The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 381 Chaos Runes

Chapter 381 Chaos Runes
Sun Wei and Sun Wushuang stood up at the same time, and the two powerful and unparalleled auras clashed in the void.

"Brother, in this primordial universe, murderous intentions are everywhere. Many forces want to get rid of you, and you don't have to save me if my life is in danger in the future. I will still lurk in the Lianbaozong, and finally help you deal with the Lianbaozong."

Sun Wushuang knows how to repay his kindness, but he knows that it is definitely not now to repay Sun Yutong for saving his life.

Lianbaozong is Sun Yu's confidant, and he will continue to lurk in Lianbaozong, waiting for the critical moment, and then strike back.

After finishing speaking, Sun Wushuang flew with his sword, and the light of the sword suddenly cut through the void and floated away.

Sun Yu didn't care, and turned to leave.

Sun Huang's figure turned into a ray of light, his consciousness sank into the jade tablet, and Sun Huang consumed the luck he had plundered from the three Asura geniuses.

In an instant, Sun Yu's eyes once again penetrated the fog of the avenue, seeing through the endless laws, and finally arrived at the river of the avenue behind the gate of the law.

At this moment, in Sun Yu's eyes, above the sky of the primordial universe, there are countless traces of avenues running across the sky, just like rivers of avenues.

And these rivers of avenues all come from the ocean of avenues in the primordial universe.

This is just the primordial universe that has not yet transformed into the Hongmeng universe. If it becomes the Hongmeng universe, these avenue oceans will derive the original power of the avenue, and finally the avenue ocean will turn into the original sea.

The original power of the Dao has not been derived, so it cannot be called the original sea.

Of course, at this moment, Sun Yu didn't want to absorb the original power of the Dao, he just wanted to absorb the traces of the Dao.

The Chaos Avenue is confused!

In the prehistoric times, the Dao of Chaos almost disappeared.

Although the aura of heaven and earth in the void contains all kinds of avenues, the traces of the avenues of Hongmeng avenue, chaotic avenue, and fortune avenue are almost hidden under the traces of other avenues, and it is very difficult to comprehend.

Sun Yu was able to comprehend the Dao of Chaos to the present point, all because of Chaos Qinglian!

Without the illusory chaotic green lotus swaying in the wind in the chaotic spiritual sea, Sun Yu's comprehension of the chaotic avenue would never have reached the current level.

But the chaotic green lotus is just an illusion after all, if there is a complete chaotic green lotus, the unbroken chaotic green lotus takes root in Sun Yu's chaotic spiritual sea, then Sun Yu can follow the picture to find out.

Sun Yu can use the real Chaos Qinglian to comprehend the Dao of Chaos.

There is no need to fight in the prehistoric at all, just retreat in the cave, step by step to comprehend the Dao of Chaos, and finally break into the realm of the Primordial Saint.

It's a pity that the Chaos Qinglian, as one of the only three grandmist spiritual treasures remaining in the Grand Menghai, had already been broken when Pangu opened the sky.

In this case, Sun Yu can only look for the treasures transformed from the shattered fragments of the chaotic green lotus.

Once these treasures transformed from the shattered fragments of the chaotic green lotus are found, they can be returned to their original owners and recombined into the chaotic green lotus.

Of course, this must find the chaotic green lotus seed, that is, the lotus seed that first bred the chaotic green lotus.

Sun Yu knew that even though the chaotic green lotus was broken, the lotus seeds that first gave birth to the chaotic green lotus were not broken.

If this lotus seed is found, it is possible to breed another chaotic green lotus.

It's just that, in the vast expanse of primordial sea, no one except Pangu knew where the lotus seed of this chaotic green lotus was.

Sun Yuyu also wanted to wait until his cultivation base was promoted to the immortal position, and then tried to sense this chaotic green lotus seed.

Now in this primordial universe, Sun Wei found the great avenue of chaos very easily.

In an instant, in the sea of ​​chaotic spirits, Sun Wei began to outline the profound meaning of the avenue of chaos!
Sun Yuhong has no time to comprehend these mysteries of the Dao of Chaos now, so he can only outline these mysteries of the Dao of Chaos in the spiritual sea of ​​chaos out of thin air.

Therefore, in the chaotic spiritual sea, there is also a long river of chaotic avenues.

The so-called long river of chaos avenue is actually composed of chaos runes.

It was these chaotic runes that Sun Wei outlined. At this moment, with the help of the divine power of luck, Sun Yu's eyes penetrated the net of law, and outlined these chaotic runes on the chaotic spiritual sea.

Then, these chaotic runes absorbed the chaotic spiritual power in the chaotic spiritual sea.

And when the chaotic spiritual power filled the chaotic runes, suddenly, these chaotic runes were engraved on the chaotic green lotus.

In these chaotic runes, the profound meaning of the Dao of Chaos has not yet been comprehended by Sun Wei, but the opportunity cannot be missed. First, draw all the runes of chaos in the chaotic spiritual sea, and then retreat to understand the profound meaning of the Dao of Chaos after leaving the original universe.

However, after three cups of tea, Sun Wei had no choice but to quit.

Because at this time, the luck he plundered from the three Asura geniuses by killing them has been completely exhausted.

Among Sun Quan's jade cards, there is nothing left.

Sun Wei was about to find Tianjiao, the hostile force, to attack and rob luck, but he didn't expect that at this moment, he was regarded as the prey.

A group of more than a dozen Shura geniuses had already surrounded Sun Yutong without knowing it, and at this moment, these Shura geniuses were holding the magic weapon of banning space, which made it impossible for Sun Yutong to use magical powers such as void teleportation to escape from birth.

This group of Asura geniuses besieged and killed Sun Yuhong not because of the order of the Shura tribe, but because they sensed three different auras from Sun Yuhong.

And this kind of breath disgusted them very much.

Immediately, enlightenment emerged in their hearts. This kind of aura was clearly the aura of death.

And what disgusted them so much was that Sun Wei had killed three geniuses of the Asura tribe.

"Did you kill the three members of our Shura clan?"

At this moment, a genius of the Asura clan with a dark face asked coldly.

Sun Wei glanced around, and saw that most of the more than a dozen Shura geniuses were between the Void Realm and the Dao Realm.

And only this gloomy-faced Asura genius, whose cultivation base is at the early stage of the Tribulation Realm.

"I killed three of them, but soon my grandson killed more than three Shura people!"

Over the years, Sun Yu has also heard about the tyranny of Shura Dao.

Moreover, in a certain reincarnation, he was once an enemy of Shura Dao.

Sun Yu is deeply aware of Shura Dao's style of doing things, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

For those forces that are not as powerful as Shura Dao, Shura Dao can be described as tyrannical.

And because the Shura clan has gradually spread the Shura way in the 33 heavens, the earth immortals, the nine barren seas, and countless lower realms in modern and ancient times.

The more powerful the Asura Dao, the more lawless the Asura people in the Asura Dao, and they will do all kinds of evil.

Therefore, in his heart, Sun Wei didn't have any good feelings for Shura Dao.

In addition, the memory of eternity has been awakened in this life, and Sun Yu has an intuition that sooner or later he and the Shura clan will be enemies of life and death!

Sun Yuhong looked at these geniuses of the Shura tribe who wanted to besiege and kill him now, all of them were filled with incomparably strong guilt, and Sun Yuhong's eyes were full of murderous intent.

The sins committed by these Asura geniuses are unforgivable.

"It's not just the three of them?" The stern-faced Asura genius was furious at Sun Yan's words.

"Kill him!"

In an instant, the genius of the Shura clan who had cultivated at the early stage of the Tribulation Realm pointed at Sun Yutong with awe-inspiring killing intent.

In an instant, more than a dozen geniuses of the Shura clan transformed into their original bodies.

Suddenly, these Asura geniuses all turned into a lake of blood.

Afterwards, these blood lakes were combined to form a sea of ​​blood.

This is the supreme supernatural power of the Shura clan!
Asura Sea of ​​Blood!
The supreme supernatural power created by the Taoist of Minghe deters the prehistoric, and its power is shocking.

In an instant, the sea of ​​Shura's blood was flooding towards Sun Yuyan!

The divine power of Shura's blood contained in the sea of ​​Shura's blood, with its incomparably domineering erosive power, wanted to completely erode Sun Yutong.

At that time, Sun Yu's life will not be in his own hands.

Either it will be completely eroded by Shura's blood sea and turned into nothingness.Either be controlled by Shura's blood sea, and this life will become the son of the blood god!

Either way, the end was very miserable.

Shura's sea of ​​blood enveloped Sun Yutong with overwhelming power, and was about to involve Sun Yuhong in it.

And at this moment, a cold sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Huang's mouth.

"Cave Sky Projection!"

In an instant, Sun Yu offered sacrifices to the cave.

The power of the projection of the cave sky descended impressively, gushing out crazily.

Afterwards, the entire Asura Blood Sea was submerged by the cave projection.

And at this moment, Sun Yan's eyes were piercing, full of murderous intent.

"You Shura clan have committed too many crimes. Today, my old grandson will act for the heavens and destroy you!"

In an instant, two kinds of domineering and incomparable divine fires appeared on Sun Wei's body!
Suzaku Divine Fire!

The sun is so hot!

In an instant, Suzaku Divine Fire and Taiyang Zhenyan plunged into Shura's sea of ​​blood.

At the same time, Sun Wei burned the chaotic spiritual power and became the nourishment for these two great fires.

As a result, Suzaku Shenhuo suddenly turned into the appearance of the southern holy beast Suzaku, and Taiyang Zhenyan also turned into a three-legged Golden Crow.

In the sea of ​​Shura's blood, a southern sacred beast, the Vermilion Bird, and a three-legged Golden Crow descended impressively.

In an instant, two kinds of prehistoric divine fires erupted with the power to burn mountains and seas.

The prehistoric divine fire that burns the energy of the sky and the power of the sky burns up Shura's sea of ​​blood in an instant.

And before these Asura clansmen fell, they couldn't bear the burning of the prehistoric fire, and they begged for mercy to actively draw their luck into Sun Yu's jade tablet.

It's a pity that they gave all their luck, but they couldn't save their lives.

In order to kill these geniuses of the Shura tribe, Sun Yuzhen did not hesitate to offend the heaven of the original universe again!

It was too late, but it was too soon, Shura's blood sea was wrapped by the projection of the cave sky and then moved to the cave sky, and then the Shura tribe fell, but it was only a moment!
Before the genius of the Shura tribe could react, these Shura tribe members fell completely.

Moreover, he could still feel that his fellow clan had clearly given luck to Sun Yuhong, but Sun Yuhong did not let them go, and still killed them!
In an instant, a murderous intent emerged on the face of this dark-faced Asura genius.

At this moment, his murderous intent became more and more intense.

In an instant, he exploded with all his divine power, and bombarded Sun Yutong!

But Sun Quan didn't pay any attention to this attack. Holding the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, he swung it fiercely, and suddenly smashed it down towards the left!

The terrifying power immediately smashed the genius of the Shura clan who had just escaped from the blood escape on the spot!
How could such a trick be concealed from Sun Yuhong.

(End of this chapter)

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