The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 358 The Wrath of the Demon Saint

Chapter 358 The Wrath of the Demon Saint

For the first time, Sun Yu's name appeared in the top [-] of the prehistoric military exploits list.

The No. 90 eighth place in the prehistoric military exploits list, Sun Yuhong.

The divine sense 'sees' the rank of Sun Yuzhen on the prehistoric war merit list, the 36th level of the Taiqing Realm and the Great Chitian, and the Taiqing sage sighed.

34 Yu Yutian in the Shangqing Realm, the leader of Tongtian also let out a sigh.

At this moment, Daozu Hongjun made Sun Wei's name appear on the prehistoric war merit list, not only to slap the face of the five infinite demon saints of the demon clan, but also to deter the sage of Taiqing and the leader of Tongtian.

Obviously, Daoist Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace is also slightly dissatisfied with the fact that the Three Religions are colluding with the Outer Heaven Demon Race and the Primordial Demon Dao in this void interlayer.

Daozu Hongjun's slight dissatisfaction will cause huge waves among the three religions.

All three Qings know that it is inevitable to clean up the Three Teachings.

Now that things have happened, it is no longer possible to pursue the crime of killing the Chaos Golden Immortal and the Daluo Golden Immortal of the Three Religions.

Otherwise, Daozu Hongjun would be greatly dissatisfied, and even Sanqing would not be able to eat and walk around.

Among the prehistoric times, only Hunyuan sages can sense the changes in the prehistoric battle merit list.

In an instant, the saint's soul of the Hunyuan saint sank into the prehistoric battle list, and in a moment, a look of shock appeared on the faces of many Hunyuan saints.

"No. 90 on the prehistoric war merit list is a Void Realm cultivator."

"To be able to be in the top [-] of the prehistoric military exploits list, at least they are all at the peak of the Chaos Golden Immortal. But now breaking the conventional practice, a Void Realm cultivator is actually in the top [-]."

"What a good Sun Yu, who only cultivated in the Void Realm, beheaded the two Daluo Jinxians of the Heavenly Outer Demon Race and the Great Desolation Demon Dao, and 81 Chaos Golden Immortals."

"It's no wonder that it will be listed in the top ten of the prehistoric war merit list. If the demons know about this scene, they won't be mad with anger."

"The demons already know that the rankings on the Great Desolation Battle Merit List correspond to the Execution of Immortals list jointly established by the Heavenly Outer Demon Clan and the Great Desolation Demon Dao."

"In that case, doesn't it mean that Sun Yu is also ranked No. 90 on the Zhuxian list?"

"This time, the five great demon saints, the masters of the five great demon sects in the wild, will definitely go berserk."

"Hmph, the Outer Heaven Demon Race and the Primordial Demon Dao have become the laughingstock of the ages. It's strange that they don't go berserk."

Many saints in the prehistoric era communicated sound transmissions to saints they knew each other.

At this moment, in the Pangu universe, on the battlefields of the five heavens, the five supreme commanders of the demon race outside the sky, the demon saints of the five infinite golden immortal realms, erupted with earth-shattering roars!

"Sun Yung!"

The demon sage of the Five Promise Golden Immortal Realm, saw the No. 90 No. [-] Sun Yu on the Jade Immortals List, and went mad with anger.

At the same time, the suzerains of the five great demon sects of the prehistoric era came to the side of the five infinite demon saints respectively.

The Promise Demon Saint slapped the sky casually, and the void of the battlefield in the heavenly realm was shaking.

The Promise Demon Sage from the Four Heavens brought the four Demon Sect Masters to the 33-fold Miaofa Daluotian.

Five demon saints from the realm of the infinite golden fairy gathered together, and beside them was the suzerain of the five great demon sects in the prehistoric world.

"My demons outside the sky are almost reduced to a laughing stock. All 54 golden immortals of the demons outside the sky were killed by him. This is the greatest shame in the history of my demons!"

"We must kill this lowly prehistoric grandson who made our demons suffer shame, otherwise, the shame of the demons will always be on our shoulders!"

"Only with his blood can we wash away such an eternal shame!"

"Ninety-eight on the list of Zhu Xian, with a cultivation level of Void Realm, Sun Yu. How can we not dispel the hatred in our hearts if we don't smash his corpse into thousands of pieces!"

"No matter where he hides in the prehistoric world, even in the remotest corners of the earth, we must find him. I will tear him apart with my own hands!"

The roaring voices of the five demon saints in the realm of the infinite golden fairy shook the heavens with 33 layers of magic!

The 33-layer wonderful law is above the sky, countless immortals in the heavens and monks in the wild, all heard the roar of the Five Elements Demon Saint.

This kind of shame, this kind of shame, put the Tianwai Demon Race on the pillar of shame!

Only by the blood of Sun Yu can wash away such a shame and humiliation!
The five great demon saints went mad with anger, and they did not hide the truth from the Hunyuan saints of the prehistoric period.

In the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain, the sage Jiang Ziya heard the roar of the five great demon saints, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The five great demon sages are too arrogant. This is the prehistoric world, not the vast sea!"

The sage Jiang Ziya sensed the anger of the demon sage, and he only felt happy.But after being happy, he was angry that the five great demon saints were so arrogant.

"It's indeed a bit arrogant!"

Yuanshi Tianzun, who sat cross-legged on the Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun, said indifferently.

The words fell, and suddenly, the Pangu banner suspended in midair was held by Yuanshi Tianzun in his hand.

In an instant, Yuanshi Tianzun held the Pangu banner and struck towards the 33-fold wonderful method Daluo Tianyaokong.

The Pangu Banner is one of the top ten innate treasures of the Pangu universe, and in the hands of the Yuanshi Tianzun in the realm of the Promise Golden Immortal, it bursts out the power of good fortune that shocks the past and shines today!

At the same time, from above the great red sky of the 36th Taiqing Realm, there is also a golden bridge on the other side transformed into a Taiji diagram breaking through the air.

And above Yu Yutian, the 33th-level Shangqing Realm closest to the 34rd-level Miaofa Da Luotian, a mighty and terrifying picture of Zhu Xian's sword shrouded it impressively!


With a roar from the Golden Demon Sage, Sanqing exerted all his strength this time, mobilizing the three innate treasures of Pangu Banner, Taiji Diagram, and Zhuxian Sword Formation. The terrifying divine power of good fortune is overwhelming. At this moment, the 33 layers of magical methods are blocked!
In an instant, the five demon saints of the realm of the infinite golden fairy formed the five-element good fortune magic formation. Gathering the power of the five magic saints of the infinite golden fairy realm, the five-element good fortune magic formation took the initiative to meet the three innate treasures.

The three innate treasures are activated by the three Wuji Golden Immortal Realm Sanqing, so in this case, it is equivalent to the combat power of the six Wuji Golden Immortals.

In an instant, the five-element good fortune magic formation was directly knocked out of the 33-layer wonderful method Daluotian, and blasted into the void interlayer.

The suzerains of the five great demon sects took advantage of the situation and wanted to escape, but at this moment, San Qing teleported to the 33-layer magic law Da Luotian!

With the combined forces of the three Qings, the Zhou Tian Star Dou Formation on top of the 33-fold wonderful law Daluotian suddenly burst into brilliant starlight!
A series of horrific Zhoutian starlight burst out impressively.

The bodies of the masters of the five great demon sects were directly smashed into a sieve by Zhou Tian Xingguang.

Sanqing's spiritual sense searched all over the prehistoric world, but they never found the main bodies of the five great demon sect masters, but slaughtered their clones.

At this moment, the five demon saints who were driven into the interlayer of the void each radiated their divine sense of good fortune.

In an instant, the vast interlayer of void was completely enveloped by the divine sense of the Holy Demon in the Realm of the Promise Golden Immortal.

It's a pity that none of the five demon sages could find any trace of Sun Rong after searching all over the interlayer of the void.

In an instant, a trace of ugliness appeared on the faces of the five demon saints.

"Even Sanqing couldn't hide him so deeply that we couldn't find him in the interlayer of the void. It must be the old man Hongjun!"

"Yes, it is possible that he was connected to Zixiao Palace."

"Damn old Hongjun, this time he was tricked a little bit. Who would have thought that a Void Realm ant would become his pawn!"

"It's no wonder that space-time storm is so powerful. If old man Hongjun is behind all this, not to mention Chaos Golden Immortal, even a Hunyuan sage can't escape the space-time storm strangulation!"

"Old man Hongjun, write down this account first!"

The five great demon saints searched the interlayer of the void countless times, but still could not find any clues about Sun Yu, so the five great demon saints had to leave the interlayer of the void angrily and return to the battlefield of the five directions of heaven!
In an instant, the prehistoric sage was taken aback!
"The five great demon saints didn't find any trace of Sun Yuhong in the interlayer of the void!"

"Is it true that, as they said, behind all this is the Taoist ancestor who plotted against the demons?"

"Up to now, this explanation is the most reasonable explanation. Otherwise, how can we explain that even Sanqing can't spy on and confuse the secrets!"

"After the storm of time and space swept through, the river of secrets became confused. It must be the work of Taoist Hongjun!"

"The space-time storm is strange, and its power is even more strange. If it was done by Taoist ancestors, then it is not strange at all."

"Tianwai Demon Clan and Primordial Demon Dao, this time suffered a dumb loss!"

"The Taoist ancestor has not made a move for a long time, and now, with a little calculation, the Tianwai Demon Race and the Primordial Demon Dao will be humiliated through the ages!"

For a while, the saints of the three religions did not dare to make any changes.

Now, behind Sun Yuhong, Hongjun Daozu, the most powerful person in the Pangu universe, clearly stands!
But at this moment, many saints of the Three Religions suddenly remembered that when the ancient battlefield was opened, in the chaotic valley, there was a ban set by Daozu Hongjun.

Afterwards, Yun Feiyang obtained the Chaos Spirit Grass in the Chaos Valley.Yun Feiyang is Sun Yuhong, so Sun Yuhong fell into Hongjun Daozu's eyes very early on.

Although I don't know why Hongjun Daozu favored Sun Yuhong, the saints of the three religions dare not make any changes until they know the purpose of Hongjun Daozu.

This scene completely shocked the saints of the Three Religions.

The saints of the three religions were shocked, but Kong Xuan of Wuji Yanhai felt extremely aggrieved.

"Sun Yuhong, don't say that you are favored by Hongjun, even if you are Hongjun's illegitimate son, I still want to get the Chaos Spirit Grass, and I must prove the Promise!"

When Kong Xuan thought of the current situation, he felt extremely angry!
Although the prehistoric powerhouse and the demons have given up exploring the void interlayer.

But Kong Xuan didn't give up, Kong Xuan still sent the powerful Phoenix family to the void interlayer, not to find Sun Yu, but to find Huang Yao.

Kong Xuan's grandson found Huang Yao in the interlayer of void.But when Kong Xuanzheng was overjoyed, suddenly, his grandson, Daluo Jinxian of the Phoenix clan, died directly.

Completely annihilated, Kong Xuan went to the innate treasure of the Phoenix clan, and found that his grandson was completely dissipated, and the imprint of the true spirit enshrined in the innate treasure had disappeared.

The soul imprint in the Primordial Ocean dissipated, completely dissipating in the Pan Gu universe.

Kong Xuan's idea was very simple, as long as he found Huangyao, he would use Huangyao to threaten Sun Yutong, and with Sun Yuhong's character of emphasizing love and righteousness, he would definitely hand over the Chaos Spirit Grass!

In that case, it will not disrupt Daozu Hongjun's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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