Chapter 271
These days, Sun Wei is not wandering around the Zhuolu battlefield aimlessly. While avoiding the search of the strong demons, some of the strongholds of the two major demon sects and the four major demon sects on the Zhuolu battlefield were discovered by Sun Yu. .

At this time, Sun Yu had already approached a stronghold without anyone noticing!
Moxiu's strongholds in the Zhuolu battlefield are all dimensional voids refined from outside the Zhuolu battlefield.

These dimensional voids are like a complete cave, deep in the void, such dimensional worlds are endless!

In the primordial source, if these dimensions are not annihilated, they will gradually grow into a small thousand world.

Sun Yu came outside the void of the dimension, and in an instant, the Kunlun mirror shone towards the void of this dimension.

The Kunlun mirror light is completely integrated with the void, illuminating the void of the dimension.

"Great Sage, as you expected, there is a demonic immortal sitting in the void of your dimension."

Sun Yuhong hadn't acted rashly before, and he asked the Kunlun Mirror to act because Sun Yurong regarded him as a magician. After a little change of position, in every dimension of void, there would definitely be at least one immortal guarding him.

On the surface, with great fanfare, the magician sent all the Taoist, Tribulation, and Immortal demon cultivators to the Zhuolu battlefield, just to make Sun Yuyan relax his vigilance.

The magician thinks that Sun Yu is high-spirited and can't help being careless and frivolous.

If this is the case, it is an opportunity for the Demon Dao.

It's just that the magician couldn't have expected that Sun Wei still had the Kunlun mirror, the innate top-grade spiritual treasure, and the illusion arranged by the magician in the void of the dimension could not hide the Kunlun mirror.

On the contrary, the magician was also involved in the illusion under the Kunlun mirror.

The Kunlun mirror shines on the dimensional void, not only to look at the demonic immortals, but also to find the origin of the dimensional void.

With the assistance of the Kunlun Mirror and the Qiankun Ding, Sun Wei came to the origin of the space of the Yuan Void without anyone noticing.

"If you don't want to completely kill these demon cultivators, how can you give up the origin of this space!"

Sun Wei looked at the source of space in front of him, feeling a little regretful.

"With such a little space source, it is impossible to refine a space spirit treasure. However, stirring up the power of the space source can completely annihilate this dimensional void."

Kunlun Mirror is not like Sun Wei, unless it is the power of a lot of space origin, otherwise, if these space origins are wasted and discarded, Kunlun Mirror will not blink.

Sun Yu just sighed with emotion, he still can tell which is more important.

At this moment, Sun Wei suddenly aroused all the true qi of Yuanshi in the sea of ​​qi!
In addition, there is also a part of spiritual consciousness and qi and blood surging up.

The unparalleled qi and blood were scorching hot, and a wave of heat surged to the surroundings and slapped the void.

In an instant, Sun Yu suddenly yelled violently.

"Chaos Strike!"

Sun Quan consumed all her true energy plus a part of her spiritual energy and blood, and in an instant, suddenly swung the Ruyi golden cudgel, and smashed it fiercely towards the source of space in the dimensional void!

A shocking chaotic divine light suddenly appeared, accompanied by Ruyi's golden cudgel, and hit hard on the origin of space!

In an instant, the origin of space was surging like a tide.

Chaos Strike wanted to bring the origin of space back to chaos. At this moment, the power of the origin of space exploded!
Like the roar of thunder, in an instant, the entire dimensional space exploded!
At this moment, a wave of destructive air swept across the nine heavens and ten places.

The source of space surged out, and the power of the void in the entire dimension suddenly collapsed.

At this moment, the huge dimensional void suddenly turned into an extremely dark black hole.

The void was extremely contracted and collapsed, and the magic cultivator in the dimensional void was instantly crushed by the terrifying and unparalleled power of space!
And the immortal guarding the void of this dimension suddenly rushed out of the illusion, but at this time, it was already too late!

The immortal rushes out of the illusion, precisely when the dimensional void shrinks and collapses the most.

The immortal body of this demonic immortal was directly collapsed by the backlog of space, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

His primordial spirit and true spirit were directly annihilated by the power of space on the spot!

Sun Wei used the 'Chaos Strike' to attack the origin of the space, directly destroying this dimensional void!
The demon cultivators and demon immortals in it all ended with the dimensional void.

At this moment, the dimensional void that had collapsed and shrunk to the extreme suddenly exploded!
At this moment, Sun Yu's twelve wings trembled on his back, and in an instant, like an arrow leaving the string, he escaped from the vast void.

In the world where Tongtian Demon Sect resides, in an instant, the magician smashed the teacup in his hand.

The dimensional void was destroyed, and the moment the magician fell, the magician knew that this must be Sun Yu's counterattack!
"This nasty little bastard, his swordsmanship can annihilate the void of the dimension!"

The magician's expression was slightly ferocious, and he was no longer as calm and in control as before.

If Sun Quan has the ability to annihilate the void of the first dimension, then he has the ability to annihilate the second.

Moreover, such a big thing happened, and so many demon cultivators died in an instant, it was impossible to lie about it.

At this time, in the battlefield of Zhuolu, the demon cultivators were already in full swing.

"Didn't you say that the dimension is empty, and there are senior immortals sitting in it?"

"It doesn't matter if there are immortals in charge, Yun Feiyang is the descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, and he practices the Annihilation Sword Dao."

"Directly annihilate the space origin of the void of the dimension, and the immortal who sits in the dimension is not the master of the dimension!"

"Doesn't that mean that the void of the dimension we are in may be annihilated."

"I want to leave the dimensional void, otherwise, staying in the dimensional void will lead to death!"

Most of the demon cultivators are rebellious and rebellious, some extremely selfish demon cultivators left the Zhuolu battlefield privately!

This news was sent back to Tongtian Demon Sect, and the magician was furious!
"These wastes are more than successful than they are."

The magician knew the seriousness of the matter in an instant, because Yun Feiyang was proficient in the art of transformation, and could completely become a magician!
"Master, you can't tolerate kindness at this moment, so tell the battlefield to search for those seniors, and if you encounter a demon cultivator, you will be killed."

The little magician Ye Guyu's words were cold, and in his eyes, he didn't pay any attention to the magic cultivators under these virtual realms.

Now, these demonic cultivators in the virtual world may spoil the major events of the Tongtian Demon Sect, and Ye Guyu will never tolerate it.

The magician is also a ruthless generation, and immediately ordered that all the magicians under the virtual environment must return to the stronghold, otherwise, they will wander around the Zhuolu battlefield and kill them all!

As soon as the mage issued this order, some mage monks secretly rejoiced.

Demon cultivators are all cruel and cruel people. Now that these demon cultivators have an excuse to be upright, they immediately kill them when they encounter the demon cultivators under the virtual environment, venting the anger accumulated in their hearts these days.

All of a sudden, on the battlefield of Zhuolu, those demon cultivators who escaped from the void of the dimension were slaughtered one after another!
This bloody scene made the demon cultivator in the dimensional void no longer dare to think of escaping.

What's more, at this moment, the immortal is holding the gate of the dimensional void, even if he wants to escape to the battlefield of Zhuolu, it is impossible!
But at this moment, the news that the void of the second dimension was annihilated once again reached the ears of all the magicians!

It is almost the same as the destruction of the first dimensional void. The dimensional void is also annihilated. The dimensional void shrinks and collapses, swallowing the lives of all demon cultivators in an instant.

Hearing this news, the expressions of those demon cultivators in the void of the dimension changed wildly!

No one knows which dimension Yun Feiyang will attack next!
There are many demon cultivators, and the crowd is excited.

The Tongtian Mage quickly ordered some immortals to return, until each dimensional void had ten immortals sitting in command, and among the ten, five immortals guarded the source of space in the dimensional space.

Only in this way did many demon cultivators temporarily let go of their worries, but they were still in awe.

Sun Yuxi hid in the interlayer of space, looking at the dimensional void in front of her.

This dimensional void is like a ball in the vast void.

"Ten immortals sit in the dimensional void, where the origin of the space should be guarded against, and five immortals guard the five directions."

After the mirror light of the Kunlun mirror shines through the dimensional void once, the mirror spirit transmits sound transmission to Sun Wei.

"It seems that these magicians are not too stupid, but if they think that the collapse of the dimensional void is due to the origin of space, they are very wrong!"

Sun Yu had left the annihilation sword power on purpose before, just to mislead Moxiu, thinking that Sun Yu made the dimension void collapse because he used the annihilation sword way to annihilate the origin of space.

"It's not easy to use unique skills at the origin of space. It's not easy to completely turn the primordial void into a black hole. At least these demonic immortals can escape from birth." Kunlun Jingjingling said lightly.

"It's a blessing that the demonic immortal can kill two of them by chance. As long as this dimensional void collapses, the morale of the demonic monk will almost collapse. In this case, the third round of the magician can be forced. And it caused such a big Movement and movement, Chunyang Sword Immortal must be able to sense it!"

Sun Yu's move is killing three birds with one stone!
Sun Wei has made up her mind, and quietly came out of the void of the dimension!

At this moment, Sun Wei cast the law of heaven and earth, and a hundred thousand feet of the law appeared in the sky!

At this moment, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel also turned into a hundred thousand feet!
In an instant, Sun Wei swung Ruyi's golden cudgel and smashed it towards the void of the dimension!

The surging power was instantly sensed by the ten demonic immortals.

In an instant, the dimensional void collapsed!
Without the original agitation of the space before, the speed at which the dimensional void collapsed was enough to allow the demonic immortal to escape.

Although the demon immortals escaped from the dimensional void, those demon cultivators under the dimensional void and some above the dimensional void resting in the dimensional void were unable to escape from the shattered dimensional void.

All demon cultivators were buried in the vast void along with the dimension.

When these demonic immortals escaped from the dimension and then returned to the dimension, Sun Yu had disappeared without a trace!

It was their instinct to flee wildly before.

At that moment, the moment the dimension was shattered, they wished they could leave the dimension thousands of miles away.

Therefore, it was not until these demonic immortals fled into the vast void that they came back to their senses, but when they returned again, it was already too late.

As Sun Yuyu expected, the third dimension was shattered, and the dimension guarded by ten immortals was still shattered, causing an uproar among the demon cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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