Chapter 332

The confusing secrets became clear, and the six sages had a glimpse of the secrets.

In this chess game, there is no complete winner.

Human beings cut off the three religions and one lineage of Wen Dao, and dozens of chaotic golden immortals became chess pieces, leading out the three saints Xuandu, Randeng, and Zhao Gongming, and were involved in the chess game together.

At the end of the chess game, Duobao fulfilled his wish and cut off a powerful arm of Sun Quanhong, which almost broke Sun Quantong's line with Wen Dao.

However, it is also contaminated with many causes and effects.

The Chaos Golden Immortals who survived, resented Duobao in their hearts, and now Duobao is very powerful, these Chaos Golden Immortals are nothing but ants in Duobao's eyes.

But this karma was imposed on Duobao.

Unbeknownst to Duobao, without the involvement of Haoran Wenxin, Sun Yuhong's fate has undergone earth-shaking changes.

These menacing Chaos Golden Immortals are the saddest at this moment.

The hope of becoming a saint, the twelve-leaf eternal green lotus, is not a god of good fortune at all.

That's all, the Eternal Qinglian now has only ten leaves left.

Although the top acquired fetish is precious, it can never help the Golden Immortal of Chaos to prove his way and become a saint.

Many Chaos Golden Immortals hurriedly left the Void Realm, and Sun Yu was taken away by the sage Jiang Shang. Zou Zi looked at the distant Zhonghuang, and he wanted to ask why.

The Annihilation Sword Master chuckled, the Annihilation Sword broke through the void, and returned to the Annihilation Sword Sect.

Sun Wu, the Bing Sheng, returned to the heaven with the eighteenth and quasi-sage son of the sub-sage.

This great turmoil has disappeared.

The impact that can be caused is extremely far-reaching.

In the future, Hong Huang Da Neng looked back on the long history of Pangu's universe and found that this day was extremely important in the history of Pangu's universe.

In the vast void, Baoxiang was rescued by Daluo Jinxian of the Treasure Sect, and returned to Treasure Sect.

Returning to Baoxiang of Lianbaozong, he immediately asked how the battle was going.

But at this moment, Duobao summoned Baoxiang.

In the secret room of the Treasure Sect, Baoxiang respectfully looked at the projected body of the multi-treasure spiritual sense composed of countless light spots in front of him.

"Father, what's the result of the battle?" Baoxiang asked eagerly.

"Sun Yu lost his heart of grandeur, and summoned Grand River to end this battle. Ten chaotic golden immortals were wiped out by the divine light of punishment. Dozens of chaotic golden immortals were cut off by the thunder of divine punishment. "Duobao said in a deep voice with a calm expression.

"What? Let him escape again?" Baoxiang was incomparably astonished. Sun Yu had escaped death again and again, and Baoxiang couldn't believe it.

"It's just that he escaped a small calamity. He can't escape the real catastrophe. He will be turned into ashes in the immeasurable calamity. But this battle is not fruitless, at least let him break with Wen Dao, He has lost his grand literary heart." Duobao said expressionlessly.

"But even if he loses the Wen Dao lineage, he still has the Annihilation Sword Sect. This time, the royal family Jiang and the Le An Sun family are so desperate to protect him. The Wen Dao lineage is just like the Suzaku Fire Emperor to him, and has nothing to do with it." critical."

Under repeated blows, Baoxiang became smart.

Duobao showed relief on his face, "You can think this way, I am very satisfied for my father. But take your time, first cut off the arm of Wen Dao, and then cut off the hand extended by Jiang Shang. Finally, come to destroy the Sun family. In short, slowly make him helpless." Duobao said coldly.

"The battle is over, do those Chaos Golden Immortals know the truth?" Baoguan asked concerned.

"So what if I know, in the eyes of my father, these Chaos Golden Immortals are nothing more than ants."

And in the prehistoric world, if you are not a saint, you will be an ant.

In the eyes of saints, the Golden Immortal of Chaos is not worth mentioning.

In Daqi Palace, Sun Wei looked at Jiang Shang in amazement.

"I didn't expect that senior would be so proficient, and his cultivation level could directly match that of Xuandu, the deputy leader of the Renjiao." Sun Yuyan never expected that Jiang Shang had only been in the holy realm for hundreds of millions of years, but his cultivation level surpassed the prehistoric world.

"When the great sage ascends to the holy throne, you will know how terrifying the speed of the child of luck is. My luck has actually lost a lot in the ancient battle of conferring gods. But the return of the great holy wheel brings a lot of power of reincarnation, and my luck Monstrous." Jiang Shang said with a faint smile.

"For the sake of my old grandson, the seniors are almost betraying the teaching, is it worth it?" Sun Yu said lightly.

"The matter is not as serious as you imagined. Now the opportunity has been revealed. The Twelve-leaf Eternal Green Lotus is not a god of good fortune. Those golden immortals who explain and teach chaos will come to me soon to plead guilty. As for Brother Dieng, he has always been open-minded. It's small, I'm used to it." Jiang Shang said lightly.

"It's the best, my old grandson doesn't want to bring seniors into trouble." Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Jiang Shang looked far away.

"Go back to Jixia Academy, Zou Zi has something to tell you."

Jiang Shang got a glimpse of the secret, but he couldn't tell Sun Yutong clearly.

Sun Yu was sent back to Jixia Academy by Jiang Shang with the magic power of Hunyuan.

When Sun Yu returned to Jixia Academy, he saw that the major families of Wen Dao who had come to Jixia Academy before had already begun to leave Jixia Academy.

The Jixia Academy has not yet recovered its former prosperity, but it has already declined.

Seeing Zou Zi, Sun Wei felt very guilty.

It's nothing for him to break with Wen Dao's lineage, at most he is in Wen Dao's lineage, and he has no relationship with Wen Dao.

But Zou Zi and the Yin-Yang family were involved.

"Huan, you don't have to feel sorry, it's the Wendao lineage that doesn't have this blessing. Just now I asked the Wendao sages, and I know the ins and outs of the matter!" Zou Zi was exhausted physically and mentally.

"Senior, please say clearly, at least my old grandson wants to know why!" Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Before this, Tiandao suddenly warned all the sages of Wendao. I don't know why Tiandao suddenly warned the sages of Wendao. But the sages of Wendao know that if Wendao's lineage continues to be tied to you, Wendao's lineage will be determined. It will decline!" Zou Zi said in a deep voice.

"In the eyes of all the sages of Wen Dao, my old grandson will drag down the weakening of Wen Dao's lineage?" Sun Wei's expression was indifferent, but his heart had already been turned upside down.

"The sages of Wen Dao don't know whether it is the Wen Dao lineage that drags you down, or whether you are dragging down the Wen Dao lineage. In short, the Heavenly Dao warns, and the Wen Dao sages have to do this for the sake of the Wen Dao lineage." Zou Zi Shen Sheng said.

"My old grandson knows, so that's fine. If one day the Wen Dao lineage is really affected by my old grandson, my old grandson will feel very sorry!" .

The saints of Wen Dao will re-integrate a Wen Xiu into Haoran Wen Xin, and then let him become a new generation of Wen Dao enforcers.

"Today's prehistoric world is getting more and more chaotic. Before this old man wanted to cultivate a guardian for the Wen Dao lineage, but unfortunately the saints of Wen Dao were affected by the warning of the Dao of Heaven and lost their sense of normalcy."

Zou Zi felt extremely regretful. In the dark, he felt that Sun Yuhong would be able to protect the line of Wen Dao in the future.However, good fortune tricks people, and now Wen Dao's lineage has voluntarily abandoned Sun Yuhong, just like Suzaku Fire Emperor.

"My old grandson doesn't think it's a big deal. It's just that I'm hurting seniors and the Yin-Yang family created by seniors. It also led to the decline of Jixia Academy. All this, my grandson feels ashamed!" Sun Yu said apologetically.

"Nothing, the old man said that the Yin-Yang school is biased towards Taoism and Taoism. The old man just expressed his attitude to the sages of Wen Dao. The Yin-Yang family will not return to the line of Wen Dao. Since Jixia Academy is no longer a holy place of Wen Dao , the old man decided to change the Jixia Academy into the Yinyang Dao Palace!"

When Zou Zi said this, he was categorical.

Afterwards, Zou Zi looked straight at Sun Rong.

Sun Wei smiled knowingly, "Thanks to my senior for not giving up, my old grandson is willing to continue in the Yin Yang Dao Palace!"

Practicing the Five Elements Avenue and the Yin-Yang Avenue are both helpful to the Chaos Avenue.

Zou Zi has been of great help to Sun Quanhong!
At this time, of course, Sun Yu would not leave the Yin-Yang Dao Palace.

At this moment, in the middle of the remote desert!

The oldest holy place of the human race, in the Huoyun Cave.

The three emperors of the human race gathered in Huoyun Cave.

Xihuang, the Earth Emperor Shennong, and the first Human Emperor Xuanyuan.

The reason why the three emperors of the human race entered Huoyun Cave was to suppress the luck of the human race.

At this time, the face of the Three Emperors showed regret.

"The luck of the human race is still shallow. After the Ancient Lich War, the three religions divided up the luck of the human race too much, and as a result, the luck of the human race has never reached its peak." When Emperor Xi mentioned the three religions, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"The luck of the human race is shallow. If he is forcibly tied to the chariot of the human race, it will eventually lead to heavy casualties. Although it will exchange for the most prosperous years of the human race, but if we do that, I don't know how many trillions of human races will be involved. In the midst of calamity!" the Emperor Shen Nong said in a deep voice.

"I just hope that he will protect the human race because of the blood of the human race that once flowed in his body." Human Emperor Xuanyuan felt extremely regretful.

The sages of Wen Dao only know the way of heaven to warn.

But I don't know why Tiandao gave the warning.

But the three emperors of the human race knew that the emperor's luck was shallow, and they were not as good as the five clans of dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and lich. Naturally, they couldn't become the protagonist of the calamity like the five clans.

Once the human race continues to support Sun Wei, then once the calamity reaches its peak, the human race will be destroyed first by the five overlords.

In this case, if the human race fights against the five overlords with the power of one family, even if they are not completely destroyed, countless souls will fall in the calamity.

Of course, in addition to the reason of the shallow luck of the human race, for the human race, there is not only such an unrivaled arrogance as Sun Wei.

The human race has secretly cultivated several peerless geniuses over the years, and they may be able to compete with the geniuses of the five overlords.

In the Jixia Academy, hearing what Zou Zi said about the warning time from the Way of Heaven, Sun Wei's heart was filled with turmoil.

The time when the Dao of Heaven gave the warning was clearly almost the same as the time when he achieved the Chaos Qinglian, the Dharma Form of Heaven and Earth in the Huanggu Dou battlefield.

The fifth step of breaking through the spiritual realm achieved the "chaos green lotus", the law of heaven and earth, and then the way of heaven warned all the saints of the way of writing.

All of this allowed Sun Yu to grasp the main point in an instant!

All because of Chaos Qinglian!
If the law of heaven and earth had not been made into a chaotic green lotus, the way of heaven would not have warned the sages of Wen Dao, and Wen Dao's lineage would not have abandoned Sun Yu, this turmoil would not have caused such a big disturbance at all.

However, Sun Wei couldn't figure out why he made the heaven and earth fear him so much when he had achieved the chaotic green lotus.

Also, in the vast void, at the moment when Tiandao left at last, Sun Yu could clearly feel that Tiandao was treating him with a bit of murderous intent.

 This chapter is related to the main line of the book.Book friends can guess, why the great sage has achieved the chaotic green lotus of heaven and earth, and the way of heaven will have a killing intent on the great sage?
(End of this chapter)

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