Chapter 296
In the eternal sea, Bai Yujing sensed the undercurrent of the turbulent waves.

"Biyou Palace will definitely not let it go, they are afraid that I will let the Eternal Temple recognize the master. So this time, it is also unstoppable, and the soldiers come to cover it up."

Bai Yujing is not afraid, so what about Biyou Palace, in this sea of ​​eternity, immortals dare not visit easily, and Biyou Palace will not let immortals make a move at first.

Biyou Palace dominates Biyou Continent. In the eyes of those immortals from the upper world, ordinary monks are not worth cherishing at all. Even if all the Qi trainers in Biyou Palace are dead, as long as there are immortals sitting in the town, as long as it takes time, there will be Qi training scholar.

Therefore, Bai Yujing had already guessed that Biyou Palace would definitely send those true disciples at the beginning, true disciples of immortality, who had the potential to become immortals.

But if you don't become a fairy, you will end up as an ant.

Bai Yujing had already seen the ruthlessness of Jiejiao Immortal.

Overseas of Eternity, Biyou Palace has super warships refined from various fairy trees and trees. Thousands of super battleships stay in the Overseas of Eternity.

The head teacher of Biyou Palace personally sits in the Overseas Eternity.

And at this moment, on the fairy boat where Biyougong's head teacher is.

The head teacher of Biyou Palace looked solemnly, with a dignified expression, looking at the true disciples born thousands of years ago in Biyou Palace!
From the Spiritual Realm to the Immortal Realm, the true disciples of the five great realms all gathered here.

"To summon you today is to let you enter the sea of ​​eternity, find Bai Yujing, and kill him. No matter who it is, as long as you kill Bai Yujing and bring back his head, whoever is the direct successor of Biyou Palace, the next generation Master!"

The masters of Biyou Palace are all from these true disciples!

These True Inheritance Disciples have a high status and a noble status in Biyou Palace.

In the future, the only direct descendant of Biyou Palace will be chosen from among these true disciples.

And the direct descendant of Biyou Palace is the next generation head teacher!
If he can become the direct heir of Biyou Palace, then his status will rise to the top, comparable to the Supreme Elder.

As soon as Master Biyougong said this, the eyes of all the true disciples suddenly became extremely hot.

As long as he kills Bai Yujing, who has cultivated the first step in the spiritual realm, he can ascend to the sky and become the direct descendant of Biyou Palace in one step. No true disciple who cultivated in the fairyland can resist such a temptation.

The head teacher of Biyou Palace is in its prime, and Biyou Palace has not yet had a direct lineage before.

That's because among Biyou Palace's true disciples, none of them can overwhelm other true disciples and become a well-deserved direct disciple.

But what the head teacher said now is clearly to kill Bai Yujing to decide who is the direct heir!

In this case, all true disciples, theoretically speaking, have the possibility of becoming direct disciples.

And these true disciples are quite confident in themselves. Although Bai Yujing was once an invincible myth in the eternal world, no matter what, his current cultivation is only the first step in the spiritual realm!
In this case, these true disciples who cultivated in the spiritual realm would feel that if they encountered Bai Yujing, they would be able to kill Bai Yujing.

"Besides, when you enter the Sea of ​​Eternity, all your performances are in the eyes of me and the elders. If there are true disciples who are passive and negligent, they will be killed!"

Master Biyougong knows that there are some true disciples who are proficient in the way of being wise and safe. On the surface, they seem to covet the position of direct disciple, but deep down, they feel that there is no hope of competing, so they take it lightly!

But all of this can't be hidden from Bi Yougong's head teacher and many Supreme Elders!
The reason why Biyougong's head teacher and Taishang elder persecuted these true disciples is to stimulate their luck, and finally use Biyougong's luck to restrain Bai Yujing!

As long as Bai Yujing's vitality is cut off, Bai Yujing will never be able to recognize the Lord of the Eternal Temple. After being killed this time, it is impossible for Bai Yujing to come back again.

"Headmaster, is it only our true disciples from Biyou Palace who enter the Sea of ​​Eternity to search for Bai Yujing's whereabouts?"

At this moment, a true disciple of the Taoist realm asked a question.

"Of course not. For all the monks in Biyou Palace here, you true disciples can team up with them. Especially those true disciples with low cultivation levels, you can ask monks in the Dao realm and Tribulation realm to be with you."

Although the head teacher of Biyou Palace is extremely strict on the surface, it is impossible to let Biyou Palace's true disciples go to the sea of ​​eternity to die in vain!

Therefore, what he said was to give those true disciples who cultivated in the spiritual realm more chances to save their lives!

And anyone who can become a true disciple in Biyou Palace has supporters behind him.

At this time, these monks of Biyou Palace immediately teamed up with the true disciples they supported, and then took the fairy boat and sailed into the sea of ​​eternity.

Biyou Palace came to the Sea of ​​Eternity with great fanfare, and both Dousita Palace and Yuxu Palace stood still!
Of course, both Tushita Palace and Yuxu Palace are activating the chess pieces placed in Biyou Palace, so you must know the true situation of the Eternal Sea at any time!
Because Doshita Palace and Yuxu Palace suspect that Biyou Palace is cheating!
It shows that Shangbiyou Palace will kill Bai Yujing at all costs!
But in the dark, Biyou Palace may steal the beam and change the post, and quietly call the Eternal Temple's attention!
In this case, Tushita Palace and Yuxu Palace, of course, cannot let Biyou Palace succeed.

In the sea of ​​eternity, everything is calm.

At this moment, Bai Yujing suddenly stood up.

Standing on the canoe, Bai Yujing expended very little mana to display the supernatural power 【Clairvoyance】.

Thousands of miles away, a spirit boat from Biyou Palace was heading towards Baiyujing.

The Biyou Palace powerhouse on the spirit boat has not yet been able to discover Bai Yujing.

Bai Yujing put away his magical powers, the canoe quickly left the nearby island, and the canoe sailed into the deep sea far away from the island.

The speed of the spirit boat in the eternal sea is extremely fast!
Spirit stones are stored in the spirit boat, which are used as power to drive the spirit boat.

The canoe that Bai Yujing was in was just sailing with the wind.

Therefore, the spirit boat was only three thousand miles away from Bai Yujing.

But at this moment, suddenly, the spirit boat gave a warning.

"The spirit boat sensed the fluctuations of Yuanshi Zhenqi unique to Yuxu's lineage. The distance between Bai Yujing and the spirit boat is only three thousand miles!"

Immediately, the true disciple on this spirit boat made the cultivator with the highest cultivation level on this spirit boat to unfold his divine consciousness!

All of a sudden, the spiritual consciousness of this tribulation cultivator spread out, and he found Bai Yujing immediately!

"To the southeast, the distance is [-] miles. Push the spirit boat with all our strength, we should be the first to discover Bai Yujing, and we must not let him fall into the hands of other true disciples!"

The cultivator with a cultivation base in the Tribulation Realm was ecstatic.

"Move the spirit boat with all your strength!"

The true disciple immediately ordered, and suddenly, the speed of the spirit boat skyrocketed!

In just half a cup of tea, this spirit boat had already chased Bai Yujing.

Bai Yujing stood on the canoe, with cold eyes, looking at the monk Biyougong on the spirit boat.

"Bai Yujing, let's capture him without a fight!"

On the deck of the spirit boat, the true disciples who cultivated in the Void Realm of Biyou Palace suppressed their excitement.

"Arrest with nothing? You are really naive. You didn't deserve to die, but it's a pity that you chose Biyou Palace. This is your way of death. When you reach the underworld, you can still be companions!"

Bai Yujing, dressed in fluttering white clothes, was alone, facing the many monks of Biyou Palace on this spirit boat, without changing his face.

"Bai Yujing, since you are so stubborn and still want to resist, if that's the case, then let this sea of ​​eternity be your burial place!"

The true disciple of the Void Realm cultivation base was excited all over, Bai Yujing was about to die in his hands, and he was about to ascend to the sky in one step, and was about to become the direct successor of Biyou Palace.

"You talk too much!"

At this moment, Bai Yujing made a bold move!
As soon as he makes a move, it is supreme supernatural power!
Clutch element magnetic!

In an instant, Bai Yujing put all his strength into action, and the terrifying power of clutching and primordial magnetism was suddenly applied to this spirit boat!
"not good!"

Only then did the cultivator of Biyougong Jiejie realize Bai Yujing's true purpose!
But at this moment, it is too late!

The power of the clutch primordial magnetism, one positive and one reverse, suddenly, with a click, the entire spirit boat was crushed to powder by the clutch primordial magnetic force!
Not only that, the monks of Biyou Palace on the spirit boat couldn't resist the power of the supreme supernatural power of the clutch element magnetism, and was directly pushed into the sea of ​​eternity by the clutch element magnetism force!
When the bodies of these Biyougong monks were immersed in the sea of ​​eternity, the surging water of eternity poured into their bodies with endless power of eternity!
In an instant, eternal calamity was triggered!
Since ancient times, when monks from the Three Great Avenues entered the Sea of ​​Eternity, the first taboo was never to sink into the Sea of ​​Eternity!
But now, under Bai Yujing's tricks, the monks of Biyou Palace on this spirit boat could not resist the power of the supreme supernatural power of separation and reunion, and were directly pushed into the sea of ​​eternity!
Eternal robbery broke out!
At this moment, the amount of eternal power in the body of the monk Bi Yougong was beyond imagination.

Therefore, these Biyougong monks couldn't even bear the first wave of eternal calamity, and directly under the eternal calamity, their souls flew away!
"Headmaster Biyou, Supreme Elder, this is just the beginning!"

Bai Yujing knew that the head teacher of Biyou Palace and the Supreme Elder of Biyou Palace must have passed the restraint on the spirit boat and witnessed this battle with their own eyes!
Although they couldn't hear Bai Yujing's words, they could all guess what Bai Yujing would say!

Overseas of Eternity, the headmaster of Biyou Palace is furious!

"Trash, all of them are a bunch of trash!"

The head teacher of Biyou Palace was so angry that when he saw Bai Yujing, he just killed him directly. Do you want to reminisce about the old days?

Just now it became clear that the monk of Biyou Palace in the spirit boat could kill Bai Yujing, but in the end everything was destroyed in the hands of that Void Realm True Inheritance disciple!

The true disciple of the Void Realm wants to humiliate Bai Yujing before he dies, and use it as capital for bragging in the future!

In the end, I didn't expect to be tricked by Bai Yujing, fall into the sea of ​​eternity, and be directly turned into ashes by the eternal calamity!

"Other Biyou Palace monks on the spirit boat, don't get close to Bai Yujing, once they find Bai Yujing's whereabouts, they will bombard him from a distance without hesitation!"

Fearing that the other spirit boats would repeat the same mistakes, Bi Yougong's head teacher transmitted voices to each spirit boat.

And at this moment, these Biyougong monks have heard the fate of the spirit boat monk who was the first to encounter Bai Yujing in Biyougong before!
Suddenly, they became extremely jealous of Bai Yujing!
They don't want to repeat the same mistakes. They didn't die in the hands of Bai Yujing, but died under the eternal catastrophe!

(End of this chapter)

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