Chapter 282
The horrific might of the sword is mighty and mighty, surpassing Donghuang!

In an instant, the power of the supreme sword soared straight into the sky, shaking the entire Eastern Eight Heavens.

In an instant, I was shocked!

Many saints turned their eyes to Donghuang.

Seeing the person coming, Kong Xuan's face was as gloomy as the sea.


Kong Xuan gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Little Peacock, relying on the Primordial Saint, you actually bullied my Sword Cultivator of the First God Realm of the Sword Sect. If this is the case, don't blame me for bullying the weak!"

The real body of Western Baidi came to Donghuang. At this moment, the entire Donghuang was shrouded in the power of Baidi's supreme sword!
This is Baidi!
This is the Western White Emperor, the head of the five ancient emperors!

This is the ancestor of swordsmanship, who is invincible in the ancient times!

And at this moment, suddenly, two phoenix cries came from the sky!
In the sea of ​​Antarctic flames, Yuanfeng Zuhuang, who was in seclusion, had a sudden whim under the supreme sword power issued by Bai Ditou. After a burst of heart palpitations, he tore apart the void, and came to the Eastern Wasteland again from the sea of ​​flames in Antarctica!

Only this time, they came to Donghuang as their real bodies!
In an instant, the entire Eastern Wilderness seemed to be trembling.

The aura exuded by Western Baidi and Yuanfeng Zuhuang can destroy Donghuang.

Yuan Feng Zuhuang came in person, looked at Baidi, deep in his eyes, he couldn't help flashing deep fear.

Back then in the ancient times, the three Kaitian clans were known as the hegemony of the ancient times, but that was in the late period of the ancient times.

In that era, almost all the five emperors of the ancient times left Honghuang.

"Yuanfeng Zuhuang, can you manage well, then let me discipline you on your behalf today!"

The Western White Emperor's killing intent boiled over, and at this moment, the power of the supreme sword soared again.

"Baidi, you have such a big tone!"

Kong Xuan was so furious that Baidi didn't take him seriously!

Even now that Yuanfeng Zuhuang is here in person, Baidi has never flinched, on the contrary, he has become even tougher.

Yuanfeng Zuhuang's eyes also flashed sullenness, it's just that Baidi didn't take Kong Xuan seriously, but even when they came in person, Baidi never looked at them.

"You little peacock, you'd better go back to Zuhuang, otherwise, don't blame me for bloodbathing the Phoenix family today!"

Bai Di is unparalleled. At this time, in the Annihilation Sword Sect, Sun Yu is looking at Bai Di in the void. This is the life he imagined!
As long as you have enough strength, so what about Kong Xuan, who was the first head at the beginning of the world, and what about Yuan Fengzu Huang, who was once honored as the ancient, if you are not convinced, then fight!
With a sword in his hand, Baidi can threaten to bloodbath the Phoenix family!
In Honghuang, Sanqing was not as domineering as Baidi.

36 Chong Taiqing Realm Great Chitian, the Taiqing sage shook his head again and again when he saw this scene.

"Master, Baidi is still like this, even Chidi doesn't have such a hot temper!"

Xuandu accompanied the Taiqing sage, and said lightly.

"Chidi has a hot temper, but he doesn't have the strength of Baidi. Among the five ancient emperors, I don't want to face him. Most of the other four emperors are quite rational. But Baidi is different, he is not as good as he likes. war."

If many sages in the prehistoric period could hear the sage of Taiqing say this, I don't know how surprised they would be.

"At the beginning of the ancient times, those chaotic demon gods who entered the prehistoric wilderness fell under the sword of the White Emperor. Be it the creatures of chaos or the holy spirits of the ancient times, the White Emperor used one breath to earn his reputation as the head of the five emperors of the ancient times! "

Xuandu said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Many second-generation disciples and the only third-generation disciple Yang Jian gathered in Yuxu Palace.

"Bai Di is still the same, never changing. This time, the Phoenix Clan will be in trouble!" Daoist Ran Deng smiled slightly!
"Kong Xuan relied on his Hunyuan Saint to bully a cultivator in the divine realm. He deserved to be taught such a lesson. Kong Xuan has been crazy these years. If he has not become a saint, he is nothing!"

Yang Jian said lightly!

"Erlang, you fought Yun Feiyang in the ancient battlefield back then, don't you have any impression?"

Master Yu Ding, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, who is also Master Yang Jian, asked with a chuckle.

"Master, you are not ignorant of the situation in the ancient battlefield. The Dao ancestor's seal completely cuts off any secrets. Kong Xuan wants the chaotic spirit grass, and he is doomed to return in vain!" Yang Jian said in a deep voice.

"That is, the Chaos Spirit Grass belongs to the ancestor Zhong Yiyun Feiyang, whoever dares to snatch it will violate the will of the master." Cihang Taoist said lightly.

"Let's just watch, it's rare to have such a good show!" Yuanshi Tianzun sat on Qingyun, holding a Pangu banner, and said lightly.

And at this time, above the East China Sea, in the Biyou Palace, it is rare for the Master Tongtian to come to Biyou Palace with a group of second-generation disciples of Jiejiao.

"Bai Di is in trouble, this time the Phoenix Clan will be in trouble!"

Duobao said in a deep voice.

"Master, you have the Immortal Execution Sword Formation in your hands. The White Emperor is known as the ancestor of the Great Desolation Sword Dao. In terms of the Sword Dao alone, which one of you is better?"

At this time, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suddenly asked.

Hearing this, the second-generation disciples of Jiejiao all looked at Master Tongtian.

"In terms of the way of the sword, I'm not as good as him. If I don't have the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in hand, I can't beat him. And my way is not the way of the sword!"

When Master Tongtian said this, many second-generation disciples were shocked.

The Master of Tongtian, but one of the Sanqing, the infinite sage!
To say such words, these second-generation disciples immediately elevated Baidi's status infinitely in their hearts.

Yuanfeng Zuhuang felt very troublesome. They never thought that Baidi would go to war for Yun Feiyang.

"Baidi, if the Chaos Spirit Grass is a complete Chaos Spirit Grass with the Dao of Chaos, the Dao of Yin-Yang and the Dao of Five Elements, then the sage of Wuji will be moved. But the Grass of Chaos is only the mature leaves of the five elements." Yuan Feng said in a deep voice .

"Since you are here now, let's discuss it. Our Phoenix family borrowed the Chaos Spirit Grass. You can swear by the true spirit that after you borrow it, you will definitely return it in full."

Hearing Yuanfeng's words, Baidi sneered disdainfully.

"Borrowed? Little Peacock's previous attitude, was it borrowed?"

Baidi saw that Yuanfeng Zuhuang was subdued, but he didn't want to give Yuanfeng Zuhuang a step down. In the prehistoric world, strength is king after all.

If he didn't show up today, would Kong Xuan let Yun Feiyang go if he got the Chaos Spirit Grass?Absolutely not.

"Bai Di, what are you going to do then?"

Zuhuang said coldly.

"It's very simple, as long as he can receive my sword, if he doesn't die, he can borrow it!" When Baidi said this, Yuanfeng Zuhuang's face changed dramatically.

Bai Di's words clearly intended to kill Kong Xuan with a single strike.

But at this time, Kong Xuan didn't think so.

"Okay, so what if I pick you up with a sword!"

Kong Xuan imagined that he was also a Hunyuan sage, so he couldn't even catch Baidi's sword!
"Baidi, you are a bit deceptive. Outside the prehistoric world, even the sage Wuji can't take your sword."

Yuanfeng said angrily!
Hearing this, Kong Xuan's expression changed dramatically.

Although he is crazy, he is not so arrogant that he can rival the Promise Saint!

"He can't pick it up, Yuan Feng Zuhuang and you can go together. As long as you can catch me without dying, it's not impossible to borrow Chaos Spirit Grass!"

Baidi's murderous intentions were great, no matter what he said, he would not give up today.

Hearing this, Kong Xuan immediately looked at Yuanfeng Zuhuang!

He couldn't take Baidi's sword, but Yuanfeng Zuhuang couldn't take it.

"Okay, that's what you said!"

Yuanfeng Zuhuang made up his mind, no matter what, Kong Xuan was so eager to get the Chaos Spirit Grass, as Kong Xuan's parents, he would help Kong Xuan no matter what.

"There is one more condition!"

But Baidi is not so easy to settle!

"What are the conditions!"

Yuan Feng and Zu Huang asked together.

"Before you take my sword, the little peacock wants to get the Chaos Spirit Grass and defeat my useless apprentice!"

When Baidi said this, Hong Huang was shocked!

At this moment, in the Western Wilderness, in the ancestral courtyard of Jianzong, suddenly, a burst of Hunyuan Qi burst out from the ancestral courtyard of Jianzong!

This Hunyuan Qi machine has the momentum to annihilate everything, mighty and mighty, filling the sky!

The Earth Immortal Realm was shaken, and the 36 Heaven Realm was shocked!
Following the Fire Emperor, Hong Huang has another quasi-sage, the Hunyuan Saint.

And at this moment, who is the saint who has just been accomplished, spread throughout the prehistoric world.

"The Sword Master of Annihilation has ascended to the Holy Throne!"

"How long has it been? Annihilation Sword Sect has not been born for three years!"

"There is another saint in Honghuang, and he is still the Juggernaut of Annihilation!"

"Now the Juggernaut of Annihilation can truly be called a Juggernaut!"

"Although he has only just ascended to the holy land, with the accumulation of the Dao industry of the annihilation sword master, his combat power is at least mid-level among all the saints in the prehistoric world."

Many saints in the prehistoric period were exclaiming, but at this time, the Hunyuan qi machine permeated from the Western Desolation to the Central Desolation, and then came to the Eastern Desolation.

The Void Realm was shattered again. At this time, the vast sword power of the Annihilation Sword Master shattered the Void Realm!


Seeing Baoyan, the quasi-sage fighting against Shi Qingfeng, the Annihilation Sword Master coldly uttered a word!
"Leave someone under the sword!"

At this moment, Duobao in Biyou Palace above the East China Sea made an impressive move!

A beam of annihilating sword energy burst out from the body, instantly defeating the quasi-sage's body of the quasi-sage Baoyan!

Just as the annihilation of the sword energy was about to completely kill Baoyan's true spirit, at this moment, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Duobao's supreme supernatural power suddenly swept away the quasi-sage Baoyan's true spirit and the treasure figure left in the sky above the golden land!

When Shi Qingfeng returned to the mountain gate, he stood side by side with Sun Yuhong!
Then, pay homage!
"Welcome Patriarch, ascend the Holy Throne!"

Sun Wei and Shi Qingfeng bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

The Annihilation Sword Master hurriedly descended to the mountain gate, looked at Sun Yutong whose physical body was about to collapse, and then turned his cold eyes towards Kong Xuan!
The Annihilation Sword Master casts the mana of a saint, and the billowing vitality of the void is attracted, and then enters Sun Yu's body!

In an instant, Sun Quan's broken body was repaired by the saint's mana!
Not only that, but Sun Yu's physical body has really reached the limit of the sixth heaven.

"Kong Xuan, you come to me to annihilate Jianzong Saye, if you don't give me an explanation, you don't want to leave today!"

The Annihilation Sword Saint has returned from his ascension to the Holy Spirit. He has the same temper as Baidi and is unparalleled in strength.

Although he ascended to the Holy Spirit not long ago, he is not afraid of Kong Xuan's prestige.

"The number of qi is not extinguished, and the way is not completely proved by virtue, half of the way is proved by strength!"

At this time, Yuanfeng Zuhuang naturally saw clearly that Juggernaut Annihilation was able to ascend to the holy realm so quickly. Apart from half of it relying on merit, the other half was naturally that Juggernaut Annihilation relied on the sword in his hand to prove the truth with strength!
Although he didn't fully prove the truth with strength, the combat power of the Annihilation Sword Master is no less than that of Kong Xuan.

At least, Kong Xuan is completely relying on merit to prove the way!

In the same way to prove the Hunyuan, which kind of proof you choose will have a great impact on the combat power of the saint after the proof!
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(End of this chapter)

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