu battlefield, there is even a strange and mysterious place that is unknown to everyone!
These places, waiting for the saints, dare not trespass.

Otherwise, there is the danger of falling, and the possibility of falling to the Holy Throne.

Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin left Chunyang Peak, summoned the Suzerain of Chunyang Sword Sect and all the quasi-sages, and said that he would go out for a trip.

And in the heart of Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin, of course he trusts the current suzerain and all the quasi-sages, so he didn't hide it. The place where he wandered was the Zhuolu battlefield.

After the announcement, Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin took Yun Feiyang and left the mountain gate of Chunyang Sword Sect.

Back in the cultivation cave, the quasi-sage immediately recited the mantra silently, and soon his mind was drawn into the treasure of good fortune again.

Immediately, many Hunyuan Saints of the Demon Race questioned him.

"Subordinates dare not ask who Chunyang Sword Immortal is taking with him for his wanderings, but he has found out that the place where he roams is the Zhuolu Battlefield!"

Hearing that Lu Dongbin, the Sword Immortal of Chunyang, would take the suspected Juggernaut of Annihilation or Yun Feiyang to the Zhuolu Battlefield, these Hunyuan Saints of the Demon Race couldn't help showing joy on their faces.

"If it is going to other prehistoric secret realms, it will be difficult to plan. I didn't expect to go to Zhuoluyuan. It seems that God's will let us demons kill Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin, and we will annihilate Sword Saint and Yun Feiyang. If so, Then let the Zhuolu battlefield become their burial place."

A Hunyuan Saint's voice was cold and eerie, with fierce killing intent and hatred.

After Chunyang Sword Immortal Zhunsheng left, many Hunyuan saints among the Treasures of Creation began to mobilize the prehistoric demon cultivators hidden in the Zhuolu battlefield.

The Zhuolu Battlefield has now become the dividing line between the Southern Desolation and the Central Desolation, so in both the Southern Desolation and the Central Desolation, there are often monks and immortals who have wasted their lives, and before they fall, they enter the Zhuolu Battlefield.

Among them, some lucky ones got good luck in the Zhuolu battlefield and successfully extended their lives.

But the vast majority of monks and immortals are gone forever.

Among them, most of the immortal monks have become minions of the devil.

There are five demon sects and nine demon sects in the magic way of the Pan Gu universe!

Among them, the five major demon sects are located in the Central Desolation, the Southeast, the North and the West, respectively.

And the nine great demon sects, the nine barren realms of the earth and immortal world each have their own orthodox traditions.

Therefore, the Demon Race was able to mobilize the two major Demon Sect monks from the Central Desolation and the Southern Desolation.

Not only that, the monks from the Demon Sect in the Central Desolation, Southern Desolation, Southwest Desolation and Southeast Desolation were all ordered by the Demon Saints to enter the Zhuolu battlefield!

The monks from the two major demon sects and the four major demon sects stepped into the Zhuolu battlefield one after another.

These monks from the Demon Sect and the Demon Sect all have their own strongholds on the Zhuolu battlefield.

The five major demon sects and the nine major demon sects are all in the endless dimensional space of the Zhuolu battlefield, secretly refining some dimensional spaces as their bases.

Demons gathered in the Zhuolu battlefield one after another. Under the mobilization of many Hunyuan sages of the demon race, a heaven and earth net targeting Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin and Yun Feiyang has been spread in the Zhuolu battlefield.

However, the exact traces of Lu Dongbin and Yun Feiyang, the pure sun sword celestial beings, have not been found, and the demons and demon monks are hiding in the dark.

The huge Zhuolu battlefield is vast and boundless. Even the five major demon sects and the nine major demon sects have strongholds in the Zhuolu battlefield.

But it is not easy to find the whereabouts of Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin and Yun Feiyang in the vast and boundless Zhuolu battlefield.

Even if the sages who are proficient in the calculation of heavenly secrets in the demon clan all take action, the battlefield of Zhuolu can block many of the calculations of heavenly secrets.

Walking out of the shattered void, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The realm of quasi-sages is so powerful. From the mountain gate of the Pure Yang Sword Sect to the Zhuolu battlefield, but tear the void, shuttle through the void passage, and soon be able to come to the Zhuolu battlefield."

In Yun Feiyang's memory, Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin just tore apart the void and used the method of moving space, and came to the Zhuolu battlefield from the mountain gate of Chunyang Sword Sect almost instantly.

"Compared with the supernatural powers possessed by saints, this little trick is like a cloud and mud. To become a saint of Hunyuan, the saint's soul consciousness can radiate as far as he can teleport. They are the aloof Sanqing gods, with their supernatural powers, the holy consciousness can cover the entire Pangu universe in a single thought. They can also teleport to any place in the Pangu universe in a single thought, which is called infinite supernatural powers!"

Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin said with a chuckle.

At this time, Yun Feiyang felt that the void was filled with evil spirits!

"The remaining indestructible fighting spirit, as well as the eternal and immortal murderous aura, condensed so many evil spirits, even the Hunyuan sage would not dare to come to the Zhuolu battlefield easily. Once there is a slight change in the Zhuolu battlefield, it may be contaminated. Great cause and effect."

The Zhuolu battlefield is related to the ups and downs of the fortunes of the human race and the witch clan. Waiting for idle saints, they dare not come to the Zhuolu battlefield lightly.

Not to mention the Hunyuan Saint, even the Daluo Golden Immortal and the Chaos Golden Immortal would generally not trespass on the Zhuolu battlefield.

Because once a strong person enters the Zhuolu battlefield, it will be like an ever-burning lamp in the dark night, which is extremely conspicuous.

At that time, the evil souls wandering around the Zhuolu battlefield will rush forward.

In short, the Zhuolu battlefield is full of weirdness and ominousness.

And with the passage of time, the strangeness and ominousness of the Zhuolu battlefield have become more and more dreadful to the prehistoric and powerful.

Of course, in order to help Yun Feiyang find the Immortal Pure Yang Grass, Lu Dongbin, the Sword Immortal of Chunyang, didn't take these weirdness and ominousness to heart.

In the void, there are ghosts floating around, there are human races, there are witch races, there are also immortals and gods.

"Back then, the Zhuolu battlefield involved various forces in the prehistoric world. Although it appeared that the human race was fighting back against the witch race, in fact, the major forces in the prehistoric desolate did not want the scene of two clans of liches dominating the prehistoric world in the early and middle ancient times to happen again, so that Behind the battle, there are still many great powers playing games in the dark."

Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin knew some inside information about the Zhuolu Battlefield. The Zhuolu Battle at the end of ancient times involved almost all of the great powers hidden in the flood.

In the end, the Wu Clan could not bear Tianxin, and the Human Clan won this battle!

Since then, the human race has gradually ascended to the position of the protagonist of the prehistoric world.

The Wu Clan had no choice but to retreat to the Southern Wilderness. Until the ancient times, because the Mozu invaded the prehistoric, the Wu Clan fought back vigorously, making the Wu Clan deploy their weapons in the Earth Immortal Realm and the 33 Heaven Realm.

Not only the Witch Clan, but also the Monster Clan and the Kaitian Clan as well!
The invasion of the demons changed the situation in the prehistoric world.

"This is only the periphery, and the evil spirit is so strong. What's more, this evil spirit is not ordinary evil spirit, which can infect the soul of monks."

At this time, Yun Feiyang entered the Zhuolu battlefield, and involuntarily inhaled some evil spirits that permeated the void into his body.

"The Zhuolu Battlefield has no aura of heaven and earth, because it's all evil spirits, so even an immortal must be careful when entering here. But these evil spirits are not a problem for you. As long as you want, you can trigger the annihilation sword intent to annihilate at any time."

Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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