Chapter 354
Sun Yuhong estimated in his heart that at least [-]% of the Chaos Dao Body, maybe there is hope of defeating Luo Wutian.

As for 33% of the Chaos Dao body, at least [-] layers of blood seas are needed to turn into Chaos Blood Seas.

The chaotic spirit grass can only absorb a ray of chaotic energy every day. In order to transform the sea of ​​blood into a sea of ​​chaotic blood in the future, it is necessary for Sun Yu to have a deeper understanding of the avenue of chaos.

Sun Yu was not in a hurry to break through his cultivation, nor was he in a hurry to return to the royal court of the human race.

The eleven major forces have laid a net of heaven and earth in this interlayer of void, and Sun Yu has to kill a lot in order to be worthy of the "value" that the eleven major forces place on him.

Sun Yutong silently activated a supernatural power, and in an instant, an illusory lotus platform suddenly appeared in his mind.

The supreme supernatural power - the causal lotus seat!
On this illusory lotus platform of karma, there are countless threads of karma wrapped around it, densely packed.

Sun Huang's mind sank into these lines of cause and effect, and with a slight shock, through the vibration of the lines of cause and effect, Sun Huang suddenly got a glimpse of the secret from the lines of cause and effect.

Sun Yu immediately understood that because of the death of the eleven Chunyang True Immortals, the immortals of the eleven major forces did not want to be cannon fodder again.

In this case, the eleven major forces will transfer Qi practitioners who practice Qi to the tenth realm from the Earth Immortal Realm and the Heaven Realm.

These qi practitioners spread all over the interlayer of the void, looking for Sun Yu's trace.

Every qi trainer has the imprint of the divine mind of the Daluo Golden Immortal or the Chaos Golden Immortal.

Once they found the trace of Sun Wei, Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Golden Immortal, they could use this imprint of divine sense to make a move from afar.

In this case, even if Sun Yan had a treasure of protection like the Saint Sword Talisman on him, at most he could kill the Qi trainer in front of him, but he could not kill the Da Luo Jinxian or Chaos Jinxian who shot from afar.

The Eleven Great Powers Da Luo Golden Immortal and Chaos Golden Immortal do not want to use their lives to try the power of Sun Yu's body protection treasure.

Annihilating the Saint Sword Talisman left by the Sword Master, killing the Daluo Golden Immortal and the Chaos Golden Immortal are equally effortless.

Among the eleven major forces, apart from Tianshalou and Suirenshi, the other nine major forces mobilized the most Qi practitioners.

After all, the Suiren clan did not dare to be blatant, mainly because Suili was just a quasi-sage of the Suiren clan, not the clan leader or the Suiren emperor of the Suiren clan.

Although the [-]th major powers dispatched countless Qi practitioners to search for the traces of Sun Ronghong in this void interlayer, but after ten days of searching, they did not find even a trace of Sun Ronghong.

In the Void Immortal Palace, Da Luo Jinxian, the eleven major powers sitting in it, gradually became impatient.

"Sun Yuhong is completely shy and hides his face. In the past ten days, tens of thousands of Qi practitioners died in the void storm in the void interlayer."

Although the void storm in the interlayer of the virtual world is not as good as the space-time storm in the void world, it is difficult for Qi practitioners under immortals to escape from birth. "

"Many Qi practitioners are full of complaints. They don't want to die in the void interlayer for no reason."

The Eleven Forces of the Great Desolation Da Luo Jinxian came from different forces.In order to kill Sun Yu, the three religions temporarily tolerated the demon Da Luo Jinxian and the demon clan to enter the void interlayer.

In the vast void interlayer, dozens of Qi practitioners were suddenly involved in the void storm!
All of a sudden, these dozens of Qi practitioners were instantly out of their wits.

And not far from the void storm, Sun Wei's attitude was cold, and his expression was cold.

These days, most of the void storms in the void interlayer were triggered by Sun Yu.

Without a sound, Sun Wei triggered a void storm, easily killing tens of thousands of Qi practitioners from the eleven major forces.

Chaos Avenue is the second avenue in the Hongmeng Sea after Hongmeng Avenue, which naturally includes the Space Avenue.

In addition, Mo Yuzhu had shown all the formulas of the Void Sutra to Sun Yu before. Sun Yu didn't need to deliberately comprehend the way of the Void.

After the void storm passed, Sun Yuyan took away the storage bags left behind by the dozens of monks after their deaths, and left without a sound.

"Great Sage, killing ordinary qi practitioners will still not be able to seriously damage the eleven major forces. We still need to find opportunities to kill the immortals of the eleven major forces. Only in this way can the eleven major forces be driven crazy."

Sun Yutong is like a fish in water in the interlayer of the void, and is not sensed by the divine consciousness of Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Golden Immortal. All this depends on the Kunlun mirror to cover up the secrets and cover up the traces for Sun Yuhong.

Otherwise, in the interlayer of the void, the consciousness of the Daluo Jinxian and Chaos Jinxian of the eleven major forces would not even be found.

The illusion of the Kunlun Mirror is enough to deceive these Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Jinxian.

If the Kunlun Mirror returns to its peak, perhaps only the most holy-level powerhouses can see through the illusion of the Kunlun Mirror.

Hearing the Kunlun Mirror's mind-spirit transmission, Sun Wei immediately communicated with the Kunlun Mirror Spirit.

"Could it be that you have already found the stronghold of the eleven major forces in the void interlayer?"

A few days ago, Sun Wei asked the Kunlun mirror to find the strongholds of the eleven major forces in the void interlayer.

The current pursuit battle is very similar to the Mo Dao's pursuit of Sun Yutong on the Zhuolu battlefield.

The immortals of the eleven major forces may be able to absorb the spirit of the gods from the interlayer of the void.

However, the Qi practitioners of the eleven major forces cannot absorb the vitality of the void.

Moreover, among the eleven major forces, there is only a short-lived inconsistency.

The three religions can temporarily tolerate the demons because they have a common goal.

Once the three teachings succeed, they will immediately attack the demons!
The same is true for the demons!
The demons killed their confidants, and the forces of Honghuang naturally became enemies of the demons.

"Unfortunately, the Void Stronghold of the Phoenix Clan was found, and there is no Da Luo Jinxian in charge, so it is a godsend opportunity to attack!"

Kunlun Jingling said in a deep voice.

"How to start like this? It is still impossible to face the Pure Yang True Immortal, let alone destroy the void stronghold!"

Sun Yutong just wanted to intercept and kill some immortals before, but Kunlun Mirror obviously wanted to wipe out the entire army of the void stronghold.

"Although the Great Sage cannot destroy the void stronghold, the space-time storm can destroy the void stronghold. The great sage only needs to guide the space-time storm in the void world to the void stronghold, and he can definitely kill the immortal!" Kunlun Jingling vowed.

All of a sudden, Sun Yu was vaguely enlightened.

"You asked my old grandson to use the power of the Qiankun cauldron to collect the space-time storm into the Qiankun cauldron, then rush to the void stronghold, release the space-time storm, and then wipe out all the immortal monks in the void stronghold."

Sun Wei sent a message through his mind.

"Could it be that the great sage can't make a move?" Kunlun Jingling provoked Sun Yu.

"Being kind and soft is not my old grandson's style. But my old grandson thinks of doing it once and for all, and this method can only be used once." A sharp cold light shot out of Sun Wei's eyes.

"Great Sage, what good strategy do you have?" Kunlun Jingling asked through voice transmission.

"It is indeed feasible to destroy the void stronghold with a space-time storm. But my old grandson wants to really kill those Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Jinxian. It is necessary to weigh whether or not to send Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Jinxian to the void interlayer!"

If Sun Yuwan really wanted to kill Qi practitioners and ordinary immortals once and for all, he couldn't make the high-level officials of the eleven major forces really feel distressed.

Only by killing another batch of Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Jinxian can the senior leaders of the eleven major forces really feel a headache.

In this case, when they return to the royal family of the human race, the eleven major forces will surely restrain themselves.

This time, he accidentally fell into the scheme of the Eleventh Power. It will not be so easy for the Eleventh Power to do this again next time.

Kunlun Jingling couldn't help but gasped, Sun Yu was really ruthless, and wanted to kill Daluo Golden Immortal and Chaos Golden Immortal!
All of a sudden, Kunlun Jingling was very curious about what kind of support Sun Yu had.

The Da Luo Jinxian and the Chaos Golden Immortal of the Eleven Great Powers are jealous that Sun Rong has a treasure such as the Saint Sword Talisman on his body, but the Kunlun Mirror knows very well that there is no second Saint Sword Talisman on Sun Rong.

The only sage sword talisman was left in the wooden house by Sun Yuhong at that time.

Facts have proved that Sun Yu was very wise, and the sage's sword amulet worked, killing eleven Da Luo Jinxians.

Sun Yutong and Kunlun Jingling deliberately investigated, and finally the location of the Void Immortal Palace was exposed in front of Sun Yuhong!
Standing in the incomparably far-away void interlayer, Sun Wei looked at the Void Immortal Palace, a cold murderous intent emerged from the corner of his mouth!
Under the guidance of the Kunlun Mirror Spirit, Sun Wei went deep into the interlayer of the void, and finally quietly entered the void world!
In the depths of the Void Realm, Sun Yu found a space-time storm that was powerful enough to kill Da Luo Jinxian.

Sun Yu asked the Qiankun Ding to take action and temporarily included this space-time storm in the Qiankun Ding.

Afterwards, Sun Yu returned the same way and returned to the void interlayer.

This back and forth is another ten days.

The immortal monks of the eleven major forces are still trying their best to search for the traces of Sun Yu in the void interlayer. The Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Golden Immortal in the Void Immortal Palace radiate their spiritual consciousness and try their best to find Sun Yu in the void interlayer The breath of 硿.

And at this moment, under the cover of the Kunlun mirror illusion, Sun Wei came to the top of the Void Immortal Palace without anyone noticing.

Sun Yuhong was hidden in the dimensional space, and Sun Yuhong felt that in the Void Immortal Palace, there were only eleven Daluo Jinxians sitting on the surface.

But in the depths of the Void Immortal Palace, there are more than eleven Chaos Golden Immortals.

The Chaotic Golden Immortals of the Three Religions who gathered in Linzi City of the Great Qi Dynasty last time, as well as some Chaotic Golden Immortals from the Wen Dao lineage, all gathered here.

In the dark, Sun Wei discovered that there were more than fifty Chaos Golden Immortals gathered by the demons!

There are as many as [-] Chaos Golden Immortals who have come here!
The Chaos Golden Immortal of the Demon Race and the Demon Dao has surpassed the other nine forces combined!

There is no Golden Immortal of Chaos sitting in Tianshalou, and there is only one Golden Immortal of Chaos in the Suiren Clan!
There are three Chaos Golden Immortals in the Phoenix Clan!
The monster clan and the witch clan each have a Chaos Golden Immortal!
Sun Quan was very fortunate, fortunately he had the Kunlun Mirror, otherwise, if he rashly brought the sub-sage Zou Zi to this Void Immortal Palace, he would be unable to escape the net!
Sensing the aura of dozens of Chaos Golden Immortals and Da Luo Golden Immortals, Sun Yu's expression was extremely cold.

(End of this chapter)

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